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25 Jun 2007 : Column 560W—continued

Departments: Pensions

Mr. Laws: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what the current rate of employer contribution is to each public sector pension scheme for which his Department has responsibility; what the revenue impact would be of capping the employer contribution to each such scheme at 14 per cent.; and if he will make a statement. [144298]

Mr. Dhanda: The Department’s employer contribution for 2006-07 for each of the public sector pension schemes is as follows:




Classic Plus/Premium


The information requested on what the revenue impact would be of capping the employer contribution to each such scheme at 14 per cent. is not retained centrally and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

Departments: Public Participation

David Simpson: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how many public consultations his Department undertook in the last 12 months; and what the cost was of each consultation. [145274]

Mr. Dhanda: The Department for Education and Skills undertook 62 public consultations in the last 12 months. These consultations are listed in the following table.

Information on the cost of each consultation could be supplied only at disproportionate cost.

25 Jun 2007 : Column 561W

25 Jun 2007 : Column 562W

25 Jun 2007 : Column 563W

25 Jun 2007 : Column 564W
Consultation Published


The Ofsted Child Register

6 July

Financial Management Standard in Schools—Timetable for all Schools

10 July

Child Protection: Safer Recruitment and Vetting in the Education Service

17 July

The Higher Education Programme—Consultation for Race Equality Impact Assessment Purposes

1 August

Modernising the Regulatory Framework for Children’s Social Services

4 August

Childcare Sufficiency Assessments

14 August

Regulations on Extension of the DDA 1995 to cover General Qualification Bodies

4 September

Children Missing Education—Draft Statutory Guidance to Support Clause 4 of the Education and Inspections Bill 2006

7 September

School Admissions Consultation 2006

8 September

Consultation on Draft Regulations setting out the process for setting statutory targets for local authorities under the Childcare Act 2006

21 September

Data Collection Regulation

21 September

Information Sharing Index: Consultation on Draft Information Sharing Index (England) Regulations and Partial Regulatory Impact Assessment

21 September

Further Education: Raising Skills, Improving Life Chances; the implications for race equality

29 September

Childcare Act 2006—Section 12 duty to provide information, advice and assistance

2 October

Consultation on the Draft Employment Equality (sexual orientation) (religion or belief) Regulations 2006

4 October

Care Matters: Transforming the Lives of Children and Young People in Care

9 October

Young Person’s Guide to the Care Matters Green Paper

9 October

Amendments to Regulations Under Section 142 of the Education Act and the Childcare Disqualification Regulations Which Apply to Applications for Registration Made Under Part XA of the Children’s Act 1989

13 October

Supplementary Consultation on School Admissions

7 November

Education and Inspections Act 2006: Consultation on School Organisation and Governance Regulations and Guidance

13 November

Personalising Further Education: Developing a Vision

20 November

International GCSEs in the Maintained Sector in England

23 November

Definition of Full Time Education in Independent Schools

30 November

Financial Benchmarking Website—Identifying Schools by Name

5 December

Education and Inspections Act 2006: Consultation on School Travel Guidance

11 December

European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training

12 December

Quality Standards for Young People’s Information, Advice and Guidance

13 December

Language Review

14 December

Consultation on Regulations and Guidance on Management Committees for Pupil Referral Units

20 December

Early Years Foundation Stage Learning and Development Requirements Order

20 December


Education and Inspections Act 2006: Consultation on Statutory Guidance on Schools Causing Concern

4 January

Statutory Guidance on Section 6 Education and Inspection Act (Positive Activities for Young People)

5 January

Delivering World Class Skills in a Demand Led System

5 January

Making Good Progress

8 January

Exemptions from Ofsted Childcare Registration

22 January

Post 16 Progression Measure

29 January

Consultation on Draft Regulations to Apply Section 62A of the Education Act 2002 to Pupil Referral Units

2 February

Safeguarding Children from Abuse Linked to a Belief in Spirit Possession

2 February

Securing Sufficient Childcare

7 February

Skills Strategy Equality Impact Assessment

20 February

Draft Guidance for School Staff: Screening or Searching Pupils for Weapons (Clause 45 in the Violent Crime Reduction Act)

20 February

Consultation on Revised Exclusions Guidance - September 2007

23 February

Review of the Regulations Requiring Schools Maintained by Local Authorities to Set Attendance Targets

26 February

Consultation on School, Early Years and 14-16 Funding 2008-11

7 March

Early Years Foundation Stage Learning and Development Exemptions

1 March

DfES Guidance to Schools on School Uniform Related Policies

20 March

Raising Expectations; Staying in Education and Training Post-16

22 March

Consultation on New Charging Regulations for Music Tuition

28 March

Children’s Workforce Strategy

29 March

Childcare Registration Requirements

4 April

Education and Training for Young People in the Youth Justice System

4 April

Increasing the Leaving Age—Have Your Say

25 April

ContactPoint Consultation on Draft Guidance

4 May

Consultation on Home Education Guidelines

8 May

Guidance on the Duty to Promote Community Cohesion

8 May

Consultation on Draft Amendments to the Education (Specified Work and Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2003 made under the Education Act 2002

11 May

The Education (National Curriculum) (Foundation Stage Early Learning Goals) (Amendment) (England) draft Order 2007 and The Education (National Curriculum) (Attainment Targets and Programmes of Study in English) (Amendment) (England) draft Order 2007

18 May

Raising Standards Improving Outcomes: Draft Statutory Guidance on the Early Years Outcomes Duty

23 May

Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Regulations and Guidance for the Induction of Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs)

25 May

Implementing Youth Matters: continuing the dialogue with young people

30 May

Mandatory Collection of P Scales Data for Pupils with SEN

31 May

Section 58 of Children Act 2004 Review (Consultation)

15 June

Departments: Publicity

Grant Shapps: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how much was spent on advertising by (a) the Department and (b) its agencies in each of the last five years. [139521]

Alan Johnson: The amount spent on advertising in the last five years by the Department for Education and Skills is as follows;

Amount (£ million)











The Department uses advertising as part of information campaigns to inform the public about how our policies affect them and how they can best take advantage of the educational and learning opportunities available to them.

In 2006-07, these campaigns included:

Costs of advertising placed by the Department’s agencies and non-departmental public bodies are not held centrally.

David Simpson: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how much was spent by his Department on advertising in the last 12 months. [145912]

Alan Johnson: In 2006-07, the Department spent £6.265 million on advertising.

The Department uses advertising as part of information campaigns to inform the public about how our policies affect them and how they can best take advantage of the educational and learning opportunities available to them.

In 2006-07, these campaigns included:

Departments: Recruitment

Mr. Francois: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills how much his Department and its agencies paid to recruitment consultants in each year since 1997. [140034]

Mr. Dhanda: The Department was established in June 2001. Some information is available for payments made by the Department as set out as follows. No information is collected centrally for payments of this type made by the Department’s agencies.

In 2002/03 recruitment consultants used to fill departmental posts were paid £584,976. In 2003/04 the amount paid was £335,321. Information was not collected in the same form in 2004/05 and 2005/06. In 2006/07 the amount paid in respect of recruitment to senior civil service posts only (the information for 2002/03 and 2003/04 relates to posts of all grades including SCS) in the Department was £354,144. Payments for the financial years 2004/05 and 2005/06, and the total payment for 2006/07 could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.

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