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9 Jan 2007 : Column 463W—continued


Sandra Gidley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what treatments for incontinence are available on the NHS; [113490]

(2) what assessment she has made of the number of incontinent patients in each primary care trust for each of the last five years. [113485]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: Treatments ranging, for example, from pelvic floor exercises up to and including surgical interventions such as colposuspension for urinary incontinence are available on the national health service.

We have no estimate of the number of people who have experienced problems with continence or what proportion of those seek professional advice. The Continence Foundation has estimated that one person in three experiences a problem at some point in their life.

Independent Sector Treatment Centres

Mr. Denham: To ask the Secretary of State for Health which local stakeholders are required to be consulted on the need for each elective independent sector treatment centre; and what the timetable is for the update of her Department’s analysis and reconfirmation of support by the local strategic health authority before the final business case approval and contract signature of each centre, as referred to in paragraph 66 of the Government response to the Health Committee’s report on independent sector treatment centres, Cm 6930. [108176]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: The Department maintains an ongoing dialogue with relevant stakeholders across the phase two independent sector treatment centre programme. On each of the electives scheme there is engagement with the relevant strategic health authority. In turn the SHA will ensure the engagement of key stakeholders including local national health service
9 Jan 2007 : Column 464W
organisations. SHAs are engaged at various times throughout the procurement process, for example, at preferred bidder stage and at the completion of commercial negotiations, to confirm local support and commitment.

Each scheme has an indicative timetable for reaching the selection of preferred bidder, the close of commercial negotiations, the signature of the contract and the commencement of service delivery. Those dates are necessarily indicative only and are constantly reviewed in light of changing circumstances.

Mr. Denham: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what risk assessment she has carried out of the financial effect on the local health economy of the proposed independent sector treatment centre in Southampton; and if she will place a copy of the assessment in the Library. [108178]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: This is a matter for the local national health service in Southampton. The financial impact on the local health economy of the proposed independent sector treatment centre has been considered by local primary care trusts as part of their local delivery planning process.

The provision of non-complex elective services at the Southampton ISTC is an integral component of the greater Southampton health plan which was developed and agreed by all local NHS organisations in south-west Hampshire with the involvement of key stakeholders.

This increased ISTC provision allows, for example, for the renewal and expansion of tertiary and specialist services, including critical care, at the Southampton universities hospital NHS trust in line with the trust’s strategy “2020 Vision”.

Infant Deaths

Mr. Lansley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many infant deaths per 1,000 live births there were in each three-year period since 1978 to 1980 in (a) England and (b) among the routine and manual groups used for the purposes of assessing progress towards her Department’s target to reduce health inequalities. [109632]

John Healey: I have been asked to reply.

The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.

Letter from Karen Dunnell, dated 9 January 2007:

Infant mortality rates( 1) by National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC)( 2) , England and Wales, 1997-2005
Routine and manual occupations All( 3)



























(1) Deaths under 1 year of age per 1,000 live births
(2) NS-SEC is used for 2001 onwards; NS-SEC90 is used for years 1997-2001
(3) Infants born inside marriage or outside marriage jointly registered by both parents

Leak Inquiries

Anne Main: To ask the Secretary of State for Health on how many occasions her Department has conducted a leak inquiry since May 1997; what the subjects of those leak inquiries were; and who authorised each inquiry. [106488]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: The Department has conducted 66 inquiries since May 1997. It has been the practice of successive governments not to comment on the subject or outcome of leak inquiries as there is a continued necessity to safeguard security and investigative arrangements.

Marginal Constituencies

Mr. Lansley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what discussions she has held with the Labour party chair and Minister without Portfolio on the impact of health service closures on marginal constituencies. [107380]

Mrs. May: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what discussions she has held with the Labour party chair and Minister without Portfolio on the impact of health service closures on marginal constituencies. [112669]

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Mr. Ivan Lewis: I refer the hon. Members to the reply given on 5 December 2006, Official Report, column 382W.

NHS: IT Programme

Mr. Keith Simpson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will conduct a zero-based review of the NHS IT programme. [113522]

Andy Burnham: As recently as June 2006 the National Audit Office published its report and findings of a value for money study of the national programme for information technology in the national health service. We therefore do not believe a further review of this kind would be helpful at this time.

The Health Select Committee has indicated that it intends to undertake an inquiry in 2007 into aspects of IT in the NHS. We look forward to co-operating with the Committee in this regard in due course.

NHS: Local Monitoring

Mr. Keith Simpson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will give local involvement networks the power to inspect and monitor the NHS. [113521]

Ms Rosie Winterton: Local involvement networks (LINks) will have the powers to enter health and social care premises to observe and assess the nature and quality of services they provide. There will be full consultation on how these powers can be most effective and what exemptions are necessary to protect vulnerable people.

NHS Identity

Mr. Lansley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health pursuant to the answer of 6 December 2006, Official Report, column 562W, on NHS identity, who the recipients were of expenditure on managing NHS identity. [109982]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: The recipients of expenditure on managing NHS identity are listed as follows.

9 Jan 2007 : Column 467W

North West London Hospitals NHS Trust

Mr. Lidington: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what her estimate is of the projected financial position for 2006-07 of the North West London Hospitals NHS Trust. [112706]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: As published on the 9 November 2006, in our national health service financial performance report, at the end of quarter 2, 2006-07, North West London Hospitals NHS Trust is forecasting a financial year end deficit of £29.7 million.

Mr. Lidington: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many staff posts were lost at the North West London NHS Hospitals Trust in 2005-06; and how many have been lost in 2006-07. [112707]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: This information is not collected centrally.

Parliamentary Questions

Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for Health when she will answer the question tabled by the hon. Member for Eddisbury on 20 November 2006, reference 102662, on the child health interim application. [110294]

Caroline Flint [holding answer 18 December 2006]: I refer the hon. Member to the reply given on 20 December 2006, Official Report, columns 25-26W.

Prisoner Suicides

Mr. Garnier: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what her most recent estimate is of the number of prisoners who committed suicide within one year of release from prison in the last period for which figures are available. [113604]

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Ms Rosie Winterton: Research undertaken to investigate suicide rates in recently released prisoners in England and Wales between 2000 and 2002(1) showed that 382 suicides occurred from a group of 244,988 individuals within one year of release from prison; a suicide rate of 156 per 100,000 person-years. 79 (21 per cent.) of these suicides occurred within the first 28 days after release. In all age groups, suicide rates were higher in recently released prisoners than in the general population.

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