Clicking an entry will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen

Following the Table of Contents is a more detailed list which gives subject headings, timelines and names of speakers


Written Answers for 06 June 2007

Leader of the House

Political Parties: Donations


Cycling: Highway Code
Galileo Project
Great Western Trains: Standards


Armed Forces: Dental Services
Departments: Advertising
Ex-servicemen: Military Decorations
University Officer Training Corps

Education and Skills

Building Schools for the Future Programme: Leicester
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service
Class Sizes
Education Maintenance Allowance
Education: Standards
Education: Travelling People
Educational Attainment
Free School Meals
Further Education: Foundation Degrees
Home Education
Physical Education
Primary Education: Numeracy
Primary Education: Teaching Methods
Pupil Exclusions Pupil Referral Units
Pupil Referral Units
Pupils: English Language
Pupils: Per Capita Costs
Reading: Mentors
Schools Private Finance Unit
Schools: Construction
Schools: Crimes of Violence
Schools: Fire Prevention
Special Educational Needs: Teaching Aids
Specialist Schools

Trade and Industry

Companies: Insolvency
Mobile Phones: Health Hazards
New Businesses: North West Region

Northern Ireland

Departments: Ministerial Policy Advisers
Departments: Official Cars
Departments: Official Hospitality
Departments: Sovereign Strategy
EC Environmental Policy
Irish Study Centre
Royal Ulster Constabulary: Manpower


Asylum: Northern Ireland
Prosecutions: Costs
Prosecutions: Northern Ireland
Public Prosecution Service: Manpower


Government and Welsh Assembly Relations
Manufacturing Industry
Concessionary Fares: Rail Travel
Farming: Supermarket Prices
Departments: Ministerial Policy Advisers

Work and Pensions

Child Support Agency
Children: Poverty
Employment: East Lothian
European Social Fund
Income Support
Lone Parents: Copeland
National Insurance: City of Westminster
Social Security Benefits
Social Security Benefits: Carers
Welfare Reform

Culture, Media and Sport

Cultural Heritage: Iraq
Digital Broadcasting: Scotland
English Heritage: Public Appointments
Olympic Games

Communities and Local Government

Departmental Responsibilities
Departments: Official Engagements
Disabled: Warrington
European Regional Development Fund
Farmers: Markets
First Time Buyers
Benefits: North East Region
Housing: Children
Housing: London
Housing: Low Incomes
Housing: Newcastle Upon Tyne
Planning: Environment Protection
Recycling: Warrington
Regional Development: East of England
Rented Housing
Second Homes: Coastal Areas

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Departments: Advertising
Departments: Carbon Emissions
Egypt: Political Prisoners
Uganda: Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Agriculture: Subsidies
Animal Welfare: China
Animal Welfare: New Forest
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Compensation
Bovine Tuberculosis: Minsterley
Cattle: Registration
Coastal Areas: Access
Common Agricultural Policy
Darwin Initiative
Departments: Consultants
Departments: ICT
Departments: Internet
Departments: Ministerial Policy Advisors
Departments: Private Finance Initiative
Departments: Redundancy
Departments: Telephones Services
Dogs: Animal Breeding
EC Law
Fair Trade Initiative
Fisheries: Licensing
Fisheries: Protection
Fisheries: Territorial Waters
Food Supply
Ivory: Trade
Landfill: Greater London
Nature Conservation: Trade
Pest Control
Sheep: Imports


Accident and Emergency Departments
Ambulance Services
Carers: Warrington
Cerebral Palsy: Stem Cells
Cervical Cancer: Vaccination
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Screening
Cost Shunting
Dental Services
Dental Services: Shrewsbury
Departmental Travel
Departmental Visits
Departments: Legal Costs
Departments: Manpower
Departments: Telephone Services
Diabetes: Screening
Disabled: Milton Keynes
Eating Disorders: Children
Eyesight: Testing
General Practitioners
Health Professions: Insurance
Health Services: Age Discrimination
Health Services: Private Sector
Health Services: Young Offenders
Health: Research
Heart Diseases
Heart Diseases: North West Region
Hospital Beds
Hospital Funding
Hospitals: Fees and Charges
Hospitals: Infectious Diseases
Hospitals: Parking
Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration: Surgery
Mental Health Services: Finance
Mental Health: Cannabis
Mothers: Home Help
NHS Direct
NHS: Civil Proceedings
NHS: Standards
Nurses: Students
Paediatrics: Princess Royal Hospital
Patient Groups
Patients: Transport
Primary Care Trusts
Prisons: Drugs
Race Equality
Urology: Medical Treatments

Duchy of Lancaster

Central Office of Information: Contracts
Delivery Unit
Departments: Data Protection
Departments: Legal Costs
Departments: Recruitment
Departments: Standards
General Practitioners: Working Hours
Policy Review


Drink Driving
Family Conciliation Services
Family Conciliation Services: Hampshire
Home Detention Curfews
Legal Aid: Greater London
Magistrates Courts: Closures
Deborah Mattinson: Opinion Leader Research
Ministry of Justice Innovation Fund
Prisons: Kent
Prisons: Rochester
Probation: Redundancy
Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal
Standford Hill Prison: Prisoner Escapes
Young Offenders: Education

Home Department

Asylum: Bromsgrove
Asylum: Religion
Asylum: Repatriation
British Nationality
Crime Prevention: Macclesfield
Departments: Consultants
Departments: Data Protection
Departments: Epilepsy
Departments: Greater London
Departments: Pay
Departments: Private Finance Initiative
Deportations: Iran
Foreign Workers: Yorkshire
Forensic Science Service
Freedom of Information
Health Professions: Foreign Workers
Illegal Immigrants: Crime
Immigration: Skilled Workers
Members: Correspondence
Migrant Workers: Agriculture
Police: Databases
Police: Retirement
Police: Road Traffic Control
Police: Technology
Security Measures
Teachers: Foreign Workers
West Midlands Police: Standards
Written Questions
Yarl's Wood Detention Centre


Business: Education
Constituency Size

This Table of Contents lists column numbers, department & subject heading and names of Members in the Commons Hansard Written Answers Text for
6 June 2007


Clicking on an item will fetch the appropriate file and position it with the item at the top of the screen.

Column: 485W

Written Answers to Questions [6 June 2007]

Leader of the House [6 June 2007]

Political Parties: Donations [6 June 2007]

Mrs. May:

Mr. Straw:

Transport [6 June 2007]

Cycling: Highway Code [6 June 2007]

Lynne Jones:

Dr. Ladyman:

Column: 486W

Galileo Project [6 June 2007]

Mr. Paterson:

Dr. Ladyman:

Column: 487W

Mr. Paterson:

Dr. Ladyman:

Mr. Paterson:

Dr. Ladyman:

Great Western Trains: Standards [6 June 2007]

Mrs. James:

Mr. Tom Harris:

Column: 488W

Defence [6 June 2007]

Armed Forces: Dental Services [6 June 2007]

Mr. Harper:

Derek Twigg

Departments: Advertising [6 June 2007]

Grant Shapps:

Derek Twigg:

Ex-servicemen: Military Decorations [6 June 2007]

Chris Ruane:

Derek Twigg:

Column: 489W

University Officer Training Corps [6 June 2007]

Bob Russell:

Mr. Ingram:

Education and Skills [6 June 2007]

Building Schools for the Future Programme: Leicester [6 June 2007]

Keith Vaz:

Column: 490W

Jim Knight:

Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service [6 June 2007]

Miss McIntosh:

Column: 491W

Miss McIntosh:

Mr. Dhanda:

Column: 492W

Annette Brooke:

Mr. Dhanda:

Class Sizes [6 June 2007]

Mr. Stewart Jackson:

Jim Knight:

Column: 493W

Column: 494W

Education Maintenance Allowance [6 June 2007]

Mr. Laurence Robertson:

Bill Rammell

Column: 495W

Education: Standards [6 June 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Jim Knight:

Education: Travelling People [6 June 2007]

Mr. Boswell:

Jim Knight:

Column: 496W

Educational Attainment [6 June 2007]

Mr. Gibb:

Jim Knight:

Free School Meals [6 June 2007]

Ms Buck:

Jim Knight:

Further Education: Foundation Degrees [6 June 2007]

Helen Jones:

Bill Rammell

Column: 497W

Home Education [6 June 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Jim Knight:

Physical Education [6 June 2007]

Mr. Don Foster:

Jim Knight:

Column: 498W

Primary Education: Numeracy [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Jim Knight:

Primary Education: Teaching Methods [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Jim Knight:

Pupil Exclusions Pupil Referral Units [6 June 2007]

Mr. Willetts:

Jim Knight:

Column: 499W

Column: 500W

Column: 501W

Column: 502W

Column: 503W

Column: 504W

Column: 505W

Column: 506W

Mr. Willetts:

Jim Knight:

Pupil Referral Units [6 June 2007]

Mr. Willetts:

Jim Knight:

Pupils: English Language [6 June 2007]

Mr. Moss:

Column: 507W

Jim Knight:

Column: 508W

Pupils: Per Capita Costs [6 June 2007]

Daniel Kawczynski:

Jim Knight:

Reading: Mentors [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Jim Knight:

Schools Private Finance Unit [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Jim Knight:

Column: 509W

Schools: Construction [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Jim Knight:

Column: 510W

Schools: Crimes of Violence [6 June 2007]

Grant Shapps:

Jim Knight:

Schools: Fire Prevention [6 June 2007]

Matthew Taylor:

Jim Knight:

Column: 511W

Special Educational Needs: Teaching Aids [6 June 2007]

Mr. Gibb:

Mr. Dhanda:

Specialist Schools [6 June 2007]

Helen Jones:

Jim Knight

Column: 512W

Trade and Industry [6 June 2007]

Companies: Insolvency [6 June 2007]

Mr. Sheerman:

Jim Fitzpatrick:

Mobile Phones: Health Hazards [6 June 2007]

Martin Horwood:

Column: 513W

Caroline Flint:

Column: 514W

New Businesses: North West Region [6 June 2007]

Mr. Wallace:

Margaret Hodge:

Northern Ireland [6 June 2007]

Departments: Ministerial Policy Advisers [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Mr. Hain:

Departments: Official Cars [6 June 2007]

David Simpson:

Mr. Hain:

Column: 515W

Departments: Official Hospitality [6 June 2007]

David Simpson:

Mr. Hain:

Departments: Sovereign Strategy [6 June 2007]

Mrs. May:

Column: 516W

Mr. Hain:

EC Environmental Policy [6 June 2007]

Michael Gove:

Mr. Hain:

Irish Study Centre [6 June 2007]

Richard Younger-Ross:

Mr. Hain:

Royal Ulster Constabulary: Manpower [6 June 2007]

Mr. Dodds:

Paul Goggins:

Column: 517W

Solicitor-General [6 June 2007]

Asylum: Northern Ireland [6 June 2007]

Lady Hermon:

The Solicitor-General:

Prosecutions: Costs [6 June 2007]

Mr. Dodds:

The Solicitor-General:

Prosecutions: Northern Ireland [6 June 2007]

Mr. Dodds:

The Solicitor-General:

Column: 518W

Public Prosecution Service: Manpower [6 June 2007]

Mr. Dodds:

The Solicitor-General:

Wales [6 June 2007]

Cockling [6 June 2007]

Ben Chapman:

Nick Ainger:

Government and Welsh Assembly Relations [6 June 2007]

Simon Hughes:

Mr. Hain:

Manufacturing Industry [6 June 2007]

Mr. Vara:

Mr. Hain:

Concessionary Fares: Rail Travel [6 June 2007]

Mrs. James:

Mr. Hain:

Farming: Supermarket Prices [6 June 2007]

Mark Williams:

Column: 519W

Nick Ainger:

Departments: Ministerial Policy Advisers [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Mr. Hain:

USA [6 June 2007]

Dr. Francis:

Mr. Hain:

Work and Pensions [6 June 2007]

Breastfeeding [6 June 2007]

Mr. Kidney:

Mrs. McGuire:

Column: 520W

Child Support Agency [6 June 2007]

Keith Vaz:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Children: Poverty [6 June 2007]

Mr. Frank Field:

Mr. Jim Murphy

Chile [6 June 2007]

Mr. MacShane:

Mr. Hutton:

Column: 521W

Employment: East Lothian [6 June 2007]

Anne Moffat:

Mr. Jim Murphy

European Social Fund [6 June 2007]

John McDonnell:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Column: 522W

Income Support [6 June 2007]

Mr. Frank Field:

Mr. Jim Murphy

Lone Parents: Copeland [6 June 2007]

Mr. Jamie Reed:

Mr. Jim Murphy:

National Insurance: City of Westminster [6 June 2007]

Ms Buck:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Social Security Benefits [6 June 2007]

Dr. Kumar:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Column: 523W

Danny Alexander:

James Purnell:

Social Security Benefits: Carers [6 June 2007]

Mrs. May:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Welfare Reform [6 June 2007]

Mr. Philip Hammond:

Column: 524W

Mr. Jim Murphy:

Mr. Philip Hammond:

Mr. Jim Murphy:

Culture, Media and Sport [6 June 2007]

Cultural Heritage: Iraq [6 June 2007]

Mr. Don Foster:

Tessa Jowell:

Mr. Don Foster:

Tessa Jowell:

Column: 525W

Digital Broadcasting: Scotland [6 June 2007]

Malcolm Bruce:

Mr. Woodward:

English Heritage: Public Appointments [6 June 2007]

Robert Key:

Tessa Jowell:

Olympic Games [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Column: 526W

Tessa Jowell:

Peter Luff:

Tessa Jowell:

Norman Baker:

Tessa Jowell:

John McDonnell:

Tessa Jowell:

Column: 527W

Communities and Local Government [6 June 2007]

Departmental Responsibilities [6 June 2007]

Andrew Stunell:

Angela E. Smith:

Departments: Official Engagements [6 June 2007]

Daniel Kawczynski:

Column: 528W

Ruth Kelly:

Column: 529W

Column: 530W

Column: 531W

Disabled: Warrington [6 June 2007]

Helen Jones:

Mr. Dhanda:

European Regional Development Fund [6 June 2007]

John McDonnell:

Yvette Cooper:

John McDonnell:

Yvette Cooper:

Column: 532W

Farmers: Markets [6 June 2007]

Mr. Paice:

Barry Gardiner:

First Time Buyers [6 June 2007]

Dr. Kumar:

Yvette Cooper:

Column: 533W

Benefits: North East Region [6 June 2007]

Dr. Kumar:

Mr. Plaskitt:

Housing: Children [6 June 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Yvette Cooper

Column: 534W

Housing: London [6 June 2007]

Frank Dobson:

Column: 535W

Yvette Cooper:

Housing: Low Incomes [6 June 2007]

Jeremy Corbyn:

Yvette Cooper

Housing: Newcastle Upon Tyne [6 June 2007]

Jim Cousins:

Yvette Cooper:

Planning: Environment Protection [6 June 2007]

John Penrose:

Yvette Cooper:

Column: 536W

Recycling: Warrington [6 June 2007]

Helen Jones:

Mr. Bradshaw:

Regional Development: East of England [6 June 2007]

Andrew Mackinlay:

Meg Munn

Rented Housing [6 June 2007]

Margaret Moran:

Column: 537W

Yvette Cooper:

Margaret Moran:

Yvette Cooper:

Second Homes: Coastal Areas [6 June 2007]

Mr. Sanders:

Yvette Cooper:

Column: 538W

Foreign and Commonwealth Office [6 June 2007]

Departments: Advertising [6 June 2007]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Hoon:

Departments: Carbon Emissions [6 June 2007]

Lynne Jones:

Mr. Hoon:

Egypt: Political Prisoners [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hancock:

Dr. Howells:

Column: 539W

Russia [6 June 2007]

Mark Pritchard:

Mr. Hoon:

Uganda: Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting [6 June 2007]

Mr. Dai Davies:

Dr. Howells:

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs [6 June 2007]

Agriculture: Subsidies [6 June 2007]

Mr. Jamie Reed:

Barry Gardiner:

Column: 540W

Mr. Bone:

Barry Gardiner:

Miss McIntosh:

Barry Gardiner:

Ann Winterton:

Barry Gardiner:

Animal Welfare: China [6 June 2007]

Mark Pritchard:

Mr. Bradshaw:

Animal Welfare: New Forest [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hancock:

Column: 541W

Mr. Bradshaw:

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy: Compensation [6 June 2007]

Mr. Paice:

Barry Gardiner:

Bovine Tuberculosis: Minsterley [6 June 2007]

Daniel Kawczynski:

Mr. Bradshaw:

Cattle: Registration [6 June 2007]

Mr. Roger Williams:

Barry Gardiner

Column: 542W

Coastal Areas: Access [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hancock:

Barry Gardiner:

Common Agricultural Policy [6 June 2007]

Daniel Kawczynski:

Barry Gardiner:

Darwin Initiative [6 June 2007]

David Heyes:

Barry Gardiner

Departments: Consultants [6 June 2007]

Mrs. May:

Barry Gardiner:

Column: 543W

Departments: ICT [6 June 2007]

Chris Huhne:

Barry Gardiner:

Column: 544W

Departments: Internet [6 June 2007]

Mrs. May:

Barry Gardiner:

Column: 545W

Column: 546W

Departments: Ministerial Policy Advisors [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Barry Gardiner:

Departments: Private Finance Initiative [6 June 2007]

Stewart Hosie:

Barry Gardiner:

Stewart Hosie:

Barry Gardiner:

Column: 547W

Column: 548W

Stewart Hosie:

Barry Gardiner:

Stewart Hosie:

Column: 549W

Barry Gardiner:

Column: 550W

Departments: Redundancy [6 June 2007]

Justine Greening:

Barry Gardiner:

Justine Greening:

Barry Gardiner:

Column: 551W

Departments: Telephones Services [6 June 2007]

Mark Lazarowicz:

Barry Gardiner:

Dogs: Animal Breeding [6 June 2007]

Mr. Clifton-Brown:

Mr. Bradshaw:

EC Law [6 June 2007]

Chris Huhne:

Barry Gardiner:

Column: 552W

Fair Trade Initiative [6 June 2007]

Mr. Jim Cunningham:

Barry Gardiner

Farms [6 June 2007]

Mr. Evans:

Barry Gardiner:

Fisheries: Licensing [6 June 2007]

Bill Wiggin:

Mr. Bradshaw:

Column: 553W

Fisheries: Protection [6 June 2007]

Bill Wiggin:

Mr. Bradshaw:

Fisheries: Territorial Waters [6 June 2007]

Bill Wiggin:

Mr. Bradshaw:

Column: 554W

Food Supply [6 June 2007]

Mr. Evans:

Barry Gardiner

Ivory: Trade [6 June 2007]

Norman Baker:

Barry Gardiner:

Norman Baker:

Barry Gardiner:

Column: 555W

Norman Baker:

Barry Gardiner:

Norman Baker:

Barry Gardiner:

Landfill: Greater London [6 June 2007]

Dr. Starkey:

Column: 556W

Mr. Bradshaw:

Nature Conservation: Trade [6 June 2007]

Norman Baker:

Barry Gardiner:

Column: 557W

Norman Baker:

Barry Gardiner:

Norman Baker:

Barry Gardiner:

Pest Control [6 June 2007]

Alan Simpson:

Barry Gardiner:

Alan Simpson:

Column: 558W

Barry Gardiner:

Sheep: Imports [6 June 2007]

Gwyn Prosser:

Barry Gardiner:

Health [6 June 2007]

Accident and Emergency Departments [6 June 2007]

Mr. Watson:

Andy Burnham:

Ambulance Services [6 June 2007]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Column: 559W

Andy Burnham:

Carers: Warrington [6 June 2007]

Helen Jones:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 560W

Cerebral Palsy: Stem Cells [6 June 2007]

Ann Winterton:

Caroline Flint:

Cervical Cancer: Vaccination [6 June 2007]

Laura Moffatt:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 561W

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome [6 June 2007]

Mr. Iain Wright:

Mr. Hancock:

Dr. Gibson:

Caroline Flint:

Mr. Iain Wright:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Mr. Hancock:

Caroline Flint:

Column: 562W

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Screening [6 June 2007]

Mr. Morley:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Cost Shunting [6 June 2007]

Andrew George:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Dental Services [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lancaster:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 563W

Mr. Lancaster:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Philip Davies:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Dental Services: Shrewsbury [6 June 2007]

Daniel Kawczynski:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 564W

Column: 565W

Daniel Kawczynski:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Departmental Travel [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lansley:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Departmental Visits [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lansley:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 566W

Departments: Legal Costs [6 June 2007]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Departments: Manpower [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lansley:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Departments: Telephone Services [6 June 2007]

Mark Lazarowicz:

Column: 567W

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Diabetes: Screening [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lansley:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 568W

Disabled: Milton Keynes [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lancaster:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Eating Disorders: Children [6 June 2007]

Sarah Teather:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 569W

Sarah Teather:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 570W

Eyesight: Testing [6 June 2007]

Mr. Baron:

Ms Rosie Winterton

General Practitioners [6 June 2007]

Mr. Drew:

Andy Burnham:

Column: 571W

Column: 572W

Mr. Francois:

Andy Burnham:

Mr. Francois:

Andy Burnham:

Mr. Francois:

Andy Burnham:

Health Professions: Insurance [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lansley:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Health Services: Age Discrimination [6 June 2007]

Mr. MacDougall:

Ms Rosie Winterton

Column: 573W

Health Services: Private Sector [6 June 2007]

Mr. Allen:

Andy Burnham:

Health Services: Young Offenders [6 June 2007]

Jim Cousins:

Column: 574W

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Health: Research [6 June 2007]

Dr. Gibson:

Caroline Flint:

Column: 575W

Heart Diseases [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lansley:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 576W

Heart Diseases: North West Region [6 June 2007]

Tim Farron:

Ms Rosie Winterton

Hospital Beds [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lansley:

Andy Burnham:

Column: 577W

Column: 578W

Hospital Funding [6 June 2007]

Mr. Jenkins:

Andy Burnham:

Hospitals: Fees and Charges [6 June 2007]

Dr. Kumar:

Andy Burnham:

Hospitals: Infectious Diseases [6 June 2007]

Norman Lamb:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Column: 579W

Norman Lamb:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Hospitals: Parking [6 June 2007]

Dr. Kumar:

Andy Burnham:

Macular Degeneration [6 June 2007]

John Mann:

Ms Rosie Winterton

Column: 580W

Macular Degeneration: Surgery [6 June 2007]

Sir Nicholas Winterton:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Mental Health Services: Finance [6 June 2007]

Jeremy Corbyn:

Ms Rosie Winterton

Column: 581W

Column: 582W

Column: 583W

Mental Health: Cannabis [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lansley:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 584W

Midwives [6 June 2007]

Miss McIntosh:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Mothers: Home Help [6 June 2007]

Mr. Francois:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

NHS [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lansley:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

NHS Direct [6 June 2007]

Mr. Watson:

Column: 585W

Andy Burnham:

NHS: Civil Proceedings [6 June 2007]

Grant Shapps:

Column: 586W

Andy Burnham:

NHS: Standards [6 June 2007]

Dr. Kumar:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Nurses [6 June 2007]

Mr. Iain Wright:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Nurses: Students [6 June 2007]

Mr. Baron:

Ms Rosie Winterton

Column: 587W

Paediatrics: Princess Royal Hospital [6 June 2007]

Mark Pritchard:

Caroline Flint:

Patient Groups [6 June 2007]

Norman Lamb:

Andy Burnham:

Patients: Transport [6 June 2007]

Dr. Kumar:

Andy Burnham:

Column: 588W

Plagiocephaly [6 June 2007]

Greg Mulholland:

Mr. Ivan Lewis:

Prescriptions [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lansley:

Caroline Flint:

Mr. Lansley:

Caroline Flint:

Column: 589W

Primary Care Trusts [6 June 2007]

Mr. Stephen O'Brien:

Andy Burnham:

Prisons: Drugs [6 June 2007]

Anne Main:

Caroline Flint:

Race Equality [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hayes:

Ms Rosie Winterton:

Column: 590W

Urology: Medical Treatments [6 June 2007]

Mr. Swayne:

Caroline Flint

Duchy of Lancaster [6 June 2007]

Central Office of Information: Contracts [6 June 2007]

Mr. Heald:

Hilary Armstrong:

Column: 591W

Delivery Unit [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Hilary Armstrong:

Mr. Hoban:

Hilary Armstrong:

Departments: Data Protection [6 June 2007]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. McFadden:

Departments: Legal Costs [6 June 2007]

Grant Shapps:

Hilary Armstrong:

Departments: Recruitment [6 June 2007]

Mr. Francois:

Column: 592W

Hilary Armstrong:

Departments: Standards [6 June 2007]

Mr. Gordon Prentice:

Hilary Armstrong:

General Practitioners: Working Hours [6 June 2007]

Mr. Francois:

Hilary Armstrong:

Policy Review [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Hilary Armstrong:

Justice [6 June 2007]

Drink Driving [6 June 2007]

Malcolm Bruce:

Column: 593W

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Column: 594W

Column: 595W

Column: 596W

Column: 597W

Column: 598W

Column: 599W

Column: 600W

Family Conciliation Services [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hancock:

Column: 601W

Ms Harman:

Family Conciliation Services: Hampshire [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hancock:

Vera Baird:

Column: 602W

Home Detention Curfews [6 June 2007]

Mr. Jeremy Browne:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Mr. Jeremy Browne:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Column: 603W

Column: 604W

Legal Aid: Greater London [6 June 2007]

Ms Abbott:

Vera Baird:

Magistrates Courts: Closures [6 June 2007]

Mr. Holloway:

Ms Harman:

Deborah Mattinson: Opinion Leader Research [6 June 2007]

Mr. Heald:

Bridget Prentice:

Ministry of Justice Innovation Fund [6 June 2007]

Mr. David Jones:

Column: 605W

Bridget Prentice:

Prisons: Kent [6 June 2007]

Mr. Holloway:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Prisons: Rochester [6 June 2007]

Mr. Heald:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Probation: Redundancy [6 June 2007]

Mr. Garnier:

Column: 606W

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Sentencing [6 June 2007]

Mr. Clegg:

Mr. Sutcliffe

Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal [6 June 2007]

John Mann:

Bridget Prentice:

Column: 607W

Standford Hill Prison: Prisoner Escapes [6 June 2007]

Mr. Garnier:

Mr. Sutcliffe:

Young Offenders: Education [6 June 2007]

Miss McIntosh:

Phil Hope:

Home Department [6 June 2007]

Asylum [6 June 2007]

Norman Baker:

Column: 608W

Mr. Byrne

Dr. Kumar:

Mr. Byrne

Asylum: Bromsgrove [6 June 2007]

Miss Kirkbride:

Mr. Byrne:

Asylum: Religion [6 June 2007]

Mr. Burrowes:

Column: 609W

Mr. Byrne:

Asylum: Repatriation [6 June 2007]

Lynne Featherstone:

Mr. Byrne:

British Nationality [6 June 2007]

Damian Green:

Mr. Byrne:

Damian Green:

Mr. Byrne:

CCTV [6 June 2007]

Mr. Watson:

Mr. McNulty

Column: 610W

Citizenship [6 June 2007]

Dr. Tony Wright:

Mr. Byrne:

Crime Prevention: Macclesfield [6 June 2007]

Sir Nicholas Winterton:

Mr. Coaker:

Departments: Consultants [6 June 2007]

Mrs. May:

Mr. Byrne:

Departments: Data Protection [6 June 2007]

Grant Shapps:

Mr. Byrne:

Column: 611W

Departments: Epilepsy [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hurd:

Mr. Byrne:

Departments: Greater London [6 June 2007]

Mrs. Lait:

Mr. Byrne:

Departments: Pay [6 June 2007]

Mr. Laurence Robertson:

Column: 612W

Mr. Byrne:

Departments: Private Finance Initiative [6 June 2007]

Stewart Hosie:

Mr. Byrne:

Stewart Hosie:

Mr. Byrne:

Stewart Hosie:

Mr. Byrne:

Column: 613W

Deportations: Iran [6 June 2007]

Lady Hermon:

Mr. Byrne:

Lady Hermon:

Mr. Byrne:

Foreign Workers: Yorkshire [6 June 2007]

Colin Burgon:

Mr. Byrne

Column: 614W

Forensic Science Service [6 June 2007]

Kate Hoey:

Mr. McNulty:

John McDonnell:

Mr. McNulty:

Freedom of Information [6 June 2007]

Bob Spink:

Mr. Byrne:

Health Professions: Foreign Workers [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lilley:

Mr. Byrne:

Column: 615W

Column: 616W

Illegal Immigrants: Crime [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoyle:

Mr. Byrne:

Immigrants [6 June 2007]

Tony Baldry:

Mr. Byrne:

Mr. Ian Taylor:

Mr. Byrne:

Immigration: Skilled Workers [6 June 2007]

Mr. Sheerman:

Mr. Byrne:

Column: 617W

Members: Correspondence [6 June 2007]

Mr. Spellar:

Mr. Byrne:

Migrant Workers: Agriculture [6 June 2007]

John Mann:

Mr. Byrne:

Police: Databases [6 June 2007]

Mr. Hoban:

Mr. McNulty:

Police: Retirement [6 June 2007]

Mr. Touhig:

Mr. McNulty:

Column: 618W

Police: Road Traffic Control [6 June 2007]

Mr. Paterson:

Mr. Coaker:

Police: Technology [6 June 2007]

Mr. Jim Cunningham:

Mr. McNulty:

Security Measures [6 June 2007]

Mr. Clappison:

Mr. McNulty:

Column: 619W

Column: 620W

Column: 621W

Teachers: Foreign Workers [6 June 2007]

Mr. Lilley:

Mr. Byrne

Column: 622W

Column: 623W

Column: 624W

West Midlands Police: Standards [6 June 2007]

Mr. Watson:

Mr. McNulty

Written Questions [6 June 2007]

Mrs. Gillan:

Mr. Byrne:

Mr. Steen:

Mr. Byrne

Yarl's Wood Detention Centre [6 June 2007]

Mr. Dismore:

Mr. Byrne:

Column: 625W

Mr. Dismore:

Mr. Byrne:

Treasury [6 June 2007]

Business: Education [6 June 2007]

Tony Baldry:

Jim Knight:

Column: 626W

Constituency Size [6 June 2007]

Chris Ruane:

John Healey:

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