16 July 2007 : Column 164Wcontinued
16 July 2007 : Column 165W
Mr. Hoban:
To ask the Secretary of State for Health what discussions he has had with ministerial colleagues in the Treasury on the reprofiling of his Department's budget before the 2006 Budget; and who initiated those discussions. [146947]
Mr. Bradshaw:
It is standard practice for the Secretary of State to have regular discussions with HM Treasury Ministers about this and other finance issues.
16 July 2007 : Column 166W
Departments: Public Participation
Mr. Lansley:
To ask the Secretary of State for Health which third parties are represented in his Department's National Stakeholder Forum. [147571]
Ann Keen:
The information is shown in the following table.
Name | Job title | Organisation |
Lord Victor Adebowale
Chief Executive
Turning Point
John Adler
Chief Executive
Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust
Richard Barker
Director General
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
Steve Barnett
NHS Employers
Stuart Bell
Chief Executive
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
Dr. Amit Bhargava
Member of the Professional Executive Committee
West Sussex PCT
Professor Dame Carol Black
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
Sally Brearley
The Patients Forum
Dr. Peter Carter
General Secretary
Royal College of Nursing
Julie-Jaye Charles
Chief Executive Officer
Equalities National Council
Paul Coen
Chief Executive
Local Government Association
Angela Coulter
Chief Executive
Picker Institute Europe
Kevin Coyne
National OfficerHead of Health
Ian Dalton
Chief Executive
North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Trust
Dame Karlene Davis
General Secretary
Royal College of Midwives
Niall Dickson
Chief Executive
The King's Fund
Andrew Dillon
Chief Executive
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence
Dr. Michael Dixon
NHS Alliance
Anne Duffy
Community and District Nursing Association
Lynne Elwell
Partners in Policy
Dr. Sam Everington
Acting Chairman of Council
British Medical Association
Paul Farmer
Chief Executive
Moira Gibb
Chief Executive
London Borough of Camden
Professor Ian Gilmore
Royal College of Physicians
Alex Gourlay
Healthcare Director
Alliance Boots
Phil Gray
Chief Executive
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Martin Green
Chief Executive
English Community Care Association
Professor Rod Griffiths
Faculty of Public Health
Professor Chris Ham
Professor of Health Policy and Management
Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham
Sharon Holder
National Officer, Public Services Section
Peter Hollins
Chief Executive
British Heart Foundation
Tom Hughes-Hallett
Chief Executive
Marie Curie Cancer Care
Neil Hunt
Chief Executive
Alzheimer's Society
Karen Jennings
National Secretary for Health
Richard Jones
NHS Partners Network
Tim Kelsey
Chair of Executive Board
Dr. Foster Intelligence
Professor Mayur Lakhani
Chairman of Council
Royal College of General Practitioners
Ian Lewington
Cystic Fibrosis Trust
Gordon Lishman
Director General
Age Concern England
Professor Hugo Mascie-Taylor
Medical Director
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Dame Gill Morgan
Chief Executive
NHS Confederation
Dr. William Moyes
Menghi Mulchandani
Team LeaderEngagement with Disabled People
National Centre for Independent Living
Margaret Mythen
Chief Executive
The New Health Network
Sir John Oldham
Improvement Foundation
16 July 2007 : Column 167W
16 July 2007 : Column 168W
Angela Pedder
Chief Executive
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
David Pink
Chief Executive
Long-term Medical Conditions Alliance
Imelda Redmond
Chief Executive
Carers UK
Bernard Ribeiro
Royal College of Surgeons
Joanne Rule
Chief Executive
Prem Singh
Chief Executive
Derby City PCT
Douglas Smallwood
Chief Executive
Diabetes UK
Paul Snell
Chief Inspector
Commission for Social Care Inspection
Paul Sutton
Chief Executive
South East Coast Ambulance NHS Trust
Warren Town
Director of Industrial Relations
Society of Radiographers
Anna Walker
Chief Executive
Healthcare Commission
Dame Jo Williams
Chief Executive
Anne Williams
Association of Directors of Adult Social Services
Emma Wilson
Chief Executive
Local Care Direct
Andrea Young
Chief Executive
Oxfordshire PCT
Observers |
Name | Job title | Organisation |
James Fothergill
Head of Public Procurement: Health and Local Government
Confederation of British Industry
Rachael McIlroy
Public Services Policy Officer
Trades Union Congress
Disability Aids
Mr. Andrew Smith:
To ask the Secretary of State for Health when he expects the review of community equipment for disabled people and wheelchair services to report. [149172]
Mr. Ivan Lewis:
With regards to the review of community equipment, I reviewed the outline business case and on 19 April 2007, I approved the next phase of the development of the new model.
During the next 10 months, the transforming community equipment and wheelchair services team will work with users and their carers, councils and their primary care trust partners, practitioners as well as other stakeholders to develop the outline community equipment model to operational status by April 2008.
With regards to wheelchair services, I have agreed a further data gathering exercise and asked the Care Services Efficiency Delivery programme to report to me in autumn 2007.
Disability Aids: Children
Mr. Andrew Smith:
To ask the Secretary of State for Health what assessment he has made of the availability of communication aids to disabled children; and if he will make a statement. [149173]
Mr. Ivan Lewis:
We have not made any assessment of the availability of communication aids to disabled children.
The transforming community equipment services project is developing a market model for the provision of community equipment, including communication aids.
Responsibility for assessing people's individual communication aids needs rests with local health and social care agencies. They are in the best position to determine local service priorities, using the increasing resources that the Government have made available.
Doctors: Foreign Workers
Peter Bottomley:
To ask the Secretary of State for Health who chose the 5 February 2007 date set for the Home Office stamp to be placed in the passports of Highly Skilled Migrant Programme doctors; why it was chosen; what other dates were considered; what process of consultation took place on the choice of date; whether responses were received from (a) the Home Department, (b) representatives of doctors in training and (c) directors of medical training; who has the power to (i) change the date and (ii) accept a Home Department letter in place of the Home Office stamp; what estimate he has made of the number of (A) junior doctors and (B) medical directors who were unaware of the details of the requirement; and what information was available to Ministers of the time it would take for (x) Highly Skilled Migrant Programme status to be granted and (y) the stamp to be placed in a passport. [148311]