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25 July 2007 : Column 1239W—continued

Transplant Surgery

Mr. Hollobone: To ask the Secretary of State for Health in how many cases cold perfusion of body parts has been (a) started and (b) continued to transplant in each year since 2000; and what the success rate has been. [151691]

Ann Keen [holding answer 23 July 2007]: This information is not held centrally.


Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many cases of tuberculosis were diagnosed in England between 2000 and 2006. [152397]

Dawn Primarolo: Details of tuberculosis cases reported in England between 2000 and 2005 are shown as follows. Data for 2006 are expected later this year.

The following information is available on the Health Protection Agency website at:

Number of Tuberculosis case reports in England
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005







Tuberculosis: Vaccination

Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the main limiting factors are in the timescale of the development of new tuberculosis vaccine. [152395]

25 July 2007 : Column 1240W

Dawn Primarolo: There are several organisations globally that are developing new tuberculosis vaccines, and currently four vaccines are in clinical trial phase. One of these vaccines is being developed by the University of Oxford. These vaccines have to be tested in clinical trials to show that they are both safe and effective before they can be used widely.


Miss Begg: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) when he plans to publish data provided by local wheelchair services in England to inform the new model of wheelchair service delivery; [150379]

(2) when he will publish the outline model for wheelchair service as part of the Transforming Community Equipment and Wheelchair Services Programme; and whether he will consult stakeholders on the suitability of the proposed model of wheelchair services following publication; [150380]

(3) what research has been undertaken to determine the adequacy and merits of a retail market model of provision for (a) community equipment and (b) wheelchair services for children and young people with complex disabilities; [150382]

(4) whether the demand forecasting tool envisaged by the proposed retail market model for community equipment services will record the unmet needs of children and young people. [150385]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: We have agreed a further data gathering exercise to be provided by local wheelchair services and have asked the care services efficiency delivery (CSED) programme to report to me in autumn 2007. A decision to publish data, research and the outline model will be made at that time.

The outline model for community equipment services was published on the CSED website on 31 May 2007 at and has been placed in the Library. The Transforming Community Equipment and Wheelchair Services programme is a collaborative programme. CSED has worked in collaboration with over 250 stakeholders including users of services and their carers, local authority and health practitioners, current providers and suppliers, the third and private sectors, representatives of voluntary organisations, professional bodies and trade and provider associations to design a conceptual model suitable for adults and children.

The programme is currently holding nine public regional events that are designed to share information, canvass opinion and collect feedback.

The research undertaken has included determination of the adequacy and merits of a retail market model of provision for community equipment for children and young people with complex disabilities. A further validation exercise will take place in August 2007 to confirm that detailed design development is consistent with the needs of children.

CSED are looking to adapt the projecting older people population information as the demand forecasting tool to take children’s needs into account.

25 July 2007 : Column 1241W

Wheelchairs: Children

Miss Begg: To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether his Department has included additional funding to improve the stock of wheelchairs provided to young children and young people in its submission to the Comprehensive Spending Review. [150381]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: The Department has worked closely with HM Treasury in preparation for the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR), and made clear its priorities for the CSR period. These discussions are ongoing and full details of the Department’s settlement will be set out in the CSR White Paper.

Wheelchairs: Young People

Tim Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many requests for new wheelchairs for children and young people in each of the last five years were granted (a) within a month, (b) within three months and (c) after over six months; [150712]

(2) how many children are on a waiting list to receive (a) a lightweight manual wheelchair and (b) powered mobility equipment; [150713]

25 July 2007 : Column 1242W

(3) how many NHS wheelchairs available for children and young people have been in service for (a) less than one year, (b) less than five years and (c) more than 10 years. [150714]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: The information requested is not held centrally. National health service wheelchair services are funded and managed at a local level. It is up to individual primary care trusts to determine the appropriate level of funding for their service and to assess and meet the needs of each individual using their service.

Tim Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether the review of community equipment and wheelchair services will address the specific needs of children and young people; and if he will make a statement. [150731]

Mr. Ivan Lewis: The transforming community equipment and wheelchair services project is addressing the specific needs of children. The project scope includes all community equipment provided to children, their families and carers.

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