Select Committee on Health Written Evidence


KPI 1Incidence of inpatient and/or day case activities not commenced because of DNAs as percentage of all activities.
KPI 2 Procedures cancelled by the provider for non-clinical reasons on or after day of admission. For the purposes of the performance threshold, it is measured as a percentage of all patients admitted to the facility.
KPI 3 Procedures cancelled by provider for clinical reasons on or after day of admission. For the performance threshold, this is measured as a percentage of all patients admitted in the facility.
KPI 4 Patient returning to operating theatre for procedure which was unforeseen at the time the patient's previous procedure was completed as a percentage of all patients admitted in the facility.
KPI 5 In relation to each (HRG), the conversion rate ie the percentage of patients who go on to be given a patient appointment for a procedure following an outpatient assessment.
KPI 6 In respect of [the][each] facility, the rate of rejection by the provider in respect of patients referred within the referral protocol (schedule 3) as a percentage of all patients who are referred in the contracted month.
KPI 7 For day cases, inpatient admission to the facility or to other providers facilities (including NHS providers) which was unforeseen at the time of admission. For the purposes of the performance, threshold is measured as a percentage of all day cases in the facility.
KPI 8 Transfers of any patient for treatment which was not in the management plan for that patient upon admission to the facility. For the purposes of the performance, threshold is a percentage of all inpatients in the facility by HRG.
KPI 9 Emergency admissions/readmissions of patients who have received inpatient treatment and have been discharged within 28 days of such discharge where such admission or readmission is related to or arising from the relevant inpatient treatment for the purposes of the performance threshold measured by HRG as a percentage of all patients discharged.
KPI 10 Average length of stay in hours and minutes for day cases by HRG, measured from the time of admission to the time of discharge.
KPI 11 Average length of stay by HRG measured in inpatient whole days measured from the time of admission to the time of discharge.
KPI 12  Average procedure time, collected in minutes, by HRG, and specifying surgery where Local Anaesthetic surgery is used and where General Anaesthetic surgery is used, broken down by:
—  induction
—  time on operating table
—  recovery measured from [ ] to [ ]
KPI 13 Patient receives or is listed or recommended for a further procedure to put right any aspect of the original activity less than 5 years from the date of discharge. For the purposes of performance threshold, measured as a percentage of all procedures carried out at the facility.
KPI 14  Numbers of procedures carried out under local anaesthetic and general anaesthetic by HRG as a percentage of all procedures.
KPI 15  Clinical outcomes specified by procedure, by reference to the Patient Care Pathways.
KPI 16  Timeliness, completeness and accuracy of provider performance data provided to the joint service review and/or to sponsor, recorded as the number of complaints in any reporting period.
KPI 17  Timeliness, completeness and accuracy of provider clinician reporting to referring health body's clinician recorded as the number of complaints in any reporting month.
KPI 18  Patient/customer satisfaction (by survey) based on a survey of 10% of all patients at each facility in each [contract month].
KPI 19 Rate of patient complaints ie number of complaints received as a percentage of all patients referred for:
(i) outpatient treatment
(ii) day case treatment
(iii) inpatient treatment
KPI 20  Patient complaints handling: complaints not handled within relevant timescales set out in the contract.
KPI 21  Incidents which are reportable to the NPSA, or other statutory body.
KPI 22 Additionality: NHS staff recruited in breach of Clause 9 of the agreement.
KPI 23  Condition of facility, measured by inspection by a sponsor and/or the provider and assessed against the requirements of the facility manual and operational procedures.
KPI 24  Breach of security related to the services where there is an identifiable risk of har million, loss or damage to people or property.
KPI 25 Breach by the provider of confidentiality and/or data protection requirements in the agreement.
KPI 26Failure to meet treat-by date.

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