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The Economic Secretary to the Treasury (Ed Balls): Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, National Savings and Investments DEL will be increased by £9,000,000 from £170,294,000 to £179,294,000 and the administration costs limits will be increased by £9,000,000 from £170,294,000 to £179,294,000. Within DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are set out in the following table:
£000 | |||||
Change | New Del | Total | |||
Voted | Non- voted | Voted | Non- Voted | ||
* Depreciation which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting. |
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from end year flexibility being drawn down to support expenditure on major project commitments.
There is no change in the capital element of DEL.
The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Ruth Kelly): Subject to parliamentary approval of any necessary supplementary estimate, the Department for Communities and Local Governments Departmental expenditure limits for 2006-07 will change as follows:
(1) The Department for Communities and Local Governments main programmes DEL will be increased by £184,097,000 from £9,234,045,000 to £9,418,142,000 and the administration costs limit will also be increased by £31,863,000 from £286,784,000 to £318,647,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
(i) Take up of End Year Flexibility of £22,582,000 comprising:
(a) £300,000 for the National Register of Social Housing;
(b) £1,427,000 from the Invest to Save Budget comprising of £745,000 for Private Housing Renewal and £682,000 for the European Regional Development Fund;
(c) £200,000 for the Disabled Facilities Grant programme;
(d) £1,361,000 for the Development of English Regions;
(e) £117,000 for the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre;
(f) £19,177,000 for administration costs comprising of £12,677,000 to cover the work of the Department for Communities and Local Government and £6,500,000 from Other Current to fund Early Exits Scheme.
(ii) Draw down of £330,000 from the Treasurys Invest to Save Budget for the Fire Respect Project.
(iii) Draw down of £33,500,000 from the DEL Reserve for the Housing Market Renewal Pathfinders.
(iv) A transfer of £993,000 to the Treasury in respect of efficiency savings required under SR04.
(v) A net transfer of £81,086,000 from other Government Departments, comprising:
From other Government Departments
(a) £60,683,000 to reflect Machinery of Government Changes comprising £16,083,000 from the Department of Trade and Industry and £44,600,000 from the Home Office.
Administration Costs (Central Department)
(b) £10,475,000 to reflect Machinery of Government Changes comprising £7,147,000 from the Home Office; £3,036,000 from the Department of Trade and Industry and £292,000 from the Cabinet Office for the costs of the Equalities Review;
(c) £120,000 from the Department for Culture Media and Sport for the Minister for Women;
(d) £520,000 from the Cabinet Office for the Parliamentary Counsel.
Administration Costs (Government Offices)
(e) £4,323,000 towards the Government Office early exits comprising £3,000,000 from the Department for Education and Skills; £1,257,000 from the Department of Trade and Industry; £66,000 from the Department for Culture Media and Sport;
(f) £7,051,000 from the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs comprising £3,519,000 for additional Core Funding; £941,000 for Countryside Agency: £520,000 in respect of the SR2002 total and £2,071,000 towards the Government Office early exits.
To Other Government Departments
Administration Costs (Central Department)
(g) £2,086,000 for Machinery of Government Changes comprising £1,160,000 to the Deputy Prime Minister Office and £926,000 to the Cabinet Office for work on Social Exclusion.
(vi) an increase in receipts of £440,680,000 offsetting increases in provision of £123,000 for the Tenants Deposit Scheme; £24,000,000 for Tackling Disadvantage and £400,472,000 for the Local Area Agreements programme; £996,000 for Central Administration; £7,700,000 for Mapping Data and Services and £7,389,000 for Government Offices.
(vii) a net transfer of £900,000 to Request for Resources (RfR 2) comprising of a transfer of £1,500,000 from Fire Services (RfRl) to Best Value Inspectorate (RfR2) and £600,000 from Capacity Building (R£R2) to Fire Services (RFR1).
(viii) a net transfer of £21,086,000 from voted to non voted provision comprising:
From voted to non-voted provision
(a) £800,000 to Other Growth Areas Urban Regeneration Agencies;
(b) £9,100,000 to Thames Gateway comprising of £4,300,000 for London Urban Development Corporation (UDC) and £4,800,000 to Thurrock Urban Development Corporation (UDC);
(c) £960,000 within the LEASE programme;
(d) £14,641,000 to Departmental Unallocated provision comprising £300,000 from Research; £3,790,000 from Groundwork; £5,000,000 from Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (LEGI); and £5,551,000 from the New Ventures Fund;
(e) £2,045,000 to Other Growth Areas for Northampton UDC;
(f) £1,000,000 to the Housing Corporation comprising £500,000 from Liveability and £500,000 from Coalfields Regeneration Trust;
(g) £240,000 to FiReBuy programme and
(h) £100,000 to the East of England Development Agency.
To voted from non-voted provision
(i) £2,526,000 to the Planning Inspectorate;
(j) £274,000 to the Valuation Office Agency ;
(k) £5,000,000 to European Regional Development Fund.
(ix) As a result of the changes to Request for Resources 1, The Department for Communities and Local Government's administration provision will be increased by £38,587,000 from £286,867,000 to £325,454,000.
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:
(x) a take up of EYF of £32,587,000 comprising of:
(a) £800,000 for Housing Market Renewal Pathfinders;
(b) £818,000 for Choice Based Lettings;
(c) £2,255,000 for Housing Action Trusts;
(d) £4,032,000 for Disabled Facilities Grant;
(e) £2,100,000 for the New Deal for Communities;
(f) £18,500,000 for the Northern Way;
(g) £280,000 for European Regional Development Fund from the Invest to Save Budget; and
(h) £802,000 for the Housing Corporation.
Administration Costs (Central Department)
(i) £3,000,000 for capital expenditure.
(xi) a net transfer of £15,905,000 from other Government Departments comprising of
From Other Government Departments
(a) £40,000,000 from the Department of Trade and Industry for the Regional
(b) A transfer of £205,000 from the Home Office to reflect Machinery of Government Changes.
To Other Government Departments
(c) £24,300,000 to the Department for Culture Media and Sport in respect of the Department's contribution towards the Olympics preparation infrastructure costs.
(xii) an increase in receipts of £18,595,000 offsetting increases in provision of £6,000,000 for Tackling Disadvantage and £12,595,000 for the Local Area Agreements programme.
(xiii) Within the capital element of the DEL there is a net transfer of £313,847,000 from non-voted to voted provision comprising;
From voted to non-voted provision
(a) £10,208,000 to Northampton UDC;
(b) £26,000,000 to English Partnerships comprising of £20,000,000 from the Housing Market Renewal Fund and £3,200,000 from Other Growth Areas and £2,800,000 from Thames Gateway;
(c) £65,425,000 to the Thames Gateway comprising £38,100,000 for London UDC; and £27,325,000 for Thurrock UDC;
(d) £1,200,000 to the Thames Gateway for the South East of England Development Agency;
(e) £2,400,000 to the East of England Development Agency.
To voted from non-voted provision
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