Treasury - Fourth Report
Here you can browse the report together with the Proceedings of the Committee. The published report was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 20 April 2006.
Terms of Reference
1 Introduction
2 The economy
Energy prices
The output gap
Household consumption and saving
Consumer spending
The household saving rate
The labour market and migration
The strength of the labour market
The impact of migration
The role of women in the labour market
Business investment
External demand and United Kingdom trade
Global economic imbalances
3 The public finances
Meeting the golden rule in the current cycle
Taking forward the golden rule
Changes to the timing of the cycle
Excessive deficit procedure
The sustainable investment rule, public sector
pension liabilities and the Whole of Government Accounts programme
Sustainable investment rule
Whole of Government Accounts
Estimating the present value of the public
sector pension liabilities
Taking forward the sustainable investment
rule in light of the WGA programme
The overall level of taxation
Expenditure plans and the Comprehensive Spending
Education expenditure
International development
The National Health Service
Assistance concerning occupational pensions
Net contributions to the European Union
Overall approach and initial settlements
The conduct of the Review
Debt management
4 Other issues
Efficiency savings and the public sector
The Efficiency Programme
Civil Service workforce and administration
Public sector pay and pensions
Poverty and the tax system
High marginal deduction rates
Child poverty
Tax measures
Environmental taxation
Changes to the tax treatment of trusts
Planning gain supplement
The Private Finance Initiative
Additional payments to pensioners
Independence for statistics
Conclusions and recommendations
Formal Minutes
List of witnesses
List of written evidence
List of unprinted written evidence
List of Reports from the Treasury Committee
during the current Parliament
Oral Evidence - 27 March 2006
Oral Evidence - 29 March 2006
Oral Evidence - 30 March 2006
Written Evidence