Examination of Witness (Questions 80-81)
24 MAY 2006
Q80 Chairman: You mentioned to us
that meeting members is a good idea, but we did go to the Bank,
as a Committee, just after the general election and had a good
morning and lunch with the members, and it is something we will
keep in mind, keeping that contact. Maybe one idea that I could
put to you is, given that members of the MPC report here but they
do not come all the time, do you think the idea of an annual written
report from each MPC member to the Treasury Committee would enhance
Professor Blanchflower: I think,
probably it would.
Q81 Chairman: Why do you not take
that back for the first meeting of the Committee and get their
views on it?
Professor Blanchflower: Yes.
Chairman: I will look forward to your
correspondence on that. Professor Blanchflower, can I thank you
very much for taking the time to come this morning. It was very
helpful to us and, as a Committee we wish you every success as
a member of the MPC. Thank you.