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24 July 2007 : Column 961Wcontinued
Matthew Taylor: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how much and what proportion of English housing funding was provided to (a) Cornwall and (b) the South West in each year since 1997; and how much housing funding was provided to England in each of those years. [148610]
Mr. Iain Wright:
Housing Funding for Cornwall in the year 2005-06 was £29.8 million and for the South West Region as whole was £258.5 million. Figures for
other years can be obtained only at disproportionate cost owing to the time involved in compiling data on a county-wide basis across so many different funding programmes.
Funding for housing comprises both direct investment and supported investment. Direct investment includes housing capital grants, Housing Corporation capital investment, housing market renewal funding, disabled facilities grants, transfer gap funding and Gypsy sites grants.
Supported investment includes housing revenue account (HRA) subsidy in the form of major repairs allowance, ALMOs supported borrowing allocations and LAs supported capital allocations.
Housing capital grants are not provided direct to counties but to district councils.
Figures for housing capital investment by Communities and Local Government and its predecessor Departments for England between 1997-98 and 2006-07 are given in the following table.
Value (£ million) | |
Sandra Gidley: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many people in (a) Romsey, (b) Southampton and (c) Hampshire are on waiting lists for social housing; and how many units of social housing have been built in (i) Romsey, (ii) Southampton and (iii) Hampshire since 1997. [151038]
Mr. Iain Wright: The constituency of Romsey covers most of Test Valley district council but also includes a small part of Eastleigh district council and Southampton city council. Information is not collected at the constituency level, only at local authority level and includes households rather than people.
The number of households on the waiting list for social housing in (a) local authorities covering the Romsey area (Test Valley, Eastleigh and Southampton) (b) Southampton and (c) Hampshire, as at 1 April each year since 1997, are presented in table 1.
These figures are also published on the Communities and Local Government website in table 600. The link for this table is given as follows:
Local authorities in England report the numbers of households on their housing waiting list as at 1 April in their annual Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix returns. Not everyone on the waiting list is necessarily in urgent housing need. The waiting list includes those who consider social housing as their preferred or one of a number of housing options, and those who decide to get onto the waiting list ladder before they need or want to move houseparticularly where the priority system is heavily based on waiting time.
The numbers of social rent homes provided by local authorities and registered social landlords in (a) local authorities covering the Romsey area (Test Valley, Eastleigh and Southampton) (b) Southampton and (c) Hampshire, since 1997 are presented in table 2 as follows. Homes are provided through new build as well as acquisitions. Figures are as reported by local authorities and the Housing Corporation.
Table 2: Numbers of social rent homes provided by local authorities and registered social landlords in (a) Romsey (Test Valley, Eastleigh and Southampton), (b) Southampton and (c) Hampshire | ||||
Test Valley | Eastleigh | Southampton | Hampshire | |
Note: Figures shown represent our best estimate and may be subject to revisions. Source: Housing Corporation and local authorities |
Adam Afriyie: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what plans she has to increase the availability of affordable housing in (a) Windsor and (b) the South East of England. [148785]
Mr. Iain Wright
[holding answer 12 July 2007]: The future level and distribution of housing provision across the South East will be determined by the
Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) for the South East. The draft RSS (South East Plan) affordable housing policy proposes that the future provision of affordable housing in the region should have regard to the overall regional target that 25 per cent. of all new housing should be social rented accommodation and 10 per cent. other forms of affordable housing. The policies contained in the draft RSS, including those relating to future plans for affordable housing provision were the subject of an Examination in Public by an Independent Panel. The Panel are due to hand their report to Government on 31 July 2007. The Panel Report will be published by the Government as soon as practicable following that date. Any proposed changes to the Draft RSS by the Government will be published for a further statutory consultation later in the year.
To pre-empt the outcome of the Panel Report and the Statutory Process by making a statement at this time would not be appropriate.
The Draft RSS (South East Plan) proposes an annual average of 281 net dwelling completions in Windsor and Maidenhead and an annual average of 28,900 in the region during the period between 2006 and 2026.
Mr. Soames: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many affordable homes were built in West Sussex in each year since 1997. [151783]
Mr. Iain Wright [holding answer 23 July 2007]: The numbers of affordable homes built in West Sussex in each financial year since 1997-98 are presented in the following table. West Sussex has been taken to include the local authority areas of Adur, Arun, Chichester, Crawley, Horsham, Mid Sussex and Worthing. Affordable housing includes both social rent and intermediate housing (e.g. low cost home ownership).
Not all affordable housing supply is through new build completions, supply can also come from the acquisition and refurbishment of private sector homes. Between 1 April 1997 and 31 March 2006 an additional 1,500 affordable homes were supplied through acquisitions which are not shown in the following table. Figures for 2006-07 are not yet available.
Affordable housing new build: West Sussex | |
Financial year | Number of homes |
Source: Housing Corporation, local authorities |
Mrs. Lait: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what estimate her Department has made of the proportion of new households which will be single person households in the next 12 months. [152406]
Mr. Iain Wright: One person households account for 70 per cent. of the new households projected to form up to 2026, in England.
Mrs. Lait: To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many new dwellings were constructed in the South East Government office region or equivalent area in each year since 1979. [152394]
Mr. Iain Wright: The total number of new build completions in the South East of England since 1979 is as follows:
New build completions | |
Source: P2 return from local authorities and the National House Building Council. |
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