306. Organisations representing or working with today's
pensioners emphasised the importance of keeping their needs high
on the policy agenda.[398]
The National Pensioners' Convention argued that for any meaningful
consensus to be achieved, the needs of current pensioners must
not be ignored."[399]
Help the Aged said that "Pensioners today see little in the
[Pensions Commission's] report to cheer them, yet their situation
demands to be addressed" [400]
and added, once the White Paper was published, that "for
older and retired people today, the White Paper holds precious
little", a point also made by the Croydon retired people's
campaign, which described the proposals as "failing today's
11 million retired people." [401]
307. The Secretary of State commented in the House
that the fact that the Guarantee element of the Pension Credit
would be uprated in line with earnings beyond 2008 would mean
"up to 500,000 pensioners will not end up falling into poverty."[402]
The Pension Reform Group commented that the success of Pension
Credit meant:[403]
"that for the first time politicians and
policy makers have the opportunity to deliver a long-term and
sustainable reform of pensions without simultaneously being concerned
with a reform which also helps today's poorest pensioners."
308. While the focus of the Pensions Commission was
on future pensions, it did comment that it would be: [404]
"desirable to address some of the gaps and
inequities which exist among today's pensioners as a result of
the operation of the contributory system. The best way to do this
in a targeted fashion and within tight medium-term expenditure
constraints would be to make the BSP universal in payment above
a specific age, such as 75."
309. This view received support from witnesses to
the inquiry.[405] Christina
Barnes of the Equal Opportunities Commission argued that: [406]
"the most important group that will receive
it are those women who currently do not get a full Basic State
Pension and are not claiming their Pension Credit. It also sends
out the important message that all women should get a full Basic
State Pension in their own right rather than being dependent upon
their husbands for their income in retirement."
310. However, the Government has decided not to implement
these proposals, as we have already noted.[407]
311. Our predecessor Committee, in its report on
the Future of UK Pensions, concluded that "there is
nothing inherently wrong with a means-tested approach which focuses
available resources on the poorest pensioners if the issue of
'take-up' is adequately addressed."[408]
Evidence to the inquiry suggests that take-up continues to be
a problem. Age Concern said that "despite major take-up
initiatives, some 30% of older people entitled to Pension Credit
are not receiving the benefit." Teresa Perchard of Citizens
Advice said:[409]
"we are still coming across today pensioners
who are missing out on claiming Pension Credit. Their state pension
income is a long way from the Pension Credit level and it can
be quite a challenge to get people to claim means-tested benefits,
they feel a huge loss of dignity and that they are begging for
charity by doing so, plus there are quite a lot of administrative
obstacles, even with the efforts that have been made to simplify
the claiming process for Pension Credit."
312. The Department did not meet its SR2002 target
to be paying Pension Credit to at least 3 million pensioner households
by 2006. The Secretary of State said when giving evidence to
us on the 2006 Department for Work and Pensions Annual Report
"I think the Pensions Minister would want
to look very carefully at how we should take forward future work
on Pensions Credit. It is very important, it is one of our PSA
targets, we are doing all we can to try and reach it, but it is
pretty clear now that we will probably fall short of the PSA target."
313. Evidence to the current inquiry suggested that
achieving high levels of take-up looks set to become more challenging
in the future. The White Paper includes an assumption that take-up
of Pension Credit will remain "at the level in 2007/08, which
is projected to be around 80%."[411]
However, take-up is much higher among those entitled to Guarantee
Credit only (between 70% and 81%) than among those entitled to
Savings Credit only (between 43% and 50%) (see Table 3). The proportion
of the pensioner population entitled to Guarantee Credit only
is expected to fall (from 16% in 2010 to 6% in 2050), while the
proportion entitled to Savings Credit only, stays at around 14%
(see Table 4).
Table 3: Take-up of Pension Credit for 2004/05
| Lower Bound
| Upper Bound |
Total Pension Credit | 61%
| 69% |
Guarantee Credit only | 70%
| 81% |
Guarantee Credit +Savings Credit | 70%
| 81% |
Savings Credit only | 43%
| 50% |
Source: National Statistics Estimates of Take-Up in 2004/05 (table
supplied by Department for Work and Pensions)
Table 4: Projected proportion of pensioner households eligible
for Pension Credit for selected years under the White Paper proposals.
| Guarantee only
| Guarantee & Savings Credit
| Savings Credit only | Total Pension Credit
2010 | 16%
| 15% | 14%
| 44% |
2020 | 12%
| 13% | 16%
| 41% |
2030 | 9% |
10% | 12%
| 31% |
2040 | 6% |
9% | 12%
| 27% |
2050 | 6% |
10% | 14%
| 29% |
Source: Department for Work and Pensions
Projections of the proportion of pensioner households eligible
for Pension Credit are sensitive to modelling assumptions and
to projected changes in the distribution of pensioner incomes.
The estimates of proportions shown here are the mid-points of
projections taken from two separate micro-simulation models. Modelling
of the reform proposals does not include any increase in private
saving from the introduction of personal accounts, which would
further reduce the numbers eligible for Pension Credit.
Estimates are calibrated to the mid-points of the 2004/5 National
Statistics range estimates of non-eligibility to Pension Credit,
which adjust 2004/5 Family Resources Survey data to take account
of possible biases in reporting. Although the estimates here are
not presented as ranges, they are subject to a margin of uncertainty.
314. DWP acknowledges that it is "more challenging to reach
those entitled to smaller amounts or to the Savings Credit only,
who may be less familiar with the entitlement available to them."
It points out that analysis derived from the Family Resources
Survey indicates that "31% of those customers who fail to
take up Savings Credit only would be entitled to less than £5
a week if they did so."
315. The Committee notes that recent attempts
to increase Pension Credit take-up have had limited success in
terms of making progress against the PSA target. The Committee
concludes that achieving and maintaining Pension Credit take-up
levels of 80% in the future looks challenging, and asks the Government
to set out its analysis of how take-up programmes and procedures
for claiming all means-tested benefits to which pensioners may
be entitled could be made more effective. In this context the
Committee believes that the Government should not completely ignore
the Pension Commission's recommendation of considering a residency
test for older pensioners, and recommends that it remain an option
when considering simplification of the system in the longer term.
398 Ev 316, para 2.2; Ev 163 Back
Ev 142 Back
Ev 165, para 5.5 and 5.6 Back
Ev 190 Back
HC Deb, 27 June 2006, col 140 Back
Ev 142, para 4 Back
Pensions Commission, Second Report, November 2005, p 10 Back
Ev 123; Ev 253; Ev 295 Back
Q 119 Back
White Paper, p 127, Box 3c Back
Work and Pensions Committee, Third Report of Session 2002-03,
The Future of UK Pensions, HC 92, para 63 Back
Q 504 Back
Uncorrected transcript of oral evidence taken before the Work
and Pensions Committee on 3 July 2006, HC (2005-06) 1389, Q 34 Back
White Paper, Volume 2, para A.17 Back