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19 July 2007 : Column 550Wcontinued
Mr. Willis: To ask the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills (1) if he will consider providing the Charity Research Support Fund as a fixed percentage uplift based on the level of funding received by universities from charities; [151420]
(2) what factors were taken into account in calculating how much Charity Research Support Fund funding to make available to universities in each financial year up to 2012; [151421]
(3) how much Charity Research Support Fund funding he plans to make available to universities in each financial year up to 2012. [151422]
Bill Rammell: The Charity Research Support Fund is worth £180 million in the current year. Funding allocations for future years will be announced at the appropriate time.
John Hemming: To ask the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills how many ministerial red boxes the Department has bought since establishment; what the cost of each was; who the suppliers were; and what tendering process was used in selecting them. [150297]
Mr. Willetts: To ask the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills for which public service agreement targets of the former (a) Department for Education and Skills and (b) Department of Trade and Industry his Department has responsibility. [147746]
Mr. Denham: The public service agreements are listed as follows.
Improve the basic skills levels of 2.25 million adults between the launch of Skills for Life in 2001 and 2010, with a milestone of 1.5 million in 2007.
Reduce by at least 40 per cent. the number of adults in the workforce who lack NVQ2 or equivalent qualifications by 2010. Working towards this, one million adults in the workforce achieve level 2 between 2003 and 2006.
By 2015, increase participation in higher education towards 50 per cent. of those aged 18 to 30 and also make significant progress year on year towards fair access, and bear down on rates of non-completion.
Improve the relative international performance of the UK research base and increase the overall innovation performance of the UK economy, making continued progress to 2008, including through effective knowledge transfer among universities, research institutions and business.
Mr. Boris Johnson: To ask the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills which educational institutions did not achieve their benchmark for completion rates in each of the last five years. [149781]
Bill Rammell: The relevant information is taken from table T5 of the Performance Indicators in Higher Education, published by HESA since 2002-03 and by HEFCE until 2001-02. This gives the proportion of UK-domiciled entrants to full-time first degree courses who are projected to neither obtain an award nor transfer to another course. The information is shown in the following tables.
The benchmarks are not targets. They are adjusted sector averages, calculated for each institution for each indicator, to help institutions gauge their own performance.
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