17 Jan 2007 : Column 35WS

Written Ministerial Statements

Wednesday 17 January 2007

Communities and Local Government

Housing and Regeneration Review

The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Ruth Kelly): I am today announcing to the House the outcome of the Housing and Regeneration Review, launched in April last year by my right hon. Friend, the Deputy Prime Minister and the then Minister of Communities and Local Government, my right hon. Friend the Member for South Shields (David Miliband).

On 24 July 2006, I told the House that I was extending the review and had asked officials to examine my own Department’s delivery functions to determine the scope for rationalisation. I told the House then that I wanted to build a modern, dynamic delivery chain to realise our ambitions for stronger communities and places in which people feel proud to live.

Following my statement in July, the review has considered a range of modernisation and structural options for reform. Having studied the analysis, I am convinced that we should now move towards one national housing and regeneration agency that combines the functions of the Housing Corporation and English Partnerships with key delivery functions from my own Department including in the areas of decent homes, housing market renewal, housing PFI, housing growth and urban regeneration.

I propose to establish a new agency, Communities England, to support local authorities in their drive to create and shape prosperous and cohesive communities. This new expert partner will pioneer innovative new ways of working with key partners in the public, private and voluntary sector to ensure we get even better outcomes from our investment in places throughout England.

Communities England will be tasked with embedding new and innovative approaches to regenerating strategic sites. In Hattersley in Tameside, for example, an integrated approach to estate transformation is delivering decent homes, new private housing, new commercial and community centres and local jobs, and enhanced transport links to Manchester. Where previously the project was not commercially viable, our intervention has attracted strong private sector investment. An integrated approach to housing and regeneration that addresses the physical, social and economic needs of the area is restoring confidence and creating the basis for long-term sustainability.

17 Jan 2007 : Column 36WS

Communities England will move delivery closer to local communities, ensuring that decisions better reflect local and regional priorities. In future, for example, the regional offices of Communities England will be far better placed than Whitehall to support local authorities in the implementation of their plans for housing growth. This will enable my own Department to focus on strategic policy making.

Communities England will form a key part of the new delivery landscape set out in the local government White Paper, offering a one-stop delivery partner for local government. It offers a coherent portfolio of investment tools, and will work alongside local authorities, to adopt a more flexible market-based approach to housing development:

Communities England will also help to reduce the environmental impact of our homes and buildings. Domestic heating and lighting is responsible for 27 per cent. of the UK’s carbon dioxide emissions. By creating a single agency with enhanced purchasing power, and by demanding exacting standards of house-builders and RSLs including through the code for sustainable homes, we will better influence the development of, and demand for, environmentally friendly products and techniques and low carbon technologies.

Work towards Communities England starts now. We will consult on our plans to establish the new agency, and its roles and functions, later this year. The precise scope of the new agency will be finalised in the light of the 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review.

I am determined to ensure a smooth transition with high levels of delivery throughout. I have therefore appointed a small senior team drawn from the two agencies and key officials in my Department, under the chairmanship of Baroness Ford to advise the Department on planning the transition to Communities England. Alongside this, English Partnerships and the Housing Corporation are putting in place business continuity and risk management processes to maintain their delivery focus throughout the transition period.

17 Jan 2007 : Column 37WS

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Marine Fisheries Agency (Amended Performance Targets)

The Minister for Local Environment, Marine and Animal Welfare (Mr. Ben Bradshaw): On 16 May 2006, Official Report, column 48WS I set out performance targets for the Marine Fisheries Agency (MFA) for 2006-07. I have now set the MFA the following revised performance targets for this year. These changes are made in the light of increasing operational experience for the MFA, which celebrated its first year of business in October 2006. The changes are refinements to the previously published targets, and improve the accountability and measurability of the Agency's performance.

Fishing vessel licensing

Issue 100 per cent. of over 10 metre licences biennially by 23 March and 100 per cent. of 10 metre and under licences biennially by 30 June.


Quota Management

No overfishing of quota stocks by vessels or groups for which MFA has management responsibility which results in EU deduction or infraction proceedings against the UK.


Fisheries Enforcement

Deploy enforcement resources on land in line with risk weightings.



Process 90 per cent. of claims within eight weeks of receipt of all necessary information.


17 Jan 2007 : Column 38WS

Fisheries data

Enter information on catches and fishing activity onto the fisheries database within five working days of receipt.


Marine Environment

Develop and implement a risk-based inspection and monitoring system for FEPA activities by 31 March 2007.


The underpinning service targets for the Marine Fisheries Agency, published in the Agency's 2006-07 Business Plan, have been updated in line with the performance targets. The Agency will report on its performance against these updated targets in its Annual Report and Accounts for 2006-07.

Trade and Industry

National Minimum Wage (Voluntary Workers)

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (Jim Fitzpatrick): I am today announcing that the DTI will be undertaking a review of the national minimum wage in relation to voluntary workers. The review aims to explore whether or not any changes are necessary to the National Minimum Wage Act 1998, or identify alternative non-legislative options, to clarify and/or add flexibility to it in respect of voluntary workers. The review would also address the Low Pay Commission’s 2005 recommendation to consolidate relevant guidance. There is no intention of altering the original scope of the National Minimum Wage Act in terms of those who should, or should not, be paid the minimum wage.

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