of finished consultant episodes with primary diagnosis codes associated
with lung disease for University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire
National Health Service Trust for 1998-99 to
2004-05 |
| Finished
episodes |
1998-99 | 2,798 |
1999-2000 | 2,730 |
2000-01 | 2,467 |
2001-02 | 2,361 |
2002-03 | 2,451 |
2003-04 | 2,616 |
2004-05 | 3,176 |
29 Nov 2006 : Column 802W
Notes: 1.
Diagnosis (primary
diagnosis) The primary
diagnosis is the first of up to 14 (7 prior to 2002-03) diagnosis
fields in the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) data set and provides
the main reason why the patient was in
hospital. ICD-10 primary
diagnosis codes
used: Please note: Lung
disease is a very non-specific term and encompasses many ICD-10 code
categories and
codes. A15 Respiratory
TB bacteriologically and historically
confirmed A16
Respiratory TB not confirmed bacteriologically or
histologically A19
Miliary tuberculosis J10
Influenza due to identified influenza
virus J11 Influenzavirus
not identified J12 Viral
pneumonia, not elsewhere
classified J13 Pneumonia
due to Streptococcus
pneumoniae J14 Pneumonia
due to Haemophilus
influenzae J15 Bacterial
pneumonia not elsewhere
classified J16 Pneumonia
due to other infectious organisms
unspecified J20 Acute
bronchitis J21 Acute
bronchiolitis J22
Unspecified acute lower respiratory
infection J40 Bronchitis
not specified as acute or
chronic J41 Simple and
mucopurulent chronic
bronchitis J42
Unspecified chronic
bronchitis J43
Emphysema J44 Other
chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease J45
Asthma J46 Status
asthmaticus J47
Bronchiectasis J60
pneumoconiosis J61
Pneumoconiosis due to asbestos and other mineral
fibres J62
Pneumoconiosis due to dust containing
silica J63
Pneumoconiosis due to other inorganic
dusts J64 Unspecified
pneumoconiosis J65
Pneumoconiosis associated with
tuberculosis J66 Airway
disease due to specific organic
dust J67
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to organic
dust J68 Respiratory
conditions due to inhalation of chemicals, gases, fumes and
vapours J69 Pneumonitis
due to solids and
liquids J70 Respiratory
conditions due to other external
agents J80 Adult
respiratory distress
syndrome J81 Pulmonary
oedema J82 Pulmonary
eosinophilia, not elsewhere
classified J84 Other
interstitial pulmonary
diseases J85 Abscess of
lung and mediastinum J86
Pyothorax J90 Pleural
effusion not elsewhere
classified J92 Pleural
plaque J93
Pneumothorax J94 Other
pleural conditions J95
Postprocedural respiratory disorders
NEC J96 Respiratory
failure not elsewhere
classified J98 Other
disorders P22
Respiratory distress of
newborn P23 Congenital
pneumonia P24 Neonatal
aspiration syndromes P27
Chronic respiratory disease originating in the perinatal
period P28 Other
respiratory conditions originating in the perinatal
period Q33 Congenital
malformations of
lung Q34 Other
congenital malformations of respiratory
system O99.5 Diseases of
the respiratory system complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the
puerperium 2. Finished
consultant episode
(FCE) An FCE is defined
as a period of admitted patient care under one consultant within one
healthcare provider. Please not that the figures do not represent the
number of patients, as a person may have more than one episode of care
within the year. 3.
Ungrossed data Figures
have not been adjusted for shortfalls in data (ie the data are
ungrossed). 4. Data
quality Hospital Episode
Statistics (HES) are compiled from data sent by over 300 NHS trusts and
primary care trusts (PCTs) in England. The Health and Social Care
Information Centre liaises closely with these organisations to
encourage submission of complete and valid data and seeks to minimise
inaccuracies and the effect of missing and invalid data via HES
processes. While this brings about improvement over time, some
remain. Sources: 1.
Hospital Episode Statistics
(HES) 2. The Information
Centre for Health and Social
Jim Cunningham: To ask the Secretary of
State for Health what the waiting time is for (a) all minor
surgery and (b) circumcision at Walsgrave Hospital.
29 Nov 2006 : Column 803WAndy
Burnham: Waiting times data at procedure level are not
available in the format requested. However, waiting times information
on the waiting times for circumcisions at the University Hospitals
Coventry and Warwickshire National Health Service Trust is set out in
| Number |
episodes | 208 |
time | 83 |
time | 68 |
Notes: 1.
Finished admission
episodes A finished
admission episode is the first period of in-patient care under one
consultant within one healthcare provider. Please note that admissions
do not represent the number of in-patients, as a person may have more
than one admission within the
year. 2. Main
operation The main
operation is the first recorded operation in the HES data set and is
usually the most resource intensive procedure performed during the
episode. It is appropriate to use main operation when looking at
admission details, eg time waited, but the figures for all
operations count of episodes give a more complete count of
episodes with an
operation. OPCS CODE:
N303 Circumcision 3.Time
waited (days) Time
waited statistics from Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) are not the
same as the published waiting list statistics. HES provides counts and
time waited for all patients admitted to hospital within a given period
whereas the published waiting list statistics count those waiting for
treatment on a specific date and how long they have been on the waiting
list. Also, HES calculates the time waited as the difference between
the admission and decision to admit dates. Unlike published waiting
list statistics this is not adjusted for self-deferrals or periods of
suspension. Sources: 1.
Hospital Episode Statistics
(HES) 2. The Information
Centre for health and social
Jim Cunningham: To ask the Secretary of
State for Health what the waiting time is for an MRI scan for a trapped
nerve in the shoulder at Walsgrave Hospital.
29 Nov 2006 : Column 804WAndy
Burnham: The information is not available in the format
requested. The latest available information on waiting times for MRI
scans is shown in the
provider waiting statistics for the University Hospital of Warwickshire
NHS TrustMRI-scan (week ending 30 September
2006) |
weeks | Number |
0<1 | 143 |
1<2 | 123 |
2<3 | 150 |
3<4 | 122 |
4<5 | 79 |
5<6 | 119 |
6<7 | 125 |
7<8 | 80 |
8<9 | 116 |
9<10 | 102 |
10<11 | 84 |
1K12 | 58 |
12<13 | 101 |
13<14 | 83 |
14<15 | 90 |
15<16 | 61 |
16<17 | 44 |
17<18 | 5 |
18+ | 2 |
Total | 1,687 |
Source: Monthly
West Suffolk
Ruffley: To ask the Secretary of State for
Health what the catchment area is of the West Suffolk Hospital.
Burnham: The catchment population for the West Suffolk
Hospital NHS Trust is estimated to be between 234,000 and