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24 July 2007 : Column 1001Wcontinued
Mr. Hoban: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether (a) his Department and (b) its agencies have made payments to Flint Bishop Solicitors since 1997. [151391]
Angela Eagle: In 2001 HM Customs and Excise made two payments totalling £15,749 to Flint Bishop Solicitors, recorded under their former name of Flint Bishop and Barnett. HM Customs and Excise merged with the Inland Revenue in 2005 to form HM Revenue and Customs.
No other Chancellor's departments or their agencies have found any records of payments to Flint Bishop Solicitors within the last five years. Changes in accounting systems mean that a positive confirmation for all bodies over the whole period since 1997 could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
Dr. Cable: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer which Bills introduced by his Department in the last five years contained sunset clauses; and what plans he has for the future use of such clauses. [151845]
Angela Eagle: No Acts that received Royal Assent during this period contain sunset provisions, although by their nature the annual Appropriation and Consolidated Fund Acts, and many of the provisions of the Finance Acts and other tax legislation, are time limited or temporary in effect.
The appropriateness of a sunset clause for the whole or part of any proposed legislation is considered on a case-by-case basis. It is also addressed when a regulatory impact assessment relating to legislation is being prepared.
Alistair Burt: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer pursuant to the answer to the hon. Member for Rayleigh (Mr. Francois) of 12 June 2007, Official Report, column 938W, on Departments: sexual harassment, what steps are being taken to tackle (a) sexual harassment and (b) sexual discrimination in the Valuation Office Agency. [151140]
Jane Kennedy: The Valuation Office Agency has a Gender Equality Scheme and Action Plan which includes impact assessing the agency's policies in relation to diversity strands including gender and an action plan specifically to address gender issues.
In addition to this the agency produces a monitoring report for diversity strands including gender and has a related consultative group chaired by a Management Board member.
The agency also promotes and runs a Springboard mentoring programme of positive action for women and conducts equal pay audits to monitor remuneration. The agency plans to incorporate the gender equality duty into all staff training.
Mr. Waterson: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many (a) Eastbourne and (b) East Sussex residents were in employment in (i) April 1997 and (ii) the most recent period for which figures are available. [151413]
Angela Eagle: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.
Letter from Colin Mowl, dated 24 July 2007:
The National Statistician has been asked to reply to your Parliamentary Questions asking how many (a) Eastbourne and (b) East Sussex residents were in employment in (i) April 1997 and (ii) the most recent period for which figures are available. I am replying in her absence. (151413)
The Office for National Statistics compiles employment statistics for local areas from the annual local area Labour Force Survey (LFS) and the Annual Population Survey (APS) following International Labour Organisation definitions.
The attached table shows the number of people aged 16 and over, resident in the Eastbourne constituency, and for residents of East Sussex, who were in employment, for the 12 months ending February 1997, from the local area LFS and for the 12 months ending in December 2006 from the APS. Corresponding headline employment rates, for persons of working age (males aged 16 to 64 and females aged 16 to 59), are also provided. The rates allow changes to be seen in the context of changing population numbers.
As these estimates are for a subset of the population in small geographical areas, they are based on small sample sizes, and are therefore subject to large margins of uncertainty. In this case, the sample sizes are not sufficient to give an accurate estimate of even the direction of the change over the period.
Employment in the Eastbourne parliamentary constituency and the county of East Sussex | ||||
Eastbourne | East Sussex | |||
Level( 1) (thousand) | Rate( 2) (percentage) | Level( 1) (thousand) | Rate( 2) (percentage) | |
(1) Persons aged 16 and over. (2) Persons of working agemales aged 16 to 64 and females aged 16 to 59. Notes: 1. Estimates are subject to sampling variability. 2. Changes in the estimates over time should be treated with particular caution. Source: Annual local area Labour Force Survey; Annual Population Survey. |
Mr. Rooney: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what the employment rate is of non-resident parents where the parent with care is a lone parent receiving (a) income support and (b) working tax credit. [152071]
Jane Kennedy: This information is not available.
Hugh Bayley: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many people were (a) employed (i) full-time and (ii) part-time and (b) unemployed in (A) City of York constituency, (B) City of York Council area, (C) Yorkshire and the Humber and (D) the United Kingdom (1) at the latest date for which figures are available and (2) at the same date in each of the previous 10 years. [151614]
Angela Eagle: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.
Letter from Colin Mowl, dated 24 July 2007:
The National Statistician has been asked to reply to your Parliamentary Question asking how many people were (a) employed (i) full-time and (ii) part-time and (b) unemployed in (A) City of York constituency, (B) City of York Council area, (C) Yorkshire and the Humber and (D) the United Kingdom (1) at the latest date for which figures are available and (2) at the same date in each of the previous 10 years. I am replying in her absence. (151614)
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) compiles employment statistics for local areas from the annual local area Labour Force Survey (LFS) and the Annual Population Survey (APS) following International Labour Organisation (ILO) definitions.
Table 1 attached, shows the number of people, aged 16 and over, resident in the City of York constituency, who were in full-time and part-time employment, for the 12 months ending in February for 1997 to 2004 from the local area LFS and for the 12 months ending in March for 2005 and 2006, and for the latest period, the 12 months ending in December 2006, from the APS. The table also shows corresponding data for residents of the City of York Unitary Authority, Yorkshire and the Humber and Great Britain.
For unitary and local authorities, the ONS produces estimates of total unemployment, following ILO definitions, from a statistical model. Annual estimates for other areas are compiled from the annual local area LFS and the APS following ILO definitions.
Table 2 attached, shows the number of people, aged 16 and over, resident in the City of York constituency, who were unemployed, for the 12 months ending in February for 1997 to 2004 from the local area LFS and for the 12 months ending in
March for 2005 and 2006, and for the latest period, the 12 months ending in December 2006, from the APS.
The table also shows corresponding data for residents of the City of York Unitary Authority, Yorkshire and the Humber and Great Britain. Corresponding headline employment rates, for persons of working age (males aged 16 to 64 and females aged 16 to 59), are also provided. The rates allow changes to be seen in the context of changing population numbers.
As these estimates are for a subset of the population in small geographical areas, they are based on small sample sizes, and are therefore subject to large margins of uncertainty. In this case, for the City of York constituency and the City of York Unitary Authority, the sample sizes are not sufficient to give an accurate estimate of even the direction of the change over the period.
ONS also compiles statistics for local areas of people claiming Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA). Table 3, attached, shows the annual average number of people, resident in the City of York constituency, the City of York Unitary Constituency, Yorkshire and the Humber and the United Kingdom, claiming JSA from 1997 to 2006. The number of claimants is also shown as a percentage of the resident working age population.
Table 1: Full-time and part-time employment; City of York constituency, City of York unitary authority, Yorkshire and the Humber and Great Britain | ||||||
T housand | ||||||
City of York constituency | City of York u nitary a uthority | |||||
In employment | In employment | |||||
12 months ending | Full-time | Part-time | Total | Full-time | Part-time | Total |
T housand | ||||||
Yorkshire and the Humber | Great Britain | |||||
In employment | In employment | |||||
12 months ending | Full-time | Part-time | 12 months ending | Full-time | Part-time | 12 months ending |
Notes: 1. Data subject to sampling variability. 2. Changes in the estimates over time should be treated with particular caution. Source: Annual local area Labour Force Survey; Annual Population Survey. |
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