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29 Mar 2007 : Column 1709Wcontinued
Training Network Group Ltd.
A4e (Action for Employment)
Crosby Training
MBW Training Services LLP
Training West Lanes Ltd.
Inspire to Independence
Employment and Regeneration Partnership
First Asian Support Trust (FAST) Ltd
Local solutions
Shaw Trust
Training into Employment (TIE) Oldham MBC
Voluntary Action Vale Royal
Training Network Group
YMCA Training
Kennedy Scott
Anglia Training Services
North Hertfordshire College
Shaw Trust
Armstrong Learning
North Hertfordshire College
Papworth Trust
Richmond Fellowship Employment and Training
Royal British Legion Industries Employment Service
Shackleton Associates
Pertemps People Development Group
Biscom Resource Management
Dudley MBC Future Skills
Juniper Training
Shropshire County Training
Steps to Work Walsall
Birmingham CC
Warwickshire CC
Work Directions UK
Work First
New d eal training providers in Scotland
The Wise Group
Triage Central Ltd.
Claverhouse Training
Support Training Ltd.
Argyll and Bute Council
East Dunbartonshire Council
Glasgow Mentoring Network
Lauder College
West Lothian Council
The North Highland College
Edinburgh University Settlement
Scout Enterprises (Western)
The Shirlie Project
Shaw Trust
Swansea College
Management Introductions
Moray College
Reed in Partnership PLC
New d eal training providers in Wales
A4e Wales Ltd.
Carmarthenshire CC Training and Technology Centre
DASH Training South Wales LLP
Hyfforddiant Ceredigion Training
Pembrokeshire CC
Scout Enterprises
Swansea College
TD Training Ltd.
Tydfil training Consortium
Caerphilly CBC
New d eal self-employment training providers in English Regions | |
Regions | |
New d eal self-employment training providers in Scotland
New d eal self-employment training providers in Wales
Birmingham Chamber of Commerce
New deal for m usicians training providers in English regions | |
Country | |
New deal for musicians training providers in Scotland
Scottish Cultural Enterprise Limited
New d eal for m usicians t raining p roviders in Wales
Quadrant Media and Communications Limited
This Department is not responsible for the provision of employment and training programmes in Northern Ireland.
Mr. Frank Field: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many people were on the new deal 25 plus programme for the (a) first time, (b) second time, (c) third time, (d) fourth time, (e) fifth time and (f) sixth time or greater in each month since 1998. [124440]
Mr. Jim Murphy [holding answer 1 March 2007]: Some people will return to new deal after leaving the programme, but this is inevitable in a dynamic labour market. New deal 25 plus has to be considered in the context of the people it sets out to help. People who suffer long periods of unemployment can find it particularly difficult to get back to and remain in work. The longer they are unemployed, the greater the barriers to getting work, and helping them into work is a considerable achievement.
The available information is in the following table.
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