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20 Jun 2007 : Column 1941W—continued

Persons recorded as leaving detention in the United Kingdom solely under Immigration Act powers, Quarter 3 2006, by reason and place of detention( 1,7) (excluding Oakington and Harwich)
Number of individuals
Place of last detention( 2) Total leaving detention Removed from the UK( 3) Granted leave to enter/ remain( 4) Granted temporary admission/ release( 5) Bailed Other

Total persons






of whom: asylum seekers






of whom: minors (6)





(1) Figures rounded to the nearest 5, with * = 1 or 2 and may not sum due to rounding. Figures exclude persons recorded as detained in police cells and Prison Service establishments, those recorded as detained under both criminal and immigration powers at time of removal/release and their children.
(2) Some detainees may be recorded more than once if, for example, the person has been detained on more than one separate occasion in the time period shown.
(3) Short or long term stay in the UK has been granted.
(4) Decision on case has not been made.
(5) Detainee has applied for, and been granted, bail at a bail hearing.
(6) Persons recorded as being under 18 at the end of their period of detention.
(7) Provisional figures.

Asylum: English Language

Mr. Leech: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what discussions he has had with ministerial colleagues in the Department for Work and
20 Jun 2007 : Column 1942W
Pensions on the effect of withdrawing free English classes for asylum seekers on the level of support such people will need in finding employment once leave to remain has been granted. [125547]

Mr. Byrne: The Home Office was naturally consulted by the Department for Education and Skills on the proposals to vary the Learning and Skills Council’s funding criteria for ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes. While most asylum seekers are not granted leave to remain, we have recently consulted widely on new arrangements to help those who are accepted as refugees to integrate into British life, including acquisition of English language skills and entry into employment.

Asylum: Iran

Mr. Moore: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many applications for asylum were received from nationals of Iran in each year since 1997; how many of these applications were (a) approved and (b) refused and resulted in deportations; and if he will make a statement. [142791]

Mr. Byrne: Information on how many Iranian asylum applications received in each year since 1997 that have been subsequently approved, rejected or deported is not available.

Information on asylum applications, initial decisions, appeals and removals for nationals of Iran are published quarterly and annually. Copies of these publications are available from the Library of the House and from the Home Office Research, Development and Statistics website at:

Asylum: Iraq

Mr. Steen: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many Iraqi asylum seekers, who have been unsuccessful in their appeal to remain, remain in this country. [142466]

Mr. Byrne [holding answer 15 June 2007]: As the Home Secretary set out in his evidence to the Home Affairs Select Committee on 23 May 2006, following the dismantling of embarkation controls beginning in 1994, no Government have been able to produce an accurate figure for the number of people who are in the country illegally, and that remains the case. The Home Secretary has set a clear goal of reintroducing systems to count everyone in and out of Britain.

Furthermore, those making an asylum claim can leave the country voluntarily at any stage of their claim without informing the authorities.

It follows that we cannot know the number of Iraqi asylum seekers who have been unsuccessful in their appeal who remain in the UK.

Published statistics on immigration and asylum are available on the Home Office’s Research, Development and Statistics website:

Mr. Moore: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many applications for asylum
20 Jun 2007 : Column 1943W
were received from nationals of Iraq in each year since 1997; how many of these applications were (a) approved and (b) refused and resulted in deportations; and if he will make a statement. [142788]

Mr. Byrne: Information on how many Iraqi asylum applications received in each year since 1997 that have been subsequently approved, rejected or deported is not available.

Information on asylum applications, initial decisions, appeals and removals for nationals of Iraq are published quarterly and annually. Copies of these publications are available from the Library of the House and from the Home Office Research, Development and Statistics website at

Mr. Gerrard: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many decisions were taken by
20 Jun 2007 : Column 1944W
the Government on asylum applications by Iraqi nationals in 2006, broken down by (i) Geneva convention status, (ii) humanitarian status and other authorisations to remain and (iii) rejections. [143971]

Mr. Byrne: Information on asylum applications, initial decisions and appeals for nationals of Iraq is shown in the following table. Initial decisions do not necessarily relate to applications made in the same period. Appeal determinations do not necessarily relate to initial decisions made in the same period.

Information on asylum applications, initial decisions and appeals for nationals of Iraq is, however, published quarterly and annually. Copies of these publications are available from the Library of the House and from the Home Office Research, Development and Statistics website at:

Asylum applications( 1) received in the United Kingdom, excluding dependants, and initial decisions( 2) on applications, 2006, nationals of Iraq
Principal applicants
Iraq Total applications Initial d ecisions
Total decisions Grants on asylum Grants on humanitarian protection Grants of Discretionary leave Total refusals







(1) Figures rounded to nearest five.
(2) Information is of initial determination decisions, excluding the outcome of appeals or other subsequent decisions. Decision figures do not necessarily relate to applications received in the same period.
(3) Provisional figures
Immigration Research and Statistics 20 June 2007

Appeals outcomes determined by the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal( 1) , excluding dependants, nationals of Iraq, 2006
Number of principal appellants
Appeals determined( 2)
Allowed( 4) Dismissed( 4) Withdrawn( 4, 5)
Total determined( 3) Total As percentage of Determined Total As percentage of Determined Total As percentage of Determined









(1) Provisional figures rounded to nearest 5 (except percentages). Figures may not sum to the totals shown because of independent rounding.
(2 )All figures for appeals determined are cases dealt with by Immigration Judges.
(3 )Based on information supplied by the Department for Constitutional Affairs.
(4 )Between January and March 2006 based on Immigration and Nationality electronic sources. From April 2006 based on information supplied by the AIT.
(5 )Figures include cases withdrawn by the Home Office, as well as those withdrawn by the appellant.
Immigration Research and Statistics 20 June 2007.

Asylum: Russia

Mr. Evans: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many applications for asylum were received from nationals of Russia in each year since 1997; and how many of these applications were (a) approved and (b) refused and resulted in deportations. [143359]

Mr. Byrne [holding answer 18 June 2007]: The information requested could be obtained only by the detailed examination of individual case records at disproportionate cost.

Information on asylum applications, initial decisions, appeals and removals for nationals of Russia is, however, published quarterly and annually. Copies of these publications are available from the Library of the House and from the Home Office Research, Development and Statistics website at:

Asylum: Serbia

Mr. Moore: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many applications for asylum were received from nationals of Serbia (including Kosovo) in each year since 1997; how many of these applications were (a) approved and (b) refused and resulted in deportations; and if he will make a statement. [142787]

Mr. Byrne: Information on how many Serbian (including Kosovans) asylum applications received in each year since 1997 that have been subsequently approved, rejected or deported is not available.

20 Jun 2007 : Column 1945W

Information on asylum applications, initial decisions, appeals and removals for nationals of Serbia and Montenegro are published quarterly and annually. Copies of these publications are available from the Library of the House and from the Home Office Research, Development and Statistics website at

Asylum: Somalia

Mr. Moore: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many applications for asylum were received from nationals of Somalia in each year since 1997; how many of these applications were (a) approved and (b) refused and resulted in deportations; and if he will make a statement. [142792]

Mr. Byrne: Information on how many Somali asylum applications received in each year since 1997 that have been subsequently approved, rejected or deported is not available.

Information on asylum applications, initial decisions, appeals and removals for nationals of Somalia are published quarterly and annually. Copies of these publications are available from the Library of the House and from the Home Office Research, Development and Statistics website at:

Asylum: Sudan

Mr. Moore: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many applications for asylum were received from nationals of Sudan in each year since 1997; how many of these applications were (a) approved and (b) refused and resulted in deportations; and if he will make a statement. [142789]

Mr. Byrne: Information on how many Sudanese asylum applications received in each year since 1997 that have been subsequently approved, rejected or deported is not available.

Information on asylum applications, initial decisions, appeals and removals for nationals of Sudan are published quarterly and annually. Copies of these publications are available from the Library of the House and from the Home Office Research, Development and Statistics website at:

Asylum: Ukraine

Mr. Evans: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many applications for asylum were received from nationals of Ukraine in each year since 1997; and how many of these applications were (a) approved and (b) refused and resulted in deportations. [143360]

Mr. Byrne [holding answer 18 June 2007]: The information requested could be obtained by the detailed examination of individual case records only at disproportionate cost.

Information on asylum applications, initial decisions, appeals and removals for nationals of Ukraine is, however, published quarterly and annually. Copies of these publications are available from the Library of the House and from the Home Office Research, Development and Statistics website at:

20 Jun 2007 : Column 1946W

Asylum: Vietnam

Chris Huhne: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many refugees from Vietnam were granted asylum in each of the last five years. [142700]

Mr. Byrne: Information on the number of Vietnamese cases recognised as refugees and granted asylum in each of the last five years are shown in the table.

Information on asylum initial decisions for nationals of Vietnam is published quarterly and annually. Copies of these publications are available from the Library of the House and from the Home Office Research, Development and Statistics website at:

Cases( 1) recognised as refugees and granted asylum, excluding dependants, for nationals of Vietnam, 2002-06











(1) Figures rounded to the nearest five with * = 1 or 2.
(2) Provisional figures.

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