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The Minister of State, Department of Health (Ms Rosie Winterton):
The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council was held on 30-31 May. The health part was held on the 31 May. Anne Lambert, Deputy Permanent Representative to Brussels represented the United Kingdom. The main
item on the agenda was an exchange of views on the Commission, consultation on smoke-free environments. Also covered was political agreement on a regulation on advanced therapy medicinal products, and general approaches on three food improvement agents regulations. There was adoption of a council resolution on EU consumer policy strategy, a council recommendation on injury prevention and conclusions on health promotion, HIV/AIDS and health services.
The Health Council coincided with World No Tobacco Day and the ongoing Commission consultation on smoke-free environments. In light of this, there was a lengthy exchange of views. Most member states intervened to give a description of their national measures to limit exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, which vary greatly in terms of scope. The UK stated the importance of a comprehensive ban on smoking in public places, given that there is no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke. The UK continued that the best way to achieve this was through binding legislation at national level, although a council recommendation at EU level, not a directive, could be a useful way to set out best practice for member states.
On the regulation on advanced therapy medicinal products, political agreement was reached on the proposal as a part of a first reading deal with the European Parliament. The UK was supportive of the compromise text.
On the food improvements agents package, the Presidency led a general approach for the latest compromise regulations on food additives, enzymes for use in foods and the establishment of a common authorisation procedure for food improvement agents. The UK was supportive of this. The Presidency concluded that further technical discussions were needed on the remaining regulation in the package of measuresa regulation on food flavourings.
The council adopted the recommendation of the prevention of injuries and the promotion of safety without significant discussion.
Council conclusions on health promotion by means of nutrition and physical activity were also adopted.
On health services, the council adopted the conclusions on Health Care across Europe - community framework on health services. There was a brief discussion and the UK and Finland intervened to draw Ministers' attention to the need for a coherent approach on the Social Security Regulation (883/2004) and European Court of Justice case law on patients seeking treatment abroad. Portugal committed to further discussions on health services during their Presidency of the EU.
The council conclusions on tackling HIV/AIDS within the EU and neighbouring countries were adopted. The UK did not intervene but submitted a written statement supporting the conclusions and welcoming the priority the Presidency have given to HIV/AIDS. Member states spoke about the need to involve civil society at large and to emphasise preventative work in this area. The Presidency mentioned their discussions with the pharmaceutical industry on ensuring that the cost of drugs does not become a barrier to effective treatment.
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Justice (Mr. Gerry Sutcliffe): The Government are committed to ensuring that the most vulnerable in our society have access to justice and the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 provides for a number of measures to assist vulnerable or intimidated witnesses give their best evidence in court. Section 29 of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999 provides for the examination of a witness to be conducted through an intermediary approved by the court, to help the witness communicate with the police, legal representatives and the court.
The intermediary provision has been implemented in six pathfinder criminal justice areasMerseyside, Thames Valley, West Midlands, South Wales, Norfolk and Devon & Cornwall with the aim of establishing a model for national implementation. Two further areas, Leicestershire and Derbyshire, formalised their use of the scheme in spring 2007.
The operation of the pathfinders has been independently evaluated and the findings show that almost everyone who has encountered the work of intermediaries has been impressed with the service that they provide. The research also highlights a number of emerging benefits, including the potential to assist in bringing offenders to justice, increased access to justice; and assistance in identifying the needs of vulnerable witnesses.
In view of the successful operation of the intermediary pathfinders, the Government have decided to begin a phased national roll-out of the provision from September 2007.
The Research Findings on the Intermediary pathfinder evaluation will be published today. Copies have been made available in the Libraries of both Houses, the Vote Office and Printed Paper Office. Copies are also available from the Ministry of Justice website at
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Maria Eagle): I have placed copies of the Youth Justice Agency's Corporate Plan for 2007-2010 and Business Plan for 2007-08 in the Libraries of both Houses.
The Business Plan contains nine Key Performance Targets I have set for the Agency for 2007-08. These are:
1. Contribute towards the delivery of the NIO PSA target to reduce the rate of reconviction by 5 per cent. compared to the predicted rate by April 2008.
2. Achieve a 20 per cent. increase in the public awareness level of the Agency as measured by the Northern Ireland Omnibus Survey.
3. Maintain an offender participation rate of at least 80 per cent and a satisfaction rate of at least 70 per cent. in youth conferences.
4. Maintain a victim participation rate of at least 60 per cent.and a satisfaction rate of at least 75 per cent. in youth conferences.
5. Further develop and test a measurement system in order to establish baseline figures in relation to key outcomes, in line with the OFMDFM 10-year Strategy for Children and Young People in Northern Ireland.
6. All new admissions have a risk assessment conducted within 24 hours.
7. No high risk escapes from the Juvenile Justice Centre.
8. At least 90 per cent. of young people remanded by the Courts to have a bail assessment completed within seven days.
9. Maintain expenditure within approved budgetary limits.
The Minister for Industry and the Regions (Margaret Hodge): In my written statement to Parliament of 23 October 2006 I announced the publication of the UK's National Strategic Reference Framework for Structural Funds Programmes during the 2007-2013 period. This document sets out the strategy for future Structural Funds spending across the UK, the allocations of funding for future Programmes, and the administrative arrangements for delivering the Programmes.
Prior to acceptance of the National Strategic Reference Framework, the European Commission has requested a further statement of the UK's commitment to the Lisbon and Gothenburg Agendas in relation to our future European Regional Development Fund spending. My officials have therefore written to the Commission reaffirming the HMG's commitment to these Agendas and reiterated our aim that UK Structural Funds spending on Lisbon and Gothenburg categories, for each programme, will exceed the targets set out in the Structural Funds General Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006. In addition, I have also stated that we expect 2007-2013 spending to exceed equivalent spending on Lisbon and Gothenburg categories achieved under the 2000-2006 programmes when compared against a commonly agreed baseline.
A copy of this letter will be placed in the Libraries of both Houses.
The Minister for Science and Innovation (Malcolm Wicks): My noble Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Energy, Lord Truscott has made the following written statement.
I represented the UK at the Energy Council in Luxembourg on 6 June.
The main purpose of the Council was a discussion on the internal energy market; this focused primarily on the question of unbundling. The Commission, recalling the mandate given by the Spring European Council, made the case for full ownership unbundling as the most cost effective and simplest way to enable a fully functioning internal market to be established. Proposals were expected to be adopted by the end of September. The Commission also outlined intentions to deal with cross-border regulatory issues, facilitation of investment and technical cooperation between operators.
Though some member states' positions were clearer than others, upwards of 16 spoke in favour of full ownership unbundling. Several of those opposed did so with little or no qualification. The smaller member states emphasised the importance of taking into account the special circumstances faced by small or isolated markets, or those with a single energy supplier which meant ownership unbundling would not be an appropriate way forward.
Views were equally divided on whether gas and electricity markets should be treated in the same way. A small minority of member states were in favour of unbundling distribution as well as transmission.
Otherwise there was general support for the Commission approach on the regulatory framework, investment and technical cooperation by transmission system operators. One member state noted that independence of national regulators would not be a crucial issue if a European regulatory system were established.
With very few Ministers in attendance, the presidency seized on differences of view to conclude there was no majority in support of ownership unbundling and the Commission should therefore seek an alternative solution. The Commission argued that although there was no consensus for full ownership unbundling, nor was there one for a different approach.
Earlier, the Council had begun with a report on the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on regional market integration by the Pentalateral Energy Forum. The Commissioner had also signed the document. During the policy debate, one of the member states in this forum emphasised that pushing forward on regional cooperation was not incompatible with liberalisation measures at EU level.
The Council ended with a Commission round-up on international dossiers summarising the state of play on EU relations (with the US, Russia, OPEC, the Energy Community Treaty and Africa).
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (Jim Fitzpatrick): On 11 January 2007, I announced the launch of a further consultation on draft regulations to increase the holiday entitlement from 20 days to 28 days (pro rata for part-time staff), implementing the Government's manifesto commitment to make paid leave for bank and public holidays additional to the existing statutory entitlement.
The Government propose to implement this change over a two-year period. Today I am publishing the Government's response to the further consultation and laying regulations for the approval of Parliament. Based on views expressed in the responses to the further consultation, we are proposing changes to the earlier draft regulations.
The Government's preferred approach in the January 2007 consultation had been to introduce half of the additional holiday entitlement from October 2007, and the remaining half from October 2008. On further consideration of the cost pressures, in particular for the health and social care sector, the Government intend to delay the second increase in the holiday entitlement from 1 October 2008 until 1 April 2009. The initial increase will come into effect on 1 October 2007, as originally proposed.
We propose to enable payment in lieu of the additional holiday entitlement to continue until 1 April 2009 in order to give those employers that use such measures to ensure staff cover, such as the residential care sector, sufficient time to recruit and train enough staff to cover for the additional holiday periods. We also propose to provide an incentive for early compliance, whereby employers that already comply with the full requirements of the regulations as at 1 October 2007 will be taken outside of the regulations, as long as they continue to meet those requirements. This approach is consistent with our policy of supporting good employers, whilst protecting vulnerable workers.
Copies of the Government response to the further consultation have been placed in the Library.
The Minister for Industry and the Regions (Margaret Hodge): I represented the UK at the Telecoms Council in Luxembourg on 7 June 2007, which was the only such Council under the current German Presidency.
The Council began by reaching agreement on the Commission proposal for a Regulation on roaming on public mobile networks within the Community, which will now be adopted later this month. The Commission thanked all involved for their constructive input, and called upon the Council not to delay implementation. During my intervention I congratulated the Presidency, Council, European Parliament and the Commission on reaching a swift agreement. I also welcomed an outcome which delivered real benefits to consumers, whilst at the same time ensuring innovation and competition.
The Presidency then discussed the Commission's Communication on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), a microchip-based technology that stores information about products or people, which can only be read by the appropriate scanners. The Council was in agreement on the economic benefits RFID can deliver, but recognised there were issues relating to privacy that need to be satisfactory resolved before these benefits were realised. The Commission informed the Council they would be creating a RFID Stakeholder Group to raise awareness of these technologies and to address these concerns. In response to Council's concerns regarding privacy and personal data, the Commission confirmed that they would amend the ePrivacy Directive as part of their forthcoming review of the Electronic Communications Framework.
The Council conclusions on the Commission's 2010 Strategy, which seek to direct the Commission's focus in the ICT policy field, were adopted without substantive comment. The Commission did, however, take the opportunity to remind Council of the need to address the broadband gap across Europe in order to improve overall competitiveness. A substantial debate on the i2010 strategy is expected during the Slovenian Presidency as part of the i2010 mid term review.
Under any other business (AOB), the Commission highlighted their Communication on the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA). The current mandate of ENISA, designed to assist EU institutions and Member States in developing network security strategies, runs up until March 2009. The Commission are undertaking a review of this mandate, and used this agenda item to raise this issue with
Council. During this agenda item Estonia also took the opportunity to thank NATO and Member States for the support they received during the recent cyber attacks on their Government websites.
Following the Council, the German Presidency hosted a Ministerial lunch to discuss Postal Services. During discussions it became clear there was broad agreement in principle on the full opening of the European postal market. Despite earlier agreement that the market should be fully opened by 2009, consensus was not reached on this date. Also, a number of countries expressed concerns on how a universal service would be funded in an open market. Portugal, who are assuming the Presidency in July, are keen to reach agreement on the liberalisation of postal services during their Presidency.
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