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House of Commons
Session 2006 - 07
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament




House of Commons


Notices of Amendments


given on


Wednesday 4th July 2007


For other Amendment(s) see the following page(s) of Supplement to Votes:




Consideration of Bill


Further Education and Training Bill [Lords], As Amended


Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods




Page  16  [Clause  19],  leave out lines 18 to 22 and insert—



Any institution specified as competent to grant only the kind of award mentioned


in subsection (2A) shall not have conferred upon it the power mentioned in


subsection (5)(a).’.


Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods




Page  16  [Clause  19],  leave out lines 26 to 31 and insert—



Any institution specified as competent to grant only the kind of award mentioned


in subsection (2A) shall not grant such an award to a person unless he was


enrolled at the institution at the time he completed the course of study for which


the award is granted.’.


Mr Don Touhig


Mr Paul Murphy




Page  21,  line  33,  leave out Clause 27.


Mr Don Touhig


Mr Paul Murphy




Page  24,  line  13  [Clause  32],  leave out subsection (2).


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Revised 5 July 2007