Quadripartite Select Committee First Report

8  Conclusion

205. We, like our predecessor Committees, welcome the improvement to the UK's export control as a result of the legislation passed in 2002 and the secondary legislation made under the Export Control Act 2002. We conclude that the review scheduled for 2007 provides a timely opportunity to take stock, to test our assumptions about the improvements that have been achieved and to address areas where changes may be required. We look forward to a full and comprehensive review.

206. The next year will be critical for the International Arms Trade Treaty. We conclude that the Government has shown skill in promoting the treaty and can take credit for helping to build the momentum that has been achieved. The treaty offers an important opportunity to prevent what the Government has described as the irresponsible sales of conventional arms, which have resulted in the deaths for thousands across the world. We hope that by our next report we shall be able to report further significant progress.

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Prepared 3 August 2006