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22 Feb 2007 : Column 928Wcontinued
Jeremy Corbyn: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the average spending was (a) per head of the population and (b) per patient of each mental health trust in London in the latest period for which figures are available. [120812]
Ms Rosie Winterton [holding answer 19 February 2007]: The information requested by the hon. Member is not available in the required format. Information on expenditure per head by primary care trust in London on commissioning of secondary mental illness services is shown in the table.
Expenditure per head by primary care trusts (PCTs) in London on the commissioning of secondary mental illness services is shown in the following table.
£ | |
Notes: 1. The information relates to expenditure of PCTs on the commissioning of secondary mental illness services from both NHS trusts and non-NHS providers. 2. Some PCTs may have local arrangements in respect of commissioning. PCTs may have an arrangement whereby the commissioning of healthcare expenditure in the area is by one PCT only. Sources: 1. Audited summarisation schedules of primary care trusts in the London area 2005-06 2. Office for National Statistics unweighted population figures. |
Mr. Jenkins: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many midwifery vacancies there are in (a) Staffordshire, (b) the West Midlands and (c) England. [118003]
Ms Rosie Winterton: The number of three months vacancies and three month vacancy rates for midwives in Staffordshire, West Midlands and England are shown in the following table.
Mr. Andrew Smith: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what progress has been made in modernising the National Blood Service estate and facilities; and if she will make a statement. [121209]
Caroline Flint: Significant parts of the current National Blood Service (NBS) infrastructure are not adequate for modern processing and testing requirements. The NBS plans to modernise its estate by investing in three blood processing and testing facilities. These will be located in Filton in Bristol, Manchester and Colindale. This configuration provides a good geographical spread of activity, maximising productivity, while maintaining adequate contingency and flexibility.
This will not impact on the local availability of products and services to patients. The NBS will maintain a network of local blood banks to ensure hospitals and patients continue to get the blood and blood components they need.
The centre in Filton will be a new building and is currently being constructed, on schedule and to budget. It is expected to be fully operational in March 2009. An outline business case is being prepared for the development of the Colindale and Manchester centres. It is planned that the development of these centres will be completed by March 2010.
In addition, the NBS built a new centre in Liverpool, which is the focus of NBS tissue services and came into operation in 2005.
Mr. Hollobone: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the cost of (a) managerial salaries, (b) nursing salaries, (c) maternity leave payments and (d) pension contributions in the NHS was in the last financial year for which figures are available. [112633]
Ms Rosie Winterton: Figures for the year 2005-06, which is the latest year for which information is available are shown as follows.
David T.C. Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much has been paid by NHS trusts in England to authorised verification companies in relation to the Carbon Credits Scheme in the last 12 months. [120331]
Caroline Flint: The information requested is not collected centrally.
Mr. Nicholas Brown: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) what information is held centrally by her Department on the net financial balance as a whole for the National Health Service; [118121]
(2) what information is held centrally by her Department on individual accounting units net financial balance in the National Health Service. [118122]
Andy Burnham: Information is collected by the Department in audited summarisation schedules in respect of the surpluses or deficits in national health service trusts, and the performance against the revenue resource limits in strategic health authorities and primary care trusts.
In the final accounts for 2005-06 the NHS as a whole, excluding foundation trusts, had a net deficit of £547 million. We expect the NHS to deliver net
financial balance by the end of this financial year, recovering at a national level the overspend from 2005-06.
Our published quarter 3 2006-07 NHS finance report contains details of the financial position for NHS organisations at the end of 2005-06, and the latest quarter 3 forecast out-turn position for 2006-07. Copies are available in the Library.
Mr. Lansley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health pursuant to the Payment by Results (PbR) guidance 2007-08 issued by her Department on 20 December 2006, Gateway reference 7539, which organisations whose PbR gains are capped in 2007-08 her Department has informed strategic health authorities are eligible for support; which organisations have had their (a) PbR gains and (b) PbR losses capped in (i) 2005-06 and (ii) 2006-07; and if she will make a statement. [118154]
Andy Burnham: The information requested has been placed in the Library.
Mr. Lansley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health, pursuant to the answer of 29 January 2007, Official Report, column 61W, on the National Director for Heart Disease and Stroke, for what reasons the National Clinical Directors were asked by her to produce reports; and what estimate she has made of the cost of producing each report. [118240]
Ms Rosie Winterton: The national health service continues to respond to advances in medical technology and the rising expectations of patients. Improvements to services are wide ranging. Clinicians tell us that specialist care needs to be concentrated in centres of excellence. For example, specialist cancer surgery is now undertaken in cancer centres and a selection of hospitals have teams who can use angioplasty to unblock coronary arteries in patients suffering heart attack. The public also tell us that they want more services closer to their homes, where this is appropriate and safe. GPs are responding by providing a far wider range of treatments and services, including check ups which previously were often done in hospital outpatient appointments. The reports from the National Clinical Directors are their personal accounts as national clinical leaders of the reasons why services need to change.
The reports are also in response to requests from the NHS for advice on the national policy context against which local services can be improved.
The printing and publication costs of the six reports which have been issued is an average of £2,762.
Mr. Holloway: To ask the Secretary of State for Health which outpatient clinics have been (a) opened and (b) closed at Gravesend Community Hospital over the last 12 months; and whether there are proposals (i) to reduce the number of clinics at and (ii) to move other out-patient clinics from the hospital in the future. [121225]
Caroline Flint: This is a matter for the local national health service.
Angela Watkinson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if she will make a statement on funding for palliative care in (a) Upminster and (b) England. [119058]
Ms Rosie Winterton: Primary care trusts (PCTs) are responsible within the national health service for commissioning and funding services for their resident population, including palliative and end of life care. It is for PCTs to determine how to use the funding allocated to them to commission services to meet the healthcare needs of their local populations.
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