Memorandum from the Government
1. What progress on arms control and proliferation
has been made as a result of the UK holding the Presidency of
the G8 and EU during 2005? The Committees would be grateful if
the Government included and dealt with developments since 2004
in the following areas:
(a) the review of the EU Code of Conduct
on Arms Exports and progress in the work of the COARM Working
The revised text of the EU Code of Conduct has
been agreed at technical level. It has also been agreed in principle
that the revised text should be adopted as a Common Position under
Article 18 of the Treaty of European Union. The Council has agreed
that it will be adopted at an appropriate juncture. But there
is currently no consensus as to when this should be. This Common
Position would be legally binding on Member States, who would
be obliged to ensure that their domestic legislation conforms
with the Common Position. The revised code is due to be known
as "Common Rules Governing the Control of Exports of Military
Technology and Equipment".
(b) progress towards a common interpretation
of the criterion eight (Sustainable Development);
Best Practice guidance for the interpretation
of Criterion 8 was agreed at the first UK Presidency COARM meeting,
then adopted by the Council. This is now published in the User's
(c) review of criteria 2 (internal repression)
and 7 (re-export), including involvement of NGOs and expected
date of publication of the outcome;
COARM under our Chairmanship established a drafting
group to take forward work in parallel on formulating Best Practice
guidance for both Criterion 2 and Criterion 7. Civil society has
been invited to submit views and suggestions as part of the consultation
process. It is hoped that this new guidance can be agreed and
published at the earliest opportunity.
(d) the toolbox which COARM developed;
Has it been used and what were the results?
The final details of the "toolbox"
of measures for countries emerging from a EU arms embargo has
not yet been finalised by Member States.
(e) international export control regimes;
We used our Presidency to secure the support
of EU members for proposals on action that MTCR members can take
to counter regional proliferation; and on a strategy to secure
the admission into the MTCR of the new EU Member States, including
the candidate and acceding countries. We also used our chairmanship
of the Technical Experts' Meeting and our role as co-chair of
the Information Exchange Meeting to drive forward the MTCR's agenda
in line with the EU WMD Action Plan. We are also working with
others to strengthen other regimesAustralia Group and Nuclear
Suppliers Group (NSG)and encourage the voluntary adoption
of the regimes control lists by non-members. The Wassenaar Arrangement
is covered in Question 4.
(f) the proposed international arms trade
The Government has been actively pursuing the
initiative for an international Arms Trade Treaty during the UK's
Presidencies of the G8 and of the EU. At Gleneagles in July, Leaders
of the G8 agreed that the "development of international standards
in arms transfers . . . would be an important step toward tackling
the undesirable proliferation of conventional arms". On 3
October European Union Foreign Ministers added the EU's voice
to the growing support for an international treaty to establish
common standards for the global trade in conventional arms, and
called for the start of a formal negotiation process at the United
Nations at the earliest opportunity. The Committee may also wish
to note that, on 27 November, Commonwealth Heads of Government
meeting in Malta added their support to calls for work on such
a treaty to commence in the UN. We are now working to generate
further support for such a process among international partners
in order to build momentum towards our objective of beginning
initial discussions in the UN later in 2006.
(g) applications of new EU Member States
to join international export control regimes;
As EU Presidency, we spoke strongly in favour
for the entry of the new EU Member States, the acceding and candidate
countries, to the MTCR. As they have all adopted the same export
controls as the EU MS which are already members of the MTCR, these
countries would clearly improve its effectiveness. Unfortunately,
despite our strong arguments in favour we were not able to secure
their entry at the MTCR Plenary in September. We are however continuing
to work with EU colleagues in seeking to resolve this situation.
We are also working with others to strengthen other regimesAustralia
Group and Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)and encourage the
voluntary adoption of the regimes control lists by non-members.
Malta, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia were all
admitted as members of the Wassenaar Arrangement on export controls
for conventional arms and dual use goods and technologies. Cyprus
is the only EU Member State that is not currently a member of
the Arrangement.
(h) export of strategic goods and technologies
to Libya;
The EU lifted the arms embargo against Libya
in October 2004. All relevant export licence applications for
Libya are rigorously assessed on a case-by-case basis against
the Consolidated EU and National Export Licensing Criteria, taking
account of the circumstances prevailing at the time and other
relevant announced Government policies.
(i) progress towards a Council Regulation
on trade in equipment related to torture and capital punishment;
The EU has adopted EC Regulation No 1236/2005
concerning trade in certain goods that could be used for capital
punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment. The Regulation will come into force on 30 July
2006. It bans trade in certain goods designed to restrain or execute
human beings and introduces controls on the export of other items
that could be used for torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading
treatment. The terms of the Regulation will allow the UK to maintain
our current prohibition on the export of leg-irons, gang chains,
and other items, and represents a strengthening of collective
EU export control.
(j) the review of the EU Arms Embargo
on China;
The Conclusions of the European Council in December
2004 asked the Luxembourg Presidency to take forward the already
well-advanced work to allow for a decision on lift of the Arms
Embargo. The Council recalled the importance of the criteria of
the Code of Conduct, including the provisions regarding human
rights, stability and security in the region and the national
security of friendly and allied countries. The European Council
underlined that the result of any decision on the Embargo should
not be an increase of arms exports from EU Member States to China,
either in quantitative or in qualitative terms.
The European Council in June recalled the Council
Conclusions of December 2004. The review is on-going. No date
has been set for a decision. The political environment remains
difficult since the passing by China of the anti-secession law
aimed at Taiwan in March. It has also become clear that more needs
to be done to consult with other international partners. We have
initiated strategic dialogues as part of this process and are
working to develop these.
(k) progress on implementation of the
EUs "action plan for the implementation of the basic principles
for an EU strategy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
of June 2003; and
The European Council agreed in December 2003
an EU Strategy Against the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction,
drawing on the Basic Principles agreed in June 2003. In the two
years since the EU adopted its "Strategy against the Proliferation
of weapons of mass destruction", steady progress has been
made on implementation. Non-proliferation clauses have been included
in a number of agreements with third countries (eg Syria, the
75 African, Caribbean and Pacific ACP countries). An EU report
was provided to the United Nations 1540 Committee in addition
to those submitted by Member States.
In line with our over-arching Presidency objectives,
our focus has been on running an efficient Presidency which helps
to increase the effectiveness of EU efforts to counter WMD proliferation.
The EU has played a prominent and constructive role in the UNGA
First Committee, the NSG Consultative Group and the MTCR Plenary
meeting among others. We have initiated and led an internal debate
to prepare EU ideas to strengthen the Biological and Toxin Weapons
Convention (BTWC) at its Review Conference in 2006.
The EU has provided further financial support
to strengthen the IAEA and the OPCW, and hopes to secure similar
support by the end of our Presidency to assist the effective implementation
of the BTWC. We are drawing up plans with the Council Secretariat
and Commission for work with a wide range of third countries to
enhance export control measures. We are also working with the
Council Secretariat, Commission and Member States to revise the
list of priorities for implementation of the EU WMD Strategy ahead
of the European Council in December.
(l) progress towards a British waiver
from the US ITAR Regulations.
The Ministry of Defence provided the House of
Commons Defence Committee with a memorandum on a UK waiver from
the US International Traffic in Arms Regulations on 28 November
2005. A copy is provided for the Committee [not printed].
2. What impact has the war against terrorism
had on the export licensing regime?
Government policy remains unchanged. All relevant
export licence applications are rigorously assessed on a case-by-case
basis against the Consolidated EU and National Export Licensing
Criteria, taking account of circumstances prevailing at the time
and other relevant announced Government policies.
3. What were the number of small arms and
light weapons destroyed in 2004 and 2005 as a result of programmes
supported by the UK Government? 92[92]
What were the main countries of manufacture of these arms and
By the end of 2005, programmes funded directly
by the UK Government are on track to destroy over 100,000 Small
Arms and Light Weapons since 2004. This includes weapons destruction
programmes in Bosnia, Belarus, Ukraine, Mozambique and a range
of other countries. Some of these projects are just starting and
the destruction of weapons over the next two years is expected
to increase significantly. We have also supplied weapons destruction
equipment to South Africa and Jamaica. In addition we fund UNDP
Small Arms work with a focus on weapons destruction. It is not
possible to provide a detailed breakdown of the main countries
of manufacture of all of these weapons, but indications are that
most are former Eastern bloc manufacture.
4. What assessment has the Government made
of the effectiveness of the operation of the Wassenaar Agreement
in 2005? Are there any improvements which the Government is promoting?
The Plenary meeting of the Wassenaar Arrangement
took place on 13-14 December 2005. The Plenary meeting adopted
decisions for 2005 based on the work that has taken place during
the year. In order to keep pace with advances in technology, market
trends and international security developments, such as the threat
of terrorist acquisition of military and dual use goods, amendments
were made to the control lists. The amendments agreed by the Plenary
this year included items of potential interest to terrorists such
as jamming equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles. The Plenary
also decided to admit South Africa to the Arrangement, the first
African State to join the Arrangement, in addition to the five
new members who had been admitted earlier in the year. The Government
is committed to an Arrangement that is open, global and non-discriminatory.
To this end, the admittance of Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,
Malta and South Africa in 2005 represents a strengthening of the
Arrangement. These States have (and in the case of South Africa,
will) now adopt the Initial Elements and all previous Plenary
decisions of the Arrangement. Importantly, they will also become
party to the exchanges of information within the Arrangement,
enhancing transparency.
5. The 2004 Annual Report on Strategic Export
Controls states (page 5) that "progress was made on ways
to strengthen the [Nuclear Suppliers Group] Guidelines in relation
to the transfer of sensitive enrichment and reprocessing equipment".
What are the changes and have the guidelines now been strengthened?
The UK, as G8 Presidency, played a leading role
in using the G8 to try and leverage changes to the Nuclear Suppliers'
Group (NSG) Guidelines. Revised proposals were put forward to
establish objective criteria that a state must meet in order to
receive transfers of sensitive nuclear technology, together with
agreed factors that suppliers should take into account before
allowing such transfers to take place. But, because of reservations
on the part of a number of key suppliers, attempts to strengthen
the guidelines were only partially successful. We remain committed
to taking this work forward.
6. What part has the UK played in the Zangger
Committee (or NPT Exporters Committee) in 2005? What progress
has been made within the Zangger Committee on outreach to non-members?
What other outreach has taken place in 2005? What assessment has
the Government made of the effectiveness of this work and of additional
outreach work that needs to be undertaken?
Dr Fritz Schmidt, the long standing Chairman
of the Zangger Committee died in 2005. His death led many participating
Governments to question the continuing role of the Zangger Committee.
No substantive outreach or other work has been undertaken by the
Committee this year. The UK in its role as Acting Chair and Secretary
has encouraged participating Governments to find a new Chairman
and provide views on the Committee's future role. HMG has however
made significant progress in bilateral Outreach. Notable
progress on key targets was made with South Africa, Libya and
Malaysia. Our work has moved beyond initial (inward and outward)
visits towards more focused advice and training. But resources
are a significant constraint on work in this area. Coordination
with other bilateral and multilateral Outreach programmes therefore
remains important. China, (working closely with the EU), India,
and Ukraine are our key priorities.
7. On 5 August 2005 the Government informed
Mr Gapes, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, that it had
amended its controls on the export of nuclear-related technology
to, and scientific contacts with, India and Pakistan. As a result
of these changes what export licences have been granted and what
contacts have been allowed which under the previous policy would
not have been allowed? Please supply details. If the export of
nuclear-related technology or scientific contacts for civilian
purposes were to allow the recipient government to divert resources
form civilian to military nuclear development, would the UK Government
consent to an export licence?
The amendment to the UKs approach to controls
on the export of nuclear related technology and scientific contacts
set out in the Government's letter of 5 August 2005 relate to
India only. Details can be found at
There has been no change in our policy towards
The policy change in respect of India came into
effect on 10 August 2005. Two Export Licences have been granted
for items specifically controlled under the Nuclear Suppliers
Group, one for a mass spectrometer and the other for pipework;
these would not have been issued under our previous policy. To
date, we are not aware that any additional scientific contacts
have been made. As a nuclear-weapon State Party to the Non-Proliferation
Treaty we will continue to uphold our commitment to Article 1
of the Treaty.
8. The Committee would be grateful for information
on strategic goods seized by HM Customs and Revenue, in particular:
(i) the number of cases since January 2005 that have been referred
to specialist investigators, and the type and quantity of goods
involved; (ii) details (description, quantity, value and destination
country) of goods discovered by Compliance Officers to have been
exported, or intended for export, without a valid licence; and
(iii) action taken against those responsible for export without
a valid licence with information about infringements, the identity
of the exporters and any prosecutions relating to breaches of
export controls including identifying court references, the name
of the judge and court, the identity of the defendant (if disclosable),
the nature and details of the charges, the fine imposed, the type
and quantity of goods involved and the destination and end-user
of the goods.
(i) Since 1 January, HMRC have seized the
goods listed in the following table. In order not to prejudice
any current investigation, we have only given the number of items
seized where an investigation is pending.
No of seizures |
No of items | Description
| Action |
1. | 8 | Details withheld pending investigation.
| Under investigation |
2. | 1 | Slipring assembly to Israel.
| Licence held but not declared. Goods restored.
3. | 8 | Rocker Arms
| Further enquiries being made |
- | 2 | Insulator
| |
4. | 4 | Details withheld pending investigation.
| Under investigation |
5. | 1 | Ships spares value £1,194 to Pakistan.
| Restored on payment of £525. |
6. | 1 | Valve value £4,476 to Iran.
| Restored on payment of £480 and production of licence.
7. | 1 | Rotor mast seal, value £32,274.
| Restored on payment of £1059.00 and production of licence.
8. | 8 | Aluminium alloy bars value £13,340.00 to Pakistan.
| Further enquiries being made. |
9. | 1 | Details withheld pending investigation.
| Under investigation. |
10. | 15 | Protective clothing value £7,251.
| Goods restored without charge on production of OIEL.
11. | 1 | Aircraft part value £980 to Jordan.
| Goods covered by OIEL but declared under an OGEL that did not cover destination. Restored without payment, warning letter issued.
12. | 1 | Pressure switch (dual-use civil aircraft part subject to UK control only) value £1,500 to Iran
| German based exporter. Goods seized. Restoration will be considered on production of licence.
13. | 6 | Motion controllers.
| Seizure later overturned following appeal against rating on licensablility.
14. | 31 | Gun sights being sent to Japan for repair.
| Satisfied goods covered by OGEL. Goods restored to exporter.
15. | 8,632 | Syntactic foam.
| Seizure later overturned when shaped foam found not to be on the control list.
16. | 2 | Single foil manipulator.
| Awaiting licence decision. |
17. | 1 | Flanged poppet check valves value £4,456
| Awaiting licence decision. |
18. | 43 | Printed circuit boards value £3,396.22.
| Awaiting licence decision. |
19. | 1 | Laser.
| Ratings advice later overturned and goods returned to exporter.
20. | 8 | Air intake filter value £101,520.
| Further enquiries being made. |
21. | 1 | Bolt action rifle and ammunition in passenger's baggage in transit Sweden to Zimbabwe.
| Seized and returned to Sweden. |
22. | 1 | 9mm semi automatic Beretta value £100 + 68 rounds of ammunition and 2 clips value £20 in passenger's baggage in transit to Sierra Leone.
| To be destroyed. |
23. | 1 | Rifle (unloaded) in transit passenger's baggage.
| Seized and restored for return to US by Registered Firearms Dealer.
24. | 2 | Sporting firearms in passenger's baggage in transit Belgium to Harare.
| Will be restored for return to Belgium. |
25. | 1 | Walther ppk/s pistol 9mm value £70 and cleaning kit in passenger's baggage, being transhipped Switzerland to Tanzania.
| Released on production of licence for return to Switzerland.
26. | 1 | Self loading pistol.
| Being followed up by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
| 42 | Ammunition/magazine in transit Accra to Miami.
| |
27. | 4 | Military firearms in transit to USA.
| To be released on production of both original and new military orders.
Seizures of Small Arms and Light Weapons
(ii) Of the seizures listed above, the number we judge
to fall into the category of SALW are four items under investigation,
31 gun sights, one bolt action rifle and ammunition, one 9MM semi
automatic Beretta plus 68 rounds of ammunition and two clips,
one rifle (unloaded), sporting firearms, one Walther PPK/S pistol
9MM plus cleaning kit, one Self loading pistol, plus 42 rounds
of ammunition including magazine, two M9 Beretta Self Loading
Pistols plus four military firearms. Although these were all unlicensed
exports, all but the one case under investigation and the one
case where an OGEL could have been used, involved passengers in
transit rather than UK exporters.
Number of Disruptions
(iii) In addition to the cases mentioned above, HMRC
disrupted potential illicit activity in 28 separate incidents.
We have previously explained that the number of successful prosecutions
gave an incomplete picture of HMRC enforcement activity in strategic
export cases, since much disruption activity takes place "behind
the scenes". The Government believes that the public interest
is better served by stopping illicit exports before goods reach
the place of export, rather than by allowing them to reach the
port in the hope of adding to HMRC's seizure and prosecution statistics.
Referrals to Specialist Investigators
(iv) Seven cases have been referred to specialist investigators
during this period: three from seizures listed above and four
from other sources. To release further information in relation
to these cases could prejudice any investigation and is therefore
exempt from publication under section 30 of the Freedom of Information
Prosecution Action in 2005
(v) Saroosh Homayouni was convicted on 18 February 2005
of 12 specimen counts under section 68(2) of the Customs and Excise
Management Act of knowingly exporting aircraft parts to Iran in
contravention of an export prohibition or restriction in force.
The committee is already aware that he was sentenced to 18 months
imprisonment suspended for two years and banned from being a company
director for 10 years. Since reporting this information, the courts
have made an asset forfeiture order for £69,980, which must
be paid by 24 December.
On 10 May 2005 at City of London Magistrates Court a director
of Praetorian Associates pleaded guilty to a charge under section
68(2) of the Customs and Excise Management Act of exporting body
armour to Pakistan in contravention of an export prohibition or
restriction, and fined £2,500.
(vi) The following goods were discovered by DTI Compliance
Officers to have been exported without a valid licence.
Goods | Destination
| HMRC Action |
1 x Control Panel from FEPS Mobile Generator Sets exported for exhibition under OGEL without prior MOD approval.
| France | Case with national business manager.
Military aircraft parts. | USA, India and EU destinations
| Further information requested. |
5 x Sporting shotguns exported after OIEL had expired.
| Cyprus | Making further enquiries.
2 x Sporting shotguns of higher calibre than allowed by OIEL.
| | |
Military listed Gas Turbine Aero Engine exported under Export After Repair OGEL but unable to meet conditions.
| USA | Referred for local action.
Remotely Operated Vehicle, EOD Disruptors, Cyclops RoV; EOD Disruptors and cartridges
| France Canada Australia and France. | Referred for local action.
(60+ shipments between February 2003 and May 2005) Dual use flurocarbon seals value $1,056.11
| Singapore | Referred for local action.
Exhaust Bellows for Armoured Vehicle. | France
| Referred for local action. |
Unspecified Goods, two OIEL shipments consigned to destinations not covered by OIELs
| Australia Switzerland | Awaiting further information.
Aircraft parts ML10b, value £60,477 |
France, India, Korea, Niger, South Africa, Sweden, Australia, Belgium, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania.
| Warning letter issued 4 April 2005. |
Spare parts value £182 for diesel engines.
| Canada | Warning letter issued 13 September 2005.
| | |
HMRC Action in this period on DTI Compliance Reports or Voluntary
Disclosures prior to 1 January 2005
(vii) A further nine warning letters were sent by HMRC
in this period: seven for irregularities found by compliance officers
prior to 1 January 2005 and two for irregularities disclosed to
HMRC by exporters.
9. In addition, the Committee requests two estimates:
(i) the amount of activity and percentage of total work/activity,
expressed in person days or similar, which HMCR used for the purposes
of planning and budgeting in 2004-05 and 2005-06 to investigate
and police the export and transhipment of controlled goods; and
(ii) the quantity of small arms and light weapons intended for
illegal export seized by HMCR since January 2005.
HM Revenue and Customs' controls on the export of controlled
goods are undertaken by front line staff who are multi-functional
and are deployed flexibly on the basis of risk assessment and
intelligence gathering. They are supported by two central investigation
and intelligence teams who provide intelligence to inform computerised
profiling, and targeting, and who conduct criminal investigations
where appropriate. This deployment allows HMRC to look into all
significant allegations and intelligence in relation to breaches
of export controls.
10. On 15 April 1999 the Government made a statement supporting
the moratorium on the import, export and manufacture of light
weapons adopted by the Economic Community of West African States.
The moratorium applied to the import, export and manufacture of
pistols, rifles, submachine guns, carbines, machine guns, anti-tank
missiles, mortars and howitzers up to a calibre of 85mm and ammunition
and spare parts for the above. The Government said that it would
take the provisions of the moratorium and ECOWAS's Code of Conduct
fully into account when assessing relevant export licence applications,
would brief participating states to the Wassenaar Arrangement
on the moratorium and that the UK was also financially supporting
the moratorium. What is the Government's assessment of the effectiveness
of the moratorium, both as it applies to British companies and
internationally? How much support has the Government given to
support the moratorium? What steps has the Government taken to
test the effectiveness of the moratorium? Have there been any
breaches of the moratorium?
The ECOWAS Moratorium on the Import, Export and Manufacture
of Small Arms and Light Weapons was an innovative and positive
instrument when introduced. Responsible exporting countries such
as the UK took the Moratorium very seriously. However, over time
weaknesses in the full region-wide implementation, enforcement
and co-ordination of the Moratorium have become apparent. We understand
there may have been breaches of the Moratorium and this and other
issues has led the international community recently to plan to
convert the ECOWAS Moratorium into a legally binding regional
ECOWAS Convention by the end of 2005, with a view to an operational
West African contribution to the 2006 review conference on the
United Nations Programme of Action.
The UK initially gave direct financial support and has funded
a workshop on the regional operation at which effectiveness was
discussed. We continue to support the regional mechanism via the
EU and UNDP. We also support the UNDP ECOWAS Small Arms Programme
(ECOSAP) directly through our contributions to both the EC and
UNDP's thematic trust fund on crisis prevention and recovery.
The ECOSAP programme should help build the capacity of both the
ECOWAS Secretariat and West African governments to implement the
moratorium/convention and to take other steps to reduce small
arms proliferation in the region.
11. What assessment has the Government made of the effectiveness
of the controls on "trafficking and brokering" of long-range
missiles and torture equipment and goods to embargoed destinations?
On what basis would the Government be prepared to extend the items
subject to these controls?
The Government has said that, consistent with regulatory
best practice, it will review the controls three years after their
coming into force, ie during 2007. We are gradually accumulating
experience of their operation and it would be premature therefore
to contemplate their extension or amendment. At this stage, the
Government is satisfied that the controls are working broadly
as intended and have been manageable for both industry and Government.
The Committees need to see sufficient information about
the Government's licensing decisions to come to a reasonable understanding
of why the Government has granted or refused a licence in any
particular case. This should include an intelligible description
of the goods, an indication of their value, the identity of the
end user, and the stated end use of the goods.
Where the Committees have requested information on a single
licence application, it is open to the Government to provide information
on other licence applications to the same country as well, if
the Government would like to do so. A possible alternative to
the past practice of laboriously compiling this information for
the Committees might be to provide the Committees in confidence
with the relevant case documentation, such as application forms
and end-user undertakings.
The Responses to 12-15 are provided to the Committee in Confidence.
[not attached or included]
12. All revocations made in 2004 and 2005.
13. Incorporation SIELs issued during the second, third
and fourth quarters of 2004 and the first two quarters of 2005
for the following destinations (countries which have not aligned
themselves with the principles of the EU Code of Conduct). Please
also provide a description of the finished equipment in which
the exports were intended for incorporation, and on the eventual
end users of this finished equipment, where this is known, and
on any end-use conditions attached to the export or use of the
finished equipment.
(a) | Australia,
(b) | Brazil,
(c) | China,
(d) | Chile,
(e) | India,
(f) | Indonesia,
(g) | Iraq, |
(h) | Israel,
(i) | Japan,
(j) | Malaysia,
(k) | Pakistan,
(l) | Russia,
(m) | South Korea,
(n) | Singapore,
(o) | South Africa,
(p) | Switzerland,
(q) | Taiwan,
(r) | Turkey,
(s) | UAE, |
(t) | USA, |
(u) | Venezuela.
14. The Committees would be grateful for more information
on the following licences issued during 2004. All are SIELs, except
where stated otherwise.
(v) | Australia: handcuffs (two licences April-June).
(w) | Belarus: all licences (including OIELs).
(x) | Congo (DRC): submachine guns (five licences April-June).
(y) | Cyprus: sniper rifles (20) plus the licences relating to components and maintenance (July-September).
(z) | Egypt: handcuffs (April-June).
(aa) | Hong Kong SAR: handcuffs (January-March), (July-September) and (October-December); deuterium compounds (April-June); heavy machine guns (10) (April-June).
(bb) | India: vacuum pumps (April-June and July-September); non ferrous alloys (six licences January-March) (10 licences (April-June) (three licences July-September) (four licences October-December).
(cc) | Indonesia: metal alloy in cylindrical forms (January-March, April-June, July-September).
(dd) | Nepal: all licences granted.
(ee) | Philippines: handcuffs (April-June).
(ff) | Saudi Arabia: heavy machine guns (220) and tear gas/riot control agents (October-December).
(gg) | Singapore: OIEL No: seven gun silencers, components for gun silencers (April-June).
(hh) | Sri Lanka: heavy machine guns and maintenance equipment and heavy machine guns (13) (July-September and October-December).
(ii) | Syria: armoured all wheel drive vehicles (January-March); OIEL No two for armoured all wheel drive vehicles (July-September); OIEL No 1 for armoured all wheel drive vehicles (October-December).
(jj) | Turkey: OIEL No six armoured all wheel drive vehicles (July-September).
(kk) | Turkmenistan: OIEL No one armoured all wheel drive vehicles (April-June).
(ll) | UAE: OIEL No nine general purpose machine guns, heavy machine guns (April-June); OIEL No 12 armoured all wheel drive vehicles (October-December).
(mm) | Uzbekistan: armoured personnel carriers (January-March); OIEL No one armoured all wheel drive vehicles (April-June).
15. The Committees would be grateful for more information
on the value of the goods and technology and the end use of the
items covered by the following trade control licences issued during
(nn) |
Democratic Republic of Congo to Zimbabwestandard
individual trade control licence (October-December). |
(oo) | Kenya to Iranstandard individual trade control licence (October-December).
(p) | Bulgaria to UAEsix open individual trade control licences (July-September).
(qq) | Romania to Qatar and UAEsix open individual trade control licences (July-September).
(rr) | Serbia and Montenegro to Qatar and UAEsix open individual trade control licences (July September).
(ss) | Turkey to DRC, CAR, Israel, Sierra Leone and Syriafive open individual trade control licences (July-September).
16. It appears that the bulk of individual trade control
licences issued in 2004 were issued between July and September
2004. Is this the case and, if it was, what, in the Government's
view, was the reason?
Timeframe | Number of SITCLs issued
| Number of OITCLs issued |
May-June 2004 | 16 | 8
July-September 2004 | 29 |
28 |
October-December 2004 | 24 |
4 |
January-March 2005 | 17 |
2 |
April-June 2005 | 27 | 2
The number of applications received by the Government will
fluctuate depending on market demand and activity. In fact, however,
the numbers of SITCLs issued in 2004 and 2005 has been relatively
steady. The overall volume of OITCLs has also been consistent
over the two years. The higher number in the July-September 2004
period can probably be explained by the initial surge following
the coming into force of the main Trade Order in May 2004 as traders
put in place licensing cover for the first time. This period also
covered the licences issued for the Farnborough International
Airshow, held in July 2004.
17. Has the Government carried out any investigations
into claims that Land Rovers or components of Land Rovers, which
are armour-plated and can be fitted with machine-gun hatches,
were exported under licence to Turkey, where they were assembled
and from where they ended up at the disposal of the Uzbek authorities
to be used to suppress popular demonstrations this year? If it
has, what were the results of the Government's investigations?
The Government understands this question to relate to allegations
made in the media in mid-2005 that military specification Land
Rovers were used by the authorities in Andizhan, and that these
vehicles were made in Turkey under licence from the UK company
Land Rover and contained UK components.
We understand that Land Rover sells flat-pack civilian
Land Rover Defenders to the Turkish company in question, which
then assembles and rebadges them for onward sale under its own
name, using its own products and components, and according to
designs for which that company holds the intellectual property
rights. It is the Government's understanding that these are not
Land Rover approved products and it is therefore inaccurate to
describe the company concerned as an overseas production facility
for Land Rover.
Under the EC Dual-Use Regulation, Council Regulation (EC)
No. 1334/2000, the UK has no power to control the export of civilian
specification Land Rovers. To the extent that the buyer in Turkey
converts the civilian vehicles using his own technology and without
UK involvement, this is a matter for the Turkish authorities as
regards any export from there.
It is the Government's understanding that the vehicles in
question were supplied by the Turkish company in question to the
Turkish government who then gifted them to the Uzbek government.
Furthermore, although this has not been independently verified,
the vehicles photographed in Andijan appear to be non-military
unarmoured vehicles, which would not therefore have been subject
to export controls in any scenario.
Were Land Rover to export components or technology of military
specification there, this would require a UK export licence. In
addition, the Government controls the electronic transfer of dual-use
technology, and since 2004 also military technology, overseas,
and the overseas trade in military equipment where any part of
the activity takes place in the UK (unless the goods being traded
are "Restricted Goods" or are for an Embargoed Destination,
in which case full extraterritorial controls apply).
18. Since January 2003 what has been the value of strategic
exports, subject to licensing controls, to Uzbekistan? In this
period what assistance has the Government, including UKTI trade
services, given to encourage exports of goods subject to licence
to Uzbekistan? Since May 2005 what investigations has the Government
made of the alleged use by the Uzbek authorities of goods and
technology subject to licence (including components exported from
the UK to a third country) to suppress popular demonstrations
in Andijan and other cities? As a result of these developments
has the Government changed its policy on the licensing of strategic
exports to Uzbekistan or has it changed its view on the applicability
of criterion 2 (risk of use for internal repression) to exports
to Uzbekistan?
The 2003 Annual Report states that no exports of military
equipment were made to Uzbekistan in that year, while the 2004
Annual Report states military equipment to a value of £100,000
was exported to Uzbekistan in that year (the table of the value
of exports does not identify those countries with goods identified
with a value of less than £0.01 million).
A full range of commercial services was previously available
to UK companies wishing to export to Uzbekistan from commercial
staff located in the British Embassy in Tashkent. These services
were withdrawn in April 2005. However, political support and lobbying
by HM Ambassador in Tashkent, in support of UK companies' interests,
remains available.
HMG takes its commitments to human rights very seriously.
Respect for Human Rights is an integral part of HMG's export control
policy. Indeed, Criterion 2 is specifically concerned with human
rights and provides that HMG "will not issue an export licence
if there is a clear risk that the proposed export might be used
for internal repression".
All applications are assessed on a case by case basis against
the consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria
and other announced policies in light of the circumstances prevailing
at the time of the application.
Summaries of the goods licensed for export to Uzbekistan
are contained in the Quarterly Reports on Strategic Export Controls,
published on the DTI/ECO and FCO websites. All licences were issued
following assessment that they were consistent with the Consolidated
On 14 November 2005 EU sanctions against Uzbekistan came
into force. These measures include an arms embargo and a ban on
exports of equipment that may be used for internal repression.
Following the events in Andijan, all existing licences for arms
exports to Uzbekistan were reviewed by HMG, but none were revoked.
As from 2 December 2005, Uzbekistan was added to the list
of excluded destinations in Schedule 2 to the following licences:
Open General Trade Control Licence (OGTCL).
OGEL: Access Overseas to Technology for Military
Goods: Individual Use Only.
OGEL: Historic Military Goods.
OGEL: Military Goods For Demonstration to
OGEL: Military Goods: Export for Repair/Replacement
under Warranty.
OGEL: Military Goods: UK Forces Deployed
in Non-Embargoed Destinations.
19. Dealer to dealer OIEL: How old does a gun have to
be before it is described as "vintage"?
The term "vintage gun" relates to guns manufactured
prior to 1897 (this date was identified following a risk analysis
by MOD; it is the year in which something approaching an "automatic"
action was added to a UK rifle).
20. Where the dealer to dealer OIEL provides for the export
of rifles, are there any restrictions on the types of rifles that
can be exported? Does the licence, for example, cover assault
Dealer-to-Dealer OIELs authorise the export of firearms and
related ammunition between registered UK firearms dealers and
registered firearms dealers in EU Member States.
A Dealer-to-Dealer OIEL does not, however, permit the export
Sniper rifles and specially designed components
any weapons that have been designed or modified
for military use and specially designed components therefore;
silencers and specially designed components
more than one sight per exported weapons
or any weapons sights that contain any form of electronic enhancement
(whether or not exported with a weapon);
ammunition with penetrating, explosive or
incendiary projectiles, and the projectiles for such ammunition;
pistols and revolver ammunition with expanding
projectiles and projectiles for such ammunition;
CS (ortho-chlorobenzylmalononitrile) ammunition;
weapons described in Category B, item 6 for
non-civilian use.
Assault rifles therefore are not permitted for export under
the Dealer-to-Dealer OIEL as they are designed for military use,
and they are likely to have fully automatic firing capabilities.
The Quadripartite Committee is inviting the Minister of
State with responsibility for the Export Control Organisation
to give evidence in January. In order to prepare for the evidence
session and as part of its task in scrutinising strategic export
controls the Committee would be grateful for information on the
following matters.
21. Please supply the Committee with a short summary explaining
the structure of the Export Control Organisation, how it operates
and setting out its targets for 2005-06 and 2006-07.
ECO's core functions are:
processing export licence applications made
under the Export Control Act 2002, ratings requests, and Customs
pagers requests;
maintaining the domestic legislative framework
including OGELs;
participating in export control policy-making
in the UK and in international fora, eg the international regimes
and the EU;
carrying out exporter awareness and compliance
participating in HMG's counter-proliferation
contributing to international outreach programmes;
maintaining the export licence denials databases;
compiling data for the Annual Report;
responding to Parliamentary and media inquiries;
maintaining its databases and website.
ECO's key objectives are to run the export licensing regime
effectively (ie licensing decisions accurately reflect Government
policy, exporters aware and compliant) and efficiently (applications
are processed promptly, good information available to users).
This twin aim of promoting export control policy objectives and
providing a good service to exporters is reflected in the joint
export licensing community Mission Statement "promoting global
security through strategic export controls, facilitating responsible
DTI's overall vision is "creating the conditions for
business success and helping the UK respond to the challenge of
globalisation". ECO contributes to this in the following
providing a prompt and reliable service to exporters;
promoting global security will create the conditions
for global economic prosperity which is in the interests of UK
an effective domestic and international regulatory
framework for strategic exports will promote confidence in the
legitimacy of defence and dual-use exports, which is in the UK's
commercial interest;
a secure control regime in the UK will make it
easier for UK suppliers to obtain the sensitive foreign technologies
they need; and
collaboration with overseas export licensing authorities,
e.g. through the EU and the Framework Agreement, will facilitate
multinational commercial projects, thus helping the UK respond
to the challenge of globalisation.
More specifically, ECO's recent strategy has been to promote
efficiency through joined-up working with OGDs via the
Jewel project and a closer relationship with exporter representatives;
and to make the framework of controls as effective and
transparent as possible through the changes introduced by the
Export Control Act. The strategy has been successful in delivering
improved performance against efficiency targets (exceeded in 2003
and 2004, on target in 2005), together with a continuing high
level of effectiveness (no serious mistakes and an extended scope
of control).
In addition to improving the quality of its outputs, ECO
has also been focussing on its inputs, in order to be able to
reduce its headcount in line with efficiency review targets. Its
strategy for improving efficiency is to streamline business processes
wherever possible (consistent with risk); to improve the skills
and deployability of its staff through enhanced training; and
to improve the quality of applications from exporters, and to
reduce nugatory inquiries, by providing better guidance and training
for exporters; to improve information management within ECO so
as to be able to better identify and target exporters in need
of assistance, tailor licence products to suit exporters' needs,
understand better the factors affecting performance so we can
deploy resources accordingly and ensure we are not duplicating
ECO has a range of performance targets. These are incorporated
into the DTI Business Plan, specifically into objective delivery
plan 12, on Nuclear Safety and Security and Export Control. ECO
owns sub-objective 1, which is to process export licence applications
promptly and accurately. The sub-objective entry including the
targets are set out below:
(a) Timeliness: performance against the following key
HMG to process 70% of SIEL applications in 20
days, and 95% in 60 days;
HMG to process 60% of OIEL applications in 60
DTI to respond to 90% of ratings requests within
10 days for non-circulated requests and 20 days for circulated
HMG to complete 60% of appeals within 20 days
and 95% within 60 days; and
long outstanding cases not to exceed 30>3 months
old, 6>6 months and 1>9 months, measured as average per
month over the quarter.
(Category One) No incorrect licensing or rating
decision having consequences which materially breach the Consolidated
Criteria (eg contribute to WMD programme, increase regional conflict)
or our international commitments;
(Category Two) An error rate of not more than
0.5% in processing licences or ratings which lead to incomplete
analysis of a case prior to a decision being reached or which
degrade our reputation or cause political embarrassment, while
not leading to a material breach of the Consolidated Criteria.
Targets for future years have not yet been fixed but are
unlikely to change substantially.
22. Please supply the Committee with a table setting out
for the Export Control Organisation for each year from 2002-03
to 2007-08
(tt) | the number of staff in post (full time equivalents);
Year | Average staff in post
2002-03 | 146 |
2003-04 | 156 |
2004-05 | 142 |
Actual | 117 |
The headcount target is 115 by April 2006. ECO currently
has plans to reduce headcount by a further 10 posts as SPIRE is
fully implemented (ie through to 2007-08), though this may need
to be adjusted in the light of new work on controls of exports
of radioactive sources.
(uu) | the number of casual/temporary staff;
Year |
Average no temps |
2002-03 |
| 19
| 17
| 4
(vv) |
the number of staff carrying out outreach; |
There is one full-time ECO post dedicated to UK industry
outreach and another full-time post which supports that role.
Two staff support the website and telephone helpline. The compliance
officers (7) also raise awareness of UK export controls during
their compliance visits.
(ww) |
the number of compliance checks, including visits to companies, carried out each year; |
Year |
Number of compliance visits |
2003 |
569 |
2004 |
592 |
2005 (to end October) |
490 |
(xx) |
the number of licences received and processed, broken down into type of licence (SIEL. OIEL, etc); |
Year |
Number of applications received |
2002 |
10,390 |
635 |
0 |
0 |
2003 |
9,166 |
652 |
0 |
0 |
2004 |
9,048 | 806 |
131 |
80 |
2005 (as at 23/11/05) |
8,319 |
600 |
128 |
37 |
| the maximum length of time for which each category of licence could/can be granted in each year to 2005-06 and how many were granted for the maximum; and
Type of licence | General length of validity
Standard Individual Export Licences (SIELs) (permanent)
| 2 years |
SIELs (temporary) | 1 year |
Standard Individual Trade Control Licences (SITCLs)
| 2 years |
Open Individual Export Licences (OIELs) (inc media and dealer-to-dealer type)
| 5 years |
Continental Shelf OIELs | 5 years
Open Individual Trade Control Licences (OITCLs)
| 2 years |
Global Project Licences (GPLs) | No standard length of validity; usually reflect life of the project
Standard Individual Transhipment Licences (SITLs)
| 2 years |
Open General Export Licences (OGELs) | No fixed period of validity; can be revised as necessary
(zz) | the number of appeals received and average length of time to determine?
| Number of Appeals
| Average Time Taken to Finalise |
2002 | 101 | 195 days
2003 | 93 | 170 days
2004 | 55 | 76 days
2005 (up to 17.11.2005) | 45
| 27 days |
23. Following the Gershon Review what savings has the
Export Control Organisation to make? What savings have been made
to date and where did they come from? What savings have still
to be made?
Please refer to the response provided for Q22(a) for headcount
savings and targets.
There have been changes in staff numbers in all sections
of the Organisation except Compliance; targets are not section
24. Has the Export Control Organisation a business plan
for the next 2-3 years? If it does, please supply a copy? Unless
covered in the business plan, would the Export Control Organisation
deal with the following questions.
See also answer to Q22.
(aaa) Is it planned to outsource any part of the work
of the Export Control Organisation?
Outsourcing is not currently under consideration
(bbb) What is the policy of the Export Control Organisation
on charging for any part of its services? Has the Export Control
Organisation any plans to begin charging for any of its services?
ECO charges for the training services it runs for exporters.
It does not charge for licences and has no plans to do so at present.
(ccc) Has the Export Control Organisation any plans,
or is it examining any proposals, to relocate its staff or work?
There are no current plans to relocate the ECO or to review
its location.
25. What IT projects have been completed in 2004-05 and
2005-06 and what projects are currently underway or planned? What
were the planned costs of the projects completed and what were
their outturn costs? What savings were/are anticipated by the
projects and what have been achieved?
ECO has carried out/is carrying out the following small-scale
IT projects, total cost approximately £157,000.
Title | Description
Export Community Intranet | Establish an intranet presence on GSI to enable interested Govt Departments to share information. Project at early investigation stage.
Case Tracker | Case tracking system developed for Licensing Unit and Technical Assessment Unit, based in Warp. Completed 2004
XP Upgrade | Departmental roll out of XP to desktops, required changes to Access Databases including the Elate front end
Elate Upgrades | Package of Elate changes completed 2004
Logo amendment to all application Word Templates
| 60 plus word documents across Warp/Elate/Ollie/ECO. This will bring them in line with branding and make some changes to text and improve the way that the user details are collected. Project complete November 2005
F Secure Virus Checker | Annual upgrade all XNP PCs and servers to new version of software and update virus reference library
Licensing Systems Servers | Configuration and test of new production server to support Elate, Held and Warp. Server live with effect from 1 July 2005
Resilience for Licensing Systems Servers |
Purchased leading up to our accommodation moves in July 2005 to provide resilience and continuing back up to the main production servers. Work is continuing on this project
Replacement of 34 old Standalones with XP machines
| Upgrade of PCs which were beyond useful life. Project completed December 2005
IS Strategy and Systems Audit | Audit of current XNP systems and production of an IS Strategy incorporating SPIRE. Audit delivered May 2005
Ollie | Ollie system upgrade package, 2005
Elate Upgrade for DfID | Upgrade version of Elate to Access 2003 to enable it to function on their new systems
In addition, ECO is currently reviewing proposals to replace
its main licensing databases in order to remove paper files as
far as possible from the licensing process, to get better reporting
and workflow facilities and better connectivity with other Government
Departments in the licensing process. Eventually we hope to offer
application-tracking facilities for exporters and electronic licences
that will be sent direct to HM Revenue & Customs. Detailed
user requirements are being prepared with a view to phased delivery
in 2006-07 and beyond. This depends on the satisfactory conclusion
of commercial negotiations and development of a viable business
ECO has also been developing software tools to be available
on the Internet to help exporters. The first one is called "Goods
Checker" which enables exporters to identify whether goods
are subject to control, and in which category of the Control Lists.
This facility is currently being tested and should be available
to exporters in early 2006. We are planning to introduce a second
tool called "OGEL checker" to help exporters to identify
appropriate OGELs for any given export.
26. What outreach does the Export Control Organisation
currently carry out? How does the Export Control Organisation
measure the effectiveness of this work? What advice does the Export
Control Organisation give to exporters about the regulation of
dual use items?
The ECO arranges on average four seminars a month for exporters
at various locations in the UK. These include beginners, intermediate
and advanced seminars. An explanation of what dual-use goods are,
and how export controls apply to them, is included in both the
beginner and intermediate export control seminars. There is, in
addition, usually a workshop each month to help exporters to apply
for licences over the Internet, and another seminar, focused on
a particular topic, which will vary. Customised seminars are also
given, or presentations made, to a range of companies, trade organisations
and groups, on request.
The ECO website contains comprehensive information about
the UK's strategic export control regime.
The ECO has also produced a DVD containing detailed information
on UK export controls in a modular format. Since May 2004, when
the DVD was produced, approximately 1400 copies have been distributed.
We maintain a telephone helpline (020 7215 8070).
Compliance officers will also give advice during their visits.
We have an advisory committee which meets twice a year and
which contains representatives of the major trade associations
whose members are affected by export controls.
All the above activities apply to both military and dual-use
It is difficult to quantify the effectiveness of a broad
range of qualitative outreach work. The feedback from seminars
is very positive and demand is high. The ultimate test however,
is whether the Government is meeting its efficiency and effectiveness
targets; its performance against these targets has been excellent
since 2003.
27. In respect to the extension of the controls on transfers
related to WMD on 1 May 2004 the Government told the Quadripartite
Committee that the Export Control Organisation had maintained
a close dialogue with the sectors of industry most affected in
order to deal with any problems and queries quickly (Cm 6638,
p 7). What problems arose and how and when were they resolved?
What outreach has the Export Control Organisation done with universities
and similar institutions to explain the operation of the control
regime to their activities and transfer of technology? What measures
have the Export Control Organisation used to establish whether
these bodies understand and are complying with the system? Where
knowledge and technology has been transferred overseas what monitoring
has the Export Control Organisation done of the uses to which
it has been put? What results do the monitoring show?
As the Committee is aware, ECO has published guidance on
its website on all aspects of the new/enhanced controls, specifically
tailoring the FAQ sections to reflect the issues raised by stakeholders.
Other outreach measures such as those described in the answer
to Q26, have allowed for the early identification and resolution
of uncertainties, and have also provided the fora through which
the Government has been able to confirm the level of understanding
and compliance of those affected by the controls.
The main issues raised with ECO have been to do with the
application of the new WMD end-use controls, principally in respect
of transfers of technology relating to NBC detection equipment
to the UK MOD/Armed Forces and others. Most of such transfers
were in any case controlled but the new controls potentially apply
to transfers in the UK, where the technology may be used outside
the EU, and also to technical assistance provided to a place outside
the EU. ECO clarified the circumstances in which a licence is
actually required, which is generally much less often than some
exporters had believed. Where a licence was required and existing
OGELs such as the Defence Contracts one were not applicable, we
have issued OIELs. We have also responded to more general industry
concerns about transfers to UK Armed Forces by introducing two
new open general licences covering transfers to UK forces abroad
in embargoed and non-embargoed destinations.
Regarding the academic community, ECO has published guidance
tailored to their situation; has met with universities on request;
they are represented on the Advisory Committee; and our seminars
have been attended by some academics. It is important to stress
however that the controls on technology transfers do not apply
in any different way to universities than to exporters. In fact
it is relatively unlikely that the controls will come into play
in respect of student tuition in the UK as the exemption for technology
in the public domain will usually apply. ECO has not so far invoked
the controls contained in Articles 8 and 9 of the Export of Goods,
Transfer of Technology & Provision of Technical Assistance
(Control) Order to prevent/approve the transfer of WMD technology
to students/researchers in the UK, where it might be transferred
outside the EU.
As regards end-use monitoring, ECO is not in a position to
carry out systematic post-export monitoring checks which in any
event we do not believe to be a reliable method of control. A
full end-use risk assessment is carried out at the pre-export
28. In 2004 1,353 SIEL applications were rated as no licence
required out of 9,116 applications received (para 2.2 of the Annual
Report). How does this figure compare with previous years? What
were the main reasons that 15% of applications made were not required?
Does the Export Control Organisation regard this level of fruitless
applications as acceptable?
In 2003, 10,012 applications were received of which 1,381
were rated as no licence required. In 2002, 10,744 of which 1,182
were rated as no licence required (NLR).
A certain level of NLR ratings is inevitable and not a sign
of wasted effort. For example a ratings decision is not always
straightforward and will depend on the application of the controls
to a given case. We prefer exporters to contact us if in doubt
and this is a sign of good awareness of their obligations. Also,
an exporter may apply for a licence believing, or having been
advised by ECO, that a licence may be needed on WMD end-use grounds.
After assessment of the application, ECO may find that there are
in fact no WMD end-use concerns and the goods will be rated as
NLR. In addition some exporters exporting to sensitive destinations
like to obtain an "NLR letter" from ECO to avoid any
delays at the port of exit.
We agree however that we should seek to minimise the cases
where exporters apply unnecessarily, creating extra work for them
and ECO. This is why we carry out the outreach activities described
elsewhere, including development of the goods checker tool in
addition to our ratings advisory service in order to give exporters
as much guidance as possible.
29. The Government has told the Committee that the use
of OGELs allows it to target its resources on SIEL and OIEL applications
by taking out of the system processing of the lowest risk exports
to the lowest risk destinations. (Cm 6638 p7) How does the Export
Control Organisation assess risk?
Risk assessment relating to OGELs is essentially undertaken
in the same way as that for individual licences, ie ECO and relevant
advisers from the rest of the licensing community will undertake
a risk assessment of the proposed licence, considering the countries
and activities involved, and taking account of the conditions
and limitations specified for the licence. Should any proposed
OGEL be assessed as contravening any of the consolidated EU and
National Arms Export Licensing Criteria, the OGEL will not be
30. The Government has told the Committee that companies
using OGELs are subject to compliance checks. (Cm 6638 p 7) What
are these checks? What happens if a company is found to have breached
compliance? How many resulted in enforcement action or changes
to licences?
Companies using Open General Export Licences are subject
to similar checks to those using Open Individual Export Licences.
The company is visited approximately every three years or more
often as necessary. A general discussion is first held to get
a sense of how the company is affected by export controls, what
procedures it has in place to ensure compliance with the controls
and with the conditions of the licence(s) it is using, and whether
it is in fact complying with the record-keeping requirements in
the Order and any specific licence conditions.
Compliance Officers then ask the exporter to show supporting
documentation to prove they have complied with all the conditions,
and to check the licence covers the goods and destinations involved.
If a company is found to have breached the conditions of
licence or to have defective procedures, the company is usually
sent a warning letter recommending remedial action and a revisit
is undertaken, normally within six months. In the case of more
serious breaches, the matter is referred to HMRC (see also Q8).
We have not encountered systematic misunderstanding or breaches
of an OGEL which would warrant its amendment or withdrawal. OGELs
permit the export of a range of low-risk items to the lowest risk
destinations, and are open to all who can comply with the conditions.
As such a breach by an individual company would not impact on
the licence itself.
ECO is currently discussing compliance procedures in detail
with industry representatives in order to respond to concerns
about the transparency and consistency of ECO procedures.
31. In responding to the Committee's report on the 2003
Annual Report on Strategic Export Controls the Government raised
a number of practical points about the collection of end user
information (Cm 6638 p 5). How much information does the Export
Control Organisation currently collect about end users and the
end use to which controlled exports are put? When will the Export
Control Organisation's IT systems allow storage of information
about end users? How much would it cost the Export Control Organisation
to devise and implement end user definitions and to consult end-users
on the release of data? Could the prior approval of the end user
be given as part of the contract and as part of the application
for an export licence? Are thefts of exported items required to
be reported to the Export Control Organisation?
The Government collects from the exporter as much end-use/r
information as it considers appropriate to undertake effective
risk assessment of an export licence application. This will vary
depending on the destination, goods, and potential contentiousness
of the application, but at a minimum, the Government requires
the exporter to provide an end-user undertaking completed by the
end-user of the export, containing their name and details and
information on the end-use to which they will put the goods. The
Government also collects information about end-users from a number
of other sources, for example, intelligence sources, and the Internet.
ECO's databases already contain fields for information on
the name of the end-user, but cannot record them by categories
of end-user. The Government has, however, previously made clear
that it does not believe that categorisation of end-users into
broad groups and the subsequent disclosure of this information
in this form would be would be meaningful or helpful. It would,
however, place more demands on exporters and ECO in devising and
applying appropriate definition. Furthermore, consulting with
end-users on the release of data would divert resources best devoted
to the prompt assessment of export licence applications. We have
therefore not undertaken any cost estimate regarding the devising
and implementation of end-user definitions and on the consultation
with end-users on the release of data.
Prior approval of the end-user for release of his identity
is also not practical. We do not think UK exporters should be
placed at a disadvantage compared with competitors in terms of
placing demands on end-users. Further, we do not think it is a
good use of resources to sift those who have approved the release
of the information, and record this.
As regards thefts of exported items, there is no obligation
for the end-user concerned to report this to ECO as his responsibility
essentially ends with the export. The risk of diversion (including
theft) of exported goods is considered at the time of application,
taking into account relevant intelligence the Government may hold,
and reliable information from other sources, for example from
the Government's overseas posts. Should information come to light
that goods have nonetheless been diverted/stolen, the Government
will take this into consideration when assessing any future applications,
and, in the case of stolen items, will consider what security
measures the end-user has put in place to prevent such thefts.
Of course, where appropriate, the Government may revoke the relevant
licence(s), for example in the case of goods exported under an
OIEL. We may also ask the authorities in the country concerned
to investigate.
32. What account does the Export Control Organisation
take of the extent to which commission has been paid in assessing
export licences? Do those applying for licences supply details
of the middlemen used? Where it emerges after a licence has been
granted that the exporter or his agent has received or paid excessive
commission or bribes, what action will the Export Control Organisation
take? Have any licences been revoked on the grounds of bribery?
Bribery and corruption is not specific to export control
but rather is a general issue and as such is being tackled through
generally applicable wider Government policies. ECO therefore
requires information relating only to the potential export in
order to carry out its consideration of the application against
the consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria.
This does, however, include information on consignees and all
others party to the application. The use of a middle-man is a
specific factor in assessing the risk of diversion of exported
goods, particularly in the case of WMD related applications.
33. In its response to the Committees' report on the Annual
Report for 2003 the Government noted "that to date only one
UK GPL has been issued; in January 2004 to the French Government
(amended in September 2004 to include the governments of Finland
and Greece as destinations on this licence)" (Cm 6638, p
4). Neither the Annual Report for 2004 nor the constituent quarterly
reports appear to record in an easily identifiable form details
of this licence or the changes made in September. Is this licence
and the change made in September recorded in the annual or quarterly
reports for 2004?
The Government's Cm 6638 response to the Committee contained
an error in that the GPL in question was in fact issued in January
2003. It was also an oversight that details of the amendments
to the GPL, made in September 2004, were not published in the
relevant (3rd) Quarterly Report for 2004. The Government will
ensure that information on, including amendments to, GPLs will
be published in the same way as OIELs in future Reports.
34. What powers has the government to regulate international
arms fairs in the UK? In particular, what powers has the government
to control overseas companies' advertisements containing items
which could be used to carry out torture or inhuman or degrading
The ECO issued a guidance note on this subject in June 2004.
In summary, a trade licence is required for any act calculated
to promote the supply or delivery, between third countries outside
of the UK, of `Restricted Goods' which include torture equipment.
This does therefore impinge on the advertising and promotion of
such equipment by foreign exhibitors at trade fairs in the UK.
December 2005
UK Strategic Export Controls: Annual Report, Cm 6646, page 4. Back