Select Committee on Treasury Minutes of Evidence

Professor David Blanchflower's Curriculum Vitae


DATE OF BIRTH2 March 1952
NATIONALITYDual US and UK citizen
QUALIFICATIONS1973 BA Soc Sci (Economics), University of Leicester, UK.

1975 Postgraduate Certificate in Education—Cert Ed Pass with distinction in teaching; University of Birmingham, UK.

1981 MSc (Econ), University of Wales, UK.

1985 PhD, University of London (Queen Mary College) UK.

1996 MA (Honorary), Dartmouth College.

1996 Honorary member of Phi Beta Kappa, Dartmouth chapter.
PREVIOUS POSITIONSInstitute for Employment Research, University of Warwick, UK

Research Officer, September 1984-July 1986

Department of Economics, University of Surrey, UK

Lecturer, August 1986 to August 1989
CURRENT POSITIONSMember Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England, June 2006—
Department of Economics, Dartmouth College

Associate Professor, July 1989 to June 1993

Professor, July 1993 to present

Department Chair, July 1998 to June 2000

Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Social Sciences, July 2000 to June 2001

Bruce V Rauner 1978 Professor of Economics, 2001-

Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research

Research Fellow, CESifo at the Centre for Economic Studies at the University of Munich in Germany

Research Fellow, The Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) at the University of Bonn in Germany
EDITORIAL POSITIONSMember of Editorial Board of Small Business Economics, 2000-05.

Member of Editorial Board of Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 2000-05.

Member of Editorial Board of Industrial & Labor Relations Review, 1996-99.
PRIZES Princeton University's Richard A Lester Prize for "the most outstanding book in Industrial Relations and Labor Economics published in 1994".
TEACHING Statistics, Labor Economics, Advanced Labor Economics, Microeconomics and Econometrics.

1.  With Bernard Corry, Part-time employment in Great Britain 1980, Department of Employment Research Paper No 57, 1987.

2.  With Peter Elias, Occupational earnings and work histories: who gets the good jobs? Department of Employment Research Paper No 68, 1989.

3.  With Andrew J Oswald, The Wage Curve, published in 1994 by MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. A full article-length review of the book written by David Card was published in the Journal of Economic Literature, June 1995.

4.   The role and influence of trade unions in the OECD, report to the Bureau of International Labor Affairs, US Department of Labor, August, 1996.

5.  With Richard Jackman and Gilles Saint-Paul, Swedish labor market policy: an evaluation.

Report of a Non-Nordic Institution
, published by the Swedish Ministry of Labour, Stockholm, Sweden, 1995.

6.  With Richard Freeman (editors), Youth employment and joblessness in advanced countries, University of Chicago Press and NBER, 2000.


1.  With Andrew J Oswald and London Economics, The Area Labour Cost Adjustment: Disaggregated Estimates, Supplementary Annex, Project A, The Review of The Area Cost Adjustment, 1996. London Economics, June 1996.

2.  With Andrew J Oswald, Berkeley Hanover Consulting and London Economics, Review of The Area Cost Adjustment, Project A—Final Report. London Economics, June 1996.

3.  With Andrew J Oswald, Bill Baker and Jonathan Sandbach, The Area Labour Cost Adjustment: Analysis and a New Approach: Project B, A Report to the Department of the Environment, National Economic Research Associates, London, April 1996.

4.  With Andrew J Oswald and London Economics, Wage Levels in the Regions of Britain. A Report for Tesco by London Economics. London Economics, September 1996.

5.  With Andrew J Oswald, Bill Baker and Jonathan Sandbach, The Area Labour Cost Adjustment: Empirical Analysis and Evidence on a New Approach: Project C, A report to the Department of the Environment, National Economic Research Associates, London, April 1996.

6.  With Bill Baker, Anna Capaldi, Richard Hern Andrew and J Oswald, Area Cost Adjustment: Specific Cost Approach, Final Report for Associations of Local Government in London and the South East, National Economic Research Associates, London, August 1998.

7.  With Bill Baker, Richard Hern Andrew and J Oswald, Estimating Regional Wage Differentials with Fixed effect Methods, Final Report for Associations of Local Government in London and the South East, National Economic Research Associates, London, September 1998.

8.  With Jin H Park, Jon S Wainwright, and Colette Holt. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Availability Study, prepared for the Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation D/B/A METRA, National Economic Research Associates, Inc. & Colette Holt & Associates, 28 March 2000.

9.  With Jon S Wainwright. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Availability Study, prepared for the State of Maryland Department of Transportation, National Economic Research Associates, Inc. 31 July 2000.

10.  With Jon S Wainwright. The Utilization of Minority Business Enterprises by the State of Maryland, prepared for the State of Maryland Department of Transportation, National Economic Research Associates, Inc. 8 January 2001.

11.  With Andrew J Oswald and Brian Williamson, Estimated Regional Wage Differentials for England & Wales, A Report for South East Area Cost Adjustment Group & Association of London Government, National Economic Research Associates, London, 9 January 2002.

12.  With Jon S Wainwright. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Availability Study, prepared for the Illinois Department of Transportation, National Economic Research Associates, Inc. 11 February 2002.

13.  With Jon S Wainwright. Report on Statistical Disparities in Capital Markets Facing Minority-Owned and Woman-Owned Business Establishments in Construction and Related Industries in the Jacksonville Metropolitan Area. Prepared for the City of Jacksonville, Florida. National Economic Research Associates, Inc. 5 February 2003.

14.  With Jon S Wainwright. Statistical Disparities in Minority and Female Business Formation and Earnings in and Surrounding Jacksonville, Florida. Prepared for the City of Jacksonville, Florida. National Economic Research Associates, Inc. 2 April 2003.

15.  With Jon S Wainwright. Statistical Disparities in Minority and Female Business Formation and Earnings in and Surrounding San Francisco, California. Prepared for the City of San Francisco, California. NERA Economic Consulting. 2 May 2003.

16.  With Jon S Wainwright. Statistical Disparities in Capital Markets Facing Minority-Owned and Woman-Owned Business Establishments, 1993-98. Prepared for the City of San Francisco, California. NERA Economic Consulting. 2 May 2003.

17.  With Andrew J Oswald. Wage Levels and the Government's System of Regional Funding: A Report for Croydon County Council, January 2004.

18.  With Andrew J Oswald. Calculating an Appropriate Regional Funding Adjustment for Worcestershire. A Report for Worcestershire County Council. January, 2004.

19.  With Andrew J Oswald. Calculating an Appropriate Regional Funding Adjustment for Worcestershire—Part 2. A Report for Worcestershire County Council. April, 2004.

20.   A Study of Minority and Female-Owned Firms in Baltimore. A Report Commissioned by the City of Baltimore, April 2004.

21.  With Andrew Oswald. Does the Market Forces Factor treat the South-East fairly? A report commissioned by Thames Valley Strategic Health Authority, July 2004.


1.  "Comparative pay levels in domestically-owned and foreign-owned manufacturing plants: a comment." British Journal of Industrial Relations, July 1984, pp 265-267.

2.  "Union relative wage effects; a cross-section analysis using establishment data." British Journal of Industrial Relations, November 1984, pp 311-332.

3.  With Peter Elias, "Male part-time employment." Labour Market Quarterly Report, 1985.

4.  With John Cubbin, "Strike propensities at the British workplace." Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, February 1986, pp 19-40.

5.  "Wages and concentration in Great Britain." Applied Economics, vol 18, 1986, pp 1025-1038.

6.  "What effect do unions have on relative wages in Great Britain?" British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol 24, 1986, pp 196-204.

7.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Profit sharing: can it work?" Oxford Economic Papers, vol 39, pp 1-19, 1987. Reprinted in P Sinclair (Ed), Prices, Quantities and Expectations, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

8.  With Neil Millward, "Trade unions and employment change: an analysis of British establishment data." European Economic Review, 32, pp 717-726, 1988.

9.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Internal and external influences upon pay settlements: new survey evidence." British Journal of Industrial Relations, 3, pp 363-370, 1988.

10.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Profit related pay: prose discovered", Economic Journal, September 98, pp 720-730, 1988.

11.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Comment on house prices", Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, pp 137-143, 1989.

12.  With Andrew J Oswald, "The determination of white-collar pay." Oxford Economic Papers, 42, pp 356-378, 1990.

13.  With Andrew J Oswald, "The wage curve". Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 92, pp 215-235, 1990. Reprinted in Unemployment and wage determination in Europe, edited by B Holmlund and K G Lofgren, Basil Blackwell and The economics of unemployment edited by Junankar, P N, Volume 4. 2000, pp 339-59, International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, vol 122. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, Mass, Edward Elgar.

14.  With Andrew J Oswald and Mario Garrett, "Insider power in wage determination", Economica, 57, pp 143-170, 1990.

15.  "Bargaining into the 1990s: where now?", International Journal of Manpower, 11, 7, pp 32-39, November, 1990.

16.  "The economic effects of profit sharing", International Journal of Manpower, 12, 1, pp 3-9, January, 1991.

17.  With Andrew J Oswald and Neil Millward, "Unionism and employment behaviour", Economic Journal, July 1991, pp 815-834.

18.  "Fear, unemployment and pay flexibility." Economic Journal, March 1991, pp 483-496.

19.  With Richard Freeman, "Going different ways: unionism in the US and other OECD countries", Industrial Relations, Winter 1992, pp 56-79 reprinted in Labor Market Institutions and the Future Role Of Unions edited by M Bognanno and M Kleiner, Blackwell, 1992.

20.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Testing for a U-shaped wage curve: a response to Sessions", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 1993, 95(2), pp 245-248.

21.  With Jim Sargent and Ardis Olson, "Adolescent obesity and subsequent labor market performance: do fat children earn less as adults?", American Journal of Diseases of Children, 1993, 147(4).

22.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Estimating a British wage curve, 1973-1990", Economic Journal, September, 1994, pp1025-1043.

23.  With Bruce Meyer, "A longitudinal analysis of young entrepreneurs in Australia and the United States", Small Business Economics, vol 6, no 1, pp 1-20, 1994 reprinted in Small firms and economic growth edited by Acs, Zoltan J, Volume 2. 1996, pp 460-78, International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, vol 61, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.

24.  With James Sargent, "Obesity and stature in adolescence and earnings in young adulthood", Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 1994, 148, pp 681-687.

25.  With Andrew J Oswald, "An introduction to the wage curve", Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer, 1995, pp 153-67.

26.  With Simon Burgess, "Job creation and job destruction in Great Britain: 1980-1990", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, October, 1996, pp 17-38.

27.  With Stephen Machin, "Product market competition, wages and productivity: international evidence from establishment level data", Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 41/42, pp 220- 253, 1996.

28.  With Andrew J Oswald and Peter Sanfey, "Wages, profits and rent sharing", Quarterly Journal of Economics, February, 1996.

29.  With Richard Freeman, "The attitudinal legacy of communist labor relations", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, April 1997, vol 50 no 3, pp 438-459.

30.  With Simon Burgess, "New technology and jobs: comparative evidence from a two country study", Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol 5, 1998.

31.  With Andrew J Oswald, "What makes an entrepreneur?", Journal of Labor Economics, January, 16(1) pp 26-60, 1998.

32.  "Self-Employment in OECD Countries", Labour Economics, 7 September 2000, pp 471-505.

33.  With Andrew J Oswald and Alois Stutzer, "Latent Entrepreneurship Across Nations," European Economic Review, vol 45, no 4-6, May 2001, pp 680-91.

34.  "Unemployment, well-being and wage curves in Eastern and Central Europe" Journal of Japanese and International Economies, vol 15, no 4, December 2001, pp 364-402.

35.  With Andrew L Klein and Lisa M Ruggiero, "Locality Pay Differentials, Not Just For Low Paid Jobs Anymore,", Workspan, The Magazine of World at Work, ( ), 06/2002, pp 36-40.

36.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Well-being over time in Britain and the United States", Journal of Public Economics, Volume 88, Issues 7-8, July 2004, pp 1359-1386.

37.  With Phillip Levine and David Zimmerman, "Discrimination in the market for small business credit", Review of Economics and Statistics, November 2003, 85(4), pp 930-943.

38.  With Alex Bryson, "What effect do unions have on wages now and would Freeman and Medoff be surprised?", Journal of Labor Research, 25(3), Summer, pp 383-414 and in What do unions do?: the evidence twenty years later, edited by James T Bennett and Bruce E Kaufman, 2004.

39.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Money, sex and happiness", Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 106(3), pp 393-415, 2004.

40.  "Self-employment: more may not be better", Swedish Economic Policy Review, vol 11(2), Fall, 2004, pp 15-74 and "Reply to Magnus Henrekson".

41.  With Andrew Oswald, "Regional pay scales," Public Service Review: Central Government, Autumn 2004, pp 138-140.

42.  With Andrew Oswald, "Regional wages and the need for a better Area Cost Adjustment," Public Money and Management, 2005, 25, pp 86-88.

43.  With Andrew Oswald, "Happiness and the Human Development Index: The Paradox of Australia," The Australian Economic Review, Volume 38, Number 3, September 2005, pp 307-318(12).

44.  With Andrew Oswald, "On Leigh-Wolfers and Wellbeing in Australia," forthcoming, The Australian Economic Review.


1.  With Peter Elias, "Local labour market influences on early occupational achievement," in Ian Gordon (Ed), Unemployment, regions and labour market reactions to recession. Pion Press, 1987.

2.  With Andrew J Oswald, "International patterns of work", in British Social Attitudes: International Comparisons. Edited by R Jowell and S Witherspoon, Gower Press, 1989.

3.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Self-employment and the enterprise culture", in British Social Attitudes: the 1990 Report, edited by R Jowell, S Witherspoon and L Brook, Gower, 1990.

4.  "Gli effetti economicic del profit sharing in Gran Bretagna" in Salari e Producttivita. Esperienze Internazionali e Italiene edited by G Della Rocca and L Prosperetti, Aisri/franco Angeli, Milan, 1991.

5.  With Bruce Meyer, "Young entrepreneurs in Australia and the United States", in Youth in the Eighties. Papers from the Australian Longitudinal Survey Research Project, edited by R G Gregory and T Karmel, CEPR, Australian National University, 1992.

6.  "Part-time employment and industrial relations in Great Britain in the 1980's," in Working Part-time: Risks and Opportunites. Edited by B Warme, L Lundy and K Lundy, Praeger, New York, 1992.

7.  With Lisa Lynch, "Training at work: a comparison of US and British youths", in International Comparisons of Private Sector Training edited by Lisa Lynch and published by University of Chicago Press and NBER, 1994.

8.  With Richard Freeman, "Did the Thatcher reforms change British labour market performance?" in R Barrell (Ed) The UK labour market. Comparative aspects and institutional developments, Cambridge University Press, 1994.

9.  With Larry Katz and Gary Loveman, "A comparison of changes in the structure of wages in four OECD countries", in Differences and Changes in Wage Structures edited by Larry Katz and Richard Freeman and published by University of Chicago Press and NBER, pp 25-65, 1995.

10.  With Andrew J Oswald, "International wage curves", in Differences and Changes in Wage Structures edited by Larry Katz and Richard Freeman and published by University of Chicago Press and NBER, 1995, pp 145-174.

11.  "Job creation and job loss: research questions arising from the use of establishment based data", in Job Creation and Loss. Analysis, Policy and Data Development, OECD, Paris, France, 1996.

12.  With Richard Freeman, "Growing into work", Employment Outlook, OECD, July, 1996.

13.  "Youth labor markets in twenty-three countries: a comparison using micro data". In International Perspectives on the School-to-work transition, edited by David Stern and Daniel A Wagner, Hampton Press, 1999.

14.  "Changes over time in union relative wage effects in Great Britain and the United States", in Essays in honour of Bernard Corry and Maurice Peston. Volume 2. The history and practice of economics, edited by Daniel, Sami; Arestis, Philip; Grahl, John, Edward Elgar, 1999, pp 3-32.

15.  With Matthew Slaughter, "The causes and consequences of changing earnings inequality", in Growing apart; the causes and consequences of global wage inequality, edited by Albert Fishlow and Karen Parker, Council on Foreign Relations, 1999.

16.  With Andrew J Oswald, "The rising well-being of the young", in Youth employment and joblessness in advanced countries, edited by David Blanchflower and Richard Freeman, University of Chicago Press and NBER, 2000.

17.  With Richard Freeman, "The declining economic status of young workers in OECD countries", in Youth employment and joblessness in advanced countries edited by David Blanchflower and Richard Freeman, University of Chicago Press and NBER, 2000.

18.  With Richard Freeman, "Introduction", in Youth employment and joblessness in advanced countries edited by David Blanchflower and Richard Freeman, University of Chicago Press and NBER, 2000.

19.  With Alex Bryson, "Changes over time in union relative wage effects in the UK and the US revisited", International Handbook of Trade Unions, Edward Elgar, edited by John Addison and Claus Schnabel. NBER Working Paper 9395, 2003.


1.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Shares for employees: a test of their effects." Centre for Labour Economics Discussion Paper No 273, February, 1987.

2.  With Robert Crouchley, Saul Estrin and Andrew J Oswald, "Unemployment and the demand for unions", NBER Working Paper No 3251, February, 1990.

3.  With Peter Elias, "Ability, schooling and earnings; are twins different?" Paper presented at the American Economic Association Meetings, Anaheim, January, 1993.

4.  "The bifurcated labor market". Paper prepared for a meeting of the Panel of Economic Advisors, Congressional Budget Office, 15 November 1993.

5.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Supervision, youth and the wage curve". Paper written for the NBER conference on Disadvantaged Youth, Konstanz, 17 May 1996.

6.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Labour market theories on trial", New Economy, 1995, vol 2, no 3, Autumn.

7.  With Richard Freeman, "Creating jobs for youth", New Economy, 1997, vol 4, no 2, pp 68-73.

8.  With Richard Freeman, "Youths get a raw deal", Centrepiece, 1997, October, Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics. 33.

9.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Efficiency wages and the German wage curve" (in German), Mitteilungen aus der Arbeitsmarkt-und Berufsforschung, v29, n3, 1996.

10.  With David S Evans and Andrew J Oswald, "Credit cards and consumers", mimeo, Dartmouth College, June 1998, National Economic Research Associates, Cambridge, MA.

11.  With David S Evans and Andrew J Oswald, "Credit cards and entrepreneurs", mimeo, Dartmouth College, July 1998, National Economic Research Associates, Cambridge, MA.

12.  "International Comparisons", Rapporteur report to an International Symposium on linked employer-employee data, Monthly Labor Review, July 1998, vol 121 no 7, pp 59-60.

13.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Entrepreneurship and the Youth Labour Market Problem: A Report for the OECD", September 1998.

14.  "What can be done to reduce the high levels of youth joblessness in the world?", a report commissioned by the ILO, 1999.

15.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Job security and the decline in American job satisfaction", mimeo, Dartmouth College, 1999.

16.  "Globalization and the Labor Market", Report to the Trade Deficit Review Commission downloadable at (, 2000.

17.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Is the UK moving up the international wellbeing rankings?" April 2000.

18.  With Andrew J Oswald, "Is something wrong with work-life balance? a look at international data," June 2000.

19.  With David Bell, "The Scots may be brave but they are neither healthy nor happy", resubmitted to the Scottish Journal of Political Economy.

20.  With Andrew Oswald, "The wage curve reloaded", NBER Working Paper 11338.

21.  With Andrew Oswald, "The wage curve an entry written for The New Palgrave, 2nd Edition," Dartmouth College Working Paper.

22.  "A Cross-Country Study of Union Membership," Dartmouth Working Paper.

23.  "An Analysis of the wage impact of trade unions in the UK public and private sectors.", Dartmouth College Working Paper.

24.  With Jon Wainwright, "An analysis of the impact of affirmative action programs on selfemployment in the construction industry," NBER Working Paper 11793.


1.   Governments and Government Departments

(a)  UK Departments of Employment (1983-1989) and the Environment (1995-96).

(b)  US Department of Labor, 1996.

(c)  Swedish Ministry of Employment, 1995.

(d)  Congressional Budget Office Panel of Economic Advisors; expert witness, 1994.

(e)  Swedish Parliament: gave expert evidence. Also acted as a member of international commission appointed by the Prime Minister of Sweden to examine the Swedish labor market.

2.   International Bodies

(a)  Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris, 1994-2000. Consultant on labor market issues.

(b)  International Labour Organisation, 1997-99.

3.   Banks

(a)  New York Federal Reserve Bank, 1996. Consultant to help improve the Bank's research methods.

4.   Consulting Firms

(a)  National Economic Research Associates, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1994-2006.

(b)  National Economic Research Associates, London, UK, 1994-2006.

(c)  London Economics, London, UK, 1994.

(d)  New Bridge Street Consultants, 1986-87.

For all of these firms I help to write reports and provide general assistance as needed on labor market issues, with special emphasis on pay determination and discrimination.

5.   Law Firms

I work for various law and consulting firms preparing evaluations of losses of earnings in personal injury, medical malpractice, discrimination and wrongful death cases for both defendants and plaintiffs.

6.   Private sector firms

(a)  London Electricity (UK), 1993. Provided a report on the appropriate wage structure to use in evidence to the government Regulator.

(b)  Tesco (UK), 1996. Acted as consultant for the biggest retail chain in the UK to help them in determining an appropriate pay strategy.

(c)  Visa, 1998. Writing a series of papers on the role of credit cards. In collaboration with NERA.

(d)  Microsoft, 1999-2000.

7.   Trade unions

(a)  General, Municipal and Boilermakers Union, UK—consultant.

(b)  Union of Shop, Allied and Distributive Trades (USDAW), UK—consultant.

8.   Public Sector Bodies

(a)  New York State Judicial Pay Commission. Consultant on how to set the pay of New York state judges, 1997.

(b)  Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Consultant on how to set the pay of executives in the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches, 1998-2002.

(c)  Associations of Local Government in London and the South East. Consultant on pay setting.

In collaboration with NERA, London, 1998.

(d)  Farm Credit Administration. 2001. Consultant on pay setting.

(e)  I have also worked for a number of states and municipalities on cases related to minority and women-owned businesses and public contracting. These include.

(i)  State of Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT).

(ii)  State of Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT).

(iii)  Chicago METRA.

(iv)  State of Nebraska Department of Transportation and US Department of Transportation (Gross Seed).

(v)  State of Minnesota Department of Transportation and US Department of Transportation (Sherbrooke Turf).

(vi)  City of Chicago (BAGC vs City of Chicago).

(vii)  City of Jacksonville.

(viii) City of San Francisco.

(ix)  City and County of Denver.

(x)  City of St Louis.

(xi)  State of Illinois DOT.

(xii)  City of Baltimore.

(xiii)  State of Missouri DOT.

(xiv)  State of Washington DOT.

(xv)  Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority, Chicago.

(xvi)  State of Massachusetts.

(xvii)  Chicago Public Schools.

(f)  City of New York in a dispute with the United Federation of Teachers, 2001.

(g)  City of New York in impasse disputes with the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, 2001, 2004-05.

(h)  Worcestershire County Council, UK, 2004, 2005.

(i)  Croydon Council, UK, 2004.

(j)  Thames Valley Strategic Health Authority, 2004.

(k)  City of Detroit, Michigan in a Michigan Act 312 arbitration dispute with the police, 2006-.

(l)  Wayne County Michigan in a Michigan Act 312 arbitration dispute with sheriff's deputies, sergeants and lieutenants, 2005-.

(m)  Chicago Public Schools on issues regarding segregation of public schools, 2006.

May 2006

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