Sessional Returns 2004-05 - Contents


Information and statistics about the membership, work, and staff of select committees


This Return follows the pattern of its predecessors since the creation of the current select committee system by the House in 1979. Section A lists, in alphabetical order, the Members who served on select committees during the Session. Section B gives details of each committee's work, staff, publications and other statistics. Section C analyses the staffing of select committees.


Names of Members Committees to which nominated
Adams, Mrs IreneChairmen's Panel; Finance and Services; Liaison; Scottish Affairs
Ainger, Mr NickAdministration
Ainsworth, Mr BobAccommodation and Works; Finance and Services; Selection
Ainsworth, Mr PeterEnvironmental Audit; Liaison
Allan, Mr RichardInformation; Liaison; Public Accounts
Amess, Mr DavidChairmen's Panel; Health
Anderson, DonaldForeign Affairs; Liaison
Anderson, JanetCatering; Chairmen's Panel; Home Affairs
Atherton, Ms CandyEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Atkinson, Mr PeterCatering; Court of Referees
Austin, JohnHealth; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Bacon, Mr RichardEuropean Scrutiny; Public Accounts
Bailey, Mr AdrianNorthern Ireland Affairs; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Baird, VeraDraft Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill (Joint Committee); Work and Pensions
Baldry, TonyInternational Development; Liaison
Banks, Mr TonyAccommodation and Works
Barker, GregoryBroadcasting; Environmental Audit
Barrett, JohnInternational Development
Battle, Mr JohnInternational Development
Bayley, HughInternational Development
Beard, Mr NigelChairmen's Panel; Treasury; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Begg, Miss AnneChairmen's Panel; Work and Pensions
Beggs, Mr RoyNorthern Ireland Affairs
Beith, Mr A.J.Constitutional Affairs; Liaison
Bell, Sir StuartFinance and Services; Liaison
Bennett, AndrewLiaison; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions; Statutory Instruments
Benton, Mr JoeChairmen's Panel
Bercow, Mr JohnInternational Development; Procedure
Beresford, Sir PaulOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Berry, Mr RogerTrade and Industry
Best, Mr HaroldAccommodation and Works; Environmental Audit
Betts, Mr CliveOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Blackman, Mrs LizDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Bottomley, PeterConstitutional Affairs; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Bottomley, VirginiaDraft Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill (Joint Committee)
Bradley, Mr KeithHealth
Brady, Mr GrahamOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Breed, Mr ColinEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Brennan, KevinPublic Administration
Brooke, AnnettePublic Administration
Brown, Mr RussellConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Regulatory Reform
Browning, Mrs AngelaDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Public Accounts; Standards and Privileges
Bryant, ChrisCulture, Media and Sport
Buck, Ms KarenWork and Pensions
Burden, RichardTrade and Industry
Burnett, Mr JohnConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Procedure
Burns, Mr SimonHealth
Burnside, DavidEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Butterfill, Sir JohnChairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Byrne, Mr LiamEuropean Scrutiny
Cairns, DavidConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Calton, Mrs PatsyAdministration; Health
Campbell, Mrs AnnePublic Administration
Campbell, Mr GregoryNorthern Ireland Affairs
Campbell, Mr RonnieCatering
Carmichael, Mr AlistairScottish Affairs
Cash, Mr WilliamEuropean Scrutiny
Caton, Mr MartinChairmen's Panel; Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Welsh Affairs
Challen, Mr ColinConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Chapman, Sir SydneyPublic Administration
Chaytor, Mr DavidEducation and Skills; Environmental Audit
Chidgey, Mr DavidChairmen's Panel; Draft Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill (Joint Committee); Foreign Affairs; Human Rights (Joint Committee);
Clapham, Mr MichaelTrade and Industry
Clappison, Mr JamesConstitutional Affairs; Home Affairs
Clark, Mrs HelenBroadcasting; Environmental Audit
Clarke, Mr KennethTax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Clarke, Mr TonyNorthern Ireland Affairs
Clelland, Mr DavidOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Clwyd, AnnInternational Development
Coffey, AnnDraft Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill (Joint Committee); Modernisation of the House of Commons
Colman, Mr TonyInternational Development
Connarty, Mr MichaelEuropean Scrutiny
Conway, DerekAccommodation and Works; Chairmen's Panel; Finance and Services; Liaison
Cook, FrankChairmen's Panel
Cormack, Sir PatrickConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Corston, JeanHuman Rights (Joint Committee); Liaison
Cotter, BrianRegulatory Reform
Cousins, Mr JimTreasury
Cran, Mr JamesChairmen's Panel; Defence
Cranston, RossConstitutional Affairs
Crausby, Mr DavidDefence
Cruddas, JonPublic Accounts
Cryer, Mrs AnnConstitutional Affairs
Cummings, Mr JohnChairmen's Panel; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Cunningham, Mr JimConstitutional Affairs
Cunningham, TonyCatering
Curry, Mr DavidPublic Accounts
Curtis-Thomas, Mrs ClaireHome Affairs
Davey, ValerieEducation and Skills
David, Mr WayneEuropean Scrutiny; Standards and Privileges
Davidson, Mr IanPublic Accounts
Davies, Mr QuentinInternational Development
Dawson, Mr HiltonConstitutional Affairs
Dean, Mrs JanetCatering; Home Affairs
Denham, Mr JohnHome Affairs; Liaison
Dhanda, Mr ParmjitTax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee); Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Dismore, Mr AndrewStandards and Privileges; Work and Pensions
Djanogly, Mr JonathanTrade and Industry
Dobbin, JimConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); European Scrutiny
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M. Regulatory Reform; Statutory Instruments; Transport
Donohoe, Mr Brian H.Transport
Doran, Mr FrankCulture, Media and Sport
Doughty, SueEnvironmental Audit
Dowd, JimHealth
Drew, Mr DavidEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Duncan, Mr PeterScottish Affairs
Dunwoody, Mrs GwynethLiaison; Transport
Eagle, AngelaTreasury
Edwards, Mr HuwWelsh Affairs
Efford, CliveTransport
Ellman, Mrs LouiseTransport
Ennis, JeffEducation and Skills
Evans, Mr NigelTrade and Industry; Welsh Affairs
Fabricant, MichaelCulture, Media and Sport
Fallon, Mr MichaelTreasury
Farrelly, PaulConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Science and Technology; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Field, Mr FrankPublic Accounts
Fitzpatrick, JimSelection
Flint, CarolineAdministration
Flook, Mr AdrianCulture, Media and Sport
Flynn, PaulEnvironmental Audit
Follett, BarbaraModernisation of the House of Commons
Forth, Mr EricChairmen's Panel; Statutory Instruments
Foster, Mr DerekStandards and Privileges
Francis, Dr HywelWelsh Affairs
Francois, Mr MarkEnvironmental Audit
Gale, Mr RogerBroadcasting; Chairmen's Panel
Gapes, MikeDefence
Gardiner, Mr BarryConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
George, Mr BruceDefence; Liaison
Gerrard, Mr NeilInformation
Gibb, Mr NickEducation and Skills
Gibson, Dr IanLiaison; Science and Technology
Goodman, Mr PaulWork and Pensions
Green, Mr DamianHome Affairs
Greenway, Mr JohnEducation and Skills
Griffiths, Mr WinChairmen's Panel
Hain, Mr PeterModernisation of the House of Commons
Hall, PatrickEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Hamilton, DavidBroadcasting; Procedure; Scottish Affairs; Work and Pensions
Hamilton, Mr FabianForeign Affairs
Hancock, Mr MikeChairmen's Panel; Defence
Harris, Dr EvanScience and Technology
Harvey, NickEuropean Scrutiny
Haselhurst, Sir AlanChairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Havard, Mr DaiDefence; Regulatory Reform
Hawkins, Mr NickCulture, Media and Sport
Heal, SylviaChairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Heald, Mr OliverModernisation of the House of Commons
Healey, JohnTax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Heath, Mr DavidStandards and Privileges
Heathcoat-Amory, Mr DavidEuropean Scrutiny; Treasury
Henderson, Mr IvanTax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Hepburn, Mr StephenAccommodation and Works; Northern Ireland Affairs
Heppell, Mr JohnSelection
Heyes, Mr DavidPublic Administration
Hinchliffe, Mr DavidDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Health; Liaison
Hoey, KateScience and Technology
Holmes, PaulEducation and Skills
Hood, Mr JimmyChairmen's Panel; European Scrutiny; Liaison
Hopkins, Mr KelvinPublic Administration
Horam, Mr JohnEnvironmental Audit
Howarth, Mr GeorgeDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Hoyle, Mr LindsayCatering; Trade and Industry
Hughes, Mr KevinChairmen's Panel; Statutory Instruments
Humble, Mrs JoanWork and Pensions
Hurst, Mr AlanChairmen's Panel
Iddon, Dr BrianScience and Technology
Illsley, Mr EricChairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs; Procedure
Irranca-Davies, HuwProcedure
Jack, Mr MichaelEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs; Liaison; Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Jackson, Mr RobertEducation and Skills
Jenkins, Mr BrianPublic Accounts; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Jones, HelenEducation and Skills; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Jones, Mr Jon OwenHealth
Jones, Mr KevanDefence
Jones, Mr MartynLiaison; Welsh Affairs
Jones, Mr NigelPublic Accounts
Joyce, EricProcedure
Kaufman, Sir GeraldCulture, Media and Sport; Liaison
Keen, AlanCulture, Media and Sport
Key, Mr RobertFinance and Services; Information; Liaison; Science and Technology
Khabra, Mr Piara S.International Development
Kidney, Mr DavidModernisation of the House of Commons
King, AndyRegulatory Reform
Kirkbride, Miss JulieCatering; Trade and Industry
Kirkwood, Sir ArchyCourt of Referees; Liaison; Work and Pensions
Laing, Mrs EleanorOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Lamb, NormanTreasury
Laws, Mr DavidTax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Lazarowicz, Mr MarkEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs; Regulatory Reform
Leigh, Mr EdwardLiaison; Public Accounts
Lepper, Mr DavidBroadcasting; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs; Finance and Services; Liaison
Liddell-Grainger, Mr IanEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs; Public Administration; Scottish Affairs
Linton, MartinAdministration; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Lord, Sir MichaelChairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Loughton, TimDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Love, Mr AndrewRegulatory Reform
Lucas, IanTransport
Luff, Mr PeterAdministration; Information; Selection
Luke, Mr IainAdministration; Broadcasting; Northern Ireland Affairs; Procedure
Lyons, Mr JohnBroadcasting; Scottish Affairs
McAvoy, Mr ThomasFinance and Services
McCafferty, ChrisInternational Development
McDonagh, SiobhainHealth; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
MacDougall, Mr JohnAdministration; Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); Regulatory Reform; Scottish Affairs
McFall, Mr JohnLiaison; Treasury
McGrady, Mr EddieNorthern Ireland Affairs
McIntosh, Miss AnneTransport
Mackay, Mr AndrewForeign Affairs; Standards and Privileges
McKechin, AnnInformation; Scottish Affairs
McKenna, RosemaryCulture, Media and Sport; Procedure
Mackinlay, AndrewForeign Affairs
McLoughlin, Mr PatrickAccommodation and Works; Finance and Services; Modernisation of the House of Commons
McNamara, Mr KevinHuman Rights (Joint Committee); Standards and Privileges
McWalter, Mr TonyProcedure; Science and Technology
McWilliam, Mr JohnChairmen's Panel; Environmental Audit; Liaison; Selection
Mahmood, Mr KhalidBroadcasting
Mallaber, JudyTrade and Industry
Mann, JohnInformation; Treasury; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Maples, Mr JohnForeign Affairs
Marris, RobWork and Pensions
Marsden, Mr PaulDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Transport
Mates, Mr MichaelLiaison; Northern Ireland Affairs
Mitchell, Mr AustinEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Moffatt, LauraDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Mole, ChrisInformation; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions; Regulatory Reform; Statutory Instruments
Moran, MargaretInformation
Morgan, JulieAdministration; Welsh Affairs
Morley, Mr ElliotEnvironmental Audit
Munn, Ms MegDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Mountford, KaliAdministration
Mudie, Mr GeorgeTreasury
Murphy, Mr DenisRegulatory Reform
Murrison, Dr AndrewScience and Technology
Naysmith, Dr DougDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Health; Regulatory Reform
Norman, Mr ArchieRegulatory Reform
O'Brien, Mr BillChairmen's Panel; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
O'Hara, Mr EdwardChairmen's Panel
Olner, Mr BillChairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs
O'Neill, Mr MartinLiaison; Trade and Industry
Organ, DianaEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Osborne, SandraEuropean Scrutiny
Ottaway, RichardDefence
Owen, AlbertAccommodation and Works; Welsh Affairs
Page, Mr RichardOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Perham, LindaCourt of Referees; Trade and Industry
Picking, AnneAccommodation and Works; European Scrutiny; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Pike, Mr PeterChairmen's Panel; Liaison; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Regulatory Reform
Plaskitt, Mr JamesTreasury
Pollard, Mr KerryEducation and Skills
Pond, Mr ChrisTax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Pope, Mr GregForeign Affairs
Pound, Mr StephenNorthern Ireland Affairs; Standards and Privileges
Prentice, BridgetCourt of Referees
Prentice, Mr GordonPublic Administration
Primarolo, DawnTax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Prisk, Mr MarkWelsh Affairs
Prosser, Mr GwynDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Home Affairs; Information
Quinn, LawrieSelection
Randall, Mr JohnTransport
Reid, Mr AlanBroadcasting
Robertson, AngusEuropean Scrutiny
Robertson, JohnEuropean Scrutiny; Scottish Affairs
Roe, Dame MarionAdministration; Chairmen's Panel; Finance and Services; Liaison
Rosindell, AndrewConstitutional Affairs; Regulatory Reform
Ross, Mr ErnieCourt of Referees
Roy, Mr FrankDefence
Ruddock, JoanEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Russell, BobHome Affairs
Russell, ChristineOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Ryan, JoanSelection
Salter, Mr MartinModernisation of the House of Commons
Sanders, Mr AdrianOffice of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions
Sarwar, Mr MohammadScottish Affairs
Savidge, Mr MalcolmEnvironmental Audit
Sayeed, Mr JonathanChairmen's Panel
Selous, AndrewWork and Pensions
Shaw, JonathanDraft Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill (Joint Committee); Education and Skills
Sheerman, Mr BarryEducation and Skills; Liaison
Shephard, Mrs GillianEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Shepherd, Mr RichardHuman Rights (Joint Committee); Modernisation of the House of Commons
Sheridan, JimBroadcasting; Information; Public Accounts
Shipley, Ms DebraCulture, Media and Sport
Simon, Mr SiônPublic Accounts
Simpson, AlanEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Singh, Mr MarshaHome Affairs
Smith, GeraldineScience and Technology
Smith, Sir RobertAccommodation and Works; Procedure; Trade and Industry; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Smyth, The Reverend MartinNorthern Ireland Affairs
Soames, Mr NicholasConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee)
Soley, Mr CliveConstitutional Affairs; Draft Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill (Joint Committee)
Spink, BobScience and Technology
Squire, RachelDefence
Stanley, Sir JohnForeign Affairs
Steen, Mr AnthonyConsolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee); European Scrutiny; Regulatory Reform
Steinberg, Mr GerryPublic Accounts
Stevenson, Mr GeorgeChairmen's Panel; Transport
Stinchcombe, Mr PaulHuman Rights (Joint Committee)
Stringer, Mr GrahamTransport
Stoate, Dr HowardDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee)
Stuart, Ms GiselaForeign Affairs
Stunell, Mr AndrewFinance and Services; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Selection
Swayne, Mr DesmondProcedure
Swire, Mr HugoNorthern Ireland Affairs
Tami, MarkNorthern Ireland Affairs
Tapsell, Sir PeterUnopposed Bills (Panel)
Taylor, DavidChairmen's Panel; Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Taylor, Mr JohnHome Affairs
Taylor, Dr RichardHealth
Thomas, Mr SimonEnvironmental Audit; Standards and Privileges
Thurso, JohnCulture, Media and Sport
Timms, Mr StephenPublic Accounts
Tipping, PaddyEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Tredinnick, Mr DavidLiaison; Statutory Instruments
Trend, Mr MichaelPublic Administration
Trickett, JonPublic Accounts; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Turner, Mr AndrewEducation and Skills
Turner, Mr DennisCatering; Court of Referees; Finance and Services; Liaison
Turner, Dr DesmondScience and Technology
Tyler, Mr PaulModernisation of the House of Commons
Tynan, Mr BillEuropean Scrutiny; Northern Ireland Affairs
Vaz, KeithConstitutional Affairs
Viggers, Mr PeterDefence
Walley, JoanEnvironmental Audit
Walter, Mr RobertTreasury; Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Waterson, Mr NigelWork and Pensions
Weir, Mr MichaelScottish Affairs
White, BrianPublic Administration; Regulatory Reform; Statutory Instruments
Whitehead, Dr AlanConstitutional Affairs
Widdecombe, Miss AnnChairmen's Panel
Wiggin, Mr BillEnvironment, Food and Rural Affairs
Williams, Mr AlanLiaison; Public Accounts
Williams, Mrs BettyWelsh Affairs
Williams, HywelDraft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee); Welsh Affairs
Williams, Mr RogerWelsh Affairs
Winnick, DavidHome Affairs
Winterton, AnneUnopposed Bills (Panel)
Winterton, Sir NicholasChairmen's Panel; Liaison; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Procedure
Wishart, PeteCatering
Woodward, Mr ShaunHuman Rights (Joint Committee)
Worthington, TonyInternational Development
Wright, Mr Anthony D.Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee)
Wright, DavidEnvironmental Audit; Procedure
Wright, IainPublic Administration
Wright, TonyLiaison; Public Administration
Wyatt, DerekCulture, Media and Sport
Young, Sir GeorgeLiaison; Selection; Standards and Privileges


The total number of Members who served on Select Committees, other than Business Committees, was 348.

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Prepared 23 June 2005