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House of Commons
Session 2005-06
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Treasury Committee Publications

Treasury - Minutes of Evidence

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 30 November 2005.

Oral evidence

Taken before the Treasury Sub-Committee

on Wednesday 30 November 2005

Members present:

Mr Michael Fallon, in the Chair
Jim CousinsMr John McFall
Ms Sally KeebleMr George Mudie
Susan KramerPeter Viggers
Kerry McCarthy


Witnesses: Mr Ivan Lewis, a Member of the House, Economic Secretary, Mr Tony Orhnial, Director, Personal Tax and Welfare Reform, HM Treasury, and Mr Mike Wells, Director, Savings, Pensions and Share Schemes, HM Revenue and Customs gave evidence.

Question Numbers








Letter from Mr Ivan Lewis MP, Economic Secretary, HM Treasury to Mr Michael Fallon, Chairman of the Treasury Sub-Committee

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Prepared 23 January 2006