Select Committee on Health Written Evidence



    (a)  The Provider shall produce reports sufficient to complete the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as set out in Schedule 6 (Payment Mechanism and Performance Monitoring Regime) Part 5 Table 1 KPIs. Reports sufficient to complete KPIs table 1.

    (b)  The Provider shall submit Data definitions for review within three (3) months of the date of this Agreement.

    (c)  For the purposes of this paragraph 14.7, "Data Definitions" mean a description of the required data elements to calculate the KFI in Schedule 6 (Payment Mechanism and Performance Monitoring Regime) including a statement of rules for excluding or including specific data values and the method of calculating KPIs.


    (a)  The following Commissioning Data Sets will be submitted by the Provider via the NWCS Service as required:

    (i)  Admitted Patient Care CDS Type—General Episode.

    (ii)  Out-Patient Attendance CDS Type.

    (iii)  Ward Attendance CDS Type.

    (b)  The following Commissioning Minimum Data Sets will be submitted by the Provider to the NWCS Service as required:

    (i)  Elective Admission List CMDS-End Of Period Census.

    (ii)  Elective Admission List CMDS-Event During Period.

    (iii)  GP Referral Letter CMDS.

    (c)  The Provider shall comply with changes to the CRS and CMDS data sets described in Data Set Changes Notices (DSCNs) published by the NHS Information Authority.


    (a)  The Provider shall submit the following Clinical Data Sets as required:

    (i)  Acute Myocardial Infarction.

    (ii)  Cancer—National Cancer Data Set.

    (A)  Breast Cancer.

    (B)  Colorectal Cancer.

    (C)  Lung Cancer.

    (D)  Head and Neck Cancer.

    (E)  Urologicai Cancer.

    (F)  Upper GI Cancer.

    (G)  Gynaecological Cancer.

    (H)  National Cancer Waiting Times Data Set.

    (iii)  Coronary Heart Disease Data Set.

    (iv)  Diabetes Data Set.

    (v)  National Joint Registry Minimum Data Set.

    (vi)  Older Peoples Data Set.

    (vii)  Social Services Data Set.

    (viii)  National Cataract Data Set.


    (a)  The local performance management and commissioners information is defined in the IM&T Services specification document referred to at paragraph 14.2(a) of Part C of this Schedule 3 Part 4.


    (a)  Information will be required to be submitted to the Healthcare-associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance (HCAI & AMR) Department of the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre (CDSC) at the Health Protection Agency (HPA) in Colindale.

    (b)  Information on patient deaths will be required to be submitted to the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death on a monthly basis according to the format and procedure specified at http:l/

    (c)  The following information will be required to be submitted weekly to support (including but not limited to providing a timely report) the NHS process on reporting to the Department of Health in relation to the Department's Strategic Executive Information System (STETS):

(i)  Completed activity in the previous four weeks.

(ii)  Patients currently waiting for treatment (and the length of time they have been waiting—including time on NHS Waiting lists before being referred to the Provider for Treatment).

(iii)  Cancelled operations.

(iv)  Bed Occupancy.

    (d)  The Provider will be required to support (including but not limited to providing a timely report) the NHS process on reporting to the Department of Health in relation to current central returns which the Provider is likely, to be required to submit as follows (forms referenced can be found in the NHS Data Dictionary):

(i)  Monthly returns: the Provider is likely to be required to provide support to submit monthly returns to the Department on:

    (A)      completed activity in the month; and

    (B)      patients currently waiting for treatment.

(ii)  Activity information is likely to be required on all patients treated, by type of case (eg in-patient, day case, outpatient) and speciality.

(iii)  Quarterly returns: the Provider is likely to be required to provide support to submit quarterly returns to the Department on:

    (A)      Number, type and status of patients waiting for admission (see form KH07 and KH07A for current requirements).

    (B)      Decisions to admit patients, and subsequent events (see form KH06).

    (C)      Outpatient activity (see form QMOP).

    (D)      Cancelled operations (see form QMCO).

    (E)      Cancer waiting times (see form QMGW).

(iv)  Annual returns: the Provider is likely to be required to provide support to submit annual returns to the Department of Health on:

    (A)      Complaints received from or on behalf of NHS patients (see form K041(A) for present NHS requirements).

    (B)      Bed availability and occupancy (KH03).

    (C)      Adult intensive care and high dependency provisions (see form KH03A).

    (D)      Ward attenders (ie patients treat on an outpatient basis in wards, by staff other than doctors) (see for KH05).

    (E)      Imaging and radiological examinations (see form KH12).

    (F)      Specialist nursing activity (see form KC59).

    (G)      Coloscopy clinic referrals and activity (se form KC65).

    (H)      Occupational therapy services (form KT27).

    (I)      Speech and language therapy services (for KT29).

    (J)      Annual information governance returns.

(v)  Depending on the nature of their services, Providers may be able to submitnil returns to some quarterly and annual, returns.

(vi)  The Provider will also be required to contribute where appropriate to a number of regular surveys and censuses including:

    (A)      Annual NHS medical and dental workforce census, non-medical workforce census and NHS vacancy survey.

    (B)      Annual NHS patient satisfaction surveys.

    (C)      The mandatory healthcare association infection surveillance system.

    (D)      The NHS Estates Agency's ERIC Database.

Capio Healthcare UK

April 2006

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