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25 Jun 2007 : Column 276W—continued

The Department is working closely with voluntary organisations, including those listed in the previous table and others, in the development of the National Stroke Strategy.

The Department has also taken separate steps to support stroke research. The Department’s National Institute for Health Research is investing £20 million over five years in the United Kingdom Stroke Research Network set up in 2005. The Network is supporting clinical trials and other well designed studies conducted by public and private sector funders.

More broadly, over the last ten years, the main part of the Department’s total expenditure on health research has been devolved to and managed by national health service organisations. Details of individual NHS supported research projects are available on the national research register at


Joan Walley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what proportion of admitted pathways in (a) gastroenterology, (b) cardiology and (c) neurosurgery (i) at the university hospital of North Staffordshire and (ii) in England were completed. [145570]

Andy Burnham: The requested data is shown in the following table.

Referral to treatment (RTT) times for university hospital of North Staffordshire NHS trust and England, March 2007
Admitted pathways—percentage completed within 18 weeks
Treatment function University hospital of North Staffordshire NHS trust England (commissioner based)










25 Jun 2007 : Column 277W

Sussex Hospital: Admissions

Tim Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many accident and emergency patients were treated at the Sussex County Hospital in Brighton in each of the last (a) 12 months and (b) five years; and how many of them were subsequently admitted to hospital. [145831]

Andy Burnham: The Department does not collect accident and emergency (A&E) attendance or admission data at individual hospital level. Information is available at trust level.

The information in the tables is for all types of A&E department. Published information is available only at quarterly intervals.

Attendances at and admissions via A&E departments at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals National Health Service Trust, 2006-07
Quarter A&E Attendances Admissions via A&E













Source: Department of Health dataset QMAE.

Attendances at and admissions via A&E departments at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, 2002-03 to 2006-07
A&E Attendances Admissions via A&E
















Note: Latest available data are for Q4 2006-07. Source: Department of Health dataset QMAE.

Tim Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many times the Sussex County hospital has been put on red alert in respect of patient influx in the last three years. [145832]

Andy Burnham: The information requested is not collected centrally. National health service organisations will have their own locally determined policy on how to provide health care in times of increased demand.

Tomography: Finance

Paul Rowen: To ask the Secretary of State for Health when she expects the £20 million extra capital expenditure on new position emission tomography and computed tomography facilities announced on 12 October 2005 to come on stream in clinical practice. [144771]

Ms Rosie Winterton: The Department does not routinely collect information on the number, location and operational status of positron emission tomography (PET) scanners or computed tomography (CT) scanners.

The £20 million additional capital expenditure is being made available to strategic health authorities (SHAs) in the financial years 2006-08, through the national health service bundle. It will be for SHAs to decide how best to use this money to meet the needs of its population for PET-CT services.

25 Jun 2007 : Column 278W

Tuberculosis: Vaccination

Derek Conway: To ask the Secretary of State for Health which NHS care trusts in London have provided the BCG vaccination to all children following the July 2005 issue of the Chief Medical Officer’s Directive on national BCG vaccinations; and what the incidence of tuberculosis was in each trust area in the latest period for which figures are available. [145949]

Caroline Flint: On 6 July 2005 the Chief Medical Officer announced that the Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) Vaccination programme would change to a targeted risk based programme. Data on the number of children offered BCG by primary care trust is not held centrally, although the number of children receiving BCG vaccine is collected by the Information Centre and published in the booklet NHS Immunisation Statistics, England 2005-06, a copy of which is available in the Library.

The incidence rate of tuberculosis (TB) is collected by the Health Protection Agency (HPA). The incidence rate for all London primary care trusts in 2005 is shown in the following table:

Primary care trust name Mean rate (per 100,000)*

Barking and Dagenham PCT


Barnet PCT


Bexley Care Trust


Brent Teaching PCT


Bromley PCT


Camden PCT


City and Hackney Teaching PCT


Croydon PCT


Ealing PCT


Enfield PCT


Greenwich Teaching PCT


Hammersmith and Fulham PCT


Haringey Teaching PCT


Harrow PCT


Havering PCT


Hillingdon PCT


Hounslow PCT


Islington PCT


Kensington and Chelsea PCT


Kingston PCT


Lambeth PCT


Lewisham PCT


Newham PCT


Redbridge PCT


Richmond and Twickenham PCT


Southwark PCT


Sutton and Merton PCT


Tower Hamlets PCT


Waltham Forest PCT


Wandsworth PCT


Westminster PCT


Enhanced Tuberculosis Surveillance, Office for National Statistics mid-year population estimates.

25 Jun 2007 : Column 279W


Ms Dari Taylor: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the take-up was of (a) measles, mumps and rubella, (b) pneumococcal and (c) menc vaccines in each of the last five years; and what assessment she has made of the impact of the take-up rate of each on the incidence of preventable disease and death. [144435]

Caroline Flint: Information about the uptake of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and meningitis C vaccines, along with other childhood immunisations, is published annually in the Department’s statistical bulletins. The latest bulletin, NHS Immunisation Statistics, England: 2005-06, has been placed in the Library and on the Department's website at:

Information on uptake of pneumococcal vaccine in children is not yet available.

The impact of vaccination on diseases has been immense. Before vaccination was introduced, there used to be over 500,000 cases of measles in some years. In recent years, the number of cases has been under 1,000. I would like to see the rise in MMR uptake to continue so that the number of cases of this serious but preventable disease decline significantly.

The impact of the pneumococcal vaccination programme is already being seen through disease surveillance carried out on our behalf by the Health Protection Agency. The number of cases of serious pneumococcal infection caused by the strains of bacteria that the vaccine protects against is already declining in young children.

The Meningitis C vaccination programme has been a great success, with the rates of the disease falling by over 97 per cent. in all age groups vaccinated.

Voluntary Organisations: Finance

Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the reasons are for the changes in funding for (a) the Opportunities for Volunteering fund and (b) section 64 grants. [145636]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: Funding through the Opportunities for Volunteering Scheme (OFV) and the section 64 General Scheme of Grants has not changed. We are about to start a strategic funding and investment review into the Department’s funding of the Third
25 Jun 2007 : Column 280W
Sector. This will cover the Department’s primary third sector funding streams—S64 and OFV—as well as contracts and grants across the range of departmental programmes.

The aim is to develop a framework for more coherent investment in the sector by the Department that transforms current piecemeal arrangements into a strategic portfolio of investments to support the Department in meeting its objectives more effectively. This will include examination of the potential for reforming the OFV scheme following its 25 years of operation.

West Sussex Primary Care Trust: Expenditure

Tim Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much money has been spent on preparing West Sussex primary care trust’s Fit for the Future consultation exercise; and how much more is budgeted. [145828]

Caroline Flint: The information requested is not held centrally. Any proposals for major service change are a matter for the national health service locally.

West Sussex Primary Care Trust: Finance

Tim Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the budget is for West Sussex Primary Care Trust in the current year; and what its anticipated budget is in each of the next two years. [145835]

Caroline Flint: West Sussex Teaching Primary Care Trust (PCT) received revenue allocations of £952.5 million in 2006-07 and £1,034.0 million in 2007-08. These represent a cash increase of £155.4 million or 17.7 per cent. over the two years, compared with a national average of 19.5 per cent. West Sussex Teaching PCT will be 2.4 per cent. over target by 2007-08.

Revenue allocations post 2007-08 have not yet been determined.

West Sussex Primary Care Trust: Manpower

Tim Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many people have been employed by West Sussex Primary Care Trust and its predecessor organisations in each of the last five years expressed as (a) full-time equivalent and (b) headcount. [145836]

Caroline Flint: The information requested is provided in the following table:

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