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The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Ruth Kelly): Subject to parliamentary approval of any necessary supplementary estimate, the Department for Communities and Local Government's departmental expenditure limits for 2006-07 will change as follows:
the Department for Communities and Local Government's main programmes DEL will be increased by £43,389,000 from £9,418,142,000 to £9,461,531,000 and the administration budget will also be increased by £5,852,000 from £318,647,000 to £324,499,000. The new administration budget takes account of the re-classification of £2,625,000 for the Residential Property Tribunal Service from administration to programme expenditure. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
£ thousand | ||||
New DEL | ||||
Change | Voted | Non-Voted | Total | |
(1) Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL, since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting. |
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
(2) The Department for Communities and Local Government (Local Government) DEL will be increased by £27,588,000 from £22,803,676,000 to £22,831,264,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
£ thousand | ||||
New DEL | ||||
Change | Voted | Non-Voted | Total | |
(1) Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL, since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting. |
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
(i) take up of end year flexibility of £27,500,000 for special grant paid in support of the local authority private finance initiative programme.
(ii) a transfer of £88,000 to Request for Resources (RfR 2) Local Government Research from Housing, Supply and Demand Section (RfRl).
(iii) an increase in receipts of £80,000 with a corresponding increase in DEL cover for capacity building.
(i) take up of end year flexibility of £13,500.000 comprising :
£2,000,000 for Procurement Efficiency in Social Housing;
(b) £11,500,000 for administration costs comprising £5,000,000 (non cash) to cover transfers to Government Offices and £6,500,000 from Other Current to cover the costs of voluntary early staff exits.
(ii) a transfer of £88,000 from Request for Resources (RfR 1) Research to Local Government Research (RfR2).
(iii) Draw down of £813,000 from the Treasury's Invest to Save Budget comprising £108,000 for the First Step Trust and £705.000 for the Transitional Spaces projects.
(iv) A net transfer of £4,477,000 from other Government Departments, comprising:
From Other Government Departments
£1,000,000 from the Department for Constitutional Affairs for the start up costs of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights.
Administration Costs (Government Offices)
(b) £1,800,000 from the Department for Transport towards the costs of voluntary staff exits;
(c) £764,000 from the Cabinet Office for the Community Cohesion programme;
(d) £1,013,000 from the Department for Trade and Industry for additional UK Trade and Investment funding.
To Other Government Departments
Administration Costs (Central Department)
(e) £100,000 to the Deputy Prime Minister's Office for the costs of shared services.
(v) an increase in receipts of £22,952,000 offsetting increases in provision of £1,711,000 for Firelink recharging Scotland (£1,144,000) and Wales (£565,000) for the costs of the Firelink project; £2,000 for Control Rooms; £583,000 for Central Administration for work provided to Other Government Departments; £178,000 for Other Current for expenditure incurred on secondees; £2,564,000 for Mapping and Data Services; £17,477,000 for Government Offices comprising £15,819,000 from the Home Office for various programmes; £1,653,000 for work provided to Other Government Departments and £5,000 to offset against non pay expenditure; and £439,000 for the Independent Housing Ombudsman Limited.
a net transfer of £29,296,000 from non voted to voted provision comprising:
From voted to non-voted provision
(a) £9,867,000 from Firelink to the Departmental Unallocated provision comprising of £4,817,000 non cash and £5,050,000 near cash;
(b) £125,000 from the Landlord Licensing and Safety Rating programme to the LEASE programme;
(c) £500,000 from the Regional Housing Board Advice to the Housing Corporation;
(d) £200,000 from the Housing Market Renewal Fund to the Housing Corporation;
(e) £150,000 within Thames Gateway from direct funding to Thurrock Urban Development Corporation (UDC);
To voted from non- voted provision
(f) £39,488,000 non cash from English Partnerships comprising £339,000 to the Coalfields Enterprise Fund; £150,000 to the Planning Inspectorate; £1,224,000 to E-Planning and £37,775,000 to the European Regional Development Fund;
(g) £650,000 to the European Regional Development Fund from Thames Gateway South East of England Development Agency (£500,000) and Thurrock UDC (£150,000).
(vii) As a result of the changes to Request for Resources 1, The Department for Communities and Local Government's administration provision will be increased by £12,352,000 from £325,454,000 to £337,806,000. The new provision takes account of the re-classification of £2,625,000 for the Residential Property Tribunal Service from administration to programme expenditure.
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:
a take up of EYF of £41,886,000 comprising of:
(a) £34,000,000 for Large Scale Voluntary Transfers;
(b) £286,000 from the Invest to Save Budget for the Private Housing Renewal project;
(c) £7,600,000 for English Partnerships.
(ix) Draw down of £5,000 from the Treasury's Invest to Save Budget for the Transitional Spaces project
a net transfer of £17,204,000 to other Government Departments comprising of
From Other Government Departments
(a) £45,000 from the Department for Transport for the Information Technology Services Outsourcing Project (ITSOP).
To Other Government Departments
(b) £12,249,000 from the Departmental Unallocated Provision to the Department for Culture Media and Sport in respect of the Department's contribution towards the Olympics preparation infrastructure costs.
(c) £5,000,000 for the Combined Universities of Cornwall from the Development of English Regions programme.
(xi) an increase in receipts of £5,366,000 offsetting increases in provision of £3,750,000 for residual Single Regeneration Budget for claw back on behalf of Greenwich Industrial Estate and £1,616,000 for Government Offices from the Highways Agency.
Within the capital element of the DEL there is a net transfer of £26,061,000 from non voted to voted provision comprising ;
From voted to non voted provision
(a) £19,400,000 to English Partnerships comprising £5,000,000 from Procurement Efficiency in Social Housing; £13,500,000 from the Housing Market Renewal Fund and £900,000 from the Home Buying and Selling programme;
(b) £890,000 from Firelink to the Departmental Unallocated Provision;
(c) £1,199,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to English Partnerships (£1,074,000) and Thurrock UDC (£125,000);
(d) £200,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to East of England Development Agency.
To voted from non voted provision
(e) £45,000,000 to Capital Pooled Receipts from the Departmental Unallocated Provision;
(f) £2,500,000 within Other Growth Areas from the Urban Regeneration Agencies to direct funding;
(g) £250,000 within Thames Gateway from Thurrock UDC to direct funding.
(iv) a net transfer of £404,000 from voted to non voted provision comprising £104,000 from Capacity Building to the Standards Board and £300,000 from Bellwin to the Valuation Tribunal Service.
(v) The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from a transfer of £3,000,000 to voted Local Government on Line from the non voted Communication programme.
(vi) an increase in receipt of £1,250,000 with a corresponding increase in DEL cover for Local Government on Line.
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