House of Commons Amendments
House of Commons
Session 2006-07
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Notices of Amendments

given on

Thursday 30th November 2006

Consideration of Bill

Welfare Reform Bill, As Amended

The principles

Mr Tim Boswell


    To move the following Clause:—

      ‘(1) The following principles apply for the purposes of this Act:

      (2) Regard shall be paid at all times to the best interests of the claimant and wherever possible to the best interests of any dependent of that claimant.

      (3) No claimant shall be expected or required by any public official to embark on a course of action which could reasonably be foreseen as detrimental to their health.

      (4) No requirement shall be set which is likely to have an adverse impact on the financial position of any claimant if his failure to meet prescribed conditions arises from circumstances beyond his control.

      (5) No sanction by way of withdrawal or reduction of any benefit shall be imposed on a claimant if his failure to meet the prescribed conditions arises from circumstances beyond his control.

      (6) The claimant has a right to proper consideration of all relevant medical factors affecting his ability to work, including those arising from intermittent conditions or the interaction of multiple conditions.

      (7) Action required of claimants should be the minimum necessary to effect the objectives of that action.

      (8) Regard should be paid wherever practicable to the maintenance of the greatest possible freedom of action and choice of activity appropriate to the claimant.

      (9) Any condition applied to the payment of benefit to an individual shall be set equitably between that individual and others in similar relevant circumstances.

      (10) No individual shall lose entitlement as a consequence of compulsory migration from any benefit paid under previous enactments.

      (11) A claimant shall have the right to regular reviews of their situation and to request a review at any time.

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Prepared: 1 December 2006