Annex A
Business Action for Africa (BAA) is a rapidly
growing network of businesses and business organisations, from
Africa and elsewhere, launched in July 2005 to build on the momentum
of the Commission for Africa (CFA) and G8.
The founders of the network were closely involved
with the work of the CFA, starting with a business breakfast hosted
by the Chancellor of Exchequer, the Rt.Hon. Gordon Brown, MP,
and Niall Fitzgerald (then Chair of Unilever) in July 2004.
The member companies also made a significant
input to the work of the Commission and held a major business
conference shortly before the Gleneagles Summit to urge the G8
to respond generously to Africa's development needs but also to
work for improvements in governance and in the investment climate
in many parts of Africa.
Participants of BAA will showcase existing actions,
and develop new ones, in support of three objectives:
To influence positively policies
needed for growth and poverty reduction.
To promote a more balanced view of
To develop and showcase good business
Participants have decided to focus on six themesthese
are the basis of building partnerships, knowledge networking,
advocacy and bringing in new participants:
Governance and Transparency.
Enterprise and Employment.
Currently, BAA has around 80 participants including:
Around 20 business organisations.
Around 10 external partners (including
DFID as a sponsor).
An Oversight Group is made of BAA's sponsers:
Anglo American, De Beers, Diageo, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck Sharpe
& Dohme, SABMiller, Shell, Unilever, International Business
Leaders Forum, DFID, DWP/DfES, UKTI.