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29 Jan 2007 : Column 91Wcontinued
Mr. O'Hara: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what proportion of people who left jobseeker's allowance in the most recent year for which figures are available claimed incapacity benefit within a year (a) in total, (b) aged 16 to 24, (c) aged 25 to 49 and (d) aged 50 years to state pension age. [114629]
Mr. Plaskitt: The information is in the following table.
Percentage of people who left jobseeker's allowance between 1 June 2004 and 31 May 2005, and claimed incapacity benefit/severe disablement within a year | |
Age | Percentage |
Notes: 1. Percentages are shown to one decimal place 2. Figures for the latest quarter do not include any late notifications and are subject to major changes in future quarters. Source: DWP Information Directorate 5 per cent. sample and 5 per cent. terminations dataset. |
Mr. O'Hara: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what proportion of people who left incapacity benefit in the most recent year for which figures are available claimed jobseeker's allowance within a year (a) in total, (b) aged 16 to 24, (c) aged 25 to 49 and (d) aged 50 years to state pension age. [114630]
Mr. Plaskitt: The information is in the following table:
Percentage of people who left incapacity benefit/severe disablement allowance between 1 June 2004 and 31 May 2005, and claimed jobseeker's allowance within a year | |
Age at start of jobseeker's allowance claim | Percentage |
Notes: 1. Percentages are shown to one decimal place 2. Figures for the latest quarter do not include any late notifications and are subject to major changes in future quarters. Source: DWP Information Directorate 5 per cent. sample and 5 per cent. terminations dataset. |
Mr. Ruffley: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the expenditure on incapacity benefit was in each (a) region and (b) country of the UK in the last period for which figures are available. [101111]
Mrs. McGuire: The available information is in the following table.
2005-06 Expenditure (cash terms) | |
£ million | |
Provisional outturn | |
Notes: 1. Totals may not sum due to rounding. 2. All figures have been rounded to the nearest million pounds. 3. Great Britain expenditure is consistent with the Department for Work and Pensions' accounts for 2005-06 and has been apportioned between regions and countries using information in the 2006 Country and Regional Analysis exercise. 4. Expenditure outside Great Britain relates to benefit entitlement resulting from residence in Great Britain, but benefit is actually in payment to people living abroad. 5. As the Department is only responsible for Great Britain, Northern Ireland benefit expenditure has not been included and is dealt with by the Department for Social Development in Northern Ireland. 6. Expenditure information is published on the Department's website at the following address: 7. The expenditure shown in the table is not consistent with information currently published on the Department's website. That information relates to the position at Budget 2006 and it will be updated following the 2006 pre Budget report. Source: Department for Work and Pensions accounts for 2005-06 and administrative data. |
Mr. Ruffley: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many (a) males and (b) females aged (i) 18 to 29, (ii) 30 to 39, (iii) 40 to 49 and (iv) 50 to 59 years claimed incapacity benefit; and how many males aged 60 to 65 years claimed incapacity benefit in each borough of London in each of the last seven years. [101763]
Mrs. McGuire: The information has been placed in the Library.
Mr. Ruffley:
To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many people in each London borough suffering from obesity claimed incapacity benefit in each of the last five years for which figures are available; what proportion of the total expenditure on incapacity benefit in each borough was accounted for by people suffering from obesity in each year; and
how much was spent on disability pensions for people suffering from obesity in each of the last five years for which figures are available. [101993]
Mrs. McGuire: Information is available only on those claiming incapacity benefits whose primary diagnosis is obesity. The available information is in the following tables.
Number of incapacity benefit (IB)/severe disablement allowance (SDA) claimants in London, whose primary diagnosis is recorded as obesity, at the end of the quarter shown | |||||
Quarter ending | |||||
London local authority | May 2002 | May 2003 | May 2004 | May 2005 | May 2006 |
Notes: 1. Caseloads are rounded to the nearest 10. 2. Totals may not sum due to rounding. 3. Local authorities and Government office regions are assigned by matching postcodes against the relevant postcode directory. 4. Causes of incapacity are based on the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, published by the World Health Organisation. Source: Information Directorate five per cent sample and 100 per cent. WPLS |
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