Select Committee on Science and Technology Written Evidence


Memorandum from Mary Brett, recently retired Biology teacher and UK representative on the board of Eurad (Europe Against Drugs)

  In my opinion the Government does usually receive sound advice from scientists but it is sometimes the composition of the investigating committee that is at fault. This is certainly the case with the ACMD. I attach my analysis of this body. The main points being that not one single expert on cannabis, psychosis or schizophrenia was a member. Surely they should be the first people to be recruited when the main concern was about mental illness. And no single member of an avowed anti-drugs organisation was present. From my list you will see that there was a preponderance of representation of the more liberal views. I wrote and sent a paper to this committee linking cannabis and psychosis/schizophrenia citing evidence going back to the 70s, I attach it. [Not published]

  I also gave oral and written evidence to the HASC on Cannabis. This time the committee took evidence from very few scientists or anti-drugs campaigners. The main bulk of evidence was given by those of a more liberal outlook, eg Drugscope, the Charity that advises this government. There was even evidence from a libertarian group with something like 18 members.

February 2006

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