Sessional Returns 2004-05 - Contents



Total printing costs of Select Committees in the financial year 2004-05 were £1,927,729.14; and, in Session 2004-05, £1,298,443.36. The printing costs of Joint Committees are borne by the House of Lords.

The published output of each Committee, including Reports, Oral and Written Evidence and Memoranda, is shown in the following table.


CommitteePage Count Cost
Accommodation and Works24 511.68
Constitutional Affairs1,336 52,000.42
Culture, Media & Sport1,892 73,355.26
Education and Skills2,724 102,863.29
Environmental Audit2,312 86,102.10
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs3,916 147,477.07
European Scrutiny2,576 82,588.92
Finance and Services28 583.09
Foreign Affairs2,224 82,160.35
Home Affairs2,06078,039.09
International Development1,674 61,506.09
Modernisation of the House of Commons520 22,180.95
Northern Ireland Affairs1,548 59,090.37
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions 3,756140,261.75
Public Accounts2,272 86,346.43
Public Administration1,596 60,825.02
Regulatory Reform768 24,457.72
Science and Technology3,836 143,242.48
Scottish Affairs304 11,008.27
Standards and Privileges268 8,072.45
Statutory Instruments52 1,446.73
Trade and Industry2,556 96,752.92
Welsh Affairs1,51258,580.33
Work and Pensions1,960 75,868.76
TOTAL51,590 1,927,729.14


CommitteePage Count Cost
Accommodation and Works12 261.10
Constitutional Affairs832 32,581.13
Culture, Media & Sport1,396 54,070.90
Education and Skills2,168 83,994.46
Environmental Audit1,672 64,189.95
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs2,896 111,135.08
European Scrutiny1,454 47,812.86
Finance and Services28 583.09
Foreign Affairs1,508 52,829.03
Home Affairs2,06478,608.54
International Development1,152 42,274.82
Modernisation of the House of Commons380 16,352.27
Northern Ireland Affairs2,196 85,208.07
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions 1,80867,140.51
Public Accounts1,040 38,699.19
Public Administration1,108 42,380.23
Regulatory Reform424 13,277.74
Science and Technology2,248 84,485.48
Scottish Affairs240 8,888.46
Standards and Privileges316 9,747.85
Statutory Instruments44 1,199.33
Trade and Industry1,858 69,630.43
Welsh Affairs1,12844,263.34
Work and Pensions936 36,506.03
TOTAL34,514 1,298,443.36



Overseas Visits+*
UK Visits+
Specialist Advisers; fees and expenses*
Work Commissioned, specialist publications, interpretation
Transcription of evidence
Witnesses' expenses
Entertainment and other minor expenses
Departmental Committees
Constitutional Affairs 41,881.24 470.829,966.79 -24,092.10 478.3053.15 76,942.40
Culture, Media and Sport 64,648.4921,950.91 -- 32,816.971,292.28 236.03120,944.68
Sub-Committee on Maritime Heritage and Historic Ships -23.00 -- 1,324.06342.23 -1,689.29
Defence83,842.45 12,880.0831,859.51 2,194.4747,710.73 6,303.88888.85 185,679.97
Education and Skills 64,835.183,044.43 32,624.95- 59,989.663,520.89 58.18164,073.29
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2,878.1611,212.28 -1,594.60 28,031.02665.85 1,128.9345,510.84
Draft Animal Welfare Bill Sub-Committee -- -- 15,441.09675.75 -16,116.84
Draft Natural Environment and Rural Communities Bill Sub-Committee -- -- 3,093.92- -3,093.92
Food Information Sub-Committee -- -- 6,988.88- -6,988.88
Future for UK Fishing Sub-Committee -4,213.77 -- 6,654.1092.30 38.5710,998.74
GM Planting Regime Sub-Committee -- -- 2,704.66- -2,704.66
Government's Rural Delivery Strategy Sub-Committee -1,466.00 -- 4,393.5677.14 -5,936.70
Milk Pricing Sub-Committee -- -- 952.43- -952.43
Progress on Pesticides Sub-Committee -- -- 4,806.75261.30 -5,068.05
Reform of the Sugar Regime Sub-Committee -- -267.00 3,271.6027.13 -3,565.73
Sites of Special Scientific Interest Sub-Committee -- -- 2,387.75- -2,387.75

Overseas Visits+*
UK Visits+
Specialist Advisers; fees and expenses*
Work Commissioned, specialist publications, interpretation
Transcription of evidence
Witnesses' expenses
Entertainment and other minor expenses
Water Pricing Sub-Committee -- -- 3,463.85- -3,463.85
Foreign Affairs134,373.26 1,761.19330.00 5,603.2725,149.56 2,791.985,857.57 175,866.83
Health51,837.72 11,560.9242,651.20 57.4536,178.62 627.15729.93 143,642.99
Home Affairs30,262.67 1,170.5915,078.30 2,318.6334,621.70 389.70130.67 83,972.26
International Development 84,314.74428.94 15,972.601,950.27 32,407.611,139.50 63.61136,277.27
Northern Ireland Affairs 92.8032,920.66 12,772.1425.00 12,188.776,374.88 184.2264,558.47
Northern Ireland Affairs Sub-Committee 3,879.1014,946.47 13,281.06- 6,535.931,294.68 176.2540,113.49
ODPM: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions 37,636.174,510.09 40,037.13777.90 31,301.294,080.55 1,161.25119,504.38
Urban Affairs Sub-Committee 4,544.96125.00 9,903.53- 13,207.381,673.13 -29,454.00
Science and Technology 45,762.39872.95 41,108.54- 41,871.716,512.73 318.63136,446.95
Scottish Affairs33,849.66 12,505.46- 607.058,614.16 -284.40 55,860.73
Trade and Industry 72,043.974,844.31 4,142.6418.99 54,085.912,127.68 -137,263.50
Transport33,168.57 3,121.237,776.30 330.5137,014.97 1,144.50672.32 83,228.40
Treasury61,211.00 20.005,250.00 8,837.0043,418.00 290.00- 119,026.00
Treasury Sub-Committee 5,434.002,473.00 -- 12,333.00- -20,240.00
Welsh Affairs11,781.04 17,377.6917,680.82 2,097.3432,187.38 2,177.151,080.68 84,382.10
Work and Pensions81,497.53 18,473.1813,620.00 734.9026,703.40 2,278.33561.00 143,868.34
IT Sub-Committee- -2,310 -2,909.19 -- 5,219.19
Other Committees
Accommodation and Works -- -- -- --
Administration- -- -- -- -

Overseas Visits+*
UK Visits+
Specialist Advisers; fees and expenses*
Work Commissioned, specialist publications, interpretation
Transcription of evidence
Witnesses' expenses
Entertainment and other minor expenses
Broadcasting- -- -- -- -
Catering- -- -- -- -
Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee) -- -- -- --
Draft Charities Bill (Joint Committee) -- 13,821.90- 4,952.02196.85 -18,970.77
Draft Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill (Joint Committee) -- -- 2,633.53127.05 -2,760.58
Draft Disability Discrimination Bill (Joint Committee) -- -5,457.19 3,050.63- -8,507.82
Draft Gambling Bill (Joint Committee) 2,284.96- 8,287.17- -- 58.5210,630.65
Draft Gambling Bill (Regional Casinos) (Joint Committee) -- -- 2,789.60- -2,789.60
Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee) -4,577.59 24,848.772,825.88 9,309.341,391.12 59.0043,011.70
Environmental Audit 2,749.264,199.52 400.00430.51 29,468.44359.67 -37,607.40
Environmental Crime Sub-Committee -902.00 1,313.90- 8,598.07- -10,813.97
Environmental Education Sub-Committee -- 2,333.90- 5,819.04296.80 -8,449.74
European Scrutiny43,024.52 786.14- 75.0012,532.74 797.95762.22 57,978.57
Finance and Services -- -- -- --
Human Rights (Joint Committee) 24,226.841,625.64 13,860.931,459.00 4,204.86339.34 869.1346,585.74
Information3,136.44 -- -- -- 3,136.44
Liaison- -- -5,321.33 -- 5,321.33
Liaison Sub-Committee -- -- -- --
Modernisation9,288.62 -21.15 -- 9,680.04181.52 -19,129.03
Procedure- -- -5,564.09 -- 5,564.09
Overseas Visits+*
UK Visits+
Specialist Advisers; fees and expenses*
Work Commissioned, specialist publications, interpretation
Transcription of evidence
Witnesses' expenses
Entertainment and other minor expenses
Public Accounts5,777.00 6,233.00145.00 15,312.0050,108.00 -1,081.00 78,656.00
Public Administration 39,997.931,836.19 2,950.05268.92 29,942.87189.64 847.9576,033.55
Regulatory Reform- -- -4,215.70 562.05176.70 4,954.45
Selection- -- -- -- -
Standards and Privileges -- -- 1,174.40- -1,174.40
Statutory Instruments -- -- -- --
Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee) -- -- -- 18.9518.95
Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee) -- -- 616.50- -616.50

* Includes some expenditure by Committees in Financial Year 2003-04
+ Includes travel in a representative capacity
Includes a refund

2B  SESSION 2004-05

Overseas Visits+*
UK Visits+*
Specialist Advisers; fees and expenses*
Work Commissioned, specialist publications, interpretation
Transcription of evidence
Witnesses' expenses
Entertainment and other minor expenses
Departmental Committees
Constitutional Affairs -- 7,689.80- 12,085.82269.40 13.5020,058.52
Culture, Media and Sport 4,518.247,410.70 -- 14,271.92420.65 101.1526,722.66
Sub-Committee on Maritime Heritage and Historic Ships -23.00 -- 1,324.06342.23 -1,689.29
Defence61,872.40 4,818.6418,660.31 2,000.0021,333.32 5,975.28236.96 114,896.91
Education and Skills 39,824.68220.00 24,341.74- 34,079.11980.61 8.8899,455.02
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 97.426,499.38 -814.13 11,818.34321.90 278.8119,829.98
Draft Animal Welfare Bill Sub-Committee -- -- -132.00 -132.00
Draft Natural Environment and Rural Communities Bill Sub-Committee -- -- 3,093.92- -3,093.92
Future for UK Fishing Sub-Committee -4,213.77 -- 6,654.1092.30 38.5710,998.74
Government's Rural Delivery Strategy Sub-Committee -1,466.00 -- 4,393.56- -5,859.56
Progress on Pesticides Sub-Committee -- -- 4,806.75261.30 -5,068.05
Water Pricing Sub-Committee -- -- 1,369.64- -1,369.64
Foreign Affairs48,908.03 293.22- 2,818.5312,994.67 2,166.003,219.89 70,400.34
Health1,631.76 6,065.4427,697.58 29.5021,690.52 549.15450.12 58,114.07
Home Affairs10,662.47 -3,996.55 1,947.7817,817.13 297.1095.97 34,817.00
International Development 58,974.5880.13 3,645.001,960.64 16,060.851,014.63 20.8281,756.65
Northern Ireland Affairs -9,625.58 18,847.14- 14,321.827,700.78 1,211.5551,706.87
Northern Ireland Affairs Sub-Committee 3,879.107,503.24 17,194.92- 7,838.34- -36,415.60
ODPM: Housing, Planning, Local Government and the Regions 11,786.39904.00 9,155.82777.90 10,510.451,175.04 719.2535,028.85
Urban Affairs Sub-Committee -- 4,375.85- 11,170.231,162.78 -16,708.86
Science and Technology 162.22- 19,035.47147.08 22,102.952,527.20 428.0044,402.92
Scottish Affairs33,849.66 4,360.34- 18.004,741.29 -263.95 43,233.24
Trade and Industry 10,632.29- 3,115.12- 32,447.37- -46,194.78
Transport7,941.71 393.603,230.00 165.0019,062.93 837.00288.35 31,918.59
Treasury24,053.00 -1,554.00 1,963.0018,010.00 243.00- 45,823.00
Treasury Sub-Committee 5,530.002,473.00 -- 4,746.00- -12,749.00
Welsh Affairs11,781.04 7,912.635,911.64 1,836.1712,348.72 497.54219.00 40,506.74
Work and Pensions882.19 8,528.523,591.60 -9,381.70 430.16117.50 22,931.67
IT Sub-Committee- -- -- -- -
Other Committees
Accommodation and Works -- -- -- --
Administration- -- -- -- -
Broadcasting- -- -- -- -
Catering- -- -- -- -
Consolidation, &c., Bills (Joint Committee) -- -- -- --
Draft Children (Contact) and Adoption Bill (Joint Committee) -- -- 2,633.53127.05 -2,760.58
Draft Mental Health Bill (Joint Committee) -4,577.59 24,848.772,825.88 8,151.891,391.12 59.0041,854.25
Environmental Audit -410.45 400.00265.00 16,051.19- -17,126.64
Environmental Crime Sub-Committee -- 225.00- 639.62- -864.62
Environmental Education Sub-Committee -- 2,333.90- 5,819.04296.80 -8,449.74
European Scrutiny27,514.86 829.84- 35.006,232.74 797.951,659.60 37,069.99
Finance and Services -- -- -- --
Human Rights (Joint Committee) 1,421.12- 4,960.331,439.00 976.43- 731.599,528.47
Information- -- -- -- -
Liaison- -- -2,138.93 -- 2,138.93
Liaison Sub-Committee -- -- -- --
Modernisation9,657.69 -- -951.05 -- 10,608.74
Procedure- -- -2,746.81 -- 2,746.81
Public Accounts7,495.00 3,886.00145.00 8,743.0028,716.00 -690.00 49,675.00
Public Administration -1,635.50 2,100.00199.62 17,717.39- 327.3821,979.89
Regulatory Reform- -- -1,567.22 -- 1,567.22
Selection- -- -- -- -
Standards and Privileges -- -- 1,174.40- -1174.40
Statutory Instruments -- -- -- --
Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee) -- -- -- 18.9518.95
Tax Law Rewrite Bills (Joint Committee) -- -- 616.50- -616.50

* Includes some expenditure by Committees in Session 2003-04
+ Includes travel in a representative capacity
Includes a refund


Details of the staff serving a particular Select Committee are set out in the entry for that Committee. One member of staff may fill more than one Committee post.

Furthermore, in many cases, Committee staff carry out duties in the service of the House unrelated to their work for a particular Committee. For some staff, especially those working in offices other than the Committee Office, those duties account for most of their work. This analysis of the staff who served Select Committees during Session 2004-05 is therefore presented Office by Office.


Committee Office

Principal Clerks*5
Deputy Principal/Senior Clerks36.6
Assistant Clerks7
Committee Assistants:  
  Senior Executive Officers3
  Higher Executive Officers19
  Chief Office Clerks4
Senior Office Clerks10
NAO Audit Officers on secondment2
Inquiry Managers4.6
Adviser, Sentencing Guidelines0.8
Committee Specialists28
Media Officers3
Sandwich Student1

*The Committee Office has five Principal Clerks who have supervisory and management responsibilities. Three of these performed additional functions as Clerks of Select or Joint Committees. The Clerk of Committees is Clerk of the Liaison Committee and of the Modernisation Committee; one Principal Clerk of Select Committees is Second Clerk of the Liaison Committee; and the Clerk of Domestic Committees is Clerk of the Finance and Services Committee.

**Includes Personal Secretaries to Principal Clerks, and Secretaries providing support for Committees supported by Clerks in the Journal Office and Legislation Service.

Journal Office

A Deputy Principal Clerk was also Clerk of the Procedure Committee.

An Assistant Clerk assisted the Clerk of the Committee on Standards and Privileges; and an Assistant Clerk in the Office assisted the Clerk of the Procedure Committee.

Legislation Service

The Clerk of Delegated Legislation (a Principal Clerk) has supervisory responsibility for staff of the Regulatory Reform and European Scrutiny Committees, for the Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments and for the Joint Committee on Human Rights. He is supported by a Personal Secretary.

The following staff served the European Scrutiny Committee: 1 Deputy Principal Clerk, 4 Clerk/Advisers with specialist experience, 1 Assistant Clerk, 1 Higher Executive Officer, 2 Chief Office Clerks, 4 Secretaries and 1 Office Support Assistant. The Committee was assisted by the Counsel for European Legislation and by an Assistant Counsel (European). One of the Chief Office Clerks also supported the Regulatory Reform Committee and the Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments. One of the Secretaries also supported the Regulatory Reform Committee. The Office Support Assistant also supported the Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments.

A Senior Clerk was Clerk of the Regulatory Reform Committee, Clerk of the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments and Commons Clerk of the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments.

The Regulatory Reform Committee was assisted by the Counsel for Legislation, the two Deputy Counsel and a Committee Specialist, in addition to the staff shared with the European Scrutiny Committee.

The Joint and Select Committees on Statutory Instruments were assisted by the Counsel for Legislation, the two Deputy Counsel and a Secretary, in addition to the Chief Office Clerk shared with the European Scrutiny Committee.

A Deputy Principal Clerk was Commons Clerk of the Joint Committee on Human Rights, which was also served by a Legal Adviser (employed jointly with the House of Lords), a Committee Specialist, a Committee Assistant and a Secretary.

A Senior Clerk in the Public Bill Office was also Clerk of the Joint Committee on Tax Law Rewrite Bills. Another Senior Clerk in the Public Bill Office was also Commons Clerk of the Joint Committee on Consolidation, &c., Bills.

A Senior Clerk in the Private Bill Office was also Clerk of the Committee on Selection. She was assisted by a Chief Office Clerk who otherwise provided general support for the Committee Office and the Overseas Office.


In addition, the following staff in the Committee Office provided support for the work of Select Committees as a whole, not assigned to a particular Committee:
1 Business Manager
1 Office Manager
1 Deputy Office Manager
1 IS Support Officer
1 Chief Office Clerk
1 Assistant Office Manager
1 Senior Office Clerk
8 Office Support Assistants
Note: two of these staff also provided support to the Overseas Office. The Office Manager and Deputy Office Manager also provided services to the Clerk's Department as a whole.
Staff costs for the Committee Office in financial year 2004-05 were approximately £6.8m.

8   As at 31 March 2005. Back

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Prepared 23 June 2005