For website access click on www.parliament.uk/homeaffairscom
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 16 meetings.
Denham, Mr John (Chairman)
Anderson, Janet
Clappison, Mr James
Curtis-Thomas, Mrs Claire
Dean, Mrs Janet
Green, Mr Damian
Prosser, Mr Gwyn
Russell, Bob
Singh, Mr Marsha
Taylor, Mr John
Winnick, David
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
61.4 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Dr Robin James, Deputy Principal
Clerk (SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Mr Mark Etherton, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Adviser (Sentencing Guidelines): Kate Akester (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Dr Ben Morris (Band B1)
Media Officer: Adele Brown (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Mr Ian Thomson, Senior Executive Officer
(Band B1)
Secretary: Rowena Macdonald (until 9.1.05), Grade 2 (Band C);
Sarah Verrinder (from 10.1.05 until 7.4.05) (temporary)
Senior Office Clerk: Mr John-Paul Flaherty (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Humayun Ansari, Mr Robert Cummines, Mr
Robert Duncan, Professor Conor Gearty and Mr Jonathan Manning.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers | 1
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
| 6 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Home Office | 3
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and
non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
BBC | 2
Crown Prosecution Service
| 2 |
Housing Corporation |
1 |
Independent Police Complaints Commission
| 1 |
Youth Justice Board |
1 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 55 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
31.1-3.2.05 | Paris and The Hague
| Denham, Clappison, Dean
| 2 | Inquiries into Anti-Social Behaviour and Terrorism and Community Relations
| £10,500.00
(estimated outturn)
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
14-17.3.05 | BrusselsA
| Clappison |
| Meetings of European Parliament Committees
| £873.72 |
Travel in a representative capacity
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Rehabilitation of Prisoners
| 193-I | 7.1.05
| 170 | £20.00
| Cm 6486, published 21.3.05
Oral and Written Evidence: Rehabilitation of Prisoners
| 193-II | 7.1.05
| 326 | £24.30
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Work of the Committee in 2004
| 280 | 9.2.05
| 104 | £15.50
| Not required |
Third Report: Home Office Target-Setting 2004
| 320 | 22.2.05
| 93 | £15.50
| Cm 6592, published 20.6.05
Fourth Report: Police Reform
| 370-I | 10.3.05
| 67 | £13.50
| Cm 6600, published 16.6.05
Oral and Written Evidence: Police Reform
| 370-II | 10.3.05
| 262 | £22.50
| Not applicable |
Fifth Report: Anti-Social Behaviour
| 80-I | 5.4.05
| 143 | £17.50
| Cm 6588, published 9.6.05
Written Evidence: Anti-Social Behaviour
| 80-II | 19.1.05
| 153 | £17.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Additional Written Evidence: Anti-Social Behaviour
| 80-III | 5.4.05
| 231 | £21.50
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: Terrorism and Community Relations
| 165-I | 6.4.05
| 76 | £14.50
| Cm 6593, published 9.6.05
Written Evidence: Terrorism and Community Relations
| 165-II | 7.1.05
| 104 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Additional Written Evidence: Terrorism and Community Relations
| 165-III | 6.4.05
| 168 | £18.50
| Not applicable |
First Special Report: The Government's Response to the Fifth Report from the Committee, Session 2003-04: Draft Sentencing Guidelines 1 and 2
| 371 | 3.3.05
| 4 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Terrorism and other Home Office Issues
| 321-i | 3.3.05
| 21 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Reply to the Committee's Fifth Report: Draft Sentencing
Guidelines 1 and 2, received 11.2.05 and published as the
Committee's First Special Report, Session 2004-05.
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2003-04 were published on 20.4.05 as HC 1305, Session 2003-04.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2004-05
were published on 20.6.05 as HC 524, Session 2004-05.
Date | Subject
21.12.04 | One, on consideration of the Chairman's draft Report on the Rehabilitation of Prisoners
The following Report was tagged on the Order Paper
as being relevant to a debate in the House:
Fourth Report, Session 2003-04, Identity Cards,
HC 130-I, and the Government Response, Cm 6359, Debate on Second
Reading of the Identity Cards Bill, 20.12.04
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 12 of the Committee's
16 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly
or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Anti-Social Behaviour |
6 |
Terrorism and Community RelationsA
| 5 |
Terrorism and other Home Office Issues
| 1 |
Total | 12
The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2003-04;
figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2004-05))
For website access click on:
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 6 Commons Members and held 14 meetings.
Corston, Jean (Chairman)
Chidgey, Mr David
McNamara, Mr Kevin
Shepherd, Mr Richard
Stinchcombe, Mr Paul
Woodward, Mr Shaun
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
61.9 %
0.0 %
Commons Staff
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Nick Walker, Deputy Principal
Clerk (SCS Band 1)
Legal Adviser: Mr Murray Hunt (joint appointment with the House
of Lords) (SCS Band 2)
Committee Specialist: Róisín Pillay (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Duma Langton, Higher Executive Officer (Band
Secretary: Ms Pam Morris, Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Mr Tes Stranger (shared) (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Frances Butler, Professor David Feldman, Professor
Kevin Gournay and Joe Levenson.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers: |
1 |
Other Ministers | 2
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Department for Constitutional Affairs
| 1 |
Home Office | 2
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
Commission for Racial Equality
| 4 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 6 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
25.4.05 | BrusselsA
| | 1
| EP seminar | £435.00
Travel in a representative capacity
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Protocol No. 14 to the European Convention on Human Rights
| 106 | 8.12.04
| 25 | £8.50
| Not applicable |
Second Report: The draft Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Categories of Offences) Order 2004
| 107 | 8.12.04
| 21 | £8.50
| Not applicable |
Third Report: Deaths in Custody
| 137-I | 14.12.04
| 110 | £15.50
| Home Office response received 24.2.05, published as Eleventh Report, Session 2004-05
Oral and Written Evidence: Deaths in Custody
| 137-II | 17.12.04
| 192 | £22.00
| Not applicable |
Fourth Report: Scrutiny: First Progress Report
| 224 | 24.1.05
| 144 | £17.50
| Not applicable |
Fifth Report: Identity Cards Bill
| 283 | 2.2.05
| 26 | £8.50
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: Scrutiny: Second Progress Report
| 305 | 8.2.05
| 38 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: Scrutiny: Third Progress Report
| 333 | 22.2.05
| 39 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Eighth Report: Scrutiny: Fourth Progress Report
| 388 | 2.3.05
| 103 | £15.50
| Not applicable |
Ninth Report: Prevention of Terrorism Bill: Preliminary Report
| 389 | 25.2.05
| 9 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Tenth Report: Prevention of Terrorism Bill
| 334 | 4.3.05
| 24 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Eleventh Report: Government Response to the Third Report from the Committee: Deaths in Custody
| 416 | 10.3.05
| 58 | £13.50
| Not applicable |
Twelfth Report: Scrutiny: Fifth Progress Report
| 437 | 10.3.05
| 23 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Thirteenth Report: Scrutiny: Sixth Progress Report
| 470 | 22.3.05
| 45 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Fourteenth Report: The Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
| 471 | 31.3.05
| 137 | £17.50
| Awaited |
Fifteenth Report: Scrutiny: Seventh Progress Report
| 496 | 31.3.05
| 45 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Sixteenth Report: Equality Bill
| 497 | 31.3.05
| 25 | £8.50
| Not applicable |
Seventeenth Report: Review of International Human Rights Instruments
| 264 | 31.3.05
| 47 | £12.00
| Awaited |
Eighteenth Report:
Scrutiny: Final Progress Report
| 551 | 26.5.05
| 170 | £20.00
| Not applicable |
Nineteenth Report:
The Work of the Committee in the 2001-2005 Parliament
| 552 | 26.5.05
| 86 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Department for Constitutional Affairs response to
the Committee's Seventh Report of Session 2003-04, The Meaning
of Public Authority under the Human Rights Act, to be published
as an Appendix to the Nineteenth Report of Session 2004-05.
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2002-03 were published on 24.5.05 as HC 1307, Session 2002-03.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2003-04
were published on 24.5.05 as HC 1306, Session 2003-04. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2004-05 will be published
as HC 525, Session 2004-05.
The following Reports were tagged on the Order Paper
as being relevant to a debate in the House:
Twenty-Third Report, Session 2003-04, Scrutiny
of Bills: Final Progress Report, HC 1282, Remaining stages
of the Mental Capacity Bill, 14.12.04
Twenty-Third Report, Session 2003-04, Scrutiny
of Bills: Final Progress Report, HC 1282, Second Reading of
the Constitutional Reform Bill [Lords], 17.1.05
Fourth Report, Session 2004-05, Scrutiny: First
Progress Report, HC 224, Remaining stages of the Serious Organised
Crime and Police Bill, 7.2.05
Fifth Report, Session 2004-05, Identity Cards
Bill, HC 283, Remaining stages of the Identity Cards Bill,
Ninth Report, Session 2004-05, Prevention of Terrorism
Bill: Preliminary Report, HC 389, Committee stage and remaining
stages of the Prevention of Terrorism Bill, 28.2.05
Eighth Report, Session 2004-05, Scrutiny: Fourth
Progress Report, HC 388, Second Reading of the Inquiries Bill
[Lords], 15.3.05
Sixteenth Report, Session 2004-05, Equality Bill,
HC 497, Second Reading of the Equality Bill, 5.4.05
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 3 of the Committee's 14
meetings. [3]
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Prevention of Terrorism Bill
| 1 |
Review of International Human Rights Instruments
| 1 |
UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD): Concluding Observations on the UK's 17th Report
| 2 |
Total | 4
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/information
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 9 Members and held 5 meetings.
Key, Mr Robert (Chairman)
Allan, Mr Richard
Gerrard, Mr Neil
Luff, Mr Peter
McKechin, Ann
Mann, John
Mole, Chris (added 13.12.04)
Moran, Margaret
Prosser, Mr Gwyn
Sheridan, Jim (discharged 13.12.04)
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
40.0 %
11.1 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Steven Mark, Senior Clerk
(Band A2)
Secretary: Miss Dawn Summers (until 10.2.05), Grade 2 (Band C);
Jane Lauder (from 28.2.05), Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2003-04 were published on 13.12.04 as HC 1307, Session 2003-04.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2004-05
will be published as HC 526, Session 2004-05.
Oral Evidence
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/indcom
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 20 meetings. These included
3 "Quadripartite" meetings held concurrently with the
Defence, Foreign Affairs, and Trade and Industry Committees (listed
as concurrent meetings (CM) in the attendance table below).
Baldry, Tony (Chairman)
Barrett, John
Battle, Mr John
Bayley, Hugh
Bercow, Mr John
Clwyd, Ann
Colman, Mr Tony
Davies, Mr Quentin
Khabra, Mr Piara S.
McCafferty, Chris
Worthington, Tony
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
17 (including 1 CM)
10 (including 2 CM)
13 (including 1 CM)
15 (including 3 CM)
12 (including 3 CM)
10 (including 2 CM)
7 (including 1 CM)
45.5 %A
0.0 %
A Not including concurrent meetings
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Alistair Doherty, Deputy
Principal Clerk (SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Dr Hannah Weston, Assistant Clerk (Band A3)
Committee Specialists: Dr Alan Hudson (Band B1) and Dr Anna Dickson
(Band B1)
Media Officer: Adele Brown (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Katie Phelan, Higher Executive Officer (Band
Secretary: Jenny Steele, Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Mr Philip Jones (shared) (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr Sibylle Bauer*, Professor Stuart Corbridge, Dr
Paul Cornish*, Mr Larry Hollingworth, Dr Jens Lerche, Mr Edward
Luce, Mr Simon Maxwell (on behalf of the Overseas Development
Institute), Dr Ramya Subrahmanian and Mr Peter Verney.
*Specialist Adviser to the Defence, Foreign Affairs,
International Development and Trade and Industry Committees in
their joint inquiry into Strategic Export Controls.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Ministers
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Department for International Development
Other departments comprising:
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Department of Trade and Industry
Ministry of Defence
Post-Conflict Reconstruction Unit (Inter-departmental)
Number of appearances by:
Members of the European Commission
Appearances by other witnesses:
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
22.1-4.2.05 | South Africa, Kenya and Sudan
| Baldry, Barrett, Bayley, Bercow, Davies, Worthington
| 2 | Discussion of issues relating to the Commission for Africa and inquiry into Darfur, Sudan: The responsibility to protect
| £48,000.00
(estimated outturn)
19-24.2.05 | Iraq
| Clwyd, Colman, Davies |
2 | Inquiry into Development assistance in Iraq
| £14,400.00
(estimated outturn)
26-28.2.05 | Naples, ItalyA
| Bayley, Bercow, Worthington
| | Seminar for donor country parliamentarians, hosted by the World Bank and the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank (PNoWB)
| £739.60 |
8.3.05 | Geneva, Switzerland
| Battle, Clwyd, Davies, Worthington
| 1 | Inquiry into Development assistance in Iraq
| £3,240.00
(estimated outturn)
Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: The Commission for Africa and Policy Coherence for Development: First do no harm
| 123 | 16.12.04
| 63 | £13.50
| Received 21.3.05: published as Third Special Report, Session 2004-05
Second Report: Work of the Committee in 2004
| 326 | 21.2.05
| 22 | £6.50
| Not required |
Third Report: DFID's bilateral programme of assistance to India
| 124-I | 17.3.05
| 85 | £14.50
| Received 1.4.05: published as Fourth Special Report, Session 2004-05
Oral and Written Evidence: DFID's bilateral programme of assistance to India
| 124-II | 17.3.05
| 105 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Fourth Report: Strategic Export Controls: HMG's Annual Report for 2003, Licensing Policy and Parliamentary ScrutinyA
| 145 | 24.3.05
| 158 | £20.00
| Awaited |
Fifth Report: Darfur, Sudan: The responsibility to protect
| 67-I | 30.3.05
| 93 | £14.50
| Cm 6576, published 7.6.05
Oral and Written Evidence: Darfur, Sudan: The responsibility to protect
| 67-II | 30.3.05
| 176 | £18.50
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: Fair trade? The European Union's trade agreements with African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries
| 68 | 6.4.05
| 99 | £15.50
| Awaited |
Seventh Report: Development assistance in Iraq: Interim Report
| 244 | 14.4.05
| 87 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
First Special Report: Migration and Development: How to make migration work for poverty reduction: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2003-04
| 163 | 20.12.04
| 29 | £8.00
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Department for International Development: Departmental Report 2004: Government Response to the Committee's Eighth Report of Session 2003-04
| 327 | 21.2.05
| 13 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: The Commission for Africa and Policy Coherence for Development: First do no harm: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2004-05
| 494 | 5.4.05
| 5 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: DFID's bilateral programme of assistance to India: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2004-05
| 506 | 14.4.05
| 14 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Responses to the Asian tsunami disaster
| 328 | 5.4.05
| 12 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Conflict and Development
| 464-i | 14.4.05
| 31 | £8.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: The Autumn Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank
| 1251B | 3.3.05
| 55 | £10.50
| Not applicable |
Joint publication with the Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade
and Industry Committees
B HC No. refers to
Session 2003-04
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Reply to the Committee's Sixth Report: Migration
and Development: How to make migration work for poverty reduction,
received 6.12.04 and published as the Committee's First Special
Report, Session 2004-05.
Reply to the Committee's Eighth Report: Department
for International Development: Departmental Report 2004, received
20.1.05 and published as the Committee's Second Special Report,
Session 2004-05.
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2003-04 were published on 10.3.05 as HC 1308, Session 2003-04.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2004-05
were published on 21.4.05 as HC 527, Session 2004-05.
The following Report and Special Report were debated
in Westminster Hall:
Sixth Report, Session 2003-04, Migration and Development:
How to make migration work for poverty reduction, HC 79-I,
and the Government Response, HC 163, 24.2.05
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 15 of the Committee's
20 meetings.[4]
On 1 occasion evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Conflict and Development
| 1 |
Darfur, Sudan: The responsibility to protect
| 6 |
Development assistance in IraqA
| 2 |
DFID's bilateral programme of assistance to IndiaA
| 1 |
Fair trade? The European Union's trade agreements with African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries
| 2 |
Responses to the Asian tsunami disaster
| 2 |
Strategic Export ControlsB
| 2 |
The Future of EU Development Policy
| 1 |
Total | 17
The Committee took oral evidence on these inquiries in Session
2003-04; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2004-05))
B Jointly with the
Defence, Foreign Affairs and Trade and Industry Committees
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/liaisoncom
The Committee was nominated on 5 November 2001, 22
July 2002 and 7 January 2003.
It had 36 Members and held 4 meetings.
Williams, Mr Alan (Chairman)
Adams, Mrs Irene
Ainsworth, Mr Peter
Allan, Mr Richard
Anderson, Donald
Baldry, Tony
Beith, Mr A.J.
Bell, Sir Stuart
Bennett, Andrew
Conway, Derek
Corston, Jean
Denham, Mr John
Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth
George, Mr Bruce
Gibson, Dr Ian
Hinchliffe, Mr David
Hood, Mr Jimmy
Jack, Mr Michael
Jones, Mr Martyn
Kaufman, Sir Gerald
Key, Mr Robert
Kirkwood, Sir Archy
Leigh, Mr Edward
Lepper, Mr David
McFall, Mr John
McWilliam, Mr John
Mates, Mr Michael
O'Neill, Mr Martin
Pike, Mr Peter
Roe, Dame Marion
Sheerman, Mr Barry
Tredinnick, Mr David
Turner, Mr Dennis
Winterton, Sir Nicholas
Wright, Tony
Young, Sir George
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
58.3 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr George Cubie CB, Clerk
of Committees (SCS Band 3)
Second Clerk: Mr Robert Wilson, Principal Clerk of Select Committees
(SCS Band 2)
Committee Assistant: Ms Lis Partridge, Senior Executive Officer
(Band B1)
Secretary: Mrs Catherine Close, Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following category of witness:
Number of appearances by:
Prime Minister
1 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Annual Report for 2004
| 419 | 15.3.05
| 83 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: The Prime Minister - Tuesday 8 February 2005
| 318-i | 24.3.05
| 26 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2003-04 were published on 15.6.05 as HC 1309, Session 2003-04.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2004-05
will be published as HC 528, Session 2004-05.
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 1 of the Committee's 4
meetings. On no occasion was evidence taken partly or wholly in
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Evidence from the Prime Minister
| 1 |
Total | 1
The Sub-Committee was nominated on 31 January 2002.
It had 8 Members and held 1 meeting.
Williams, Mr Alan (Chairman)
Allan, Mr Richard
Denham, Mr John
Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth
Sheerman, Mr Barry
Winterton, Sir Nicholas
Wright, Tony
Young, Sir George
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
50.0 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr George Cubie CB, Clerk
of Committees (SCS Band 3)
Second Clerk: Mr Robert Wilson, Principal Clerk of Select Committees
(SCS Band 2)
Committee Assistant: Ms Lis Partridge, Senior Executive Officer
(Band B1)
Secretary: Mrs Catherine Close, Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Not applicable.
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Sub-Committee for
Session 2003-04 were published on 15.6.05 as HC 1309, Session
2003-04. The Minutes of Proceedings of the Sub-Committee for Session
2004-05 will be published as HC 528, Session 2004-05.
Oral Evidence
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/modcom
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 15 Members and held 11 meetings.
Hain, Mr Peter (Chairman)
Coffey, Ann
Follett, Barbara
Heald, Mr Oliver
Kidney, Mr David
Linton, Martin
McLoughlin, Mr Patrick
Picking, Anne
Pike, Mr Peter
Ruddock, Joan
Salter, Mr Martin
Shepherd, Mr Richard
Stunell, Mr Andrew
Tyler, Mr Paul
Winterton, Sir Nicholas
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
74.5 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr George Cubie CB, Clerk
of Committees (SCS Band 3)
Second Clerk: Mr Tom Healey, Deputy Principal Clerk (SCS Band
Committee Assistant: Ms Susan Morrison, Chief Office Clerk (Band
Secretary: Jane Cooper, Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
28.2-2.3.05 | Helsinki
| Heald, Kidney, Linton, Pike, Ruddock, Stunell, Tyler, Winterton
| 2 | Scrutiny of European Business
| £10,409.00
(estimated outturn)
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Sitting Hours
| 88 | 11.1.05
| 122 | £15.50
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Scrutiny of European Business
| 465-I | 22.3.05
| 61 | £12.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Scrutiny of European Business
| 465-II | 22.3.05
| 147 | £16.50
| Not applicable |
First Special Report: Connecting Parliament with the Public: the House of Commons Commission's Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2003-04
| 69 | 2.12.04
| 5 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2003-04 were published on 16.12.04 as HC 1310, Session 2003-04.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2004-05
were published on 7.6.05 as HC 529, Session 2004-05.
Date | Subject
15.12.04 | Four, on consideration of the Chairman's draft Report on Sitting Hours
16.3.05 | One, on consideration of the Chairman's draft Report on Scrutiny of European Business
The following Reports were debated in the House:
First Report, Session 2003-04, Connecting Parliament
with the Public, HC 368, 26.10.04 and 26.1.05
First Report, Session 2004-05, Sitting Hours,
HC 88, 26.1.05
Oral Evidence
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/niacom
The Committee was nominated on 19 July 2001.
It had 13 Members and held 15 meetings.
Mates, Mr Michael (Chairman)
Bailey, Mr Adrian
Beggs, Mr Roy
Campbell, Mr Gregory
Clarke, Mr Tony
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Luke, Mr Iain
McGrady, Mr Eddie
Pound, Mr Stephen
Smyth, The Reverend Martin
Swire, Mr Hugo
Tami, Mark
Tynan, Mr Bill
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
57.4 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Dr John Patterson, Senior Clerk (Band
Attached Clerk: Mr Hugh Farren
Committee Specialist: Dr Aileen O'Neill (Band B1)
Media Officer: Jessica Bridges Palmer (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Mr Tony Catinella (Band B2)
Secretary: Janet Trevellyan (until 21.1.05) (temporary); Chryssa
Poupard (from 24.1.05 until 24.3.05) (temporary); Mrs Julia Kalogerides
(from 4.4.05), Secretary Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Jim Lawford (shared) (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Paul Arthur, Sir Kenneth Bloomfield, Mr
Keith Bryett, Professor Mari Fitzduff, Dr Neil Jarman, Professor
Colin Knox.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Northern Ireland Office
Northern Ireland Executive
Public bodies comprising:
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
Appearances by other witnesses:
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
21-22.2.05 | Belfast
| Mates, Beggs, Campbell, Luke, Pound, Smyth, Tami
| 7A | Inquiry into Reconciliation: Ways of dealing with Northern Ireland's past
| £5,883.85 |
28.2.05 | Belfast
| Mates, Beggs, Campbell, Clarke, Smyth, Tynan
| 6A | Inquiry into Reconciliation: Ways of dealing with Northern Ireland's past
| £3,243.28 |
Includes 2 specialist advisers and 1 shorthand writer
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Electoral Registration in Northern Ireland
| 131 | 15.12.04
| 90 | £14.50
| Electoral Office for Northern Ireland response received 12.1.05; Electoral Commission response received 2.3.05; Northern Ireland Office response received 3.3.05: published as Second Special Report, Session 2004-05
Second Report: The Parades Commission and Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Act 1998
| 172-I | 11.1.05
| 42 | £11.00
| Awaited |
Oral and Written Evidence: The Parades Commission and Public Processions (Northern Ireland) Act 1998
| 172-II | 11.1.05
| 180 | £18.50
| Not applicable |
Third Report: Northern Ireland Departments' 2002-03 Resource Accounts
| 173 | 11.1.05
| 37 | £10.00
| Northern Ireland Office response received 16.3.05: published as Third Special Report, Session 2004-05
Fourth Report: The work of the Committee in 2004
| 262 | 26.1.05
| 90 | £14.50
| Awaited |
Fifth Report: The Functions of the Office of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland
| 108 | 23.2.05
| 151 | £17.50
| Awaited |
Sixth Report: Waste Management Strategy in Northern Ireland
| 349-I | 28.2.05
| 41 | £11.00
| Northern Ireland Office response received 23.3.05: published as
Fourth Special Report, Session 2004-05
Oral and Written Evidence: Waste Management Strategy in Northern Ireland
| 349-II | 28.2.05
| 256 | £21.50
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: The Functions of the Northern Ireland Policing Board
| 108 | 10.3.05
| 125 | £15.50
| Awaited |
Eighth Report: Air Transport Services in Northern Ireland
| 53-I | 14.4.05
| 36 | £10.00
| Awaited |
Oral and Written Evidence: Air Transport Services in Northern Ireland
| 53-II | 14.4.05
| 174 | £18.50
| Not applicable |
Ninth Report: The Challenge of Diversity: Hate Crime in Northern Ireland
| 548-I | 14.4.05
| 80 | £14.50
| Awaited |
Oral and Written Evidence: The Challenge of Diversity: Hate Crime in Northern Ireland
| 548-II | 14.4.05
| 296 | £22.50
| Not applicable |
Tenth Report: Ways of dealing with Northern Ireland's past: Interim Report - Victims and Survivors
| 303-I | 14.4.05
| 43 | £11.00
| Awaited |
Oral and Written Evidence: Ways of dealing with Northern Ireland's past: Interim Report - Victims and Survivors
| 303-II | 14.4.05
| 366 | £26.50
| Not applicable |
First Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report of Session 2003-04 on Social Housing Provision in Northern Ireland
| 225 | 19.1.05
| 15 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's First Report of Session 2004-05 on Electoral Registration in Northern Ireland
| 448 | 16.3.05
| 14 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Third Report: Northern Ireland Departments' 2002-03 Resource Accounts
| 549 | 14.4.05
| 11 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report: Waste Management Strategy in Northern Ireland
| 550 | 14.4.05
| 14 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Reply to the Committee's Sixth Report: Social
Housing Provision in Northern Ireland, received 15.12.04,
and published as the First Special Report, Session 2004-05
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2003-04 were published on 18.11.04 as HC 1311, Session 2003-04.
The Minutes of Proceedings for Session 2004-05 will be published
as HC 530, Session 2004-05.
The following Report and Oral and Written Evidence
were tagged on the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in
the House:
First Report, Session 2004-05, Electoral Registration
in Northern Ireland, HC 131, and Oral and Written Evidence,
Session 2002-03, Electoral Registration in Northern Ireland,
Electoral Registration (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords]: Second
Reading, 24.2.05
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 11 of the Committee's
15 meetings. On 9 occasions evidence was taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Reconciliation: Ways of Dealing with Northern Ireland's past
| 9 |
The functions of the Northern Ireland Policing Board
| 2 |
Total | 11
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/niacom
The Sub-Committee was nominated on 17 December 2003.
It had 13 Members and held 9 meetings.
Clarke, Mr Tony (Chairman)
Bailey, Mr Adrian
Beggs, Mr Roy
Campbell, Mr Gregory
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Luke, Mr Iain
McGrady, Mr Eddie
Mates, Mr Michael
Pound, Mr Stephen
Smyth, The Reverend Martin
Swire, Mr Hugo
Tami, Mark
Tynan, Mr Bill
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
47.9 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Dr John Patterson, Senior Clerk (Band
Attached Clerk: Mr Hugh Farren
Committee Specialist: Dr Aileen O'Neill (Band B1)
Media Officer: Jessica Bridges Palmer (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Mr Tony Catinella (Band B2)
Secretary: Janet Trevellyan (until 21.1.05) (temporary); Chryssa
Poupard (from 24.1.05 until 24.3.05) (temporary); Mrs Julia Kalogerides
(from 4.4.05), Secretary Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Jim Lawford (from 21.2.05) (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr. Dominic Hogg and Mr Chris Tarry.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
Northern Ireland Executive comprising:
Department of the Environment
Department for Regional Development
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
Other departments comprising:
Department of Transport
Public bodies comprising:
General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland
Appearances by other witnesses:
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
23-24.1.05 | Dublin
| Clarke, Bailey, Beggs, Campbell, Hepburn, Luke, Swire
| 2A | Inquiry into Air Transport Services in Northern Ireland
| £3,879.10 |
Includes 1 specialist adviser
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
29-30.11.04 | Belfast and Londonderry
| Clarke, Bailey, Beggs, Campbell, Hepburn, McGrady, Pound, Smyth, Tami
| 5A | Inquiry into Air Transport Services in Northern Ireland
| £4,416.52 |
1.3.05 | Belfast
| Clarke, Beggs, Campbell, Tami
| 4A | Inquiry into Air Transport Services in Northern Ireland
| £567.38 |
Includes 1 specialist adviser and 1 shorthand writer
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Not applicable.
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Sub-Committee for
Session 2003-04 were published on 18.11.04 as HC 1311, Session
2003-04. The Minutes of Proceedings of the Sub-Committee for Session
2004-05 will be published as HC 530, Session 2004-05.
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 8 of the Committee's 9
meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly
or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Air Transport Services in Northern IrelandA
| 8 |
Total | 8
The Sub-Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session
2003-04; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2004-05))
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/odpmcom
The Committee was nominated on 22 July 2002.
It had 11 Members and held 16 meetings.
Bennett, Andrew (Chairman)
Beresford, Sir Paul
Betts, Mr Clive
Brady, Mr Graham
Clelland, Mr David
Cummings, Mr John
Laing, Mrs Eleanor (discharged 24.1.05)
Mole, Chris
O'Brien, Mr Bill
Page, Mr Richard (added 24.1.05)
Russell, Christine
Sanders, Mr Adrian
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
59.1 %
9.1 %
Clerk: Miss Kate Emms (until 4.1.05), Senior Clerk
(Band A2); Dr Lynn Gardner (from 1.1.05), Deputy Principal Clerk
(SCS Band 1) / Mrs Jessica Mulley (from 1.1.05), Deputy Principal
Clerk (SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Ms Charlotte Littleboy, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialists: Haidee Brockway (until 1.1.05), (Band A2)
and Ben Kochan (Band B1)
Media Officer: Jessica Bridges-Palmer (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistants: Ian Hook, Higher Executive Officer (Band
B2) and Mr Ian Blair, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Secretary: Emma Carey, Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Bob Blackaby, David Godfrey, Professor Alan Harding,
Professor Steve Hilditch, Professor Charlie Jeffery and Professor
Colin Rallings.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
| 8 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
| 3 |
Executive agencies |
2 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| 0 |
Electoral Commission |
2 |
Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government (IDeA)
| 2 |
The Commission for Local Administration in England (The Local Government Ombudsmen)
| 3 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 41 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
11.1.05 | Crisis Urban Village Project, Shoreditch
| Bennett, Betts, Cummings
| 3 | Inquiry into Homelessness
| £144.00 |
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: The Draft Regional Assemblies Bill
| 62-I | 5.1.05
| 78 | £14.50
| Received 8.3.05: published as First Special Report, Session 2004-05
Oral and Written Evidence: The Draft Regional Assemblies Bill
| 62-II | 5.1.05
| 116 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Second Report: The Work of the Committee in 2004
| 149 | 7.2.05
| 59 | £13.50
| Not applicable |
Third Report: Homelessness
| 61-I | 27.1.05
| 84 | £14.50
| Cm 6490, published 14.3.05
Oral and Written Evidence: Homelessness
| 61-II | 27.1.05
| 128 | £17.50
| Not applicable |
Fourth Report: ODPM Annual Report and Accounts 2004
| 58 | 26.1.05
| 64 | £13.50
| Not applicable |
Fifth Report: The Role and Effectiveness of CABE
| 59 | 9.3.05
| 89 | £14.50
| Cm 6509, published 4.4.05
Sixth Report: Electoral Registration
| 243-I | 24.3.05
| 77 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Memoranda: Electoral Registration
| 243-II | 18.1.05
| 83 | £13.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Electoral Registration
| 243-III | 4.4.05
| 82 | £13.00
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: The Role and Effectiveness of the Standards Board for England
| 60-I | 6.4.05
| 72 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Memoranda: The Role and Effectiveness of the Standards Board for England
| 1118-IIA |
24.11.04 | 46
| £11.00 | Not applicable
Eighth Report: Empty Homes and Low-demand Pathfinders
| 295-I | 5.4.05
| 100 | £15.50
| Not applicable |
Memoranda: Empty Homes and Low-demand Pathfinders
| 295-II | 1.2.05
| 127 | £16.50
| Not applicable |
Ninth Report: Ward Boundaries
| 315 | 7.4.05
| 56 | £12.00
| Not applicable |
Tenth Report: Local Government Consultation
| 316-I | 7.4.05
| 95 | £15.50
| Not applicable |
Memoranda: Local Government Consultation
| 316-II | 8.2.05
| 67 | £12.00
| Not applicable |
Eleventh Report: The Role and Effectiveness of the Local Government Ombudsmen for England
| 458 | 7.4.05
| 42 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
First Special Report: Government Response to the Committee's First Report, Session 2004-05, on the Draft Regional Assemblies Bill
| 459 | 24.3.05
| 14 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
HC No. refers to Session 2003-04
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Reply to the Committee's Eleventh Report: The
Role of Historic Buildings in Urban Regeneration, published
as Cm 6420 (30.11.04).
Reply to the Committee's Thirteenth Report: Gypsy
and Traveller Sites, published as Cm 6465 (27.1.05).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2003-04 were published on 23.2.05 as HC 1312, Session 2003-04.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2004-05
will be published as HC 531, Session 2004-05.
Date | Subject
14.12.04 | One, on consideration of the question, that the Report be the First Report of the Committee to the House (The Draft Regional Assemblies Bill)
18.1.05 | One, on consideration of the question, that the Report be the Third Report of the Committee to the House (Homelessness)
The following Report was debated in Westminster Hall:
Fifth Report, Session 2003-04, Decent Homes,
HC 46-I, 3.3.05
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 10 of the Committee's
16 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly
or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Electoral Registration |
3 |
| 3 |
Local Government Consultation
| 3 |
The Role and Effectiveness of the Local Government Ombudsmen for England
| 1 |
Total | 10
The Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session 2003-04;
figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2004-05))
For website access click www.parliament.uk/odpmcom
The Sub-Committee was nominated on 15 October 2002.
It had 11 Members and held 13 meetings.
Bennett, Andrew (Chairman from 14.12.04 until 5.4.05)A
Beresford, Sir Paul
Betts, Mr Clive (Chairman from 15.9.04 until 9.3.05)B
Brady, Mr Graham
Clelland, Mr David (Chairman from 1.3.05 until 21.3.05)C
Cummings, Mr John
Laing, Mrs Eleanor (discharged 24.1.05)
Mole, Chris (Chairman from 15.9.04 until 6.4.05)D
O'Brien, Mr Bill
Page, Mr Richard (added 24.1.05)
Russell, Christine (Chairman from 11.1.05 until 7.4.05)E
Sanders, Mr Adrian
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
62.9 %
9.1 %
A For the inquiry
into Empty Homes
B For the inquiry
into The Role and Effectiveness of CABE
C For the inquiry
into Coalfield Communities - Follow Up
D For the inquiry
into The Role and Effectiveness of the Standards Board for England
E For the inquiry
into Ward Boundaries and Evening Economy - Follow Up
Clerk: Miss Kate Emms (until 4.1.05), Senior Clerk
(Band A2); Dr Lynn Gardner (from 1.1.05), Deputy Principal Clerk
(SCS Band 1) / Mrs Jessica Mulley (from 1.1.05), Deputy Principal
Clerk (SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Ms Charlotte Littleboy, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialists: Haidee Brockway (until 1.1.05), (Band A2)
and Ben Kochan (Band B1)
Media Officer: Jessica Bridges-Palmer (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistants: Ian Hook, Higher Executive Officer (Band
B2) and Mr Ian Blair, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Secretary: Emma Carey, Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Ian Cole, Robert Cowan, Ray Hudson, Marion Roberts
and Professor Fred Robinson.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet ministers | 1
Ministers other than Cabinet Ministers
| 6 |
Members of the House of Lords (of whom 1 was also a Minister)
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| 0 |
Audit Commission | 3
Electoral Commission |
2 |
English Partnerships |
2 |
Local Government Association (LGA)
| 3 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 39 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
Oral and Written Evidence: The Evening Economy and the Urban Renaissance: a follow-up
| 456 | 7.4.05
| 58 | £11.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Coalfield Communities: a follow-up
| 457 | 7.4.05
| 22 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Not applicable.
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Sub-Committee for
Session 2003-04 were published on 23.2.05 as HC 1312, Session
2003-04. The Minutes of Proceedings of the Sub-Committee for Session
2004-05 will be published as HC 531, Session 2004-05.
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 8 of the Committee's 13
meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly
or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Coalfield Communities: Follow-up
| 1 |
Empty Homes and Low-demand Pathfinders
| 2 |
The Evening Economy: Follow-up
| 1 |
The Role and Effectiveness of the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)A
| 1 |
The Role and Effectiveness of the Standards Board for England
| 2 |
Ward Boundaries | 1
Total | 8
The Sub-Committee took oral evidence on this inquiry in Session
2003-04; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2004-05))
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/proccom
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 13 Members and held 5 meetings.
Winterton, Sir Nicholas (Chairman)
Bercow, Mr John
Burnett, Mr John
Hamilton, David
Illsley, Mr Eric
Irranca-Davies, Huw
Joyce, Eric
Luke, Mr Iain
McKenna, Rosemary
McWalter, Mr Tony
Smith, Sir Robert
Swayne, Mr Desmond
Wright, David
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
53.8 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Simon Patrick, Deputy
Principal Clerk (SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Libby Preston, Assistant Clerk (Band A3)
Committee Assistant: Ms Susan Morrison, Chief Office Clerk (Band
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Other Ministers
Members of Parliament
Members of the House of Lords (1 of whom was a Minister)
Officers of the House of Commons
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: The Sub Judice Rule of the House of Commons
| 125 | 4.4.05
| 77 | £14.50
| Awaited |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2003-04 were published on 1.12.04 as HC 1313, Session 2003-04.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2004-05
were published on 19.5.05 as HC 532, Session 2004-05.
The following Report was debated in the House on
a Motion to approve recommendations:
Fifth Report, Session 2003-04, Public Petitions,
HC 1248, 19.1.05
The following Report was tagged on the Order Paper
as being relevant to a debate in the House:
Second Report, Session 2003-04, Results of Sitting
Hours Questionnaire, HC 491, 26.1.05
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 4 of the Committee's 5
meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly
or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
The Sub Judice Rule of the House of Commons
| 4 |
Total | 4
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/pac
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 16 Members and held 25 meetings.
Leigh, Mr Edward (Chairman)
Allan, Mr Richard
Bacon, Mr Richard
Browning, Mrs Angela
Cruddas, Jon
Curry, Mr David
Davidson, Mr Ian
Field, Mr Frank
Jenkins, Mr Brian
Jones, Mr Nigel
Sheridan, Jim
Simon, Mr Siôn
Steinberg, Mr Gerry
Timms, Mr Stephen
Trickett, Jon
Williams, Mr Alan
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
40.5 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Nick Wright, Senior Clerk
(Band A2)
Media Officer: Mr Luke Robinson (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistants: Christine Randall, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2) and Leslie Young (until 25.2.05), Chief Office Clerk
(Band C); Ms Emma Sawyer (from 28.2.05), Chief Office Clerk (Band
Secretary: Ronnie Jefferson, Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Department for Constitutional Affairs
| 1 |
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
| 1 |
Ministry of Defence |
4 |
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister
| 4 |
Department for Education and Skills
| 5 |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| 5 |
Department of Health |
7 |
Home Office | 4
Department of Trade and Industry
| 3 |
HM Treasury | 24
Department for Work and Pensions
| 3 |
Executive agencies, comprising:
| |
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
| 1 |
Highways Agency | 1
Number of appearances by officials from or representatives of public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
Association of Chief Police Officers
| 1 |
British Dental Association
| 1 |
British National Space Centre
| 1 |
Crown Prosecution Service
| 1 |
Duchy of Cornwall | 2
Duchy of Lancaster |
2 |
Energywatch | 2
English Partnerships |
1 |
Heritage Lottery Fund |
1 |
HM Customs and Excise |
3 |
Inland Revenue | 6
National Audit Office |
29 |
National Farmers Union |
1 |
New Opportunities Fund |
1 |
Northern Ireland Audit Office
| 3 |
Northern Ireland Department of Education
| 2 |
Northern Ireland Department for Employment and Learning
| 3 |
Northern Ireland Treasury
| 1 |
Office of Criminal Justice Reform
| 1 |
Open University | 1
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
| 1 |
Postwatch | 1
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
14-16.3.05 | Luxembourg and Brussels
| Leigh, Browning, Curry, Davidson
| 2 | Inquiry into the financial management of the European Union
| £5,083.69 |
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: The management of sickness absence in the prison service
| 146 | 18.1.05
| 35 | £10.00
| Cm 6496, published 6.4.05
Second Report: Tackling cancer in England: saving more lives
| 166 | 25.1.05
| 55 | £12.00
| Cm 6496, published 6.4.05
Third Report: The BBC's investment in Freeview
| 237 | 3.2.05
| 33 | £10.00
| BBC Governors' Report awaited
Fourth Report: Improving the speed and quality of asylum decisions
| 238 | 8.2.05
| 40 | £11.00
| Cm 6496, published 6.4.05
Fifth Report: Excess Votes 2003-04
| 310 | 22.2.05
| 9 | £5.00
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: Excess Votes (Northern Ireland) 2003-04
| 311 | 22.2.05
| 8 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Visa entry to the United Kingdom: the entry clearance operation
| 312 | 1.3.05
| 41 | £10.00
| Cm 6577, published 17.6.05
Eighth Report: Ministry of Defence: Battlefield Helicopters
| 386 | 18.3.05
| 50 | £12.00
| Cm 6577, published 17.6.05
Ninth Report: The Drug Treatment and Testing Order: early lessons
| 403 | 10.3.05
| 38 | £11.00
| Cm 6577, published 17.6.05
Tenth Report: Welfare to work: tackling the barriers to employment of older people
| 439 | 24.5.05
| 44 | £11.00
| Awaited |
Eleventh Report: Improving public transport in England through light rail
| 440 | 5.4.05
| 32 | £10.00
| Awaited |
Twelfth Report: Helping farm businesses in England
| 441 | 1.4.05
| 61 | £13.50
| Awaited |
Thirteenth Report: Ofgem: The Social Action Plan and the Energy Efficiency Commitment
| 442 | 26.5.05
| 33 | £10.00
| Awaited |
Fourteenth Report: Department for International Development: responding to HIV/AIDS
| 443 | 6.4.05
| 40 | £11.00
| Awaited |
Fifteenth Report: Managing risks to improve public services
| 444 | 7.6.05
| 37 | £10.00
| Awaited |
Sixteenth Report: Department of Health: Improving emergency care in England
| 445 | 30.3.05
| 36 | £10.00
| Awaited |
Seventeenth Report: London Underground Public Private Partnerships
| 446 | 31.3.05
| 59 | £13.50
| Awaited |
Eighteenth Report: Financial management in the European Union
| 498 | 4.4.05
| 18 | £6.50
| Awaited |
Nineteenth Report: The Accounts of the Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster
| 313 |
| |
| Awaited |
Twentieth Report: PFI: The STEPS deal
| 553 | 14.6.05
| 34 | £10.00
| Awaited |
Twenty-First Report: The United Kingdom's civil space programme
| 47 | 9.6.05
| 39 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Twenty-Second Report: Facing justice: tackling defendants' non-attendance at court
| 103 | 16.6.05
| 28 | £8.50
| Awaited |
Twenty-Third Report: Reducing crime: the Home Office working with Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships
| 147 | 21.6.05
| 30 | £9.00
| Awaited |
Twenty-Fourth Report: Improving patient care by reducing the risk of hospital acquired infection: a progress report
| 544 | 23.6.05
| |
| Awaited |
Twenty-Fifth Report: Tackling congestion by making better use of England's motorways and trunk roads
| 134 | 28.6.05
| |
| Awaited |
Twenty-Sixth Report: Ministry of Defence: the rapid procurement of capability to support operations
| 70 | 30.6.05
| |
| Awaited |
Twenty-Seventh Report: The impact of the Office of Government Commerce's initiatives on the delivery of major IT-enabled projects
| 555 | 5.7.05
| |
| Awaited |
Twenty-Eighth Report: Network Rail: making a fresh start
| 556 | 7.7.05
| |
| Awaited |
Twenty-Ninth Report: Inheritance tax
| 174 | 12.7.05
| |
| Awaited |
Thirtieth Report: Department of Health: reforming NHS dentistry
| 167 | 14.7.05
| |
| Awaited |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Managing National Lottery Distribution Fund balances
| 223-i | 20.1.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: English Partnerships: Regeneration of the Millennium Dome and associated land
| 239-i | 21.1.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Energywatch and Postwatch: Helping and protecting consumers
| 260-i | 25.1.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Tax Credits, Stamp Duty Land Tax and deleted tax cases
| 269-i | 31.1.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Helping those in financial hardship: the running of the Social Fund
| 282-i | 1.2.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2004
| 294-i | 7.2.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: HM Customs & Excise: Standard Report 2003-04
| 304-i | 9.2.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Home Office: reducing vehicle crime
| 332-i | 15.2.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Department of Trade and Industry: renewable energy
| 361-i | 25.2.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: National Audit Office Supply Estimate
| 362-i | 25.2.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Northern Ireland Audit Office Supply Estimate
| 363-i | 25.2.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Foot and Mouth Disease: applying the lessons
| 387-i | 2.3.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Improving school attendance in England
| 404-i | 3.3.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: NI Department for Employment and Learning: Jobskills
| 417-i | 8.3.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Local management of schools
| 418-i | 8.3.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Progress in tackling homelessness
| 428-i | 14.3.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: The Department for Work and Pension's Resource Accounts for 2003-04
| 447-i | 14.3.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Department of Health: Tackling cancer: improving the patient journey
| 485-i | 9.5.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Department of Health: The NHS Cancer Plan
| 499-i | 5.4.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Evidence published on the Internet: Department for Education and Skills: Skills for life: improving adult literacy and numeracy
| 557-i | 9.5.05
| |
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Reply to the Committee's Thirty-Fifth Report: Early
years: progress in developing high quality childcare and early
education accessible to all, published as Cm 6416 (16.12.04).
Reply to the Committee's Fortieth Report: Youth
offending: the delivery of community and custodial sentences,
published as Cm 6416 (16.12.04).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-First Report: Improving
departments' capability to procure cost-effectively, published
as Cm 6416 (16.12.04).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Second Report: Increased
resources to improve public services: a progress report on departments'
preparations, published as Cm 6416 (16.12.04).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Third Report: Ministry
of Defence: Major Projects Report 2003, published as Cm 6416
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Fourth Report: Protecting
England and Wales from plant pests and diseases, published
as Cm 6441 (27.1.05).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Fifth Report: Criminal
Records Bureau: delivering safer recruitment?, published as
Cm 6441 (27.1.05).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Sixth Report: The
UK Emissions Trading Scheme: a new way to combat climate change,
published as Cm 6441 (27.1.05).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Seventh Report: The
management of suspensions of clinical staff in NHS hospitals and
ambulance trusts in England, published as Cm 6441 (27.1.05).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Eighth Report: Connexions
Service, published as Cm 6441 (27.1.05).
Reply to the Committee's Forty-Ninth Report: The
recovery of debt by the Inland Revenue, published as Cm 6441
Reply to the Committee's Fiftieth Report: Northern
Ireland: The management of industrial sickness absence, published
as Cm 6468 (2.2.05).
Reply to the Committee's Fifty-First Report: Success
in the Regions, published as Cm 6458 (9.2.05).
Reply to the Committee's Fifty-Second Report: Health
and Safety Executive: Improving health and safety in the construction
industry, published as Cm 6458 (9.2.05).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2003-04 were published on 7.4.05 as HC 1315, Session 2003-04.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2004-05
will be published as HC 533, Session 2004-05.
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 25 of the Committee's
25 meetings[5].
On 2 occasions evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Department for Education and Skills: Skills for life: improving adult literacy and numeracy
| 1 |
Department for Employment and Learning: Jobskills
| 1 |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs: Foot and Mouth Disease: applying the lessons
| 1 |
Department of Health - reforming NHS Dentistry: ensuring effective management of risks
| 1 |
Department of Health: tackling cancer: improving the patient journey
| 1 |
Department of Trade & Industry: The United Kingdom's civil space activities
| 1 |
Department of Trade and Industry: renewable energy
| 1 |
Energywatch and Postwatch: helping and protecting consumers
| 1 |
English Partnerships: regeneration of the Millennium Dome and associated land
| 1 |
Facing Justice: tackling defendants' non-attendance at court
| 1 |
Fraud and error in benefits expenditure
| 1 |
Helping those in financial hardship: the running of the Social Fund
| 1 |
HM Customs & Excise - Standard Report 2003-04
| 1 |
Home Office: reducing vehicle crime
| 1 |
Improving school attendance in England
| 1 |
Inland Revenue: Inheritance Tax
| 1 |
Local management of schools
| 1 |
Managing National Lottery Distribution Fund balances
| 1 |
Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2004
| 1 |
Ministry of Defence: The rapid procurement of capability to support operations
| 1 |
National Audit Office Supply Estimate 2005-06
| 1 |
Northern Ireland Audit Office Supply Estimate 2005-06
| 1 |
Progress in tackling homelessness
| 1 |
Reducing crime: the Home Office working with Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships
| 1 |
Tackling congestion by making better use of England's motorways and trunk roads
| 1 |
Tax Credits, Stamp Duty Land Tax and Deleted Tax Cases
| 1 |
The Accounts of the Duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster
| 1 |
The NHS Cancer Plan: a progress report
| 1 |
Total | 28
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/pasc
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 17 meetings.
Wright, Tony (Chairman)
Brennan, Kevin (discharged 18.1.05)
Brooke, Annette
Campbell, Mrs Anne
Chapman, Sir Sydney
Heyes, Mr David
Hopkins, Mr Kelvin
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Prentice, Mr Gordon
Trend, Mr Michael
White, Brian
Wright, Mr Iain (added 18.1.05)
Overall Attendance:
Number of Members added:
Number of Members discharged:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
51.3 %
9.1 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Philip Aylett, Deputy
Principal Clerk (SCS Band 1)
Second Clerk: Mr Clive Porro, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Lucinda Maer (Band B1)
Media Officer: Adele Brown (shared) (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Miss Jackie Recardo, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2)
Secretary: Jennifer Pickard, Grade 2 (Band C)
Senior Office Clerk: Mr Philip Jones (shared) (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Rodney Brazier, Professor Stuart Weir and
Professor Diana Woodhouse.
Oral Evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Other Ministers | 3
Members of the House of Lords
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Cabinet Office | 1
Department of Health |
1 |
Home Office | 1
The following officials also attended meetings of the Committee:
| |
Anne Abraham, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
| 1 |
Trish Longdon, Deputy Ombudsman
| 1 |
Bill Richardson, Deputy Chief Executive of the Ombudsman's Office
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 33 |
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
18.1.05 | Birmingham
| T Wright, Campbell, Heyes, Hopkins, Prentice
| 3A | Inquiry into Choice, Voice and Public Services
| £1,492.60 |
Includes 1 shorthand writer
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Government by Inquiry
| 51-I | 3.2.05
| 103 | £15.50
| Department for Constitutional Affairs response, Cm 6481, published 10.3.05
Oral and Written Evidence: Government by Inquiry
| 51-II | 4.1.05
| 45 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Government by Inquiry
| 51-i | 4.2.05
| 19 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Government by Inquiry
| 51-ii | 4.2.05
| 11 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Government by Inquiry
| 51-iii | 4.2.05
| 17 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Work of the Committee in 2004
| 306 | 8.2.05
| 12 | £5.00
| Not required |
Third Report: Response to the Government's Consultation on the Civil Service Bill
| 336 | 22.2.05
| 25 | £8.50
| Not applicable |
Fourth Report: Choice, Voice and Public Services
| 49-I | 17.3.05
| 74 | £14.50
| Awaited |
Memoranda: Choice, Voice and Public Services
| 49-II | 21.12.04
| 80 | £12.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Choice, Voice and Public Services
| 49-III | 17.3.05
| 186 | £18.50
| Not applicable |
Fifth Report: Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary Questions
| 449-I | 22.3.05
| 21 | £6.50
| Awaited |
Memoranda: Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary Questions
| 449-II | 22.3.05
| 223 | £20.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: The Work of the Ombudsman
| 50-i | 17.1.05
| 16 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Civil Service Effectiveness
| 307 | 14.4.05
| 109 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Oral and Written Evidence: Government by Inquiry
| 606-viA |
8.12.04 | 15
| £5.50 | Not applicable
Oral and Written Evidence: Government by Inquiry
| 606-viiA |
27.1.05 | 25
| £7.00 | Not applicable
HC No. refers to Session 2003-04
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Reply to the Committee's Fifth Report: A Matter
of Honour: Reforming the Honours System, published as Cm 6479
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2003-04 were published on 20.5.05 as HC 1315, Session 2003-04.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2004-05
were published on 26.5.05 as HC 534, Session 2004-05.
Date | Subject
10.2.05 | Thirty, on consideration of the Chairman's draft Report on the Response to the Government's Consultation on the Civil Service Bill
The following Report was tagged on the Order Paper
as being relevant to a debate in the House:
First Report, Session 2004-05, Government by Inquiry,
HC 51-I, 15.3.05
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 13 of the Committee's
17 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly
or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Choice, Voice and Public ServicesA
| 5 |
Civil Service Effectiveness
| 4 |
Government by InquiryA
| 3 |
The Work of the Ombudsman 2004-05
| 1 |
Total | 13
The Committee took oral evidence on these inquiries in Session
2003-04; figures appear in the Return for that Session (HC 1 (2004-05))
For website access click on www.parliament.uk/regrefcom
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 16 Members and held 6 meetings.
Pike, Mr Peter (Chairman)
Brown, Mr Russell
Cotter, Brian
Donaldson, Mr Jeffrey M.
Havard, Mr Dai
King, Andy
Lazarowicz, Mr Mark
Love, Mr Andrew
MacDougall, Mr John
Mole, Chris
Murphy, Mr Denis
Naysmith, Dr Doug
Norman, Mr Archie
Rosindell, Andrew
Steen, Mr Anthony
White, Brian
Overall Attendance:
Turnover of membership during the Session:
| Meetings attended
34.4 %
0.0 %
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Mick Hillyard, Senior
Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Mr Stuart Deacon (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Mr Brian Dye, Chief Office Clerk (Band C)
Secretary: Liz Booth, Grade 2 (Band C)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Oral and Written Evidence
Title | HC No. (2004-05)
| Date of publication
| No. of pages |
Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) Order 2005
| 117 | 9.12.04
| 36 | £8.50
| Not applicable |
Second Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Register of Births and Deaths) (England and Wales) Order 2004
| 118 | 20.12.04
| 156 | £17.50
| Not applicable |
Third Report: Proposal for the Regulatory Reform (Prison Officers) (Industrial Action) Order 2004
| 148 | 17.12.04
| 24 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Fourth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) Order 2005
| 270 | 27.1.05
| 12 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Fifth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Prison Officers) (Industrial Action) Order 2005
| 271 | 27.1.05
| 12 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Trading Stamps) Order 2005
| 272 | 27.1.05
| 24 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Execution of Deeds and Documents) Order 2005
| 429 | 11.3.05
| 12 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Eighth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (National Health Service Charitable and Non-Charitable Trust Accounts and Audit) Order 2004
| 430 | 11.3.05
| 16 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Ninth Report: Draft Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
| 495 | 30.3.05
| 40 | £9.50
| Not applicable |
First Special Report: Operation of the Regulatory Reform Act 2001
| 273 | 31.1.05
| 48 | £10.50
| Cabinet Office Response received 25.2.05
Second Special Report: Government Response to the Committees First Special Report of Session 2004-05: Operation of the Regulatory Reform Act 2001
| 431 | 11.3.05
| 8 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2003-04
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session
2003-04 were published on 11.3.04 as HC 1317, Session 2003-04.
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2004-05
will be published as HC 535, Session 2004-05.
Oral Evidence
3 On one occasion the Committee's meeting comprised
two separate oral evidence sessions. Back
On two occasions the Committee's meeting comprised two separate
oral evidence sessions. Back
On two occasions the Committee's meeting comprised two separate
oral evidence sessions, and on one occasion the Committee's meeting
comprised three separate oral evidence sessions. Back