The Framework for National Statistics, along with its associated Code of Practice and accompanying Protocols, provides the foundation for the current statistical set-up in the UK. The key reforms introduced as part of the Framework were:
· the creation of the post of National Statistician as the Government's chief statistical adviser. Under the Framework, the post holder is granted operational independence from Ministers, and is both the professional Head of National Statistics and the Director of the ONS. The National Statistician has responsibility for the professional statistical quality of all outputs comprising National Statistics, and for ensuring that all outputs are produced in accordance with the standards set out in the National Statistics Code of Practice
The National Statistician is appointed by, and is accountable to, the Chancellor of the Exchequer (as Minister for National Statistics) for the performance of National Statistics and, with departmental Heads of Profession for Statistics, for the discharge of annual work programmes approved by Ministers;
· the creation of an independent Statistics Commission, to advise on quality assurance and integrityincluding in areas of widespread concernand priority setting for National Statistics. Independent of both Ministers and producers of National Statistics, the Commission has its own budget and is able to determine its own activities [
]; and
· the introduction of the concept of 'National Statistics', aimed at providing an accurate, up-to-date, comprehensive and meaningful description of the UK economy and society, underpinned by professional standards as set out in a new Code of Practice. The Codewhich draws on the United Nations' Fundamental Principles for Official Statisticsis a guide for all public sector statistical work, and applies not only to outputs from the ONS, but also to all those National Statistics produced elsewhere. Ministers are responsible for deciding the scope of National Statistics within their departments, and for ensuring that departmental Heads of Profession for statistics have the authority to maintain and demonstrate the integrity of such statistics in accordance with the Code. The National Statistician is responsible for the maintenance of the Code and its interpretation.