Select Committee on Health Written Evidence

Supplementary envidence submitted by Capio (ISTC 35A)

1.  What data you are contractually obliged to provide to the Department of Health

  Capio is required to provide the Department of Health with relevant data to satisfy 26 key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPls are listed and detailed in appendix 1.[11] An example of the KPI data Capio produces monthly for each ISTC is given in appendix 2 (please also see the appendix 2 explanation sheet).[12] Capio shares further information about each KPIs with both the PCT contractor and Department of Health. For example if a patient is returned to theatre after their original procedure (KPI 4), Capio would provide information on when and where this happened, the reason the patient Iwas returned to theatre and the subsequent procedure details.

  Capio is also required to provide patient tracker information to both the PCT contractor and Department of Health. This gives specific information on when a patient was referred, their appointment and procedure dates and when their operation was completed. An example of a tracker report for the Capio Woodlands NHS Treatment Centre is given in appendix 3 (please note this has been desensitised to remove patient confidential information).[13]

  Additionally, Capio is required to supply data to, a number of other governmental organisations when requested such as the National Protection Agency. Further information about this can be found in appendix 4; showing the part of the contract which details the information Capio is required to supply.

2.  What data you collect on a monthly basis, and whether you collect more than is contractually required

  Appendices 2 and 3 demonstrate the type of data Capio shares with the commissioning PCT and the Department of Health each month. As previously stated, Capio provides further information relating to specific KPIs or incidents at the Joint Committee Review (see 3).

  In a number of incidences, Capio has been asked by the commissioning PCT to collect additional information and Capio has been happy to oblige. For example Northumberland, Tyne and Wear SHA is operating under the Choose and Book system and needed Capio to record which GP arid GP surgery had referred each patient in order to track payments.

    —  Information relating to accidents and incidents.

    —  Patient feedback and comments.

    —  Certain surgical speciality outcome data (eg for colonoscopy procedures: the completion rate).

    —  Infection control data.

    —  Human resource information including staff satisfaction, sickness absenteeism, turnover and continuing professional development.

    —  Information on anaesthetic standards.

    —  A regular audit of patient clinical notes.

3.  The minutes of the reviews of monthly data

  Attached in appendix 5 is a sample selection Of the minutes from the Steering Group meetings and the Joint Committee Review held for each of Capio's ISTCs.[14] Capio can supply further examples of minutes if the Health Select Committee requires these.

    —  Steering Group: meet biweekly to review progress with the contract and exchange information about the ISTC. The Steering Group includes representatives from the sponsor PCT and Capio and the meeting is facilitated by the Contract Manager from the Central Contract Management Unit, Department of Health.

    —  Joint Committee Review: meet every quarter to review the ISTC KPI data. The Joint Committee Review includes representatives from the sponsor PCTs and Capio and the meeting is facilitated by the Contract Manager from the Central Contract Management Unit, Department of Health.

4.  The range of NHS prices for procedures (mentioned in Q180 of the transcript)

  The National Tariff is a weighted average of the procedures within an Health Related Group (HRG) and within each HRG national tariff the only variation is the Market Forces Factor.

  The tariff is based on the reference cost fob the HRG (from the 2003-04 Reference Costs for TELIP (Trust Elective Inpatient) and TDC (Trust Daycase)). This reference cost data is presented in appendix 6 for three common procedures and shows the average cost, the upper quartile cost and the lower quartile cost. The full range of costs for 2004 and 2003 is wider than the interquartile range. Capio has asked for the maximum and minimum figures from the Department of Health and these figures will provided to the Select Committee upon receipt.

11   Not printere here. These KPIs are the same as listed in the DoH submission on page Ev 107. Back

12   Not printed here. Back

13   Not printed here. Back

14   This data is sourced from the Department of Health. Back

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