Sessional Returns 2004-05 - Contents


Information and statistics relating to delegated legislation and Regulatory Reform proposals and draft orders.


Instruments subject to different forms of parliamentary procedure
Procedure applicable to Instruments
Laid before the House
Instruments subject to affirmative procedure—   
  Northern Ireland 23
Instruments subject to negative procedure—
  Northern Ireland 38
  Number prayed against 13
Instruments subject in part to affirmative and in part to negative procedure 0
Instruments not subject to parliamentary proceedings laid before Parliament—   
Special Procedure Orders 1
Bills or Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly 0



of which 15 were withdrawn


Instruments subject to different forms of parliamentary procedure

Procedure applicable to Instruments Joint Committee Select


Instruments subject to affirmative procedure—     
  Made2 10
  Draft85 8
Instruments subject to negative procedure—     
  Made386 8
  Draft1 0
  Northern Ireland 150
Instruments not subject to parliamentary proceedings laid before Parliament—     
  Made13 0
Instruments not laid before Parliament 860
Special Procedure Orders 10
TOTAL:5891 262

1. of which 40 were identified as having derived from EU obligations

2. of which none was identified as having derived from EU obligations

Special attention of the House
Ground upon which special attention was invited*


Drafting appears to be defective
Form or purport calls for elucidation
Doubt concerning vires or unexpected or unusual use of powers
Unjustifiable delay in laying before Parliament or publication
Other grounds

* An instrument may be reported on more than one ground.


Applicable procedure No. laid before the House No. considered in the House No. considered in DL Standing Committee No. considered in Scottish or NI Grand Committee No. on which Question put forthwith in the House
Affirmative126 61091 11132
Negative660 08 00
Other6 00 00

1 of which 1 was not laid as an instrument but was agreed by the House to be treated as such

2 of which 18 were laid in Session 2003-04

Instruments considered in the House
Title of Instrument
ApprovalPolice Grant Report (England and Wales) 2003-04: Amending Report 2004-05 [HC 247] 2 FebAgreed
ApprovalPolice Grant Report (England and Wales) 2005-06 [HC 246] 2 FebAgreed
ApprovalLocal Government Finance (England) Report for 2003-04: Amending Report 2005 [HC 241] 2 FebAgreed
ApprovalLocal Government Finance (England) Report for 2005-06 [HC 242] 2 FebAgreed
ApprovalDraft Social Security Benefits Up-rating Order 2005 22 FebAgreed
ApprovalDraft Social Security (Contributions) (Re-rating and National Insurance Funds Payments) Order 2005 22 FebAgreed

Instruments considered in Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation
Title of Instrument
Date considered
Draft Agriculture (Northern Ireland) Order 2004 6th December 2004
Draft Double Taxation Relief (Taxes on Income) (Georgia) Order 2004 6th December 2004
Draft European Police College (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2004 6th December 2004
Draft European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (European Police Office) Order 2004 6th December 2004
Draft European Communities (Immunities and Privileges of the European Police Office) (Amendment) Order 2004 6th December 2004
Draft International Criminal Court (Immunities and Privileges) Order 2004 7th December 2004
Draft Electricity and Gas (Energy Efficiency Obligations) Order 2004 7th December 2004
Draft Motor Vehicles (Wearing of seat belts) (Amendment) Regulations 2004 7th December 2004
Draft Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Categories of Offences) Order 2004 8th December 2004
Draft Building Societies Act 1986 (International Accounting Standards and other Accounting Amendments) Order 2004 8th December 2004
Draft Social Security, Child Support and Tax Credits (Decisions and Appeals) Amendment Regulations 2004 8th December 2004
Draft Child Benefit and Guardians Allowance (Decisions and Appeals) Regulations 2004 8th December 2004
Draft Financial Provisions (Northern Ireland) Order 2004 9th December 2004
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 2737) 9th December 2004
Draft Environmental Information Regulations 2004 9th December 2004
Draft Freedom of Information (Removal and relaxation of statutory prohibitions on disclosure of information) Order 2004 9th December 2004
Draft Freedom of Information (Time for compliance with request) Regulations 2004 9th December 2004
West Northamptonshire Development Corporation (Area and Constitution) Order 2004 9th December 2004
Draft Agency for International Trade Information and Co-operation (Legal Capacities) Order 2004 13th December 2004
Draft Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (England) Regulations 2004 13th December 2004
Draft Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys Order 2004 13th December 2004
Government's Assessment as set out in the Pre-Budget Report for the purposes of Section 5 of the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 15th December 2004
Draft Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004 16th December 2004
Excise Duties (Surcharges or Rebates) (Hydrocarbon oils etc.) ((Amendment) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 3160) 20th December 2004
Northern Ireland (Sentences) Act 1998 (Specified Organisations) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 3009) 11th January 2005
Motion in respect of the Electoral Commission in the name of Mr Peter Hain 17th January 2005
Draft Local Authorities' Plans and Strategies (Disapplication) (England) Order 2005 17th January 2005
Draft Representation of the People (Variation of Limits of Candidates' Election Expenses) (City of London) Order 2005 19th January 2005
Value Added Tax (Food) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 3343) 19th January 2005
Draft Parliamentary Constituencies (Scotland) Order 2005 24th January 2005
Draft Child Trust Funds (Amendment) Regulations 2005 25th January 2005
Draft Local Authorities (Contracting Out of Bid Levy Billing, Collection and Enforcement Functions) Order 2005 26th January 2005
Draft Private Security Industry Act 2001 (Amendments to Schedule 2) Order 2005 1st February 2005
Fire and Rescue Services (National Framework) (England) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 3217) 3rd February 2005
Draft Companies Act 1985 (Operating and Financial Review and Directors' Report Etc.) Regulations 2005 3rd February 2005
Draft Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (Disapplication of Part IV for Northern Ireland Parties, etc.) Order 2005 3rd February 2005
Draft Terrorism Act 2000 (Continuance of Part VII) Order 2005 7th February 2005
Southern Regional Flood Defence Committee Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 3165) 8th February 2005
Non-Domestic Rating (Small Business Rate Relief) (England) Order 2005 (S.I., 2004, No. 3315) 8th February 2005
Draft Extradition Act 2003 (Amendment to Designations) Order 2005 8th February 2005
Draft Asylum (Designated States) Order 2005 8th February 2005
Draft Northern Ireland Arms Decommissioning Act 1997 (Amnesty Period) Order 2005 9th February 2005
Draft Industrial Training Levy (Construction Board) Order 2005 10th February 2005
Draft Pensions Appeal Tribunals (Armed Forces and Reserve Forces Compensation Scheme) (Rights of Appeal) Regulations 2005 10th February 2005
Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 20045 (S.I., 2004, No. 3244) 10th February 2005
Draft Gender Recognition (Approved Countries and Territories) Order 2005 10th February 2005
Draft Pneumoconiosis Etc. (Workers' Compensation) (Payment of Claims) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 22nd February 2005
Licensing Act 2003 (Fees) Regulations 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 79) 23rd February 2005
Draft Drainage (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 24th February 2005
Draft Scotland Act 1998 (Modifications of Schedule 5) Order 2005 24th February 2005
Draft Scotland Act 1998 (Modifications of Schedule 5) (No. 2) Order 2005 24th February 2005
Draft Scotland Act 1998 (Transfer of Functions to the Scottish Ministers etc.) Order 2005 24th February 2005
Draft Gangmasters (Licensing Authority) Regulations 2005 28th February 2005
Draft Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 28th February 2005
Financing of Maintained Schools (England) Regulations 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 3130) 28th February 2005
LEA Budget, Schools Budget and Individual Schools Budget (England) Regulations 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 3131) 28th February 2005
Code of Audit Practice for Local Government Bodies (2005) 1st March 2005
Code of Audit Practice for Local NHS Bodies (2005) 1st March 2005
Draft Company Directors Disqualification (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 1st March 2005
Draft Data Protection (Subject Access Modification) (Social Work) (Amendment) Order 2005 1st March 2005
Draft Insolvency (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 1st March 2005
Draft Social Security (Intensive Activity Period 50 to 59 Pilot) Regulations 2005 2nd March 2005
Draft Social Security (Intensive Activity Period 50 to 59 Pilot) (No. 2) Regulations 2005 2nd March 2005
Draft Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2005 7th March 2005
Draft Immigration (Application Fees) Order 2005 7th March 2005
Draft Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 (Relaxation of Restriction on Disclosure) Order 2005 7th March 2005
Draft Higher Education (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 7th March 2005
Draft Child Benefit and Guardian's Allowance Up-rating Order 2005 7th March 2005
Draft Child Benefit and Guardian's Allowance Up-rating (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 7th March 2005
Draft Tax Credits Up-rating Regulations 2005 7th March 2005
Draft New Opportunities Fund (Specification of Initiative) Order 2005 8th March 2005
Draft Child Support (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005 8th March 2005
Draft Public Processions (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 8th March 2005
Draft Courts Act 2003 (Consequential Provisions) Order 2005 8th March 2005
Draft Social Security (Inherited SERPS) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 8th March 2005
Draft Northern Ireland Act 2000 (Modification) Order 2005 9th March 2005
Draft Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 (Amendment) Order 2005 9th March 2005
Draft Social Security Commissioners (Procedure) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 9th March 2005
Draft Pension Protection Fund (PPF Ombudsman) Order 2005 9th March 2005
Draft Pension Protection Fund (Pension Compensation Cap) Order 2005 9th March 2005
Draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Levies) Regulations 2005 9th March 2005
Draft Renewables Obligation Order 2005 10th March 2005
Draft District Policing Partnerships (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 10th March 2005
Draft Occupational Pension Schemes (Modification of Pension Protection Provisions) Regulations 2005 10th March 2005
Draft Social Security (Contributions) (Re-rating and National Insurance Funds Payments) Order 2005 10th March 2005
Draft Extradition Act 2003 (Part 3 Designation) (Amendment) Order 2005 14th March 2005
Draft Opticians Act 1989 (Amendment) Order 2005 14th March 2005
Draft Tax Information Exchange Agreement (Taxes on Income) (Guernsey) Order 2005 14th March 2005
Draft Tax Information Exchange Agreement (Taxes on Income) (Jersey) Order 2005 14th March 2005
Draft Tax Information Exchange Agreement (Taxes on Income) (Isle of Man) Order 2005 14th March 2005
Draft Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 (Amendment) Order 2005 14th March 2005
Draft Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 (Amendment No. 2) Order 2005 14th March 2005
Draft Electoral Law Act (Northern Ireland) 1962 (Amendment No. 3) Order 2005 14th March 2005
Draft Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000 (Audit of Public Bodies) Order 2005 15th March 2005
Draft Immigration and Asylum (Provision of Accommodation to Failed Asylum-Seekers) Regulations 2005 15th March 2005
Draft Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 (Code of Practice) Order 2005 15th March 2005
Draft Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2005 15th March 2005
Care of Cathedrals (Amendment) Measure 15th March 2005
The Church of England (Miscellaneous Provisions) Measure 15th March 2005
The Stipends (Cessation of Special Payments) Measure 15th March 2005
Draft Child Trust Funds (Appeals) Regulations 2005 15th March 2005
Draft Child Trust Funds (Appeals) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2005 15th March 2005
Draft Social Security Commissioners (Procedure) (Child Trust Funds) Regulations 2005 15th March 2005
Draft Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Carrying on Regulated Activities by Way of Business) (Amendment) Order 2005 15th March 2005
Draft Open-Ended Investment Companies (Amendment) Regulations 2005 15th March 2005
Draft Employment Zones (Allocation to Contractors) Pilot Regulations 2005 17th March 2005
Draft Immigration (Leave to Enter and Remain) (Amendment) Order 2005 17th March 2005
Draft Special Educational Needs and Disability (Northern Ireland) Order 2005 17th March 2005
Draft Contracting Out (Functions in Relation to Cultural Objects) Order 2005 21st March 2005
Draft Community Legal Service (Asylum and Immigration Appeals) Regulations 2005 21st March 2005
The Funding Code: Legal Services Commission Funding Code Criteria Amendments 2005 21st March 2005
Draft Water Fluoridation (Consultation) (England) Regulations 2005 21st March 2005
Draft Water Supply (Fluoridation Indemnities) (England) Regulations 2005 21st March 2005
Draft Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Communications Data) (Amendment) Order 2005 21st March 2005
Draft Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Directed Surveillance and Covert Human Intelligence Sources) (Amendment) Order 2005 21st March 2005
Town and Country Planning (Temporary Stop Notice) (England) Regulations 2005 24th March 2005
Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 2) Rules 2005 (S.I., 2005, No. 656) 5th April 2005
Total number of instruments considered: 117
Total number of meetings: 92


Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's Panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation:

Mrs Irene Adams (5), Mr David Amess (3), Janet Anderson (4), Mr Nigel Beard (11), Miss Anne Begg (4), Mr Joe Benton (2), Mr Martin Caton (3) Mr David Chidgey (2), Mr Derek Conway (10), Mr Frank Cook (2), Mr John Cummings (1), Mr Eric Forth (5), Mr Roger Gale (4), Mr Win Griffiths (1), Mr Mike Hancock (2), Mr Jimmy Hood (1), Mr Kevin Hughes (3), Mr Alan Hurst (3), Mr Eric Illsley (2), Mr John McWilliam (1), Mr Bill O'Brien (6), Mr Edward O'Hara (3), Mr Bill Olner (3), Mr Peter Pike (3), Dame Marion Roe (2), Mr Jonathan Sayeed (2), Mr David Taylor (3), Miss Anne Widdecombe (1)

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation:

Ms Diane Abbott (1/1), Mr Nick Ainger (6/6), Mr Peter Ainsworth (3/3), Mr Douglas Alexander (1/1), Mr Richard Allan (2/4), Mr Graham Allen (4/4), Mr James Arbuthnot (1/1), Ms Candy Atherton (2/2), Mr David Atkinson (4/5), Mr Peter Atkinson (3/13), John Austin (2/4), Mr Richard Bacon (0/5), Mr Adrian Bailey (4/4), Vera Baird (2/3), Norman Baker (1/2), Tony Baldry (1/5), Mr Tony Banks (0/2), Gregory Barker (3/4), Mr Harry Barnes (3/4), Mr John Baron (1/1), John Barrett (0/2), Mr Kevin Barron (3/4), Mr John Battle (1/2), Hugh Bayley (1/2), Mr Roy Beggs (2/2), Sir Stuart Bell (1/1), Mr Henry Bellingham (4/4), Mr John Bercow (1/4), Sir Paul Beresford (0/1), Mr Roger Berry (1/1), Mr Harold Best (3/4), Mr Clive Betts (1/2), Mrs Liz Blackman (2/2), Mr Bob Blizzard (1/2), Mr Crispin Blunt (2/2), Mr David Borrow (1/2), Mr Tim Boswell (6/6), Peter Bottomley (1/4), Virginia Bottomley (2/6), Mr Keith Bradley (2/2), Peter Bradley (1/1), Mr Graham Brady (1/1), Mr Julian Brazier (1/1), Kevin Brennan (4/4), Annette Brooke (0/1), Mr Nicholas Brown (2/3), Mr Desmond Browne (4/4), Mrs Angela Browning (0/3), Malcolm Bruce (1/3), Mr Chris Bryant (4/4), Ms Karen Buck (4/4), Richard Burden (3/3), Colin Burgon (2/4), Mr John Burnett (7/8), Andy Burnham (2/2), David Burnside (3/5), Mr Paul Burstow (0/2), Alistair Burt (0/1), Mr Stephen Byers (1/2), Mr Liam Byrne (2/4), Dr Vincent Cable (3/5), Mr Richard Caborn (1/1), David Cairns (4/4), Mr Alan Campbell (1/1), Mrs Anne Campbell (2/2), Mr Gregory Campbell (1/1), Mr Ronnie Campbell (2/4), Mr Ivor Caplin (1/1), Mr Alistair Carmichael (6/13), Mr William Cash (0/3), Mr Colin Challen (3/3), Sir Sydney Chapman (1/1), Mr David Chaytor (1/4), Mr Christopher Chope (1/1), Mr Michael Clapham (1/1), Mr James Clappison (3/3), Mrs Helen Clark (3/4), Mr Kenneth Clarke (0/1), Paul Clark (9/9), Mr Tom Clarke (1/2), Mr Tony Clarke (2/2), Mr David Clelland (2/4), Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (11/15), Ann Clwyd (2/2), Mr Vernon Coaker (17/17), Ann Coffey (2/2), Harry Cohen (2/2), Mr Tony Colman (2/2), Mr Michael Connarty (2/2), Mr Robin Cook (1/2), Yvette Cooper (2/2), Mr Jeremy Corbyn (2/2), Sir Patrick Cormack (0/3), Brian Cotter (2/4), Mr Jim Cousins (3/3), Tom Cox (1/1), Ross Cranston (2/3), Mr David Crausby (3/4), Jon Cruddas (3/3), Mrs Ann Cryer (2/2), John Cryer (3/4), Mr Jim Cunningham (2/3), Tony Cunningham (3/3), Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas (2/3), Mr Tam Dalyell (1/1), Mr Edward Davey (5/8), Valerie Davey (3/3), Mr Wayne David (2/2), Mr Ian Davidson (3/5), Denzil Davies (2/2), Geraint Davies (7/7), Mr Quentin Davies (0/2), Mr Hilton Dawson (1/2), Mrs Janet Dean (2/3), Mr Parmjit Dhanda (2/2), Mr Jonathan Djanogly (8/9), Jim Dobbin (2/3), Mr Frank Dobson (2/3), Mr Nigel Dodds (1/1), Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson (2/2), Mr Brian H. Donohoe (2/3), Mr Frank Doran (2/2), Mr Stephen Dorrell (0/3), Sue Doughty (1/2), Jim Dowd (3/3), Mr David Drew (3/3), Julia Drown (2/3), Mr Iain Duncan Smith (0/1), Angela Eagle (2/3), Maria Eagle (1/1), Mr Huw Edwards (2/3), Clive Efford (3/4), Mrs Louise Ellman (0/1), Jeff Ennis (3/3), Mr Bill Etherington (1/2), Mr Nigel Evans (2/4), Mr Michael Fallon (0/5), Paul Farrelly (3/4), Mr Frank Field (0/1), Mr Mark Field (1/1), Mr Mark Fisher (1/2), Jim Fitzpatrick (11/11), Mrs Lorna Fitzsimons (3/8), Caroline Flint (4/4), Mr Adrian Flook (2/4), Paul Flynn (2/3), Barbara Follett (2/5), Mr Derek Foster (1/2), Mr Don Foster (4/4), Mr Michael Foster (Worcester) (1/1), Mr George Foulkes (1/3), Dr Hywel Francis (3/3), Mr Mark Francois (2/2), Mike Gapes (3/3), Mr Barry Gardiner (4/4), Mr Edward Garnier (1/1), Andrew George (1/1), Mr Neil Gerrard (4/4), Mr Nick Gibb (0/5), Linda Gilroy (5/6), Mr Roger Godsiff (0/1), Paul Goggins (3/3), Mr Paul Goodman (2/2), Chris Grayling (1/1), Mr Damian Green (0/3), Matthew Green (1/6), Mr John Greenway (1/3), Mr Dominic Grieve (4/5), Jane Griffiths (3/3), Mr John Grogan (4/4), Mr John Gummer (1/3), Mr William Hague (0/2), Mr Mike Hall (3/3), Patrick Hall (0/3), David Hamilton (1/2), Mr Fabian Hamilton (1/3), Mr Philip Hammond (4/4), Dr Evan Harris (2/3), Mr Tom Harris (16/16), Nick Harvey (0/1), Mr Dai Havard (2/3), Mr Nick Hawkins (0/3), Mr Oliver Heald (0/1), John Healey (1/1), Mr David Heath (3/7), Mr David Heathcoat-Amory (0/4), Mr Doug Henderson (3/3), Mr Ivan Henderson (5/5), Mr Mark Hendrick (2/2), Charles Hendry (1/1), Mr Stephen Hepburn (2/2), Mr John Heppell (9/9), Lady Hermon (6/7), Stephen Hesford (1/4), Mr David Heyes (2/2), Keith Hill (1/1), Mr Mark Hoban (2/2), Kate Hoey (1/2), Mr Douglas Hogg (0/3), Paul Holmes (6/8), Phil Hope (7/7), Mr Kelvin Hopkins (4/4), Mr John Horam (1/2), Alan Howarth (1/2), Mr George Howarth (2/2), Mr Gerald Howarth (1/1), Mr Lindsay Hoyle (3/3), Beverley Hughes (0/1), Simon Hughes (1/4), Mrs Joan Humble (3/3), Mr Andrew Hunter (3/3), Dr Brian Iddon (4/4), Huw Irranca-Davies (6/7), Mr Michael Jack (1/4), Glenda Jackson (1/3), Helen Jackson (1/1), Mr Robert Jackson (1/3), Mr David Jamieson (1/1), Mr Brian Jenkins (2/2), Mr Boris Johnson (0/5), Miss Melanie Johnson (1/1), Helen Jones (4/4), Mr Jon Owen Jones (1/2), Mr Kevan Jones (4/4), Lynne Jones (2/3), Mr Eric Joyce (2/2), Ms Sally Keeble (3/3), Alan Keen (2/3), Jane Kennedy (3/3), Mr Robert Key (1/1), Mr Piara S. Khabra (3/4), Mr David Kidney (1/2), Mr Peter Kilfoyle (2/3), Mr Andy King (2/3), Jim Knight (1/1), Mrs Jacqui Lait (1/1), Norman Lamb (2/4), Mr David Lammy (4/4), Mr David Laws (0/8), Mr Bob Laxton (3/3), Mr Mark Lazarowicz (1/1), Mr Edward Leigh (0/3), Mr Christopher Leslie (4/4), Tom Levitt (1/1), Mr Ivan Lewis (1/1), Mr Terry Lewis (0/4), Mrs Helen Liddell (1/1), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger (2/2), Mr David Lidington (8/9), Mr Peter Lilley (2/3), Martin Linton (1/1), Mr Tony Lloyd (2/2), Mr Elfyn Llwyd (1/1), Mr Andrew Love (2/2), Ian Lucas (2/2), Mr Peter Luff (17/17), Mr Iain Luke (2/2), Mr John Lyons (1/3), Mr Stephen McCabe (2/2), Chris McCafferty (2/3), Siobhain McDonagh (3/3), Mr Calum Macdonald (2/2), John McDonnell (1/1), Mr John MacDougall (3/3), Mr Eddie McGrady (1/4), Mrs Anne McGuire (2/2), Miss Anne McIntosh (2/2), Shona McIsaac (3/3), Mr Andrew Mackay (0/1), Ann McKechin (2/2), Rosemary McKenna (3/3), Mr Kevin McNamara (1/2), Mr Denis MacShane (1/1), Fiona Mactaggart (1/1), Mr Tony McWalter (3/4), Mr Kahlid Mahmood (4/5), Alice Mahon (0/1), Mr Humfrey Malins (5/5), Judy Mallaber (2/4), Mr Seamus Mallon (0/6), John Mann (2/3), Mr John Maples (0/3), Rob Marris (3/3), Mr Gordon Marsden (2/2), Mr Paul Marsden (0/2), Mr David Marshall (3/3), Mr Robert Marshall-Andrews (1/2), Mr Eric Martlew (3/3), Mr Michael Mates (0/3), Mr Francis Maude (0/2), Mr Michael Meacher (0/2), Mr Alan Meale (1/2), Patrick Mercer (1/1), Gillian Merron (3/3), Alun Michael (1/1), Mr Andrew Miller (2/2), Mr Andrew Mitchell (0/1), Mr Austin Mitchell (2/2), Laura Moffatt (1/1), Chris Mole (2/3), Dr Lewis Moonie (0/2), Mr Michael Moore (2/2), Margaret Moran (9/9), Julie Morgan (2/3), Mr Elliot Morley (3/3), Estelle Morris (2/2), Mr Malcolm Moss (1/1), Kali Mountford (3/3), Mr George Mudie (0/1), Mr Chris Mullin (1/1), Ms Meg Munn (2/2), Mr Denis Murphy (2/2), Mr Jim Murphy (4/5), Dr Doug Naysmith (4/4), Mr Archie Norman (0/6), Dan Norris (2/3), Mr Mark Oaten (3/11), Mr Mike O'Brien (1/1), Lembit Öpik (9/10), Diana Organ (3/5), Mr George Osborne (2/2), Sandra Osborne (2/4), Albert Owen (3/4), Mr Richard Page (0/3), Mr James Paice (1/1), Dr Nick Palmer (2/2), Mr Owen Paterson (1/1), Mr Ian Pearson (9/9), Linda Perham (3/3), Anne Picking (2/4), Mr Eric Pickles (2/3), Mr Colin Pickthall (3/3), Mr James Plaskitt (2/2), Mr Kerry Pollard (2/3), Mr Chris Pond (1/2), Mr Greg Pope (2/3), Mr Stephen Pound (3/3), Bridget Prentice (12/12), Mr Gordon Prentice (1/3), Adam Price (1/1), Dawn Primarolo (5/5), Mr Mark Prisk (5/12), Mr Gwyn Prosser (2/3), Dr John Pugh (2/3), Mr Ken Purchase (3/3), James Purnell (1/1), Joyce Quin (1/4), Lawrie Quinn (4/4), Mr John Randall (9/9), Syd Rapson (3/4), Mr Nick Raynsford (1/1), Mr Andy Reed (4/4), Mr David Rendel (1/1), Mr Andrew Robathan (0/1), Angus Robertson (1/1), John Robertson (3/3), Mr Laurence Robertson (1/1), Mr Geoffrey Robinson (1/1), Iris Robinson (1/1), Mr Peter Robinson (3/3), Mrs Barbara Roche (1/3), Mr Terry Rooney (4/4), Andrew Rosindell (1/1), Mr Ernie Ross (4/5), Mr Frank Roy (3/3), Chris Ruane (1/1), Joan Ruddock (4/5), Mr David Ruffley (10/13), Bob Russell (3/4), Christine Russell (3/3), Joan Ryan (3/3), Mr Martin Salter (1/1), Mr Adrian Sanders (1/1), Mr Mohammad Sarwar (3/3), Mr Malcolm Savidge (3/3), Phil Sawford (4/4), Mr Brian Sedgemore (1/3), Andrew Selous (1/3), Jonathan Shaw (4/5), Mrs Gillian Shephard (0/2), Mr Richard Shepherd (1/3), Jim Sheridan (4/4), Ms Debra Shipley (1/1), Mr Siôn Simon (7/9), Alan Simpson (1/2), Mr Marsha Singh (2/2), Mr Dennis Skinner (2/2), Mr Andrew Smith (2/3), Mr Chris Smith (2/2), Geraldine Smith (1/2), Jacqui Smith (1/1), Mr John Smith (1/1), Llew Smith (1/3), Sir Robert Smith (4/5), The Reverend Martin Smyth (1/1), Mr Clive Soley (3/4), Mr John Spellar (3/3), Sir Michael Spicer (0/1), Bob Spink (0/4), Mr Richard Spring (5/5), Rachel Squire (0/1), Sir John Stanley (0/3), Dr Phyllis Starkey (2/2), Mr Gerry Steinberg (2/3), Mr David Stewart (2/2), Ian Stewart (9/9), Mr Paul Stinchcombe (3/3), Dr Howard Stoate (2/2), Dr Gavin Strang (2/3), Mr Graham Stringer (2/4), Ms Gisela Stuart (3/3), Mr Andrew Stunell (3/4), Mr Gerry Sutcliffe (1/1), Mr Hugo Swire (2/2), Mr Robert Syms (3/3), Mark Tami (7/8), Sir Peter Tapsell (1/3), Ms Dari Taylor (4/5), Mr Ian Taylor (2/5), Mr John Taylor (3/4), Sir Teddy Taylor (2/3), Gareth Thomas (Clwyd West) (2/3), Mr Gareth Thomas (Harrow West) (1/1), John Thurso (1/1), Mr Stephen Timms (6/6), Paddy Tipping (3/3), Mr Mark Todd (2/2), Dr Jenny Tonge (1/1), Mr Don Touhig (1/1), Mr David Tredinnick (3/3), Mr Michael Trend (0/4), Jon Trickett (3/3), Mr David Trimble (1/3), Mr Paul Truswell (2/2), Dr Desmond Turner (1/3), Mr Neil Turner (1/1), Mr Stephen Twigg (1/1), Mr Paul Tyler (3/5), Mr Bill Tynan (2/4), Mr Andrew Tyrie (3/3), Keith Vaz (0/5), Mr Peter Viggers (1/3), Dr Rudi Vis (2/3), Joan Walley (2/3), Mr Robert Walter (0/2), Claire Ward (1/1), Mr Robert N. Wareing (2/2), Mr Nigel Waterson (3/3), Angela Watkinson (1/1), Mr Tom Watson (8/8), Mr Dave Watts (1/1), Steve Webb (4/8), Mr Michael Weir (1/1), Brian White (3/3), Dr Alan Whitehead (2/3), Malcolm Wicks (3/3), Mr Bill Wiggin (2/2), Mr John Wilkinson (0/4), Mrs Betty Williams (1/2), Mr Roger Williams (1/2), Mr Michael Wills (2/3), Mr David Wilshire (2/5), Mr Brian Wilson (0/3), David Winnick (2/2), Ann Winterton (3/4), Ms Rosie Winterton (1/1), Mr Mike Wood (2/2), Mr Shaun Woodward (2/2), Mr Phil Woolas (1/1), Tony Worthington (3/4), Mr Anthony D. Wright (3/4), David Wright (3/3), Iain Wright (4/5), Tony Wright (0/1), Derek Wyatt (1/3), Sir George Young (1/1), Richard Younger-Ross (3/3)

Overall percentage attendance: 71%

Other Members' attendance: the following Members attended Standing Committees on Delegated Legislation pursuant to Standing Order No. 118(2):

Mr John Bercow (1), Sir Paul Beresford (1), Tony Cunningham (1), Maria Eagle (1), Mr Kevan Jones (1), Mr David Kidney (1), John Mann (1), Mr Greg Pope (1), Mr David Trimble (2), Mr Alan Williams (1), Mr Michael Wills (1), Ann Winterton (1)


(See also Regulatory Reform Committee Return on p.186)


Number of Proposals—
  laid before the House 0
  reported on by the Regulatory Reform Committee 31
    approved 0
    amendment recommended 2
    disapproved 1
Number of draft Orders—
  laid before the House 6
  reported on by the Regulatory Reform Committee
    approved 6
    approved on division 0
    disapproved 0
  considered by the House 3
  approved by the House 3

1 Instruments laid before the House in Session 2003-04

Proposals for Regulatory Reform Orders

No proposals were laid before the House for consideration in Session 2004-05. The Committee reported formally on 3 proposals which were laid before the House in Session 2003-04.

  Regulatory Reform (Prison Officers) (Industrial Action) Order 2004

  Regulatory Reform (Registration of Births and Deaths) (England and Wales) Order 2004

  Regulatory Reform (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) Order 2005

The Committee made recommendations as set out below—

i. That draft Orders in the same terms should be laid before the House:


ii. That the proposal should be amended before a draft Order is laid before the House:

  Regulatory Reform (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) Order 2005

  Regulatory Reform (Prison Officers) (Industrial Action) Order 2004

iii. That the Order-making power should not be used:

  Regulatory Reform (Registration of Births and Deaths) (England and Wales) Order 2004

Draft Regulatory Reform Orders

6 draft Orders as set out below were before the House for consideration in Session 2004-05.

  Draft Regulatory Reform (Prisoners Officers) (Industrial Action) Order 2005

Draft Regulatory Reform (Trading Stamps) Order 2004

Draft Regulatory Reform (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) Order 2005

Draft Regulatory Reform (National Health Service Charitable Trust Accounts and Audit) Order


Draft Regulatory Reform (Execution of Deeds and Documents) Order 2004

  Draft Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2004

The Committee recommended, without Division, that the House approve 3 draft Orders.

3 draft Orders as set out below were considered and approved by the House in Session 2004-05.

  Draft Regulatory Reform (Prison Officers) (Industrial Action) Order 2005

  Draft Regulatory Reform (Trading Stamps) Order 2004

  Draft Regulatory Reform (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) Order 2005


(See also Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) Return on p.144. For a summary of the procedures applying to remedial orders, see Joint Committee on Human Rights, Seventh Report Session 2001-02, HC 473, Annex A)


Number of proposals for draft Orders—
  laid before the House 0
  reported on: 0
    recommended by JCHR to proceed without amendment 0
    recommended by JCHR to proceed with amendment 0
    recommended by JCHR not to proceed 0
Number of draft Orders—
  laid before the House 0
  reported on: 0
    recommended by JCHR to be approved 0
    recommended by JCHR to be disapproved 0
  considered by the House 0
    approved by the House 0
Number of Urgent Procedure Orders—
  laid before the House 0
  laid before the House in replacement form: 0
    recommended by JCHR to be approved 0
    recommended by JCHR to be replaced 0
  recommended by JCHR to be disapproved 0
  considered by the House 0
  approved by the House 0

Proposals for draft Remedial Orders


Draft Remedial Orders


Urgent Procedure Remedial Orders


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