Biomass for Heat
259. Although biomass electricity generation is very
much in its infancy, biomass for heat was quickly becoming a reality.
Rod Edwards from Dulas Ltd. explained that until recently using
biomass for district heating had not really been viable because
of the relatively low cost of oil and gas. However, the increase
in those fuels would make the biomass industry reassess the viability
of district heat networks. He described it as "the biggest
in biomass and asserted that within Dulas' biomass business there
was a "huge increase" in interest in biomass heating
260. The Countryside Council for Wales told us that
in Wales, the best solution for biomass for heat was to concentrate
on smaller scale installations, such as schools or institutions,
and small scale local heating and energy generation. The Council
highlighted the example of Coed Cymru who have developed a small
scale wood pelleting process which supports the development of
such initiatives, allowing pellets to be produced locally.[526]
261. Friends of the Earth Cymru highlighted a second
example. In 2000, the Pembrokeshire Energy Agency installed a
wood pellet heater at its office based at the West Wales Eco Centre
in Newport, Pembrokeshire. A partnership, involving the Agency,
the Eco Centre, the County Council, the National Park Authority,
a consultant and a local school, was established to promote the
fuel. As a result, Ysgol Preseli, Crymych Leisure Centre and the
newly refurbished offices of the Pembrokeshire Coast National
Park Authority at Pembroke Dock were now heated by wood pellets
rather than oil.[527]
Furthermore the Llanwddyn project installed heating boilers at
a school and community centre. The system is fuelled by forest
residue wood-chip and provides heat, through district heating
to over 30 of the local houses as well as to the school and community
centre.[528] More recently
Western Bioenergy have proposed a 13.8 MW wood-burning biomass
power plant in Port Talbot, south Wales, currently going through
the planning stages with advice from Sustainable Energy Ltd.,
262. Probably the most public example of biomass
for heat is the new Senedd Building in Cardiff Bay, which is heated
through a 360kW wood-chip or pellet burning boiler.[529]
263. While Rod Edwards emphasised the fact that the
Welsh Assembly Government was fully behind the prospect of using
particularly biomass for heat production, he hoped that incentives
and requirements would be included in biomass strategies at both
the UK and Welsh level. He said that he understood that "it
is under consideration on a UK-wide basis in which case I sincerely
hope the Welsh Assembly will reflect that policy because I think
it will give an added driver to the renewable heat market which
is a very important market".[530]
264. We welcome the use of biomass for heat production,
and welcome the schemes and initiatives that have proved the success
of this technology to date. However, we agree with our witnesses
that the UK and Welsh Assembly Governments should formalise their
support for biomass for heat by providing incentives for renewable
heat generation, and that in any revision of the Renewable Obligation
Certificates, biomass for heat should be included, but the impact
on other industries competing for the same feedstock should be
The Future of Biomass in Wales
265. Dr John Valentine identified several reasons
why biomass was not currently making a greater contribution to
Wales' renewable energy portfolio. They included "the ignorance
of the potential, perceived as complex or high risk, a lack of
policy clarity and a fragmented approach within government. There
was too much emphasis on electricity and not heat and a lack of
robust supply chains".[531]
The Countryside Council for Wales added that lack of confidence
appeared to be a major barrier to uptake.[532]
Dr Valentine concluded that confidence inducing measures and setting
targets were essential to kick-start the biomass industry.[533]
266. Despite those concerns, Dr Valentine was optimistic
about the potential future for biomass in Wales and stated that
"there is a realisation that there is a limit to wind and
now it is biomass' turn as it were".[534]
He asserted that biomass was more profitable than it had been
and that economies of scale and local supply had the potential
to further improve that situation.[535]
267. In conclusion, Dr Valentine recommended the
need for a one-stop-shop biomass advice centre for Wales. He noted
that "there is a lot of information on biomass spread over
a wide range of expertise and no one person knows it all. That
information has to be got over. Rather like the Organic Centre
Wales, it could be a virtual or it could be real centre and it
could also provide the voice to the Assembly".[536]
The Countryside Council for Wales supported this, and recommended
the expansion and dissemination of best environmental practice
guides, for example, for Miscanthus and other energy crops.[537]
268. We acknowledge the steps required to promote
and secure the future of biomass energy in Wales. We urge the
DTI to include these steps in its UK Biomass Strategy, and we
recommend that funding be made available to establish a one-stop
shop biomass advice centre for Wales at the earliest opportunity.
496 Back
497 Back
Q 378 Back
Energy White Paper: Our energy future - creating a low carbon
economy, DTI, February 2003, CM 5761 Back
Guide to UK renewable energy companies 2003, (2003), James &
James (Science Publishers), London. Back
Q 91 Back
Ev 241 Back
Ev 5 Back
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505 Back
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Ev 178 Back
Ev 184 Back
Q 687 Back
510 Back
511 Back
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Ev 5 Back
514 Back
515 Back
Ev 38 Back
Ev 38 Back
Ev 178 Back
Ev 178 Back
Q 346 Back
Q 437 Back
Q 346 Back
Q 205 Back
Q 206 Back
Q 207 Back
Ev 286 Back
Ev 102 Back
This project was a joint initiative between Powys (now Mid-Wales)
Energy Agency), Forest Enterprise, Dulas, Severn Trent Water and
many other parties including a leading role by the local community. Back
529 Back
Q 182 Back
Q 384 Back
Ev 286 Back
Q 389 Back
Q 386 Back
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Q 396 Back
Ev 286 Back