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19 Feb 2007 : Column 242Wcontinued
Mr. Wallace: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills on what occasions (a) he and (b) departmental ministers have been requested to appear before committees of (i) devolved institutions and (ii) the European Parliament since 2004; on what topic in each case; how many and what proportion of such requests were accepted; and if he will make a statement. [111541]
Alan Johnson: Ministers in the Department regularly attend committees and the European Parliament in the course of official business. It is not possible to provide the more detailed information requested without incurring disproportionate cost.
Greg Mulholland: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills when he will reply to the letter of 21 November 2006 from the hon. Member for Leeds, North West about the collection of biometric data in schools. [110066]
Jim Knight [holding answer 18 December 2006]: The Department has no record of the hon. Members letter dated 21 November on biometric data in schools. However, on 12 December, the Department responded to his letter dated 14 November, relating to this subject.
Mr. Hands: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what recent academic studies funded by his Department researched the social and economic backgrounds of perpetrators of youth crime and the influence of social and economic backgrounds on youth crime. [118363]
Mr. Dhanda: Two recent studies (undertaken in the past three years) have explored the risk factors associated with young people's likelihood of becoming involved in crime and antisocial behaviour (these include social and economic factors as well as factors relating to an individual child's psychological and emotional profile, such as cognitive and non-cognitive skills). First:
Sutton, C., Utting, D., Farrington, D. (2004) eds, Support from the Start, DfES Research Report 524. This study looks at the risk factors (for later crime/ASB involvement) potentially encountered at four childhood life stages (pre-natal, 0-two, three-eight and nine-13) and at interventions found to be promising in terms of their effectiveness in counteracting risk;
and a second, complementary report which looks at practical applications for our knowledge of the risk factors associated with young people's later offending:
McCarthy, P., Laing, K. and Walker, J. (2004) Offenders of the Future? Assessing the Risk of Children and Young People Becoming Involved in Criminal or Antisocial Behaviour, DfES Research Report 545. The report is an evidence based manual designed to assist practitioners in identifying families with children aged between four and 12 who are at risk of becoming involved in criminal or antisocial behaviour and to facilitate effective targeting of interventions that aim to reduce such risk.
Other relevant research studies are:
Feinstein, L. and Sabates, R. (2005) Education and Youth Crime: Effects of Introducing the Education Maintenance Allowance, DfES Research Brief RCB01-05
Positive Activities for Young People (2006)
both of which look at the crime-related outcomes associated with DfES programmes.
an academic study (to which the Department contributed a small amount of funding during its initial stage), which involves the academics responsible for the Support from the Start report. These academics are collaborating with a leading academic/practitioner in the field, Dr. Leena Augimeri, to produce risk assessment tools for use by practitioners working with children and young people. This will refine and build on much of the knowledge/guidance derived from the two reports (Sutton et al, McCarthy et al) described above;
two further studies currently being conducted which may be of interest. These are evaluations of preventative programmes (part of the Children's Fund) designed to offset/reduce the likelihood
of young people's involvement in crime/ASB by addressing the risk factors associated with these behaviours: the national evaluation of On Track, Phase Two, being carried out by the Policy Research Bureau (final, synthetic report due to be published in June 2007); and the evaluation of the Youth Inclusion Support Panel (YISP) pilot being conducted by the University of Newcastle (final report due May 2007).
Copies of the two published reports can be found on the DfES website:
Mr. Steen: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how much public funding is planned to be made available to Darlington College of Art (a) if it remains in Darlington and (b) if it moves to Plymouth, Torbay or Falmouth; whether the college would be eligible for Objective One funding if it moved to Falmouth; and if he will make a statement. [118401]
Bill Rammell [holding answer 2 February 2007]: The statutory responsibility for funding individual higher education institutions in England rests with the Higher Education Funding Council for England which uses funding formulae which take no account of the locations mentioned in this Question. The college currently receives core funding through recurrent grant of over £4.1 million a year. On Objective One funding, it is unlikely that any substantive Darlington college project could be funded from the current Objective One programme as this funding is close to being already fully allocated. New EU structural fund programmes are still under development and so it is too early to say whether any project that comes forward would be able to access funding from these future programmes.
Mrs. Villiers: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills which statistics have been put forward by his Department for consideration to become new national statistics in each of the last five years; and how many statistics sets his Department has produced in total in each of the last five years. [101652]
Mr. Dhanda: The current list of National Statistics produced by the Department for Education and Skills can be found on the National Statistics website at:
A list of changes to the scope of National Statistics (additions and withdrawals) in each of the last five years can be found in the relevant National Statistics annual report available on the National Statistics website at:
In addition to National Statistics, the Department for Education and Skills publishes a wide range of other numerical information in a variety of forms including other data produced from the management and administration of the Department and in research reports. There is no consistent definition of the term statistics sets and no centrally held information on the total published in each year on this basis.
Mr. Holloway: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how much was allocated by central Government for education in Graveshams local authority area in the most recent year for which figures are available. [117317]
Greg Clark: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what the level of central Government grant was to local government for education in Tunbridge Wells local authority area in the most recent year for which figures are available. [110575]
Jim Knight [holding answer 24 January 2007]: The Gravesham and Tunbridge Wells constituencies fall within the local authority area of Kent and the information supplied is the level of funding which applies to all of Kent. In 2006-07 Kent local authority received a Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) allocation of £718.2 million and revenue grants of £177.4 milliona total of £895.6 million to fund the education of nursery, primary and secondary school aged pupils.
The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) took responsibility for funding of school sixth forms in April 2002. In 2006/07, the total funding allocation for schools sixth forms in Kent local authority was £79 million.
The LSC is responsible for funding post-16 education and training more widely and so in addition to the funding for school sixth forms the LSC also funds colleges and other providers to deliver further education and training to young people and adults in the Kent local authority area. This can include funding the local authority itself where it is offering FE provision in line with Government priorities. The Department does not hold information on individual providers funding allocations. However, funding allocations for 2005/06 can be found at the following link
A hard copy of this document will be placed in the House of Commons Library.
Mr. Milburn: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many young people in Darlington received an educational maintenance allowance in each year since the introduction of the allowance. [118531]
Phil Hope: This is a matter for the Learning and Skills Council, who operate education maintenance allowances for the DfES and hold the information about take-up of the scheme. Mark Haysom, the Councils Chief Executive, has written to the hon. Gentleman with the information requested and a copy of his reply will be placed in the Library.
Letter from Mark Haysom, dated 8 February 2007:
I am writing in response to your Parliamentary Question that asked; How many young people in Darlington have received an educational maintenance allowance in each year since the introduction of the allowance.
The following table shows education maintenance allowance (EMA) take-up for Darlington local authority area during each academic year since the introduction of the allowance. EMA take-up is defined as young people who have received one or more EMA payments in the academic year.
Number | |
I hope you find this information useful.
Mr. Dismore: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many students in Hendon receive education maintenance allowance; and what assessment he has made of the impact education maintenance allowance has had on school staying-on rates in Hendon. [118435]
Phil Hope: Information on the number of young people who have applied, enrolled and received Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is available at local authority level, but not at constituency level. By the end of December 2006, 2,483 young people in Barnet local authority had applied, enrolled and received one or more EMA payment during the academic year 2006-07.
The impact of EMA on participation in full time education by 16 to 18-year-olds is not available by constituency. Recent national participation figures(1) show an increase of 4.5 percentage points over the past two years for 16-year-olds in full-time education. While it is not possible to say that all of the increase was due to EMA, this was one of the most important initiatives aimed at increasing participation.
(1 )SFR (June 2006), Participation in Education. Training & Employment by 16-18 Year Olds in England 2004 and 2005 DfES, SFR 21/2006
EMA has been particularly effective in engaging some of our most vulnerable young people such as teenage parents and those who for no fault of their own are estranged from their families. EMA has its biggest impact where it is most neededamong those from less well off households, those from an ethnic minority background and among boys, closing the gender gap.
Mr. Dismore: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what funding was made available to Barnet College in each of the last five years; and if he will make a statement. [118482]
Bill Rammell:
I can confirm the funding allocations that Barnet College received from the Learning and Skills Council in each year from 2002-03 to 2006-07 are as listed in the following tables. For 2006-07 Barnet College is also a member of two successful consortiums which tendered for Train to Gain, our new national
programme of workplace training for adults. The additional funding Barnet College will receive from these contracts is currently under negotiation. The total value of the Train to Gain contracts in which
Barnet College has a stake are, for the consortium led by Four Counties Training £850,348, and for the consortium led by the College of North East London £284,148.
Barnet College Funding received from Learning and Skills Council 2002/03 to 2006/07 | |||||
2002/03 actual funding (£) | 2003/04 actual funding (£) | Difference in funding 2003/04 from 2002/03 (£) | 2004/05 actual funding (£) | Difference in funding 2004/05 from 2003/04 (£) | |
2005/06 actual funding (£) | Difference in funding 2005/06 from 2004/05 (£) | 2006/07 planned funding (£) | Difference in funding 2006/07 from 2005/06 (£) | |
(1) After a review the College has decided to stop offering work based learning provision. It has only 21 students enrolled for 2006/07 all of whom are completing their course. |
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