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The Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Douglas Alexander): The Government announced last year that restrictions on smoking in enclosed workplaces, public places and vehicles would be introduced in England from 1 July 2007. These provisions are described in The Health Act 2006 which aims to act on medical and scientific advice. This will save thousands of lives over the next decade by reducing both exposure to hazardous second-hand smoke and overall smoking rates.
The Health Act 2006 includes provisions designed to prohibit smoking in enclosed public places and
vehicles, but does not cover vessels operating at sea or on inland waters. I now intend to introduce similar provisions to provide protection from second-hand smoke for people on vessels operating in UK waters, both at sea and on inland waterways.
On 14 February I launched a consultation paper asking for comments as to how smoke free provisions should be implemented on sea going and inland waterways vessels. The provisions, under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, will apply to all vessels operating in UK inland waters or within the 12 mile territorial waters regardless of which country they are flagged with providing they carry passengers or employees. I am also keen to see these provisions extended to Wales and Northern Ireland and for a consistent set of restrictions to be established in Scotland.
In line with the Health Act 2006, I am proposing that owners and operators of vessels may provide for residents and guests on merchant ships to be allowed to continue smoking in an entirely private area of residential accommodation.
I am also proposing that the Maritime and Coastguard Agency hold the responsibility for enforcement of these provisions with a scale of penalties similar to those laid down in the Health Act.
Copies of the consultation paper have been sent to a wide range of representatives in the shipping industry and they will have 12 weeks to respond to the consultation. Further copies of the consultation paper are available on the DfT website at Copies have also been placed in the Libraries of the House.
The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mr. Peter Hain): The National Assembly for Wales' departmental expenditure limit will be increased by £68,410,000 from £13,020,716,000 to £13,089,126,000. The increase is a result of:
(a) The take-up of end year flexibility of £25,000,000 for the National Assembly for Wales non cash;
(b) Transfers from other Government Departments to the National Assembly for Wales of £3,631,000 near-cash;
(c) An increase of £53,000 as a result of the pre-Budget report - near cash.
These transfers are as follows:
£1,190,000 from Department of Constitutional Affairs for the implementation of new electoral duties;
£14,000 from Department of Health for Dental Sift;
£210,000 from Department of Health for High security psychiatric services;
£2,217,000 from Department of Health for Cross border flows.
DEL Changes | ||
£ | ||
Change | New DEL | |
Reconciliation of grant payable to National Assembly for Wales 2006-07 | ||||
2006-07 | Changes | Spring supp Position | ||
The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Mr. John Hutton): Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Work and Pensions DEL will increase by £204,654,000 from £7,780,201,000 to £7,984,855,000 and the administration budget will increase by £225,465,000 from £5,827,134,000 to £6,052,599,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change UK | New DEL £k | ||||
Voted | Non-voted | Voted | Non-voted | Total | |
(1) Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting. |
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from: RfR2
i. a draw down of End of Year Flexibility to support expenditure in respect of
Jobcentre Plus Change Programme £200,000,000 administration (of which £50,000,000 non-cash);
ii. additional funding in respect of In Work Credit as provided in the Pre-Budget Report £151,000 administration and £9,849,000 other current;
iii. a transfer to capital spend of £473,000 in respect of planned expenditure of the Pension Protection Fund.
iv. a draw down of End of Year Flexibility to support expenditure in respect of centrally managed non-cash costs £25,000,000 (administration);
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:
v. a draw down of End of Year Flexibility to support expenditure in respect of Jobcentre Plus Change Programme £43,000,000.
vi. a transfer from resource spend of £473,000 in respect of planned expenditure of the Pension Protection Fund.
The movement in the Administration Cost limit arises from those items noted above as affecting administration costs plus the following entry which is offset by other current receipts from the National Insurance Fund (NIF).
vii. an increase in provision of £314,000 (administration) relating to the transfer of functions from Government Actuary's Department (GAD).
Movements in non-voted expenditure
Transfers from Other Government Departments
viii. £314,000 increase in non-voted spend relating to the transfer of functions from Government Actuary's Department (GAD) and related NIF receipts from Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
Additionally there are the following drawdowns that are neutral in overall DEL terms:
Housing Benefit Reform Fund (HBRF)
ix. £6,500,000 into RfR2 for modernisation of Housing Benefit;
x. £37,500,000 into RfRl to increase provision for the Child Support Agency
Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs)
xi. £2,285,000 from RfR2 for expenditure by National Employment Panel (NEP) Limited.
xii. £264,000 from RfR2 for increased expenditure by Disability Rights Commission (DRC).
xiii. £75,000 from RfR3 for increased expenditure by Centre for Policy on Ageing.
xiv. £73,000 into RfR3 relating to decreased expenditure by The Pensions Advisory Service (TPAS).
xv. £708,000 into RfR3 relating to decreased expenditure by the Pensions Ombudsman (PO).
xvi. £1,911,000 into RfR3 relating to decreased expenditure by The Pensions Regulator (TPR).
Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs)
xvii. £550,000 from RfR3 for increased capital expenditure by The Pensions Regulator (TPR).
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