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House of Commons
Session 2006 - 07
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament




House of Commons


Tuesday 9th January 2007


Report Stage Proceedings


Welfare Reform Bill, As Amended


[First DAY]


New Clauses


The principles


Mr Tim Boswell


Mr David Ruffley


Mr Jeremy Hunt


Danny Alexander


John McDonnell


Not selected  NC1


To move the following Clause:—



The following principles apply for the purposes of this Act:



Regard shall be paid at all times to the best interests of the claimant and wherever


possible to the best interests of any dependent of that claimant.



No claimant shall be expected or required by any public official to embark on a


course of action which could reasonably be foreseen as detrimental to their health.



No requirement shall be set which is likely to have an adverse impact on the


financial position of any claimant if his failure to meet prescribed conditions


arises from circumstances beyond his control.



No sanction by way of withdrawal or reduction of any benefit shall be imposed


on a claimant if his failure to meet the prescribed conditions arises from


circumstances beyond his control.



The claimant has a right to proper consideration of all relevant medical factors


affecting his ability to work, including those arising from intermittent conditions


or the interaction of multiple conditions.



Action required of claimants should be the minimum necessary to effect the


objectives of that action.



Regard should be paid wherever practicable to the maintenance of the greatest


possible freedom of action and choice of activity appropriate to the claimant.



Any condition applied to the payment of benefit to an individual shall be set


equitably between that individual and others in similar relevant circumstances.



No individual shall lose entitlement as a consequence of compulsory migration


from any benefit paid under previous enactments.


Report Stage Proceedings: 9th January 2007              



Welfare Reform Bill, continued



A claimant shall have the right to regular reviews of their situation and to request


a review at any time.



Report to Parliament


Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


John McDonnell


Not selected  NC2


To move the following Clause:—


‘The Secretary of State shall annually lay before Parliament a report on—



such information as he considers appropriate with respect to the extent to


which employers are implementing the Disability Discrimination Act


1995 (c. 50),



information with respect to the extent to which support under section 2


of the Employment and Training Act 1973 is accessible to claimants,



information on the extent to which section 12 of this Act has been


effective in assisting claimants enter and retain employment.’.



Assessment of limited capability for work


Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


Mr David Ruffley


Mr Jeremy Hunt


Roger Berry


John McDonnell


Negatived on division  NC3


To move the following Clause:—



The Secretary of State shall require the Office of Disability Issues to publish an


annual report on the operation of the assessment for limited capability for work


under section 8 of this Act.



In preparing its report the Office of Disability Issues shall be required to consult



the Commission for Equality and Human Rights, and



such other organizations as the Secretary of State shall by regulation





Report Stage Proceedings: 9th January 2007              



Welfare Reform Bill, continued


Winter fuel payments to disabled persons


Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


Mr Gordon Marsden


John McDonnell


Not selected  NC4


To move the following Clause:—


‘The Secretary of State shall by order amend Regulation (6) of the Social Fund


Winter Fuel Payments Regulations 1998 to extend its provision to those in receipt





the higher or middle rate of Disability Living Allowance care component





additional disability premiums under the ESA.’.



Liaison with employers


Roger Berry


Mr Terry Rooney


Mr Gordon Marsden


John McDonnell


Not selected  NC5


To move the following Clause:—


‘The Secretary of State shall take such steps as he deems necessary to:—



increase employers’ awareness of claimants of an employment and


support allowance as potential employees;



promote to employers the benefits of employing claimants of an


employment and support allowance.’.



Exemption from prescription charges


John Robertson


Jim Cousins


John McDonnell


Not selected  NC6


To move the following Clause:—


‘The Secretary of State shall take such steps as are necessary to ensure that those


for whom employment and support allowance (income-based or contribution-


based) is their only household income and who satisfy the savings threshold for


income-based ESA are exempt from prescription charges.’.



Report Stage Proceedings: 9th January 2007              



Welfare Reform Bill, continued


Participation in work-focused interviews


Mr David Ruffley


Mr Jeremy Hunt


Mr Tim Boswell


John McDonnell


Negatived on division  nc7


To move the following Clause:—



Members of the support group wishing to participate in work-focused interviews


may do so on a voluntary basis.



The Secretary of State may by regulation define—



the maximum numbers of interviews they may attend,



circumstances in which participation in one or more interviews is not a


condition of entitlement to the full amount payable under the


employment and support allowance.’.



Annual report to Parliament on employment practices


Mr David Ruffley


Mr Jeremy Hunt


Mr Tim Boswell


John McDonnell


Not selected  nc8


To move the following Clause:—


‘The Secretary of State shall annually lay before Parliament a report on public and


private sector practices with regard to disabled employees.’.



Earnings disregard


Mr David Ruffley


Mr Jeremy Hunt


Mr Tim Boswell


John McDonnell


Not selected  nc9


To move the following Clause:—



The Secretary of State may make regulations determining the level of earnings


disregard for claimants of Employment and Support Allowance.



In determining the level of earnings disregard under subsection (1) the Secretary


of State shall have regard to labour market conditions including the National


Minimum Wage as defined under section 1 of the National Minimum Wage Act


1998 (c. 39).’.



Report Stage Proceedings: 9th January 2007              



Welfare Reform Bill, continued


Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


Mr David Ruffley


Mr Jeremy Hunt


Not selected  6


Page  1,  line  15  [Clause  1],  leave out ‘limited capacity for work’ and insert ‘a work-


related disadvantage due to his physical or mental condition.’.



Mr Gordon Marsden


John McDonnell


Not selected  114


Page  2,  line  4  [Clause  1],  leave out ‘or’ and insert ‘and/or’.


Roger Berry


Mr Terry Rooney


Mr Gordon Marsden


John McDonnell


Not selected  73


Page  2,  line  4  [Clause  1],  after ‘condition’, insert ‘or societal factors related to his




Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


Not selected  55


Page  2,  line  29  [Clause  2],  leave out ‘ended’ and insert ‘started’.


Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


Not selected  56


Page  2,  line  33  [Clause  2],  leave out ‘ended’ and insert ‘started’.


Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


Not selected  49


Page  2,  line  43  [Clause  2],  at end insert—



make provision for any entitlement during the assessment phase to the


support component or the work-related activity component to be paid at


the end of the assessment phase.’.


Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


Not selected  50


Page  2,  line  43  [Clause  2],  at end insert—



Regulations may make provision for the maximum interval between a claim


being made and the commencement of the assessment phase.’.


John Robertson


Not selected  111


Page  2,  line  45  [Clause  2],  at end insert—


Report Stage Proceedings: 9th January 2007              



Welfare Reform Bill, continued


‘( )    

he is undergoing or recovering from treatment for a serious or life-


threatening illness or is terminally ill as prescribed through regulations,





Mr Gordon Marsden


Roger Berry


John McDonnell


Not selected  115


Page  3,  line  1  [Clause  2],  leave out ‘or’ and insert ‘and/or’.


Roger Berry


Mr Terry Rooney


Mr Gordon Marsden


John McDonnell


Not selected  74


Page  3,  line  2  [Clause  2],  after ‘condition’, insert ‘or societal factors related to his




John Robertson


Not selected  106


Page  3,  line  4  [Clause  2],  at end insert—



For the purposes of this Part, the assessment phase for a person who is terminally


ill as prescribed through regulations will be waived.’.



Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


Not selected  51


Page  4,  line  24  [Clause  4],  leave out ‘ended’ and insert ‘started’.


Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


Not selected  52


Page  4,  line  28  [Clause  4],  leave out ‘ended’ and insert ‘started’.


Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


Not selected  53


Page  4,  line  38  [Clause  4],  at end insert—



make provision for any entitlement during the assessment phase to the


support component or the work-related activity component to be paid at


the end of the assessment phase.’.


Danny Alexander


Mr David Laws


Not selected  54


Page  4,  line  38  [Clause  4],  at end insert—


Report Stage Proceedings: 9th January 2007              



Welfare Reform Bill, continued



make provision for the maximum interval between a claim being made and the


commencement of the assessment phase.’.



Mr Terry Rooney


Roger Berry


Mr Gordon Marsden


John McDonnell


Not selected  59


Page  6,  line  12  [Clause  8],  leave out ‘or’ and insert ‘and/or’.


Roger Berry


Mr Terry Rooney


Mr Gordon Marsden


John McDonnell


Not selected  75


Page  6,  line  12  [Clause  8],  after ‘condition’, insert ‘or societal factors related to his




Roger Berry


Mr Terry Rooney


Mr Gordon Marsden


John McDonnell


Not selected  78


Page  6,  line  18  [Clause  8],  leave out from first ‘to’ to end of line 20 and insert ‘such


matters as the regulations may provide’.


Roger Berry


Mr Terry Rooney


John McDonnell


Negatived  79


Page  6,  line  28  [Clause  8],  leave out ‘medical examination’ and insert




Roger Berry


Mr Terry Rooney


John McDonnell


Not called  80


Page  6,  line  37  [Clause  8],  leave out ‘a medical examination’ and insert ‘an





Roger Berry


Mr Terry Rooney


Mr Gordon Marsden


John McDonnell


Not selected  76


Page  7,  line  9  [Clause  9],  after ‘condition’, insert ‘or societal factors related to his



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