Annex 4
Key personnel
Title | CMS Release 3 Full Business Case
Author | Elaine McLaughlin
Status | Draft
Document Reference | S004
This business case summarises the critical financial considerations
relating to Release 3 of the Customer Management System, covering
both functional and performance related requirements.
Version history
Version | Date
| Summary of changes
| Changes marked |
0.0a | 01/03/05
| Draft version following on from re-worked Outlined Business Case
| |
0.0b | 14/06/05
| Updated following review |
0.0c | 21/06/05
| Updated following review |
1.0 | 24/06/05
| Baselined version | |
1.0a | 19/09/05
| Rework of Benefits, from Benefits realisation Plan.
| |
Name | Area
Lesley Plank | CMS Project Manager
Ismail Hafeji | ISD Finance
Coleen Day | PDD |
Brian Kearsley | Senior User
Bob Harris | CSD |
Gavin Marsden | Jobcentre Plus Finance
Sue Venton | LPPD |
Kerry Hartley | HBSD |
Key Stakeholder List | |
Doc reference | Document title
v1.0 | Release 3 Proposal Paper
S002 v1.0 | Outline Business Case
S001 v0.0c | Project Brief |
v3.13 | Project Plan |
V2.1 | Risk Log |
CMS | Customer Management System
SIP | System Improvement Programme
FCO | First Contact Officer
BP | Benefit Processing |
FA | Financial Assessor |
PA | Personal Adviser |
LA | Local Authority |
WATCh | Working Age Transformation and Change
HBSD | Housing Benefit Strategy Division
PDD | Programme Delivery Division
CSD | Core Systems Division
ISD | Information Systems Directorate
BPRP | Benefits Processing Replacement Programme
1.1 This Full Business Case builds on the Outline Business
Case from April 2005, in order to secure internal DWP approval
from a Gated Review for the implementation of CMS Release 3 and
associated performance related releases and to seek continued
agreement to the Business Case.
1.2 Contributions in respect of the assumptions included
in this Business Case have been made by Jobcentre Plus Implementation,
BPRP Project, and Jobcentre Plus/ISD Finance teams.
1.3 CMS Release 1.0 was an enabler for the deployment
of the Jobcentre Plus service delivery vision and as such did
not in itself generate significant savings but rather laid the
foundations for future savings, as the system becomes the normal
interface between customers and Jobcentre Plus staff. Release
2.0 attracted comparatively marginal costs and generated comparatively
significant savings, as detailed in the CMS Full Business Case
and Benefits Realisation Paper.
1.4 Benefits Realisation for CMS Release 2 will be managed
by the Business. CMS Release 3 is not associated with Release
2 and has its own costs and savings as detailed in this document.
Benefits Realisation for R3 will be managed by LPPD and documented
jointly by them and the project. A contribution to the funding
for the R3 work-study is incorporated in this Business Case.
1.5 Customer Management System first went Live in July
2003 as a live trial, with national rollout starting in October
that year. In December 2004 Release 2 went live and the project
formally closed in April 2005. In the live environment CMS is
managed by LSMD, in line with other legacy systems. As at 10 June
2005 there are 24 Contact Centres, with 371 linked offices and
approximately 18,000 registered users.
1.6 CMS is currently supported by a number of Desk Aids,
DWP and LA Questionnaires that are completed clerically. Some
of these were introduced to accommodate additional business requirements,
raised after CMS was developed, and some of the LA requirements
were not included in the original scope. Although a number of
items on the Desk Aids have been removed as a consequence of the
implementation of Release 2 on 13 December 2004, a significant
number remain.
1.7 Following the project closure announcement at a Project
Steering Committee Meeting in Autumn 2004, the Field requested
that a subsequent release of CMS be considered. A submission was
made to the Field Performance Management Group (FPMG) on 15-16
December 2004 to consider whether funding should be made available
for a further release of CMS, based on a reduction of the Desk
Aids and clerical forms.
1.8 A workshop was held at the end of November 2004 with
the Business and the resulting paper documenting the scope and
savings for release 3 proposals, was put to FPMG in December.
At that December meeting tentative agreement on Release 3 was
given, with a request for a further workshop to firm up the proposed
1.9 A further workshop with all relevant stakeholders
was held at the beginning of January 2005, where the requirements
and predicted savings proposed as the scope for Release 3 were
confirmed. These were presented to FPMG on 19 January 2005, and
authorisation for the funding of CMS Release 3 was given.
1.10 As several of the improvements in the agreed scope
benefit the Local Authorities, Housing Benefit Strategy Division
have agreed to provide some funding towards this release.
1.11 A number of performance improvement activities have
been identified and will be developed, tested and implemented
in conjunction with the Release 3 programme. These include the
refresh of the CMS software stack such that it will remain supported
by product vendors until at least September 2007. These conclude
the scope of the Release 2 work programme, and as such will be
funded from CMS R2.
2.1 The continued rollout of CMS through Jobcentre Plus
Implementation enables DWP to make progress towards meeting PSA
targets and takes the Department significantly closer to meeting
the aims of e-Government.
2.2 Release 3 of CMS supports the DWP delivery plan for
20-03-06 by contributing towards the following objectives:
Objective II: promote work as the best form of welfare for
people of working age, while protecting the position of those
in greatest need.
Objective V: modernise welfare delivery so as to improve the
accessibility, accuracy and value for money of services to customers,
including employers.
2.3 Also supporting the strategic needs of the business
by contributing to the DWP Efficiency Programme.
2.4 Inbound and Outbound call processes will be significantly
improved by:
eliminating the need for completion of the
DWP and LA Questionnaires;
consequent reduction in the size of Desk
Aids; and
the provision of an automated notes facility.
This will enable more efficient tracking of customer cases through
the CMS process, and in particular will remove the administrative
overhead of reliance on form CMS1 by all sites. Also removes the
need for users to complete CMS1(LA).
2.5 This programme of work will implement and build on
the performance improvements as identified through System Improvement
Programme (SIP).
2.6 Further details on project objectives, scope and
success criteria can be found in the Project Brief, which is derived
from the Release 3 Proposals Paper.
2.7 The majority of Key Stakeholders are represented
at the Project Steering Committee Meetings. The PSC membership
Brian Kearsley | ChairDeputy Field Director
Bob Harris | Performance Issues (ISD)
Lesley Plank | Project Manager
Sandra Hockley | ADDM Northampton
Martin Brown | Contact Centre
Hilary Govier | ISM |
Brian Garner | IBM |
Joe Rowbotham | EDS |
Gavin Marsden | Jobcentre Plus Finance
Ismail Hafeji | Finance (ISD)
Ben Aylott | HBSD |
Coleen Day | Governance |
Lynn Clarke | OSM |
Sue Venton | LPPD |
Ian Bailey | WATDA |
CMS R3 PMO | Secretariat |
2.8 Additional key stakeholders are invited to Meetings
for Governance Reviews, these include:
Elaine McLaughlin | WATCh/BPRP
Sue Venton (on behalf of Peter Hull) | PBDD
Sue Byers | Jobcentre Plus Implementation
2.9 Release 3 is scheduled to go live 31 October 2005
following a number of replanning activities. It will be implemented
over the go-live weekend to all existing CMS offices. There is
a constraint on Release 3 that it has to be delivered by the end
of November 2005 in order to realise the benefits identified with
the functional release in October 2005.
2.10 CMS Release 3 work programme has no identified dependencies,
however BPRP will have a dependency on CMS and is represented
as a key stakeholder.
2.11 Risks and assumptions have been identified and assigned
owners. The Risk Review Board is held every three weeks and the
first was held on Thursday 10 February. The risks and assumptions
are being managed in accordance with the DWP Risk Management Methodology.
3.1 Following a number of workshops with the Field and
suppliers the scope for CMS Release 3 was documented and agreed
by all parties. It was emphasised that any additional changes
to CMS will need to be fully funded by the proposer, and that
the increased scope will only be possible if there was no adverse
impact on delivery dates.
3.2 To support benefits realisation from CMS R2 to R3
it has been agreed that funding for R3 work-study will be included
in this Business case up to £20,000.
3.3 On current estimates, costs up to 2005-06 are proposed
at £10.5 million. A more detailed presentation of the resource
estimate is provided at Annex 2. In addition to these costs additional
functionality changes have been added to the scope of R3 since
the Outline Business Case to negate the need for the LA questionnaire.
The additional cost of making these changes is being met by the
relevant sponsors and as such has a nil cost impact on the funding
of £10 million being provided by the field and the £0.5
million provided by HBSD.
3.4 A small team, based in LSA, is leading on design
and implementation activities in addition to providing the full
Project Management Support functions. The team comprises one contractor
and 33 FTE DWP staff.
3.5 The key cost drivers are:
IBM IT design and development costs; and
EDS IT design and development costs.
3.6 Based on the projected savings and improvements,
the Field have agreed to provide £10 million towards the
work programme. As a number of the proposed changes improve the
information gathering process to support claims to Housing Benefit
and Council Tax Benefit, Housing Benefit Strategy Division have
offered to contribute £500,000 towards the costs of the proposed
release, hence the overall total cost of £10.5 million.
3.7 Assumptions relating to Costs:
There will be no additional CMS End to End
Operational Charges for EDS Live running
R3 introduces some performance enhancements to
the ITG service which manages transactions between CMS and PDCS/DCI;
Operational costs are reduced at R3 by the introduction
of changes to improve SLA transaction gathering; and
There will be no additional costs or impact
for Cúram. The current version of Cúram is version
4, CMS has recently upgraded to version 1.5.2. It is unlikely
we will upgrade again before BPRP is introduced and Cúram
have agreed to support the version we are using as part of the
operational contract until 28 February 2009.
3.8 Dependencies/Constraints/Risks/Assumptions: The following
have been identified as Key Assumptions to the realisation of
any benefits associated with CMS Release 3.0.
That R3.0 will work as expected and the existing
CMS Release 2 DWP and LA Questionnaires will no longer be required
for completion by users.
Users will follow existing guidance/Jobcentre
Plus Standard Operating Model when using CMS Release 3.0.
There will be a further 4 main and 6 PTE
releases of CMS.
Procedural instructions and SOM guidance
will be updated prior to go live in order to maximise potential
benefits ie changes to new process are compulsory.
That BPRP/WATCH 2 benefit realisation plan
will take into account the CMS savings already claimed, ensuring
that there is a dovetail of information.
That financial returns will be adjusted accordingly
to prevent any overlay of CMS/BPRP/WATCH 2 claims over time.
3.9 Benefit realisation for CMS R3 is being managed through
LPPD (the Business Sponsor), with support from CMS R3 staff. A
contribution to the funding for the work-study team for R3 is
incorporated in this Business Case.
3.10 A full Benefits Realisation Plan was signed off
12 September 2005, prior to the ORR Gate on the 22 September.
The calculation of the savings are included in the Annexes to
this document, and further detail can be found in the Benefits
realisation Plan.
3.11 The benefits are required to enable the Business
to live within current budgetary constraints, rather than generate
new efficiency savings.
3.12 A summary of the R3 scope is as follows:
On-line Notes facility, removal of both the DWP and LA questionnaires,
removal of CMS 1 and CMS 1 (LA), significant reduction in the
Desk Aids for both the Outbound Call and FA, removal of the unanswered
questions sheet from the customer statement, National Sensitivity
Case checks, updating of Risk Profiles, more efficient CMS customer
tracing functionality, changes to FLLS User Administration. There
are also further enhancements to the design/layout of screens.
The removal of the clerical documentation detailed in this paragraph,
refers to those products in place at Release 2.
3.13 The performance improvement aspects of this work
programme come under the scope of Release 2 and will be funded
as such. However they are being delivered alongside Release 3
to take advantage of economies of scale.
4.1 There is a five-year Operations contract with EDS
in place for CMS effective from 1 March 2004, under the IS/IT
Services agreement and SOBA. A change is required to this agreement
to include the provision of activities to develop, test, support
and deploy the Release 3 Work Programme. The EDS proposal, assumptions
book, Cost and Finance model have been agreed and submitted to
the Departmental Change Control Authority.
4.2 A new contract with IBM for R3 development under
S-CAT was signed 24 March 2005. This provides commercial cover
until end October 2005.
5.1 The CMS Release 3 Work Programme will support PSA
targets and the Efficiency Programme and I recommend we are given
the authority to continue.