Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen

Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers


Written Answers for 17 April 2007

Church Commissioners

Churches: Repairs and Maintenance

Communities and Local Government

Communities England
Compensation Payments
Council Tax
Departmental Meetings
Departments: Publicity
Departments: Redundancy
Departments: Temporary Employment
Fire Stations: Rayleigh Weir
Home Information Packs
Housing Data Warehouse
Local Authorities: Newspaper Press
Local Government
Local Government Executive
Local Government Finance: Chorley
Local Government Reform
Local Government: Training
Population: Slough
Sir Michael Lyons: Pay
Travelling People
Valuation Office: Databases

Constitutional Affairs

Legal Aid
Magistrates Courts
Electoral Register
Constitutions: Channel Islands
Courts: Pay
Departments: Pressure Groups
Departments: Redundancy
Lord Chancellor’s Department: Official Residences

Culture, Media and Sport

Olympic Games
Television: Broadcasting Reception


Armed Forces: Discharges
Army: Official Hospitality
Type 45 Destroyers

Duchy of Lancaster

Civil Servants: Conduct
Delivery Unit
Departments: Public Appointments
Departments: Redundancy
Social Exclusion

Education and Skills

Children’s Centres
Children’s Centres: Curriculum
City Academies
Class Sizes
Departments: Databases
Departments: Redundancy
Education Maintenance Allowance: North East Region
Education: Finance
Educational Attainment
English Language: Asylum
Extended Schools: Tees Valley
Free School Meals
Further Education
GCE A Level: Classics
Headteachers: Pay
Higher Education: Admissions
Higher Education: Scholarships
Primary Education: Assessments
School Leaving
Schools: Admissions
Schools: Intimidation
Science: Teachers
Secondary Education: Curriculum
Special Educational Needs: Lancashire
Special Educational Needs: Peterborough
Students: Loans
Teachers: Early Retirement
Teenage Pregnancy
Trade Unions

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Departments: Energy

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Afghanistan: Frontiers
Departments: EU Action
Departments: Official Hospitality
EU Action: Finance
EC Institutions: Visits
EU Information and Communication Programmes
EU: Constitutions
European Commission: Consultants
European Parliament
Kazakhstan: Human Rights
Non-Governmental Organisations: Finance
Zambia: Politics and Government


Abortion: Euthanasia
Abortions: Disabled
Accident and Emergency Departments: Maidstone
Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse
Anabolic Steroids: Misuse
Audiology Services
Cannabis: Mental Health
Care Homes: Drugs
Care Homes: Human Rights
Care Homes: Standards
Departmental Expenditure
Departmental Staff
Departments: Advertising
Departments: Focus Groups
Departments: Office Expenditure
Departments: Opinion Polls
Departments: Postal Services
Departments: Press
Departments: Surveys
Departments: Trade Unions
Drugs: Pilot Schemes
Eyesight: Testing
Female Genital Mutilation
Health Services: Disabled
Health Services: Publications
Hearing Aids: Greater London
Home Helps
Hospital Beds
Hospitals: Voluntary Organisations
Hyperactivity: Drugs
Influenza: Vaccination
Legal Advice
Members: Correspondence
NHS: Finance
Nutrition: EC Law
Ophthalmic Services: Children
Radiography: Manpower
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Social Marketing
Social Services: Cornwall

Home Department

Animal Experiments: Primates
Asylum: Iraq
Asylum: Travel
British Nationality
Departments: St George's Day
Driving Offences: Courts
Drugs: Rehabilitation Centres
Foreign Prisoners
Highly Skilled Migrants Programme
Identity Cards
Immigration and Nationality Directorate: Compensation
Immigration Controls
Immigration and Visa Applications
Immigration: EC Enlargement
IND Policy
Internal Reviews
Migrant Workers: Agriculture
Offensive Weapons
Prisons: Overcrowding
Prisons: Visits
Serious Organised Crime Agency: Manpower
Young Offenders

House of Commons Commission


Northern Ireland

Community Relations
Fly Tipping
Prescriptions: Fees and Charges

Prime Minister

Former Ministers: Business Interests
Minister Policy Advisers: Autobiography
Ministers: Codes of Practice
Public Sector: Standards

Trade and Industry

Business Link
Businesses: EC Countries
EC Energy Policy
Electronic Equipment: Waste Disposal
Energy Technologies Institute
Enterprise Week
Low Carbon Buildings Programme
Low Carbon Buildings Programme: Wales
Natural Gas: Greater London
Natural Gas: Pipelines
Renewable Energy: Grants
Small Businesses
Solar Power


Road Haulage
School Transport
Railway Stations
Public Transport: Overcrowding
Railways: Overcrowding
Rail Infrastructure
Train Services: Shropshire
Railway Usage
Environmentally Friendly Vehicles
Train Services: Disabled Passengers
Cycling: Accidents
Departments: Lobbying
Heathrow Airport: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Heathrow Express Line
London Airports: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Pedestrian Crossings
Railways: Bicycles
Railways: Freight
Railways: Milton Keynes
Railways: West Midlands
Rolling Stock
Speed Limits: Cameras
Walking: Pupils
Wolverton Station: Repairs and Maintenance


Crossrail Line: Finance
Departments: Secondment
EC Budget
EuroGlobe Programme
European Communities Interinstitutional Centre
European Union: Citizenship
Local Government Finance Funding Changes Independent Inquiry
Parliamentary Questions
PRINCE Programmes
Public Expenditure: NHS
Small Businesses: Northern Ireland

Work and Pensions

Child Support Agency
Child Support Agency: Debt Collection
Children: Maintenance
New Deal Schemes: Self-employed
Pensions: Regulation
Vocational Training: Hartlepool

This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
17 April 2007


Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

Column: 517W

Written Answers to Questions [17 April 2007]

Church Commissioners [17 April 2007]

Churches: Repairs and Maintenance [17 April 2007]

Miss McIntosh:

Sir Stuart Bell:

Communities and Local Government [17 April 2007]

Communities England [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Compensation Payments [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Column: 518W

Council Tax [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Departmental Meetings [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Column: 519W

Departments: Publicity [17 April 2007]

Mr. Heald:

Angela E. Smith:

Column: 520W

Departments: Redundancy [17 April 2007]

Justine Greening:

Angela E. Smith:

Departments: Temporary Employment [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Fire Stations: Rayleigh Weir [17 April 2007]

Bob Spink:

Column: 521W

Angela E. Smith:

Home Information Packs [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Housing Data Warehouse [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Column: 522W

IPPR [17 April 2007]

Mr. Heald:

Ruth Kelly:

Local Authorities: Newspaper Press [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Local Government [17 April 2007]

Kitty Ussher:

Mr. Woolas:

Kitty Ussher:

Column: 523W

Mr. Woolas:

Local Government Executive [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Local Government Finance: Chorley [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hoyle:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Local Government Reform [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Column: 524W

Local Government: Training [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Population: Slough [17 April 2007]

Fiona Mactaggart:

Mr. Woolas:

Sir Michael Lyons: Pay [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Travelling People [17 April 2007]

Julie Morgan:

Meg Munn:

Column: 525W

Valuation Office: Databases [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Spelman:

Ruth Kelly:

Constitutional Affairs [17 April 2007]

Legal Aid [17 April 2007]

Lynne Featherstone:

Mr. Leech:

Vera Baird:

John Robertson:

Column: 526W

Vera Baird:

Mr. Lancaster:

Mr. Harper:

Vera Baird:

Lyn Brown:

Vera Baird:

Magistrates Courts [17 April 2007]

Sir Nicholas Winterton:

Ms Harman:

Electoral Register [17 April 2007]

Dr. Whitehead:

Column: 527W

Bridget Prentice:

Mediation [17 April 2007]

Kali Mountford:

Ms Harman:

Constitutions: Channel Islands [17 April 2007]

Dr. Gibson:

Bridget Prentice:

Dr. Gibson:

Bridget Prentice:

Column: 528W

Dr. Gibson:

Bridget Prentice:

Courts: Pay [17 April 2007]

Keith Vaz:

Ms Harman:

Departments: Pressure Groups [17 April 2007]

Norman Baker:

Ms Harman:

Column: 529W

Column: 530W

Departments: Redundancy [17 April 2007]

Justine Greening:

Ms Harman:

Column: 531W

Justine Greening:

Ms Harman:

Lord Chancellor’s Department: Official Residences [17 April 2007]

Mr. Heald:

Column: 532W

Ms Harman:

Culture, Media and Sport [17 April 2007]

Olympic Games [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hoyle:

Tessa Jowell:

Mr. Francois:

Tessa Jowell:

Mr. Andy Reed:

Mr. Caborn:

Column: 533W

Television: Broadcasting Reception [17 April 2007]

Mr. Bone:

Column: 534W

Mr. Woodward

Defence [17 April 2007]

Armed Forces: Discharges [17 April 2007]

Mr. Harper:

Derek Twigg:

Army: Official Hospitality [17 April 2007]

Mr. Kevan Jones:

Column: 535W

Derek Twigg:

Column: 536W

Column: 537W

Type 45 Destroyers [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Curtis-Thomas:

Mr. Ingram:

Duchy of Lancaster [17 April 2007]

Civil Servants: Conduct [17 April 2007]

Mr. Gordon Prentice:

Hilary Armstrong:

Delivery Unit [17 April 2007]

Mr. Francois:

Hilary Armstrong:

Mr. Francois:

Hilary Armstrong:

Column: 538W

Mr. Francois:

Hilary Armstrong:

Departments: Public Appointments [17 April 2007]

Julia Goldsworthy:

Hilary Armstrong:

Departments: Redundancy [17 April 2007]

Justine Greening:

Hilary Armstrong:

Column: 539W

Social Exclusion [17 April 2007]

Miss McIntosh:

Hilary Armstrong:

Education and Skills [17 April 2007]

Children’s Centres [17 April 2007]

Mr. Waterson:

Beverley Hughes:

Column: 540W

Children’s Centres: Curriculum [17 April 2007]

Mr. Gibb:

Jim Knight:

City Academies [17 April 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Jim Knight:

Class Sizes [17 April 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Jim Knight:

Column: 541W

Column: 542W

Departments: Databases [17 April 2007]

Mr. Clegg:

Mr. Dhanda:

Departments: Redundancy [17 April 2007]

Justine Greening:

Mr. Dhanda:

Education Maintenance Allowance: North East Region [17 April 2007]

Mr. Iain Wright:

Phil Hope:

Column: 543W

Education: Finance [17 April 2007]

Mr. Iain Wright:

Jim Knight:

Column: 544W

Educational Attainment [17 April 2007]

Mr. Gibb:

Jim Knight:

English Language: Asylum [17 April 2007]

Lynne Featherstone:

Bill Rammell:

Column: 546W

Extended Schools: Tees Valley [17 April 2007]

Mr. Iain Wright:

Jim Knight:

Free School Meals [17 April 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Mr. Dhanda:

Column: 547W

Further Education [17 April 2007]

Mr. Blunkett:

Bill Rammell:

Column: 548W

GCE A Level: Classics [17 April 2007]

Mr. Quentin Davies:

Jim Knight:

GCSE [17 April 2007]

Mr. Gibb:

Jim Knight:

Column: 549W

Column: 550W

Mr. Gibb:

Jim Knight:

Column: 551W

Column: 552W

Mr. Willetts:

Jim Knight:

Column: 553W

Column: 554W

Headteachers: Pay [17 April 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Jim Knight:

Higher Education: Admissions [17 April 2007]

Mr. Blunkett:

Bill Rammell:

Higher Education: Scholarships [17 April 2007]

Stephen Williams:

Bill Rammell:

Primary Education: Assessments [17 April 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Jim Knight:

School Leaving [17 April 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Column: 556W

Jim Knight:

Column: 557W

Schools: Admissions [17 April 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Jim Knight:

Schools: Intimidation [17 April 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Jim Knight:

Science: Teachers [17 April 2007]

Dr. Iddon:

Jim Knight:

Column: 558W

Secondary Education: Curriculum [17 April 2007]

Mr. Gibb:

Jim Knight:

Mr. Gibb:

Jim Knight:

Mr. Gibb:

Jim Knight:

Special Educational Needs: Lancashire [17 April 2007]

Mr. Evans:

Column: 559W

Mr. Dhanda:

Column: 560W

Special Educational Needs: Peterborough [17 April 2007]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Mr. Dhanda

Students: Loans [17 April 2007]

Mr. McGovern:

Bill Rammell:

Teachers: Early Retirement [17 April 2007]

Jim Knight:

Column: 561W

Teenage Pregnancy [17 April 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Jim Knight:

Trade Unions [17 April 2007]

Mrs. May:

Mr. Dhanda:

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [17 April 2007]

Departments: Energy [17 April 2007]

Lynne Jones:

Column: 562W

Ian Pearson:

Packaging [17 April 2007]

Jo Swinson:

Malcolm Wicks

Foreign and Commonwealth Office [17 April 2007]

Afghanistan: Frontiers [17 April 2007]

Daniel Kawczynski:

Column: 563W

Dr. Howells:

Departments: EU Action [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Hoon:

Column: 564W

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Hoon:

Departments: Official Hospitality [17 April 2007]

David Simpson:

Mr. Hoon:

Column: 565W

EU Action: Finance [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Hoon:

Column: 566W

EC Institutions: Visits [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Hoon:

EU Information and Communication Programmes [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Hoon:

EU: Constitutions [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Column: 567W

Mr. Hoon:

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Hoon:

European Commission: Consultants [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Hoon:

European Parliament [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Mr. Hoon:

Column: 568W

Kazakhstan: Human Rights [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hands:

Mr. Hoon:

Non-Governmental Organisations: Finance [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Column: 569W

Mr. Hoon:

Zambia: Politics and Government [17 April 2007]

Mrs. James:

Mr. McCartney:

Column: 570W

Health [17 April 2007]

Abortion [17 April 2007]

Mr. Amess:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Abortion: Euthanasia [17 April 2007]

Mr. Amess:

Caroline Flint:

Abortions: Disabled [17 April 2007]

Mr. Amess:

Caroline Flint:

Column: 571W

Accident and Emergency Departments: Maidstone [17 April 2007]

Mr. Holloway:

Caroline Flint:

Alcoholic Drinks: Misuse [17 April 2007]

Mr. Burrowes:

Caroline Flint:

Anabolic Steroids: Misuse [17 April 2007]

Mrs. James:

Caroline Flint:

Column: 572W

Audiology Services [17 April 2007]

Tim Loughton:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 573W

Cannabis: Mental Health [17 April 2007]

Mr. Drew:

Caroline Flint:

Care Homes: Drugs [17 April 2007]

Dr. Richard Taylor:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 574W

Care Homes: Human Rights [17 April 2007]

Peter Bottomley:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Care Homes: Standards [17 April 2007]

Paul Flynn:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 575W

Departmental Expenditure [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hurd:

Caroline Flint:

Column: 576W

Departmental Staff [17 April 2007]

Dr. Cable:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Departments: Advertising [17 April 2007]

Mike Penning:

Mr. Ivan Lewis

Column: 577W

Column: 578W

Mr. Heald:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Departments: Focus Groups [17 April 2007]

Norman Lamb:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 579W

Departments: Office Expenditure [17 April 2007]

Norman Baker:

Mr. Ivan Lewis

Departments: Opinion Polls [17 April 2007]

Norman Lamb:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 580W

Departments: Postal Services [17 April 2007]

Mr. Fraser:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Departments: Press [17 April 2007]

Mike Penning:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 581W

Departments: Surveys [17 April 2007]

Mike Penning:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Departments: Trade Unions [17 April 2007]

Mrs. May:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Drugs: Pilot Schemes [17 April 2007]

Lynne Jones:

Caroline Flint:

Eyesight: Testing [17 April 2007]

Mr. Drew:

Column: 582W

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Female Genital Mutilation [17 April 2007]

David T.C. Davies:

Caroline Flint:

Health Services: Disabled [17 April 2007]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Health Services: Publications [17 April 2007]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Mr. Willis:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Hearing Aids: Greater London [17 April 2007]

Derek Conway:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 583W

Home Helps [17 April 2007]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Hospital Beds [17 April 2007]

Mr. Andrew Smith:

Mr. Ivan Lewis

Column: 584W

Hospitals: Voluntary Organisations [17 April 2007]

Bob Russell:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Hyperactivity: Drugs [17 April 2007]

Mrs. May:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 585W

Influenza: Vaccination [17 April 2007]

Mr. Laws:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Insulin [17 April 2007]

Mr. Dunne:

Caroline Flint:

Column: 586W

Legal Advice [17 April 2007]

David T.C. Davies:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Medicine [17 April 2007]

Mr. McGovern:

Ms Rosie Winterton

Members: Correspondence [17 April 2007]

Sir Gerald Kaufman:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

MRSA [17 April 2007]

Harry Cohen:

Column: 587W

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

NHS: Finance [17 April 2007]

Mr. Iain Wright:

Andy Burnham:

Column: 588W

NHS: ICT [17 April 2007]

Norman Lamb:

Caroline Flint:

Nutrition: EC Law [17 April 2007]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Caroline Flint:

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Caroline Flint:

Column: 589W

Ophthalmic Services: Children [17 April 2007]

Mr. Drew:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Radiography: Manpower [17 April 2007]

Miss McIntosh:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 590W

Royal Surrey County Hospital [17 April 2007]

Anne Milton:

Caroline Flint:

Smoking [17 April 2007]

Sandra Gidley:

Caroline Flint:

Social Marketing [17 April 2007]

Stephen Hesford:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Social Services: Cornwall [17 April 2007]

Andrew George:

Column: 591W

Mr. Ivan Lewis

Home Department [17 April 2007]

Animal Experiments: Primates [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hancock:

Column: 592W

Joan Ryan:

Asylum [17 April 2007]

Mr. Clappison:

Mr. Byrne:

Column: 593W

Asylum: Iraq [17 April 2007]

Mr. Gerrard:

Mr. Byrne:

Mr. Gerrard:

Mr. Byrne:

Mr. Gerrard:

Mr. Byrne:

Column: 594W

Asylum: Travel [17 April 2007]

Anne Snelgrove:

Mr. Byrne:

British Nationality [17 April 2007]

Mrs. May:

Mr. Byrne:

Departments: St George's Day [17 April 2007]

Mr. Iain Wright:

Mr. Byrne:

Driving Offences: Courts [17 April 2007]

Paul Rowen:

Mr. Coaker

Column: 595W

Drugs: Rehabilitation Centres [17 April 2007]

Mr. Malins:

Caroline Flint:

Foreign Prisoners [17 April 2007]

Mr. Jenkins:

Mr. Byrne:

Mr. Wilshire:

Mr. Byrne:

Column: 596W

Highly Skilled Migrants Programme [17 April 2007]

Martin Salter:

Mr. Byrne:

Identity Cards [17 April 2007]

Mr. Francois:

Joan Ryan:

Lady Hermon:

Joan Ryan:

Column: 597W

Immigration and Nationality Directorate: Compensation [17 April 2007]

David T.C. Davies:

Column: 598W

Mr. Byrne:

Immigration Controls [17 April 2007]

Damian Green:

Mr. Byrne:

Immigration and Visa Applications [17 April 2007]

Adam Price:

Mr. Byrne:

Immigration: EC Enlargement [17 April 2007]

Mr. Spellar:

Column: 599W

Mr. Byrne:

IND Policy [17 April 2007]

Mr. Spellar:

Mr. Byrne:

Internal Reviews [17 April 2007]

Mr. Vara:

Column: 600W

Mr. Byrne

Migrant Workers: Agriculture [17 April 2007]

Chris Huhne:

Mr. Byrne:

Column: 601W

Column: 602W

Column: 603W

Offensive Weapons [17 April 2007]

Mr. Jeremy Browne:

Mr. Coaker:

Mr. Jeremy Browne:

Column: 604W

Mr. McNulty:

Prisons: Overcrowding [17 April 2007]

Mr. Clegg:

John Reid:

Prisons: Visits [17 April 2007]

Mr. Jeremy Browne:

Mr. Sutcliffe

Serious Organised Crime Agency: Manpower [17 April 2007]

Mr. Jeremy Browne:

Mr. Coaker:

Young Offenders [17 April 2007]

Justine Greening:

Column: 605W

Mr. Sutcliffe

House of Commons Commission [17 April 2007]

Heating [17 April 2007]

Norman Baker:

Nick Harvey:

Column: 606W

Northern Ireland [17 April 2007]

Community Relations [17 April 2007]

Lady Hermon:

Maria Eagle:

Column: 607W

Lady Hermon:

Maria Eagle:

Lady Hermon:

Maria Eagle:

Column: 608W

Fly Tipping [17 April 2007]

Mr. Donaldson:

Mr. Hain:

Prescriptions: Fees and Charges [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Iris Robinson:

Paul Goggins:

Prime Minister [17 April 2007]

Former Ministers: Business Interests [17 April 2007]

Norman Baker:

Column: 609W

The Prime Minister:

Minister Policy Advisers: Autobiography [17 April 2007]

Mrs. May:

The Prime Minister:

Ministers: Codes of Practice [17 April 2007]

Mr. Gordon Prentice:

The Prime Minister:

Petitions [17 April 2007]

Stephen Williams:

The Prime Minister:

Public Sector: Standards [17 April 2007]

Mr. Gordon Prentice:

The Prime Minister:

Column: 610W

Trade and Industry [17 April 2007]

Biofuels [17 April 2007]

Miss McIntosh:

Malcolm Wicks:

Business Link [17 April 2007]

Anne Main:

Margaret Hodge:

Businesses: EC Countries [17 April 2007]

Miss McIntosh:

Malcolm Wicks:

Column: 611W

EC Energy Policy [17 April 2007]

Daniel Kawczynski:

Malcolm Wicks:

Electronic Equipment: Waste Disposal [17 April 2007]

Mr. Andrew Smith:

Column: 612W

Malcolm Wicks:

Energy Technologies Institute [17 April 2007]

Lynne Jones:

Malcolm Wicks:

Enterprise Week [17 April 2007]

Mr. Prisk:

Column: 613W

Margaret Hodge:

Low Carbon Buildings Programme [17 April 2007]

Matthew Taylor:

Malcolm Wicks:

Mr. Roger Williams:

Malcolm Wicks:

Column: 614W

Low Carbon Buildings Programme: Wales [17 April 2007]

Mr. Roger Williams:

Malcolm Wicks:

Natural Gas: Greater London [17 April 2007]

Harry Cohen:

Malcolm Wicks:

Column: 615W

Natural Gas: Pipelines [17 April 2007]

Mr. Clifton-Brown:

Malcolm Wicks:

Ofgem [17 April 2007]

Mr. Donohoe:

Malcolm Wicks:

Renewable Energy: Grants [17 April 2007]

Martin Horwood:

Malcolm Wicks:

Column: 616W

Small Businesses [17 April 2007]

Alan Duncan:

Mr. Darling:

Alan Duncan:

Mr. Darling:

Column: 617W

Solar Power [17 April 2007]

Lynne Jones:

Malcolm Wicks:

Transport [17 April 2007]

Road Haulage [17 April 2007]

John Robertson:

Dr. Ladyman:

School Transport [17 April 2007]

Mr. Marsden:

Gillian Merron:

Column: 618W

Railway Stations [17 April 2007]

Mr. Love:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Public Transport: Overcrowding [17 April 2007]

Harry Cohen:

Gillian Merron:

Railways: Overcrowding [17 April 2007]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Ms Keeble:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Rail Infrastructure [17 April 2007]

Mr. Clifton-Brown:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Train Services: Shropshire [17 April 2007]

Mark Pritchard:

Column: 619W

Mr. Tom Harris:

Railway Usage [17 April 2007]

Mark Tami:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Environmentally Friendly Vehicles [17 April 2007]

Mr. Scott:

Dr. Ladyman:

Train Services: Disabled Passengers [17 April 2007]

Mr. Malik:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Cycling [17 April 2007]

Mr. Carmichael:

Gillian Merron:

Column: 620W

Cycling: Accidents [17 April 2007]

Emily Thornberry:

Dr. Ladyman:

Departments: Lobbying [17 April 2007]

Mr. Carmichael:

Gillian Merron:

Heathrow Airport: Greenhouse Gas Emissions [17 April 2007]

John McDonnell:

Gillian Merron:

Heathrow Express Line [17 April 2007]

Chris Grayling:

Column: 621W

Mr. Tom Harris:

London Airports: Greenhouse Gas Emissions [17 April 2007]

Martin Horwood:

Gillian Merron:

Pedestrian Crossings [17 April 2007]

Mr. Carmichael:

Dr. Ladyman:

Mr. Carmichael:

Dr. Ladyman:

Column: 622W

Railways [17 April 2007]

Mr. Spellar:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Railways: Bicycles [17 April 2007]

Mr. Carmichael:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Railways: Freight [17 April 2007]

Mr. Carmichael:

Column: 623W

Mr. Tom Harris:

Railways: Milton Keynes [17 April 2007]

Mr. Lancaster:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Mr. Lancaster:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Railways: West Midlands [17 April 2007]

Mr. Lancaster:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Rolling Stock [17 April 2007]

Mr. Carmichael:

Column: 624W

Mr. Tom Harris:

Mr. Carmichael:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Speed Limits: Cameras [17 April 2007]

Chris Grayling:

Dr. Ladyman:

Column: 625W

Walking: Pupils [17 April 2007]

Mr. Jim Cunningham:

Gillian Merron:

Wolverton Station: Repairs and Maintenance [17 April 2007]

Mr. Lancaster:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Treasury [17 April 2007]

Crossrail Line: Finance [17 April 2007]

Mr. Francois:

Ed Balls:

Column: 626W

Departments: Secondment [17 April 2007]

Mr. Francois:

Mr. Timms:

EC Budget [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Ed Balls:

Mr. Hayes:

Ed Balls:

Mr. Hayes:

Ed Balls:

Column: 627W

EuroGlobe Programme [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Ed Balls:

European Communities Interinstitutional Centre [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Ed Balls:

European Union: Citizenship [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Ed Balls:

Local Government Finance Funding Changes Independent Inquiry [17 April 2007]

Mrs. May:

John Healey:

Column: 628W

Parliamentary Questions [17 April 2007]

Mr. Francois:

John Healey:

PRINCE Programmes [17 April 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Ed Balls:

Mr. Hayes:

Ed Balls:

Mr. Hayes:

Column: 629W

Ed Balls:

Public Expenditure: NHS [17 April 2007]

Mr. Bone:

Mr. Timms:

Small Businesses: Northern Ireland [17 April 2007]

Lady Hermon:

John Healey:

Work and Pensions [17 April 2007]

Child Support Agency [17 April 2007]

Mrs. Maria Miller:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Column: 630W

Child Support Agency: Debt Collection [17 April 2007]

Mr. Graham Stuart:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Children: Maintenance [17 April 2007]

Mr. Steen:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Mr. David Hamilton:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Column: 631W

Mr. David Hamilton:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Column: 632W

New Deal Schemes: Self-employed [17 April 2007]

Mr. Martlew:

Mr. Jim Murphy:

Pensioners [17 April 2007]

Mr. Mullin:

James Purnell:

Column: 633W

Pensions [17 April 2007]

Alan Simpson:

James Purnell:

Column: 634W

Pensions: Regulation [17 April 2007]

Alan Simpson:

James Purnell:

Vocational Training: Hartlepool [17 April 2007]

Mr. Iain Wright:

Mr. Jim Murphy:

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