Select Committee on Treasury Written Evidence


12 345 678
PeriodCash CTFaccounts. Netreceipts for themonth (£000) Cash CTFaccounts. Totalbalances at endof months(£000) Cash CTFaccounts. Netnumber openedduring themonth (000) Cash CTFaccounts. Totalnumber at theend of themonth (000) StakeholderCTF accounts.Net numberopened duringthe month(000) StakeholderCTF accounts.Total number atthe end of themonths (000) Number ofvouchersissued byHMRC todate (000) Number ofCTFaccountsopened todate (000)
April14,19828,607 4013521 48
May10,31538,926 2516014 611,743499
June12,36851,294 3119119 81
July8,21159,509 2321511 93
Aug7,69267,207 2223610 1031,927889
Sept10,94578,167 232598 111


  1.  Data in columns 1-6 is collected by the Building Societies Association from the institutions providing both the cash and stakeholder CTF.

  2.  Data in columns 7 & 8 is collected by HM Revenue and Customs from all providers and is published on a quarterly basis.

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