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House of Commons
Session 2006 - 07
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business


Tuesday 24th July 2007

Order of Business

[sitting at Westminster]

At 4.30 p.m.

Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

* 1   Dr Alasdair McDonnell (Belfast South): Whether he plans to increase the number of police officers in Northern Ireland.
* 2   Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson (Lagan Valley): If he will examine the case for making pension provisions for part-time reserve police officers in Northern Ireland.
* 3   Sammy Wilson (East Antrim): What his most recent estimate is of the cost of keeping a prisoner in Northern Ireland.
* 4   David Simpson (Upper Bann): What recent discussions he has had with the judiciary on sentences handed down by the courts in Northern Ireland for serious crime.
  Questions may continue for half an hour (Standing Order No. 110(4)).

  Mr Secretary Woodward
  That the Committee has considered the matter of policing reform in Northern Ireland (progress to date).
  Debate may continue for two and a half hours (Order of 12th July).
  On the Motion for the adjournment of the Committee under Standing Order No. 116(5)) David Simpson proposes to raise the subject of policing in Northern Ireland.
  Debate may continue for half an hour (Standing Order No. 116(5)).

Notes: * indicates a Question for oral answer.

[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.

Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer.

Supplementary Questions will also be asked.


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(c) Parliamentary copyright 2007
Prepared 26 July 2007