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19 Feb 2007 : Column 234Wcontinued
Mr. Francois: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what role Mr. Nigel Morris has played in advising his Department since 1997. [103565]
John Healey: There is no record of Nigel Morris having advised the Treasury since 1997.
Mr. Francois: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer pursuant to the answer of 18 January 2007, Official Report, column 1342W, on public appointments, on which appointments the Prime Minister's approval was sought. [120761]
John Healey: The Prime Minister's approval is sought wherever it is required for an appointment to be made.
Mr. Prisk: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what the scope is of the sub national review of economic development and regeneration; with which Government Departments he has held discussions on the review; and when the review will (a) conclude and (b) publish its findings. [119511]
John Healey: The review of sub-national economic development and regeneration was announced in the 2006 Budget. Its terms of reference can be found on the Treasury website at:
The review is led by the Treasury, working closely with DCLG, DTI and other Government Departments. The findings of the review will report to Ministers ahead of CSR 2007.
David Simpson: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many vehicles which had been used for cross border fuel smuggling were seized by the authorities in Northern Ireland in the last period for which figures are available; how much fuel was seized; and what estimate he has made of the amount of revenue which would have been lost as a result of the attempted smuggling. [119478]
John Healey: During 2005-06,1.08 million litres of fuel and 956 vehicles were seized relating to all forms of illicit fuel activity including smuggling. All operational data relate to HMRC only and not to any other agencies.
The latest estimates of revenue loss in the hydrocarbon oils sector are published in Measuring Indirect Tax Loss-2006, which was published alongside the PBR. All estimates for Northern Ireland relate to total non-UK duty paid consumption rather than the illicit market and include legitimate cross-border shopping.
David Simpson: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many illegal fuel laundering plants were detected in Northern Ireland in each of the last three years, broken down by district command unit. [119480]
John Healey: The number of illegal fuel laundering plants disrupted in Northern Ireland are available in HMRC's annual report and are set out in the following table.
Number of laundering plants disrupted in Northern Ireland | |
Number | |
The above figures relate to all of Northern Ireland as HMRC law enforcement activity is co-ordinated from one central unit covering the whole province.
David Simpson: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many vehicles in Northern Ireland were detected running illegally on red diesel in each of the last three years. [119482]
John Healey: The number of vehicles seized relating to hydrocarbon oils fraud in Northern Ireland are available in HMRC's annual report and are as follows:
2003-04 | 2004-05 | 2005-06 | |
Mr. Laws: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he will answer question 113824, on public sector pensions, tabled on 5 January 2007 by the hon. Member for Yeovil. [120259]
John Healey: It was answered on 2 February 2007, Official Report, column 569W.
Helen Goodman: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what national guidance is given to adult mental health services on young people who have left care who ask for support. [116476]
Ms Rosie Winterton: I have been asked to reply.
No national guidance has been issued to adult mental health services specifically about young people who have left care. Access to mental health services is based on each patients clinical need as determined by clinicians. All people who are eligible for treatment under the national health service should be able to access mental health services in primary care and, following referral by a primary care practitioner, in secondary care.
Once care leavers reach the age of 18, they then have the same entitlements to mainstream services, including age-appropriate mental health services, as other young people who have not been in care. It is their personal adviser's role to assist them to access any necessary support.
Miss McIntosh: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what the timetable is for the implementation of the Childrens Information Sharing Index; what information will be entered on to the index; who will enter the information on to the index; what the penalties will be for not complying with the requirements of the index; and who will have access to the information on the index. [118177]
Beverley Hughes: The Government announced, on 8 December 2005, their intention to implement a national index in 150 local authorities by the end of 2008. We are now nearing completion of the design phase which will include agreement of the proposed build and implementation plan.
Section 12 of the Children Act 2004, and affirmative resolution regulations to be made under section 12, will set out the information that must or may be included on the index.
The index will contain a limited and basic record for all children in England up to the age of 18 including basic identifying informationname, address, gender, date of birth, and a unique identifying number based on the existing child reference number/national insurance number; contact details for the childs parent or carer; contact details for services involved with the child; a means for practitioners to indicate that they have information to share, have taken action, or have undertaken a Common Assessment Framework in relation to the child; and other information, included solely for the purposes of identifying and managing the quality of data in the index, for example the date of the last update to the record.
Section 12 and the supporting regulations specifically prohibit the inclusion of any case information on the index.
To help support the transition to adult services, there is provision for records of young people who receive additional servicesfor example care leavers and those with learning disabilitiesto remain on the index, with their consent, up to the age of 25.
A recent public consultation, which concluded on 14 December 2006, sought views on a number of additional data items for inclusion on the index including the addition of name and contact details of the childs health visitor, school nurse and named midwife and, where appropriate, the date of death. Inclusion of the date of death will help to ensure that practitioners who had been working with the child become aware that the child has died and, where approaching the family is necessary, can do so sensitively. It will also enable a timely closure of the record.
The index will be populated from existing national and local data sources. Data sources are yet to be confirmed but officials are in discussions with a number of national organisations. Draft regulations set out those organisations and bodies whom we expect to be required and those whom we expect to be permitted to supply information to the index. Wherever it is possible, securing data from existing practitioner systems will avoid the need for double data entry on the part of practitioners. Where direct data feeds are not possible, practitioners may be required to enter the information directly into the index via a web browser or indirectly via an authorised index user.
We see now the need to introduce penalties relating specifically to the index. There are already measures in criminal law which impose penalties for theft or misuse of data or unauthorised access to computer records. Mandatory training for all users and operators of the index will stipulate that section 55 of the Data Protection Act 1998 makes it an offence to unlawfully obtain or disclose personal data without the consent of the data controller. The DCA are considering increasing the penalty for those who misuse personal data from a fine to imprisonment for up to two years. The Computer Misuse Act 1990 provides that unauthorised access, or attempted unauthorised access, to a program or data held on a computer may be punishable by imprisonment.
The draft regulations made under section 12 specify the types of practitioners in the childrens work force whose role would make it appropriate for them to have access to the index including practitioners from health, education, social care and youth justice. Access will be granted according to the role of the practitioner. For example, in a school a small number of named designated staff, such as teachers of children with special educational needs or those with pastoral or child protection responsibilities will have access. Before being granted access to the index, all practitioners will have undergone an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check, any other relevant checks and relevant training in the safe and secure use of the index.
The draft regulations will be laid before Parliament for debate under affirmative resolution procedures.
Annette Brooke: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what representations he has received on the (a) increase in child performance licences issued and (b) reform of this licensing system; and if he will make a statement. [119112]
Mr. Dhanda [holding answer 6 February 2007]: The Department routinely receives correspondence related to child performance licensing matters, some of which argues for changes to the licensing system. I am not aware of any representations on increases in licences issued. The Government have no plans to change the current system.
Tim Farron: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what proportion of schools teach citizenship (a) nationally, (b) in Cumbria and (c) Westmoreland and Lonsdale. [112483]
Jim Knight [holding answer 30 January 2007]: All maintained secondary schools in England have a duty to provide citizenship education, which became a statutory part of the National Curriculum in 2002.
In primary schools, citizenship is delivered as part of a joint non-statutory framework with personal, social and health education (PSHE). We do not collect data on how many schools follow this framework.
Mr. Gibb: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills pursuant to the answer of 22 January 2006, Official Report, column 1467W, on class sizes, which schools have class sizes of more than 50 pupils. [118862]
Jim Knight: The information requested is shown in the following tables.
Maintained secondary schools: number of classes with 50 or more pupils in year group 10 and 11 taught by one teacher, January 2006Schools in England | |||||
LA name | School name | Number of classes with 50 or more pupils | Number of pupils | Number of support staff | Class activity |
Notes: 1. Includes middle schools as deemed 2. Classes taught during a single selected period on the day of the census in January. Source: Schools Census. |
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