Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 24 July 2006.
1 Strengthening the Standards System
Review of the Code of Conduct
Review of the Rules relating to the Conduct of Members
The Electoral Administration Bill
Draft Corruption Bill
Appointment of Adviser on Ministerial Interests
2 Emphasising Prevention
Briefing Members
Preparation of the First Register of the New Parliament
Advising the House and Individual Members
3 Considering Complaints
Overview: A Pleasing Reduction
Complaints in 2005-06
Members the Subject of Complaints in 2005-06
Reports to the Committee in 2005-06
Use of Rectification Procedure
Frivolous and Vexatious Complaints
4 The Other Registers
Members' Staff Register
Journalists' Register
All-Party Groups' Register
Overlap between the Registers
Access to the Registers
(i) Complaints against Members' Staff
(ii) Complaints about All-Party Groups
Publication of the Register of Members' Secretaries and Research Assistants
5 Looking Outwards
Openness and Accountability
Overseas and Other Visitors
Hong Kong
Working with Others
6 Resourcing the Work
Cost of the office of the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards 2003-04 to 2005-06
7 Conclusion and Forward Look
Appendix 1: Standing Orders Nos. 149 & 150, as amended by the House on 13 July 2005
Appendix 2: Description of the Arrangements for Regulating Standards of Conduct in the House of Commons
Appendix 3: The Frank Stacey Memorial Lecture, 2005