Supplementary letter from Partnership
Health Group (ISTC 52B)
We have noted Unison's submission to the select
committee and thought the committee might be interested in our
response in advance of the session on 23 March.
In respect of some of the general issues they
have raised, I have enclosed a copy of our letter to Ken Anderson
dated 6 February 2006.[8]
You will see that it is our view that Unison's allegations are
exaggerated or historical issues that have long been dealt with.
In response to their comments in section 11.2
on page 151, I thought it appropriate to add the following:
PHG's HR Director commenced in post on 2 November
2005. A letter was received from Unison dated 25 November, addressed
to PHG's Acting Managing Director, raising what they perceived
to be a number of workforce concerns. The HR Director contacted
Unison by telephone (Adam Geldman) to introduce herself, explain
her people management approach and to offer some reassurance about
her early intentions to look into and address, where appropriate,
the concerns they had raised. In relation to their request for
formal recognition, the HR Director requested more time, reminding
them that she had only been in post three weeks at that stage.
On 12 December the HR Director wrote to Mr Geldman
providing an outline of progress made on some of the issues they
had raised, including details of some of the early plans in place
to improve employee relations. This included an update on new
HR policies (that are ACAS, CIPD and best practice compliant);
details of a new management development programme to ensure middle
managers were fully trained in people management practices to
support staff at the ISTCs; early indication of PHG's plans in
relation to partnership and involvement, including Staff Forums
at each ISTC; clarification on confusion around overtime payments
and issues to do with staff working at PHG's satellite clinics.
The letter also sought to open up discussions about union recognition
for the whole of PHG, rather than dealing with issues on an ISTC
by ISTC basis which was not seen to be the most effective model.
The HR Director closed the letter by saying that she would be
very happy to meet and discuss.
Since late January the HR Director has been
attempting to set up a meeting between Mr Geldman, herself, and
Mr Rex (PHG's Managing Director). Due to repeated problems in
contacting Mr Geldman (who works part-time) and non-response to
email and voicemail messages made by PHG, the meeting date was
only agreed on Friday 10 March for the meeting to take place on
13 April (date finally offered by Unison).
PHG's HR Director is professionally qualified,
has twenty years experience and a strong track record in best
practice people management. Unison's view that they have "sought
on several occasions to raise the issues with PHG, but sadly they
have declined at every stage" is clearly not true. We have
made, and continue to make positive strides in respect of employee
relations within the organisation. PHG would welcome support from
Unison in doing this, but are concerned about their negative approach
to date and the inaccuracies conveyed about PHG by them to third
I trust this information is useful when considering
Unison's submission. Please do not hesitate to contact myself
or Joanne Clifton, Director of Human Resources should you require
any further information.
Grant Rex
Managing Director, Partnership Health Group
20 March 2006
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