Name of Petition
By whom deposited
1. Hanwell Village Green Conservation Area Residents
Gerald W. Ingram, Secretary, Hanwell Village Green Conservation Area Residents
2. Jane Livingston, Paul Thomas, Jean-Marc Jefferson, Sandra Brooke, Elsa Sothern, Paul Sothern, David Barrett, Geraldine Barrett, Gerald Ingram, Michael Mortimer, Phyllis Greenhead, Terence Rose, David Clarridge, Christophe Glover, Roslyn Senior, Raymond Wall, Lauren Wall, Troy Hunter, Clare Dawson
Jane Livingston, Paul Thomas, Jean-Marc Jefferson, Sandra Brooke, Elsa Sothern, Paul Sothern, David Barrett, Geraldine Barrett, Gerald Ingram, Michael Mortimer, Phyllis Greenhead, Terence Rose, David Clarridge, Christophe Glover, Roslyn Senior, Raymond Wall, Lauren Wall, Troy Hunter, Clare Dawson
3. R. B. Drummond Investments Limited
Duncan Field, SJ Berwin LLP
4. Bilton PLC
Christopher Stanwell
5. The Port East Apartments Residents Association of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
The Port East Apartments Residents Association of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
6. The Spitalfields Community Association
Jil Cove
7. The Woodseer and Hanbury Residents Association
Guy Carpenter
8. Marriott Hotels Limited
Allan Ledden
9. West India Quay Development Company (Eastern) Limited
Allan Ledden
10. The Council of the London Borough of Ealing
The Council of the London Borough of Ealing
11. The Mayor and Citizens of the City of London
The Mayor and Citizens of the City of London
12. Mr J Payne
Mr J Payne
13. The Open Spaces Society and the Ramblers' Association
Eugene Suggett
14. Leo F Walters
Leo F Walters
15. FirstGroup plc
Burges Salmon LLP
16. The Museum of the Port of London and Docklands Limited
The Museum of the Port of London and Docklands Limited
17. ASD Limited
ASD Limited
18. Ms Patricia Gaynor Jones
Ms Patricia Gaynor Jones
19. Scottish Widows Unit Funds Limited
Scottish Widows Unit Funds Limited
20. The Spitalfields Society
Patricia Gaynor Jones
21. Roy and Pascale Adams
Rupert Wheeler
22. Residents of Fournier Street, Princelet Street, Puma Court, Wilkes Street, Brick Lane, Hanbury Street, Monthope Road and Commercial Street
Residents of Fournier Street, Princelet Street, Puma Court, Wilkes Street, Brick Lane, Hanbury Street, Monthope Road and Commercial Street
23. Spitalfields Small Business Association
Spitalfields Small Business Association
24. The Association of West India Dock Commercial Ship Owners
Julian Cartwright
25. Paddington Residents' Active Concern on Transport
Paddington Residents' Active Concern on Transport
26. Residents of Brick Lane, Hanbury Street, Brushfield Street, Commercial Street etc
Residents of Brick Lane, Hanbury Street, Brushfield Street, Commercial Street etc
27. The Residents' Society of Mayfair and St James'
Malcolm Dowden, Charles Russell LLP
28. Residents of Princelet Street, Wilkes Street, Hunton Street and Hanbury Street
Residents of Princelet Street, Wilkes Street, Hunton Street and Hanbury Street
29. First Out Ltd
Ms Maria Tejada and Mr Malcolm Comley
30. The No. 1 West India Quay Residents Association of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
The No. 1 West India Quay Residents Association of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
31. The Council of the London Borough of Havering
Sharpe Pritchard
32. Targetfollow (Centre Point) Limited
Sharpe Pritchard
33. Lamborfore Management Limited
Sharpe Pritchard
34. Ferrotec (UK) Limited
Sharpe Pritchard
35. Canary Wharf Group PLC
Sharpe Pritchard
36. Westminster City Council
Sharpe Pritchard
37. Wood Wharf (General Partner) Limited
Sharpe Pritchard
38. The Port of London Authority
Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP
39. Habitat UK Limited
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
40. Aggregate Industries (UK) Limited, London Concrete Limited and Plasmor Limited
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
41. The British Land Company plc
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
42. British Waterways Board
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
43. English Welsh & Scottish Railway Limited
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
44. The Council of the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
45. The Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
46. Thames Water Utilities Limited
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
47. BAA Limited, Heathrow Airport Limited and Heathrow Express Operating Company Limited
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
48. St. Mary's NHS Trust
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
49. GE Pensions Limited
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
50. The Environment Agency
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
51. Paddington Central I (GP) Limited, Paddington Central II (GP) Limited, Paddington Central III (GP) Limited
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
52. UBS AG
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
53. Tarmac Limited
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
54. Paddington Business Improvement District Limited
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
55. Land Securities plc
Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
56. Bombardier Transportation UK Limited
Richard Griffiths of Pinsent Masons
57. Commodore Harold John Critchley, Royal Navy and Mrs Sandra Florence Critchley
Commodore Harold John Critchley, Royal Navy and Mrs Sandra Florence Critchley
58. Westbourne Park Villas Residents' Association
Margot Bright