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20 Feb 2007 : Column 644W—continued

Mr. Prisk: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many loans were issued by each of the banks participating in the Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme in (a) 2004, (b) 2005 and (c) 2006. [119836]

Margaret Hodge: I refer to the answer given to parliamentary question No. 119835 answered today.

Mr. Prisk: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many loans have been issued by each of the participating banks in the Small Firms Loan Guarantee Scheme since the scheme came into existence. [119877]

Margaret Hodge [holding answer 8 February 2007]: Please see the following table detailing the number of Guarantees issued by each of the lenders in the 11 years from the earliest available records (1994-95) to the last full financial year prior to the implementation of the Graham Review changes (2004-05).

20 Feb 2007 : Column 645W
Lender Total number of Guarantees

Barclays Bank


Nat West Bank




Bank of Scotland


Royal Bank of Scotland


Clydesdale Bank


Co-Operative Bank


Yorkshire Bank


Bank of Ireland


Northern Bank


Ulster Bank


First Trust Bank


Northern Investors


Yorkshire Enterprise




One London


UK Steel Enterprise


Venture Finance


Lloyds TSB


Emerging Business Trust


State Securities


Triodos Bank


Northern Enterprise


Investors in Industry (3i)


South West Regional Development Agency

Mr. Drew: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry which sites the South West Regional Development Agency (a) owns and (b) rents. [120920]

Margaret Hodge: I understand the South West of England Regional Development Agency owns the following sites:

20 Feb 2007 : Column 646W

Sites Rented:


Abortions: East Sussex

Mr. Waterson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many abortions were performed in (a) Eastbourne and (b) East Sussex in 2005-06. [120570]

Caroline Flint: Information about abortions performed on residents of (a) Eastbourne and (b) East Sussex in 2005 is published by primary care trust in Statistical Bulletin 2006/01, “Abortion Statistics, England and Wales: 2005”, a copy of which is available
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in the Library. The bulletin can also be found on the Department of Health website at:

Data for 2006 will be published in the summer.

Acute Hospitals

Mr. Jamie Reed: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how her Department defines an acute hospital; [117159]

(2) whether hospitals must have (a) major operating theatres, (b) accident and emergency facilities, (c) intensive care units, (d) high dependency units, (e) a status of district or regional importance, (f) a minimum size of 35,000 square metres and (g) substantial general wards in order to be defined as an acute hospital by her Department; [110489]

(3) whether her Department has made a recent assessment of the minimum level of services which must be provided by a hospital in order for it to be defined as an acute hospital; [110490]

(4) whether the definition of acute hospitals used by her Department is the same as that used by the Valuation Office Agency; [110501]

(5) which body is responsible for determining the definition of an (a) acute hospital and (b) the list of those hospitals so designated. [117489]

Andy Burnham: The Department maintains no official definition of acute hospital and is aware of no body with the responsibility to define it.

The term acute hospital is included in the statutory name of some national health service trusts but is not defined in legislation.

Section 128(1) of the NHS Act 1977 defines a hospital as any institution for the reception and treatment of persons suffering from illness, any maternity home and any institution for the reception and treatment of persons during convalescence or persons requiring medical rehabilitation. Beyond this it does not specify what kind of services a hospital has to provide.

The Department does not specify or assess the kinds of facilities a hospital must have in order to be defined as an acute hospital.

Ambulance Services

Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what conditions primary care trusts are permitted to attach to contracts with ambulance trusts in respect of the (a) operation and (b) funding of (i) first responder, (ii) co-responder and (iii) other non-ambulance based first response to Category A and B call-outs in rural and island communities. [119382]

Andy Burnham: First responders complement and support the ambulance response to emergencies by providing basic life support until front-line ambulance staff arrive at the scene, but are not a substitute for an emergency ambulance response.

The Department has issued no specific guidance about community first responder or co-responder schemes to primary care trusts. However, national health service ambulance trusts have been directed to continue first responder schemes in existence on 1 July 2006 for as long as there are specific volunteers to
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maintain the scheme and the trust considers, having regard to all relevant considerations including appropriateness of clinical care and costs, that it is appropriate to do so.

Guidance on performance reporting issued by the Information Centre (Ambulance Services, England, annual statistical bulletins) and available in the Library, states that first responders are an approved initial emergency response to category A calls provided that they are equipped with a defibrillator, despatched by and accountable to the ambulance service. NHS ambulance trusts are also expected to ensure that the training, clinical governance and operation of such schemes complies with relevant legislation and Government guidance.

Bournemouth Hospital: Alcoholic Drinks

Mr. Ellwood: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many casualties were admitted to Bournemouth Hospital due to drink-related injuries in 2006. [119922]

Caroline Flint: The information requested is not centrally collected.

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